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Camping & Outdoors

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6,369 Results
4.9 371×
Pocket knife Victorinox Huntsman
Swiss Army Knife , blade length 6 cm, knife length 9,1 cm, weight 97g
Discounted -11 %
31.90 € 35.90 €
In stock
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY1023
Camp Ice Master L - Red - Crampons
4.8 113×
Camp Ice Master L - Red
Crampons for nature with shoe size 42, 43 and 44, pair weighs 480 g
27.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTtot0109
Camp Ice Master M - Orange - Crampons
4.8 113×
Camp Ice Master M - Orange
Crampons for nature with shoe size 39, 40 and 41, pair weighs 470 g
27.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTtot0110
Victorinox CLIMBER - Swiss Army Knife Variants
4.9 226×
Victorinox CLIMBER
Swiss Army Knife , blade length 7 cm, knife length 9,1 cm, weight 82g
Amazing Deal
25.90 € Save 10 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY4005
Camp Ice Master XL - Blue - Crampons Variants
4.8 113×
Camp Ice Master XL - Blue
Crampons for nature with shoe size 45, 46 and 47, pair weighs 495 g
27.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTtot0112
4.6 138×
G21 Drinking Bottle, 1000ml, Grey-Frosted
Drinking Bottle - tritan, volume: 1l
9.89 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: G21LP014
4.8 79×
Fenix HM65R
Headlamp output: 1400 lm, beam distance: 163m, 2 × LED diodes, maximum service life: 50000 hr(s), protection level: IP68, weight: 147g
Great price
99.90 € Save 1.26 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTfen13
Pocket knife Victorinox Climber black - Swiss Army Knife Variants
4.9 226×
Pocket knife Victorinox Climber black
Swiss Army Knife , blade length 7 cm, knife length 9,1 cm, weight 82g
Amazing Deal
25.90 € Save 10 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY1022
4.9 70×
Victorinox Hunter XT
Swiss Army Knife , knife length 11,1 cm, weight 150g
Amazing Deal
56.90 € Save 16 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTvi0006
Camp Ice Master S - Grey - Crampons Variants
4.8 113×
Camp Ice Master S - Grey
Crampons for nature with shoe size 36, 37 and 38, pair weighs 445 g
27.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTtot0111
4.8 60×
Pocket knife Victorinox Rescue Tool
Swiss Army Knife , blade length 8 cm, knife length 11,1 cm
Discounted -12 %
70.90 € 80.90 €
In stock
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY1014
5.0 10×
Leki Spin Black-red-anthracite-white 100 - 130cm
Nordic Walking Poles - aluminium, maximum length: 130cm, telescopic, pair weight: 218g
Discounted -29 %
42.90 € 60.90 €
In stock
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTlek0350
4.7 30×
Leatherman Wave Plus
Multitool with functions, weight 241 g
163.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPT828a
4.7 137×
Husky Bird 3 classic
Tent outdoor, shape: igloo with apse, for 3 persons, fiberglass construction, double-wall, waterproof, water column: 3000mm, weight: 3,45kg
Discounted -10 %
60.90 € 67.90 €
In stock
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPT14901SMU
4.9 71×
Fenix HM50R V2.0
Headlamp output: 700 lm, beam distance: 115m, 3 × LED diodes, maximum service life: 50000 hr(s), protection level: IP68, weight: 78g
Great price
64.32 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTfen35
4.9 46×
VICTORINOX RangerGrip 78
Swiss Army Knife , blade length 10 cm, knife length 13 cm, weight 172g
Amazing Deal
60.90 € Save 13 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY1029o
Pocket knife Victorinox Swiss Card Lite Translucent black - Multitool Variants
4.8 120×
Pocket knife Victorinox Swiss Card Lite Translucent black
Multitool - credit card with functions
Amazing Deal
30.90 € Save 4 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY1026c
4.9 106×
Pocket knife Victorinox Forester
Swiss Army Knife , blade length 8 cm, knife length 11,1 cm
Amazing Deal
36.90 € Save 12 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: EAY1009
4.7 12×
Calter 12/21L
Chemical Toilet - 12-litre water tank, 21-litre waste tank, waste filling indicator, emptying nozzle, anti-odour flap, drain valve, hand pump flushing
Discounted -49 %
52.99 € 105.90 €
In stock
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTcal023
4.5 40×
Wuben L60
Light output: 1200 lm, beam distance: 320m, 1 × LED diodes, protection level: IP68, dimensions: 39 × 148 × 39mm, weight: 128g
48.77 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTwub0016
4.7 59×
Fenix TK16 V2.0
Light output: 3100 lm, beam distance: 380m, 1 × LED diodes, maximum service life: 50000 hr(s), protection level: IP68, dimensions: 34 × 25 × 143mm, weight: 184g
Great price
105.90 € Save 2.10 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTfen30
4.7 27×
MEVA Picamp Double Burner Cooker
Gas Cooker -, number of plates: 2 piece(s), size: 12cm x 42cm x 15cm
62.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: PHT481
4.9 142×
Wuben C3
Light output: 1200 lm, beam distance: 179m, 1 × LED diodes, maximum service life: 100000 hr(s), protection level: IP68, dimensions: 25,4 × 121,5 × 25,4mm, weight: 123g
44.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTwub0014
4.9 38×
Micropur Forte MF 1T
Additive - to disinfect drinking water on the road, 100 tablets, 5-year lifespan
28.90 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPT15778

Camping & Outdoors

physiotherapyPríčiny a terapia športových úrazov Rad zranení pri športe vzniká zbytočným preťažovaním a krátkym časom na regeneráciu po výkone. Úrazy sa síce stávajú, ale na druhej strane to väčšinou nebýva nič tragické. Ako si uľaviť od bolesti?
Smart zámok Pealock 2 je kompletne českým produktom, ktorý spoľahlivo ochráni vašu športovú výbavu. A rozhodne nielen to. Čo všetko ponúkne?
Navigácia na bicykel? Dnes už nič neobvyklé. Zaujímavou možnosťou je napr. Mio Cyclo Discover Connect, ktorá vám ukáže nielen cestu, ale aj zaujímavé miesta pozdĺž trasy.
bicycle touringZa pamiatkami Slovenska: objavte poklady našej krajiny Slovensko ponúka nepreberné množstvo miest, kam sa v lete vydať na výlet. V našom prehľade sme pre vás vybrali tie najzaujímavejšie turistické ciele v každom kraji.
Čo si zobrať na stanovačku? Čo si zbaliť na stanovačku s deťmi? Čo na turistiku? Máme pre vás zoznam vecí, na čo nezabudnúť ak idete na stanovačku s deťmi, na turistiku či na bicykel. Poradíme, kam stanovať mimo kempu. Nevynecháme ani tipy na jednoduché jedlá do kempu a...
Ak si nie ste istí, čo svojmu potomkovi zbaliť na letný tábor, ste na správnom mieste. V tomto článku sa dozviete o všetkých nevyhnutnostiach, ktoré by mu v batohu či kufri rozhodne nemali chýbať.
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Camping & Outdoors

Do you plan to camp, plan a longer stay in nature or do you like camping? Add camping and outdoor accessories to make your stay more enjoyable and in many cases an indispensable feature. You will find here a wide selection of camping equipment, such as tents, sleeping bags, folding chairs and other camping furniture. Camping crockery includes foldable crockery, pocket knives and use also come accessories such as various types of lamps, waterproof bags and more.

Everything for camping and tents

For camping or an expedition to the mountains choose a high-quality tent, sleeping bag or camping mat. For the coffee in the afternoon, a folding table and a comfortable folding chair are suitable. Not only in parking lots, you will use picnic blankets, which will make the perfect afternoon even more enjoyable. Picnic blankets, swing nets and other camping and outdoor accessories are offered by Spokey. Foldable cups and other camping utensils can be purchased from Tatonka or Sea To Summit, for example.

Pocket knives and lamps

For a longer stay in the nature you will not get along without a high-quality pocket knife. The knife not only serves as a part of the cutlery, but high-quality knives are invaluable helpers in countless situations on the road. For example, you can choose a popular Victorinox pocket knife. At the campsite you will also use lamps and lights, including flashlights. Headlights are perfect for a night walk through the nature, during sports or manual work. And a mosquito net protects you from disturbing insects.

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