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Business SIP Trunk | du™

Our business benefits

Our world-class services can be the key to your success. Take a look at all the benefits we can offer you:

Our plans.

Choose the plan that’s right for your business:
Best seller
You pay

AED 580 /month +5% VAT

One-time activation fee of AED 1,000
You get

Business SIP 10

Caller Number Display 10 Channels
100 Numbers
Premium support 24/7 Per second billing for all calls
Unlimited local and national calls
Affordable call rates
12 months contract

Best for businesses with PBX systems.

With du SIP Trunk, you have the choice to select from 10 to 100 channels and the flexibility to add more channels and telephone numbers whenever required as you grow your businesses.

Best seller
You pay

AED 1,120 /month +5% VAT

One-time activation fee of AED 1,000
You get

Business SIP 20

Caller Number Display 20 Channels
100 Numbers
Premium support 24/7 Per second billing for all calls
Unlimited local and national calls
Affordable call rates
12 months contract

Best for businesses with PBX systems.

With du SIP Trunk, you have the choice to select from 10 to 100 channels and the flexibility to add more channels and telephone numbers whenever required as you grow your businesses.

Best seller
You pay

AED 1,650 /month +5% VAT

One-time activation fee of AED 1,000
You get

Business SIP 30

Caller Number Display 30 Channels
100 Numbers
Premium support 24/7 Per second billing for all calls
Unlimited local and national calls
Affordable call rates
12 months contract

Best for businesses with PBX systems.

With du SIP Trunk, you have the choice to select from 10 to 100 channels and the flexibility to add more channels and telephone numbers whenever required as you grow your businesses.

Best seller
You pay

AED 3,180 /month +5% VAT

One-time activation fee of AED 1,000
You get

Business SIP 60

Caller Number Display 60 Channels
100 Numbers
Premium support 24/7 Per second billing for all calls
Unlimited local and national calls
Affordable call rates
12 months contract

Best for businesses with PBX systems.

With du SIP Trunk, you have the choice to select from 10 to 100 channels and the flexibility to add more channels and telephone numbers whenever required as you grow your businesses.

Best seller
You pay

AED 5,000 /month +5% VAT

One-time activation fee of AED 1,000
You get

Business SIP 100

Caller Number Display 100 Channels
200 Numbers
Premium support 24/7 Per second billing for all calls
Unlimited local and national calls
Affordable call rates
12 months contract

Best for businesses with PBX systems.

With du SIP Trunk, you have the choice to select from 10 to 100 channels and the flexibility to add more channels and telephone numbers whenever required as you grow your businesses.