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eSIM | Business | du™

The revolutionary eSIM is here!

An eSIM (Embedded SIM) is the latest technology in SIM cards where the SIM module is embedded in the mobile device. Traditional SIM cards can easily be swapped out of a phone, whereas an eSIM cannot be removed.

If you’re an existing customer, you can change from a physical SIM to an eSIM while new customers can get a new eSIM mobile connection from du.
The eSIM comes with a one-time charge of AED 20 if you’re transferring from a normal SIM to an eSIM or AED 55 if you are subscribing to a new connection. eSIM will work only with handsets that support eSIM. Please check your mobile handset brand website to see the list of eSIM capable handsets.

How to activate the eSIM?

On your mobile device:

Step 1

Go to "Settings" and then "Cellular".

Step 2

Tap "Add Cellular Plan".

Step 3

Scan the QR code using the phone.

Step 4

Confirm message and tap "Add Cellular Plan".

Visit your nearest du business centre, corporate roadshow or du store to know more.