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Floorball Equipment

When choosing a floorball stick, it is important to focus on several important parameters. The side you play, the lenght of the stick, and the flex.

  • Side orientation: the side on which you have the stick on when playing the game. The choice is left or right.
  • Length: generally speaking, your floorball stick should be reaching just above your belly-button if you put it front of you in a straight line to the floor. For children, the stick may come up almost to their sternum.

  • See the following table for the rough approximation:
    Body height (cm)100-120120-140140-150150-160160-170170-180180-190190 -...
    Stick length (cm)55-6065-7065-70879296100


  • Stick flex indicates how stiff it is. The higher the number, the softer and more flexible the stick. Having enough strenght to actually bend the stick is the basic prerequisite for shooting (bending "kickstarts" the ball) and good technique (ball handling). Therefore, make sure to choose the flex appropriate for your ability. It is better to have a softer stick than an overly stiff one, as you will not be able to exploit its potential.

    General rule of thumb:
    Children's sticks: 55-75 cm, flex = 36 mm
    Adult beginners, hobby players = 35-32 mm
    Juniors-adults-advanced players, competitive players, professional female players = 29 mm
    Professional and top players = 26 mm
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119 Results
Unihoc Dynamic (4pcs) - Mixed Colours - Floorball Ball
4.8 18×
Unihoc Dynamic (4pcs) - Mixed Colours
Floorball Ball - profiled, 4piece(s) in package, made of polyethylene, IFF Certification
from  6.39 €
In stock > 5 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTspin0158
Kubisport mini 65 set
Floorball Set - plastic shaft, PEHD blade, plastic ball
11.90 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub048
Kubisport RS95 ZL - Floorball Stick Variants
Kubisport RS95 ZL
Floorball Stick composite, round handle profile, length: 95cm, blade orientation: reversible
8.29 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub053
Kubisport mini 65
Floorball Stick composite, round handle profile, length: 65cm, blade orientation: reversible
6.10 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub049
Freez Ball Official
Floorball Ball - profiled, 1piece(s) in package, made of PVC, IFF Certification
from  1.35 €
In stock > 50 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub035
Kubisport RS95 CRV - Floorball Stick Variants
Kubisport RS95 CRV
Floorball Stick composite, round handle profile, length: 95cm, blade orientation: reversible
8.29 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub052
Freez Spike 32 Blue L
Floorball Stick composite, flex: 32, round handle profile, length: 95cm, blade orientation: levá
20.90 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub042
Freez Spike 32 Blue
Floorball Stick composite, flex: 32, round handle profile
20.90 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTkub042nad
Unihoc Player 34
Floorball Stick composite, flex: 34, round handle profile
32.90 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTspin0115nad
Unihoc Epic Composite 26 black/white
Floorball Stick composite, flex: 26, round handle profile
from  62.66 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTspin627nad
Freez Ball Official colour 1 pcs
Floorball Ball - profiled, 1piece(s) in package, made of PVC
1.60 €
In stock > 50 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub037
Kubisport Master95 CRN P
Floorball Stick composite, round handle profile, length: 95cm, blade orientation: right
New arrival
8.90 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub057
Freez RAM 32 Black/Red
Floorball Stick composite, flex: 32, round handle profile
32.90 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTkub040nad
Gravity 30 iFF 100
Floorball Stick
30.90 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTkub046nad
Kubisport Master95 CRN L
Floorball Stick composite, round handle profile, length: 95cm, blade orientation: levá
New arrival
8.90 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub056
Freez Spike 32 Red
Floorball Stick composite, flex: 32, round handle profile
22.90 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTkub044nad
Unihoc Epic Composite 29 white/black
Floorball Stick composite, flex: 29, round handle profile
from  52.87 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTspin621nad
Kubisport Master95 B
Floorball Stick composite, round handle profile
New arrival
8.90 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTkub054nad
Kubisport Master95 CRN
Floorball Stick composite, round handle profile
New arrival
8.90 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTkub056nad
Unihoc Player 26 X-Long white/silver
Floorball Stick composite, flex: 26, round handle profile
62.66 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTspin633nad
Freez RAM 32 Black/Red L
Floorball Stick composite, flex: 32, round handle profile, length: 95cm, blade orientation: levá
32.90 €
In stock 4 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub040
Freez RAM 32 White/Menthol
Floorball Stick composite, flex: 32, round handle profile
32.90 €
In stock according to variant
Order Code: SPTkub038nad
Kubisport Master95 B P
Floorball Stick composite, round handle profile, length: 95cm, blade orientation: right
New arrival
8.90 €
In stock > 10 pcs
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub055
Kubisport Master95 MO P
Floorball Stick composite, round handle profile, length: 95cm, blade orientation: right
-32 % off new
5.99 € New 8.90 €
Unsealed - in stock
Order by midnight, get it at the AlzaBox in the morning.
Order Code: SPTkub059

Floorball Equipment

sportPravidlá florbalu Florbal je u nás veľmi populárnym športom najmä na školách, kde sa v posledných rokoch presadzuje veľkým spôsobom. Školáci si tak pravidlá osvojujú počas telocviku a pre všetkých ostatných je tu pripravený náš súhrn všetkého dôležitého. Tieto pravidlá musí dodržiavať...
Viete, aký šport si vybrať, aby ste v lete zhodili pár kíl? A aké pri športovaní dodržiavať zásady? Prinášame vám tipy na letné športy, ktoré sú nielen efektívne pri spaľovaní tukov, ale tiež zábavné.
A floorball stick is the most important piece of equipment for any floorball player. When choosing the right floorball stick that will suit you best, look for desirable parameters but also follow your personal preferences.
Tréner radí: Športovci nezaháľajú ani v druhej polovici jari Klubové súťaže naprieč mnohými športmi buď už svojich tohtoročných šampiónov poznajú, alebo sa ich korunovácie nezadržateľne blížia. Do boja sa v nasledujúcich dvoch mesiacoch vydá mnoho reprezentantov – biť sa za česť svojej krajiny a za víťazstvo v konkurencii...
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