Sun and Consciousness: The Three Solar Centres

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Leo Full Moon 2009

To whose temple the Arch is starlit, In whose temple the Sun is the image of gold, To whose temple the Moon goes every month And brings the message out every full-moon, And whose message the Moon sings as a word of sixteen letters, His religion I belong to, His temple I visit, His name I utter, His glory I live in. To Him I offer the lotus of my day, To Him I offer the lotus of my night. These seed thoughts from the Spiritual Psychology meditations of Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya give the note for the Lunar Messenger of the Circle of Good Will. The moon is the reflective principle and symbol of the mind. When pure and calm, it reflects impressions from higher circles. Especially the time of the full moon is conducive for higher alignment, if we are poised enough. The alignment of the Sun, moon and earth in the sky helps experiencing the magic of the light of the soul and its manifestation down to the physical. The Lunar Messenger is published every month in time for the full moon. It contains thoughts from the teachings of eternal wisdom. Its purpose is to inspire us to put them into practical life.


The Three Solar Centres
There are no connections with the Sun or the planets visible for us. It looks as if all of them were hanging in space without interrelation. But non-visible forces maintain the connections. Space isnt empty but has structures which are interwoven as vortexes or orbits. The bodies of the planets move along these paths and receive their lives from the centre we call the Sun. The visible Sun globe is not a ball of matter, but a lens, a focus, a reflection of the inner Sun principle. The Sun receives and transmits from it the light of the higher source. This higher centre is also called the central Sun. The physical Sun is for it a channel or a moon reflecting the light. Also the central or spiritual Sun is again a mirror, an expression of the cosmic Sun. These three represent the body of the Sun, its soul and the spirit. In the Eastern wisdom the light, which on the cosmic plane is received from the Absolute God or the cosmic Sun, is called Bhargo Deva. Coming from the cosmic Sun, the light is received through the central Sun called Savitru. It passes on through it via the visible Sun light, Surya, to the earth, and we as the fourth ones receive it in our heart. It is only the One who manifests throughout all these planes. The Sun worship is the ancient-most worship of the Divine on earth, and in the Gayatri-mantram the three centres the physical Sun centre, the solar centre and the cosmic centre are blended. The mantram is oriented to the cosmic light pouring down to us via the central Sun and via the planetary Sun. It is a humble petition to the Lord of Light to inspire and alert our wills: We contemplate upon that Light of the Lord so that it embraces us and alerts our wills. When we sing the Gayatri-mantram, we can visualise how the light from beyond the Sun is invoked into the Ajna-centre and charges it with solar energy. Thus a channel for the Sunlight is formed into ourselves. It lets healing currents flow into us and energises ourselves and the surroundings. When we consciously utter the Gayatri in this manner, it is like taking a shower of light.

Twelve Lights of the One Light

The real Sun is the background of all light. It is also called the all-pervading light beyond darkness and in Eastern wisdom Aditi. Aditi is the primordial matter which is darkness to the comprehension of the beings, but the absolute Light for the seers. This Light is also called the Light or the Mother of the World. The One Light divides itself into 12 lights and brings light and life into the 7 planes of existence. These 12 lights are also called the 12 Adityas, the sons of Aditi or the Devas of radiation. They represent the soul aspect of creation and are the light of awareness with its 12 qualities. The energy of the 12 Adityas reaches the earth via the 12 Sun signs, when the Sun moves through the zodiac. Thus the occult perception realizes that, though the Sun ray is always the same, the energy it transmits changes from month to month. In our body the 12 Sun signs are localised from the head to the feet. And the twelvepetalled lotus of the heart is the solar centre in us.

Seen from the earth the Sun goes round the zodiac once in every twelve months. Jupiter completes his round in twelve years. We can therefore understand Jupiter as the bigger solar centre; through our actions of service it stimulates in us the solar principle, the soul. The Sun and Jupiter give warmth, liveliness, affection and expansion. In our solar system Uranus is the representative of the cosmic Sun principle, he stands for the big Sun. What the Sun accomplishes in one year, Uranus does in 12 times 7 years; his revolution takes 84 years. Via Uranus we receive the energies from higher circles. He causes a re-structuring of matter and sudden expansion. The energy of Uranus is an all-pervading cosmic principle; it is incomprehensible and can only be experienced. This energy today works through many planets, also through the Sun, and thus transmits the influence of the cosmic Sun. In the Secret Doctrine the three aspects of the Sun are called Sol Om An. The cosmic Sun is called Sol, the central Sun Om and the planetary Sun An. The human body is regarded as the temple of Solomon, because the threefold Sun is present in it. This trinity is also worshipped as the holy Trinosophia, the triple wisdom called in the East Trayee Vidya, and it stands for the three syllables A-U-M of the OM. In the language of the Western ritualists it is represented by AA-DO-NAI of the solar deity Adonai.

Life and Consciousness

Every human being has got a Sun-centre in him, which is his own consciousness as I am. It is the centre of his point of view and horizon. We are Sunrays directly connected with the Sun, units of the solar energy. They are as much in the Sun as on earth and in us. Their movement is permeation and not relocation. This means that it exists through and through, from the source to the last gross plane. Permeation is the basic quality of the soul which gives us an awareness which fulfils and pervades everything in us. We can attune to the presence of the energies of the higher circles in us by meditating on them, saying a prayer or looking into a light and feeling the light in us. We receive the energies from the super-soul via the individual soul, via Buddhi up to the mind. We are part of the great system and therefore the teachings say that each one of us is a Sun having the potential to become a solar system. As long as our consciousness is stuck in the mundane world, we are caught in it. The sentence I am in the world, but not of the world reminds us that in our being we are solar angels who have to awaken from their sleep in matter. The Sun gives us life and consciousness. For the awakening of consciousness it helps us to take in solar Prana through deep, conscious breathing, for on the etheric

plane oxygen is solar energy. By exhaling carbon dioxide we expel the limitations through Saturn. Sun is expansion, Saturn solidification, the anti-life principle we call death. Stocks of carbon dioxide in the body form a source of chronic illnesses. All rooms should receive as much air and sunlight during the day as possible. Rooms without sunlight are hotbeds of negative energies which lead to a loss of consciousness. Today there is a lot of wrong architecture blocking the vital energy. Asanas exercises which keep the spine flexible help with the intake of the pranic force of the sunlight, especially the Sarvang Asana (shoulder stand posture). Drinking fresh water or fruit juices and eating fresh vegetables are also helpful. The vital force of the Sun enters into the body via two main centres: via the sacral centre (spleen) and the centre between the shoulder blades which is located more closely to the heart centre than to the throat centre. The rays of the morning Sun give fresh life and consciousness. It is very good to expose the body during this time to fresh air and to take in the golden light into ourselves; it doesnt have to be the direct sunrays. The times of sunset are also helpful to receive a lot of vital force. About 90 minutes before the Sun appears over the Eastern horizon a great surge of energy comes on our part of the planet, and less than 30 minutes before the Sun appears a second surge of energy rushes through the atmosphere, this one being still more powerful. Master E.K. insisted very much that the disciples wake up in the early morning hours, take a shower and expose themselves to the rays of the early morning Sun. Those who dont do it cannot even dream of getting into any hierarchical work or of following the teachings.

The Golden Disc

A disciple who can withdraw at will from the activity of externalisation through the senses is compared to the Sun that withdraws his rays, and thus the Sun globe becomes visible like a golden disc. As the disciple progresses regularly, the radiance of the golden disc grows. It is very beautiful. It looks as though the solar globe is rising between two mountains. The two mountains are our eyebrows, between which the light shines like a diamond disc in the Ajna-centre. When the disc opens, it is deemed as the opening of the third eye. We cannot express the related bliss in words. It is fulfilment.
Sources: K.P. Kumar: Hercules / Uranus / notes from seminars / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World
Teacher Trust Dhanishta, ( ) Visakhapatnam, India

Good Wil l is contagious !

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