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The future of Business with 5G | du™

Learn more about our 5G network.

As the fastest 5G network in the UAE, our powerful network solutions will provide you with high-speed connectivty and unlimited control over your business. Simply fill in your details in the form below and one of our representatives will get in touch with you to tell you how our 5G solutions will evolve your business to the next level.

Check out our full coverage map.

Stay ahead of the game with 5G.

5G is all about greater capacity, faster connectivity and the best tech-driven futuristic IoT solutions. You’ll always be ahead of the game on the UAE's fastest 5G network.


Discover the key benefits of the latest solutions using the fastest 5G network in the UAE to keep you ahead of the game with the best tech-driven capabilities and more:


How to access 5G:

  • Make sure you're using a 5G-compatible business device.
  • Confirm that your 5G service is active. This can take up to 48 hours from the time your device is delivered.
  • Restart your phone as well.  
  • Once your service is active, make sure you are in a 5G-covered area. You’ll see a 5G logo in the top right corner of your screen when you're connected to our 5G network.