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M2M Control Platform | du™

Take control of your M2M business connectivity

With our 100% UAE-based on-premise 4G enabled M2M Control Platform, intended to give you total control and visibility over our connected assets.

Control of visibility in your reach.
Our Machine to Machine (M2M) Control platform allows you to centralise, manage and, most importantly, control the flow of data of your M2M devices. Our portal features include:
  • Easy SIM management: Use the self-service management tool to provision subscriptions one by one or in batches, set restrictions or even change operational statuses to align with your different needs.
  • Alert notifications: Set your upper and lower data threshold and get alerts as they are generated, on-the-run. You can then start or stop individual or groups of subscriptions to keep your costs under control.
  • Service diagnostics: Our M2M portal also serves as your first point of contact for any SIM-related diagnostic tool, you can identify and address some common SIM problems without needing to cause any disruption to your services.
  • Transparent reporting: With access to a variety of reporting tools, you can keep up-to-the-minute track of your assets, usage and more. Download these reports in CSV, XML or PDF formats and optimise your operations.
  • A user-friendly dashboard: Get a full picture of your M2M estate in one glance. With options to customise it, prioritise vital information and set up different administrative and device groups, your dashboard is a complete overview of everything you need.

Beyond the portal.

With the M2M Control Platform you will also benefit from a number of advanced features and capabilities, such as:
  • Service integration: We can integrate M2M connectivity data directly into your existing backend systems via APIs and SMPP. This way, you will be able to directly control and access various platform features from your own systems instead of having to go through the web portal.
  • Communication types: In addition to packet-switched data over 2G, 3G and 4G networks, our M2M Control Platform also supports SMS messages with which to connect your SIMs to the platform. Each SIM comes from a dedicated IMSI range aligned for the platform.
  • SIMs for all environments: Functional and versatile, our M2M SIMs are suites to a variety of different operating conditions. Choose between Standard, Robust and Hardened SIMs to find the best one for your business.
To know more about our M2M Control Platform, contact your account manager or request a call back.