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Calculators determine experience and costs based on real-time prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch.

Whirligigs are scarab-like aquatic creatures found in Het's Oasis. Six types of whirligigs are caught with the use of a nearby crocodile (Chito or Frito), and flower bait for all except plain. When caught, they award Hunter experience and a shell of the corresponding type. These shells can be used to make prayer powders and the holy scarab familiar. Each whirligig caught increases a player's scarabs caught reward currency; this currency can be used to unlock upgrades from Dundee's Crocodile Upgrades. Strange rocks can be obtained from hunting whirligigs.

With the exception of the plain whirligig, each type of whirligig requires placing a floral bait into a nearby flower basket to lure them to the oasis. These flowers can be gathered from the surrounding environment. The Farming level required to gather the flower matches the Hunter level required to catch the target whirligig. More flowers will spawn more of the special whirligigs. See flower basket for details on numbers required.

Whirligigs only spawn in the northwest and southeast sections of the oasis. There is one hunting crocodile and 2 flower baskets in each section. You can only hunt in one area at a time, so you only need to use 2 flower baskets at a time. Note: Hollyhocks give the maximum xp even though Golden roses are rare.

Stacking and strategy[edit | edit source]

Gain more xp by sacrificing loot. While the crocodile is catching a whirligig or returning with its shell, the player can click on up to three (or five with the stacking upgrade) additional whirligigs, catching them instantly. This is referred to as "stacking". Only the first whirligig clicked costs a flower (if clicking a special whirligig) when a shell is dropped, so this additional experience is "free" but no additional shells are dropped. If you click a plain first, then 0 flowers are consumed.

For maximum xp, partially fill flower baskets with hollyhocks. Before the 5 stack upgrade is unlocked at 3k, use a minimum of 17 in one basket to spawn 3 Speedy whirligigs, and leave 5 plain. With the stack upgrade, use a minimum of 17 in one basket and 16 in the other, to spawn 5 Speedy. If you have trouble clicking the speedys, add more flowers, but don't fill the baskets past 24 or there will be no plain whirligigs.

Now, start each hunt by clicking a plain whirligig, and then rapidly click the speedys. This will only catch the speedy whirligigs using "stacking", maximize xp, and minimize flower usage. If the player accidentally clicks the wrong whirligig, they can avoid spending a flower by logging out before the crocodile returns to the shore.

Whirligig Level XP Bait Shell Shell profit[note 1] Powder Powder profit[note 2]
RuneScape inventory image of Plain whirligig 1 12 N/A RuneScape inventory image of Plain whirligig shell 802.5 RuneScape inventory image of Powder of defence 2,743.75
RuneScape inventory image of Dazzling whirligig 1 100 RuneScape inventory image of Golden roses RuneScape inventory image of Dazzling whirligig shell 20,552 RuneScape inventory image of Powder of penance 204,870.75
RuneScape inventory image of Gliding whirligig 30 95 RuneScape inventory image of Roses (Het's Oasis) RuneScape inventory image of Gliding whirligig shell 19,272.5 RuneScape inventory image of Powder of protection 290,587.5
RuneScape inventory image of Swift whirligig 50 180 RuneScape inventory image of Irises RuneScape inventory image of Swift whirligig shell 11,777.5 RuneScape inventory image of Powder of item protection 192,556.25
RuneScape inventory image of Hasty whirligig 70 220 RuneScape inventory image of Hydrangeas RuneScape inventory image of Hasty whirligig shell 3,236.25 RuneScape inventory image of Powder of pulverising 8,427.5
RuneScape inventory image of Speedy whirligig 90 450 RuneScape inventory image of Hollyhocks RuneScape inventory image of Speedy whirligig shell 19,572.5 RuneScape inventory image of Powder of burials 268,271.25
  1. ^ Unlocked double loot chance and flower saving chance from Dundee's Crocodile Upgrades.
  2. ^ Unlocked double loot chance and flower saving chance from Dundee's Crocodile Upgrades. Other than dazzling whirligigs, all powders require 15 shells to create.

Money making guide[edit | edit source]

The following money making guides are available for Whirligigs:

MethodHourly profitSkillsOther requirements
Catching whirligigs (swift)4,528,198 50 Hunter None
Catching whirligigs (hasty)197,571 70 Hunter None
Catching whirligigs (plain)64,557 None None
Catching whirligigs (speedy)6,308,866 90 Hunter None
Catching whirligigs (dazzling)66,121,470 None None
Catching whirligigs (gliding)6,834,056 30 Hunter None

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 17 October 2022 (Update):
    • Stacking Whirligig Scarabs will now fill Hunter Urns, provide Strange Rocks, and count towards Daily Challenge progress.