Emiliya Bozhilova
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Emiliya Bozhilova

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The Spirit of the...
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"“It is climate that should decide these things. What would be the use of enclosing wives in our northern countries, where their mores are naturally good, where all their passions are calm, scarcely active, and scarcely refined, where love has such a regulated empire over the heart that the slightest police is sufficient to lead them?”" Sep 27, 2024 09:45AM

Законът на Мърфи
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"Закон на Севарейд:
Главната причина за проблемите са решенията."
Sep 22, 2024 08:08AM

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
“Той все се чудеше какво още да направи и тя веднъж му каза, че на нея това и се случва рядко, защото още от дете е свикнала не да прави, а просто да бъде.”
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah

Colm Tóibín
“...тя се замисли колко лесно можеше да е съвсем друг човек, че момчетата, които я чакаха у дома, леглото и лампата до леглото, работата утре сутринта - всичко това бе просто случайност.”
Colm Tóibín, Nora Webster

Bohumil Hrabal
“My husband admired people with conviction, people who could firmly differentiate between yes and no . . my husband was incapable of saying no, he always agreed to everything, whenever anybody came over and invited
him to the pub he was a pushover, even if he didn't want to go, he promised to write something with respect to their conversation, promised to make an appearance somewhere he'd rather not be, but my husband had no conviction, all he had was a feeling of guilt, and the fact he agreed to everything was his way of asking to be forgiven for even existing at all ...”
Bohumil Hrabal, Gaps

Tom Wolfe
“Само дето горките отрепки даже не заслужаваха прозвището “престъпници”, ако под “престъпник” се разбираше човек, който си има цел и я преследва с отчаяни и незаконни средства. Повечето от тях бяха простодушни каръци и гадостите, които вършеха, бяха крайно кретенски.”
Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
“Всички разбираха бягството от война, от онзи тип бедност, който смазва човешката душа, но не биха разбрали нуждата да избягаш от деспотичната липса на избор.”
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah

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