Unit 2 Year 2 Invasion Games 2021

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MYP unit planner

Teacher(s) CHAI MAI CHIAT, GOLDIANA JEE Subject group and PHE

Unit title Unit 2 Year 2: Invasion games – Touch MYP year 2 Unit duration 16hrs
Rugby/Soccer/Handball (hrs)

Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context


The students will be able to understand and apply the basics of

touch rugby / handball knowledge and skills in a game

Statement of inquiry

Good handball/rugby players are skilful and strong with overall body strength

Inquiry questions

What skills do I require to play effective invasion games?
What components of fitness are required to play effective invasion games?
What are the rules of touch rugby/ handball?
How do I play touch rugby/ handball?
How do we get the ball into the goal/try area?
How do we leave our markers effectively?
How do we prevent the opponents’ ball from entering our goal area individually and as a team?
What system of invasion is my team using?
How do I use communication during play?
Skills are more important than brains in invasion games. ( You don’t have to think if you are very skilful.)

Objectives Summative assessment

Students will be able to
Outline of summative assessment task(s) including Relationship between summative
i. recall and apply a range of skills and techniques
assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
ii. recall and apply a range of strategies and movement
concepts Criterion C : Applying and Performing Students should be able to recall and
iii. recall and apply information to perform effectively apply a range of touch rugby skills,
Students should be able to recall and apply a
iv. communicate efficiently and clearly to function techniques and strategies in a game
range of touch rugby skills, techniques and
effectively situation.
strategies in a game situation.

Ss will describe and demonstrate

Criterion D: Reflecting and Improving
strategies to enhance interpersonal
Ss will describe and demonstrate strategies to
Ss will outline goals and apply
enhance interpersonal skills.
strategies to enhance performance
Ss will outline goals and apply strategies to
Ss wull also explain and evaluate
enhance performance
Ss wull also explain and evaluate performance
Approaches to learning (ATL)

Affective Skills
Resilience: Practice 'bouncing back' after adversity, mistakes and failures
Transfer Skills
How can students transfer skills and knowledge across disciplines and subject groups?
Use effective learning strategies in subject groups and disciplines

Planning for teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Passing – legal vs illegal passes Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Demonstrate proficiency in passing and catching in drill and game situations
Demonstrate understanding of the role of each position in a game situation
Dribbling Instructional Strategies
Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction/Cooperative Learning
Shooting Guided Discovery/Direct Instruction
Peer Teaching /Direct Instruction
• standing shoot
• Jump shoot Formative assessment
Offensive strategies – moving into space,
passing to free players.
Small games
Position responsibilities – theory and games
SAQ – Speed Agility and Quickness
Students are taught the skills together
Rules and Regulations
Students divided into groups of mixed ability and sizes to allow for peer support and teaching

Modified Touch Rugby field (indoor or outdoor), Classroom for theory lesson, Colour bands/bibs, Video (television)/lcd/laptops, White board and marker,
Whistle, stopwatches

Reflecting and evaluating

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

1. Students have previous experience in

invasion games-netball and soccer –
should be able to apply the concepts on
invasion from year one.

2. Probably the most difficult part of this unit

would be the acquiring the skills of

3. Students apply the netball skill in handball


4. Students enjoy the handball game that

can improve their healthy and relationship
between friends.

5. Students learn and apply the

communication skill in handball games.
Criterion C: Applying and performing (Handball)

Maximum: 8

At the end of year 2, students should be able to:

i. recall and apply a range of skills and techniques effectively

ii. recall and apply a range of strategies and movement concepts
iii. recall and apply information to perform effectively.

Achievement Task specific descriptor

Level descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by any The student does not reach a standard described by any of the
of the descriptors below. descriptors for the two tasks.

The student: The student:

i. recalls some skills and techniques i. recalls some touch rugby skills and techniques
ii. recalls some strategies and movement concepts ii. recalls some invasion strategies and movement concepts

iii. applies information to perform with limited iii. applies information regarding rules and skills of touch rugby
success. to perform with limited success.

The student: The student:

3–4 i. recalls skills and techniques i. recalls touch rugby skills and techniques

ii. recalls strategies and movement concepts ii. recalls invasion strategies and movement concepts
iii. applies information to perform. iii. applies information regarding rules and skills of touch rugby
to perform.

The student:
The student:

i. recalls and applies skills and techniques i. recalls and applies touch rugby skills and techniques

5–6 ii. recalls and applies a range of invasion strategies and

ii. recalls and applies a range of strategies and
movement concepts movement concepts

iii. applies information to perform effectively. iii. applies information regarding rules and skills of touch rugby
to perform effectively.

The student: The student:

i. recalls and applies a range of skills and i. recalls and applies a range of touch rugby skills and
techniques techniques

7–8 ii. recalls and applies a range of invasion strategies and

ii. recalls and applies a range of strategies and
movement concepts movement concepts

iii. recalls and applies information regarding the rules and skills
iii. recalls and applies information to perform
of touch tugby to respond accurately to perform

Notes for criterion C

i. Criterion C must be assessed in performance/playing situations.

ii. A student’s ability to recall and apply skills and techniques effectively could include: accuracy, efficiency, control, coordination, timing,
fluency, speed and power.

iii. A student’s ability to recall and apply strategies and movement concepts effectively could include: the use of space, force and flow of
movement and adaptation to various situations.

iv. A student’s ability to recall and apply information to perform effectively could include: reading the situation, processing information,
responding to feedback and making appropriate decisions. Depending on the nature of the activity, these sorts of characteristics should
be considered.

v. Criterion C is not appropriate for assessing replication of movement routines and umpiring/ refereeing.

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