hiw effectively did your group work ? with refernce or citation please ?

hiw effectively did your group work ? with refernce or citation please ?

In: Nursing

Nutrition for pregnancy and infancy

Nutrition for pregnancy and infancy

In: Nursing

Mr. Gennaro is a 61-year-old Spanish-speaking man who presents to emergency room with his wife Dolores....

Mr. Gennaro is a 61-year-old Spanish-speaking man who presents to emergency room with his wife Dolores. Mr. Gennaro is also Spanish-speaking, but understand some English. Mr. Gennaro complains of nausea and vomiting for two days and symptoms of confusion. His blood glucose is 796 mg/dL. Intravenous regular insulin is prescribed and he is admitted for further evaluation. He will require teaching regarding his newly diagnosed diabetes.

He is a past medical history of coronary artery disease (CAD) and hypertension (HTN). Smokes one pack of cigarettes per day; tobacco use for 35 years. He also takes jerbero, and curandera.

Mr. Gennaro is newly diagnosed with diabetes. His hemoglobin A1c is 10.3%. Mr. Gennaro is slightly overweight. He is 5’10” tall and weighs 174 pounds. He reports no form of regular exercise. He does not follow a special diet at home. He states, “I eat whatever Dolores puts in front of me. She is a good cook.” Neither can recall how long it has been since these changes are Mr. Gennaro began. Dolores states, “it has been quite a while now. It just seems to be getting worse and worse.”

  1. How might the nurse briefly explain what diabetes is in lay terms to Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro?

In: Nursing

1. Explain blood pressure; systolic and diastolic, correct posistion etc. 2. Why would it be more...

1. Explain blood pressure; systolic and diastolic, correct posistion etc.
2. Why would it be more important to do a blood pressure mannually than with a machine.
3. Explain the difference between hypertension and hypotension - what are some signs and sympotoms of each? Treatments?

In: Nursing

How can assessment and monitoring progress of learning provide challenges with classroom management? What are some...

How can assessment and monitoring progress of learning provide challenges with classroom management?

What are some strategies you can implement in your future practice to overcome these challenges?

In: Nursing

What are the most important moral considerations when using human subjects for clinical research? Why is...

What are the most important moral considerations when using human subjects for clinical research?

Why is it difficult to justify the use of a placebo control in a trial in which a "standard-of-care" therapy already exists? Why is a placebo control easier to justify in trials in which there is no established "standard-of-care" therapy? Should those participating in a clinical trial be notified of the possibility that they may be given a placebo?

In: Nursing

Is genetic intervention and / or genetic enhancement morally acceptable? In what ways are these techniques...

Is genetic intervention and / or genetic enhancement morally acceptable? In what ways are these techniques similar and different from, ethically, than vaccines to combat disease or the use of legal stimulants like caffeine to enhance brain function?

In: Nursing

Explain to your fellow student why it is important for a surgical technologist to learn about...

Explain to your fellow student why it is important for a surgical technologist to learn about physics and computers

Please answer the following question. You must have a minimum of 100 words in your original post.

In: Nursing

1.) A.) How can a nurse advocate for patients when autonomy is challenged? B.) How can...

1.) A.) How can a nurse advocate for patients when autonomy is challenged?

B.) How can a nurse advocate for patients when justice is challenged?

C.) How can a nurse advocate for patients when beneficence is challenged?

D.) How can a nurse advocate for patients when nonmaleficence is challenged?

In: Nursing

How does the community health nurse recognize bias, stereotypes, and implicit bias within the community? How...

How does the community health nurse recognize bias, stereotypes, and implicit bias within the community? How should the nurse address these concepts to ensure health promotion activities are culturally competent? Propose strategies that you can employ to reduce cultural dissonance and bias to deliver culturally competent care. Include an evidence-based article that address the cultural issue. Cite and reference the article in APA format.

In: Nursing

1. what can we learne from Typhoid Mary? 2. what is your opinion on the asymptomatic...

1. what can we learne from Typhoid Mary?
2. what is your opinion on the asymptomatic spread of the diseases in the community?

In: Nursing

A woman with blood type A Rh+ was admitted to a hospital for intestinal bleeding. She...

A woman with blood type A Rh+ was admitted to a hospital for intestinal bleeding. She was transfused 4 units of blood 30 days prior to admission and also received another 4 units of blood 10 days prior to admission. When preparing four more units for transfusion, the alloantibody screen was positive along with a weak +DAT. The patients serum showed the antibody was anti-E. An elution was done and anti-Fya was identified.

1. What is the inconsistency between serum and eluate?

2. What tests should done?

3. What is the mechanism of this reaction?

In: Nursing

contributions made by the chinese for dentistry.

contributions made by the chinese for dentistry.

In: Nursing

Consider how COVID-19 and the Spanish flu pandemic impacted their respective population. Using your knowledge of...

Consider how COVID-19 and the Spanish flu pandemic impacted their respective population. Using your knowledge of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, identify and critique four disease mitigation or treatment strategies implemented to control each disease (two strategies per disease for a total of four strategies all together). Explain why strategies were infective and how they could have been improved. Identify one strategy you believe would have been effective to control the spread of both diseases. (Be sure to include at least two peer-reviewed references. 30 points, Response should be between 500 to 800 words)

In: Nursing

6. What are reason(s) some moms choose not to breastfeed their babies? 7. What are some...

6. What are reason(s) some moms choose not to breastfeed their babies?

7. What are some things we could all do to support moms who want to breastfeed their babies?

8. What should older infants and young children aged 6–23 months consume? Should breastfeeding continue during this time?

9. Why is consuming iron-rich foods so important for older infants starting at age 6 months?

10. Why are nutritional needs for infants and young children higher (on a per kg or lb basis) than at any other time in the life cycle? Which nutrients in particular?

In: Nursing