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Devices for Processing Food


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1,786 Results
Zwilling Four Star Set of Knives 3pcs
Knife Set - chef's knife, slicing knife and larding knife, handle material: plastic, blade width: 10mm, blade material: stainless steel, dishwasher safe, pieces in set: 3
Amazing Deal
129.90 € Save 25.10 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: ZWIFS917
4.6 85×
Sencor SFS 4050SS
Electric Slicer - suitable for household, power: 150W, maximum slice thickness: 15mm, cutting disc made of stainless steel, non-slip surface, food holder, cable storage space, removable blade
59.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SEEK001
4.8 85×
Tescoma AZZA Knife block with 6 knives
Knife Set - chef's knife, bread knife, vegetable knife, carving knife and universal knife, handle material: steel, blade length: 22cm, blade material: steel, knife holder , dishwasher safe, pieces in set: 6
131.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: ETS100
5.0 24×
Berndorf Sandrik set of knives in a case 9 pcs
Knife Set - santoku knife, chef's knife, bread knife, vegetable knife, universal knife and boning knife, handle material: plastic, blade length: 28cm, blade material: steel, dishwasher safe, pieces in set: 9
84.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: BERSA009
4.5 14×
Electric Slicer - suitable for household, power: 180W, maximum slice thickness: 15mm, cutting disc made of steel, non-slip surface, dishwasher safe, food holder, removable blade
99.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: PHIEK369
4.9 187×
TEFAL ICE FORCE Stainless Steel Santoku Knife 18 cm
Kitchen Knife - steel, blade length 18cm, santoku knife, plastic handle wooden handle
17.90 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: TEFIF210
5.0 745×
VICTORINOX SwissClassic knife black tomatoes
Kitchen Knife - round tip, blade length 11cm, serrated edge
4.69 €
In stock > 20 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY3002h
4.4 46×
Kesper Acacia Wood Chopping Board with grooves 40x26cm
Chopping Board – made of wood, fluid drainage groove, colour, 1.5 × 26 × 40 cm (H × W × L)
10.70 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: KESBD012
4.9 187×
TEFAL ICE FORCE Chef's Knife stainless steel 20cm
Kitchen Knife - steel, blade length 20cm, chef's knife, plastic handle wooden handle
Discounted -10 %
17.90 € 19.90 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: TEFIF208
4.4 25×
TESCOMA Cherry Stoner HANDY 643630.00
Fruit Pitter - cherries, material: plastic, non-slip surface, stainless steel blades and dishwasher safe
Amazing Deal
24.90 € Save 6.10 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: TESAC004
5.0 745×
VICTORINOX SwissClassic knife red tomatoes
Kitchen Knife - round tip, blade length 11cm, serrated edge
7.90 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY3002h2
5.0 745×
VICTORINOX SwissClassic knife green tomatoes
Kitchen Knife - round tip, blade length 11cm, serrated edge
4.69 €
In stock > 20 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY3002h3
Great price
59.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SGR_KS_W650DW
4.9 15×
WESTMARK Large Granite Mortar
Mortar - diameter: 13cm, material: granite,
34.90 €
In stock 1 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: WESTB591
5.0 745×
VICTORINOX SwissClassic knife pink tomatoes
Kitchen Knife - round tip, blade length 11cm, serrated edge
7.90 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY3002h4
5.0 745×
VICTORINOX SwissClassic knife yellow tomatoes
Kitchen Knife - round tip, blade length 11cm, serrated edge
7.99 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY3002h5
4.6 61×
Lamart Bamboo Cutting board with sharpener LT2061
Chopping Board – made of wood, fluid drainage groove, colour, 1.2 × 22 × 32 cm (H × W × L)
7.60 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: LAMPS02
Zwilling Four Star Chef's Knife 20cm
Kitchen Knife - stainless steel, blade length 20cm, chef's knife, plastic handle wooden handle
85.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: ZWIFS915
5.0 20×
Earthenware Mortar Diameter of 9cm
Mortar - diameter: 9cm, pestle length: 12,5cm,
6.70 €
In stock 1 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: ORIHM262
3.5 48×
Tescoma Hare onion HANDY 643555.00
Slicer - onion, material: plastic and steel
11.90 €
In stock 1 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: ETS145c
3.9 16×
TESCOMA HANDY Apple Peeler and Slicer
Spiralizer - mechanical, material: steel and plastic, detachable parts, suitable for apple
36.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: TESSP548
4.4 14×
KDS Butcher's knife 6 - FLEXI
Kitchen Knife - steel, blade length 15cm, boning knife, plastic handle wooden handle
12.90 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: KDS014
4.0 21×
CS Solingen Set of Knives in STAR Block 6pcs
Knife Set - chef's knife, bread knife, vegetable knife and carving knife, handle material: plastic, blade length: 20cm, blade material: steel, knife holder , dishwasher safe, pieces in set: 6
25.90 €
In stock 3 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: CSSLG845
4.4 13×
BANQUET Brillante A03923
Pastry Board - 40x60cm, beechwood
49.90 €
In stock 1 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: VEPPP007

Devices for Processing Food

Kitchen robotKuchynský robot Sencor Paul 3 pre tradičné dobroty aj kulinárske špeciality Sencor predstavuje multifunkčný kuchynský robot Paul 3 STM 8970, ktorý vám umožní pripraviť všetko, čo si len dokážete predstaviť. Vďaka svojej širokej výbave zvládne tento zdatný pomocník nielen miešanie, šľahanie a miesenie cesta, ale vám poslúži aj ako kovový mlynček...
Multifunkčná sušička ETA Vital Air 2 nadchne všetkých milovníkov sušených dobrôt. Profesionálna sušička ponúka naozaj štedrý sušiaci priestor, veľmi ľahko sa ovláda a využijete ju nielen na sušenie, ale aj na výrobu jogurtov, kysnutie cesta alebo zapekanie pečiva....
Obľúbené kuchynské roboty MUM značky Bosch prešli náročným testovaním a získali prestížne ocenenie Značka kvality dTest. V jasne definovaných záťažových testoch s dôrazom na výkon, odolnosť, používateľský komfort aj výsledok tak potvrdili, že kuchynský robot MUM je...
rice cookerModerné varenie aj pohodlné upratovanie so značkou Lauben Ak ste zástancami zdravého životného štýlu, čistého dizajnu aj intuitívneho ovládania, nemali by vám uniknúť novinky od spoločnosti Lauben. Tá sa okrem starostlivosti o domácnosť zameriava aj na gastro produkty, vďaka ktorým sa príprava pokrmov aj samotné varenie stáva...
Vyskúšali sme si, ako upiecť hus v domácom prostredí, a všetko sme pre vás krok za krokom detailne zmapovali. Inšpirujte sa naším receptom a pripravte svojim blízkym tradičnú lahodnú delikatesu, ktorou svätomartinská hus určite je.
Niekto rád spieva, iný rád cvičí. Vy vo voľnom čase často a radi varíte. Vďaka internetu a vášmu PC môžete skúšať množstvo nových receptov alebo napríklad absolvovať kurz varenia online. Nové recepty navyše môžete jednoducho a prehľadne ukladať alebo zdieľať...
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Devices for Processing Food

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