Every Job Matters Dispute Report: Trains

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After our recent successful strikes on The Underground your union managed, by solid industrial action and public opinion, to force LU back around the table to consult on their future plans for the job. Your union was expecting the worse and we weren t left disappointed. LU has refused to budge one inch on their proposed cuts! The scale of the cuts initially announced were just the tip of the iceberg. The promised station by station re"iew simply ne"er materialised. As a result of this your union has been left with no alternati"e but to call further action. As dri"ers we reply upon station staff to assist with a plethora of procedures# we ha"e already outlined these on a number of occasions. $ith fewer, poorly paid and o"er%worked staff a"ailable to assist it is ine"itable that these cuts will se"erely impact on the role of the dri"er. asked to talk to the unions about their future "ision of ++,. A .oincidence3 $e think not!

LU s plans for Your Union has pressed LU the stations about plans to role are a accommodate staff with predictor for disabilities under the new what they regime# it would appear that ultimately 4applying for 5+ is the most ha"e in mind "iable option. ,emember, for all grades. any dri"er losing their job as The latest a result of disciplinary, talks by your illness or injury would be union taking up these roles# more negotiators work, less pay. 2s that what and LU ha"e we want as our safety net3 re"ealed some of their plans 6o thanks. for the future& fewer weekends off 'down to one This is an austerity dri"en in six under the current attack on our colleague s proposals(# more flexibility ) terms and conditions, pure staff working at se"eral and simple. $hen they locations where ha"e s7uee8ed It is inevitable that and when it the life out of these cuts will suits them. *n them we will be the train side it s severely impact the next in line. 6o easy to imagine role of the driver. body can afford what plans LU to lose pay on ha"e for ++, with one train strike days but we most stock once they ha"e certainly cannot afford to sit brutalised the stations back and let this attack grade! They would use the continue unchallenged. stations as a model for cross line working on the The ,-T will be taking -et, ./0 and 1istrict Lines. action to protect our future. 2ndeed LU has already

Strike Dates - 21:00 hours on Monday 28th of April 2014 until

20:59 hours on Wednesday 30th April 2014 - 21:00 hours on Monday 5th of May 2014 until 20:59 hours on Thursday 8th of May 2014.

This newsletter is written for train ri!ers" #$ train ri!ers

-anagement demonstrated their complete contempt for all Trade Unions when in the middle of an industrial battle with ,-T and T++A o"er the future of stations they released an employee bulletin in a matter of fact way stating that they will start commissioning trains without cabs, starting with the 9iccadilly Line. 2t is now crystal clear that the de"astating attack that the Union is currently resisting on station grades is part of o"erall attack on all grades with the end game for management to ha"e trains running up and down with no dri"er on the front. This is the crossing of a red line for the Union and in breach of our Train :rades .harter. has re"ealed more job losses rather than less on the station side with de"astating further attacks on frontline station staff. <i8arrely we will go from ==; station managers to >?@;& one manager for e"ery A frontline member of staff! round.

This is an attack on the public s and dri"erBs safety as the frontline staff we rely on to help us when things go wrong will be remo"ed, and no doubt there will be further Cimaginati"eD changes to the ,ule <ook if they are allowed to get away with these attacks.

+ince these train commissioning plans ha"e been announced a number of efforts ha"e been made by ,-T to discuss these planned attacks on dri"ers with the A+LEF * wee+s of tal+ en leadership %ana,e-ent i,nore and at the R%T .on.erns time of going F/rther stri+es to print there ates anno/n.e appears to a Co--issionin, of meeting with their :+ in new .a#less trains the offing. 0lanne Their :+ made a public statement that they will do all they can to defend our 9iccadilly Line members and we hope he is as good as his word and that real Unity breaks out on LUL before it is too late. As new dates for strikes has been called we hope that all dri"ers on the combine realise that the fight is theirs whate"er Union they are in# when we are united we are in"incible as this is a fight that will and must be fought. As the late <ob .row said, C2f you don t fight you ha"e already lostD.

*ne thing is clear, whate"er grade you are in the future of As ; weeks of talks ha"e cuts will be a disaster for our concluded LU management job! $ith the last year of the pay round just completed management will Industrial Health & Safety no doubt be Functional reps: Functional reps: talking pay Dean O'Hanlon im !"Daid free8es and - 07956 342235 - 079#7 #3#692 attacks on our Will Reid $igel %i&e's pension when it - 07983 958 429 - 0796# #4#924 comes to next Vaughan Thomas (a') *i+,-a+'i". year s pay - 07720 297657 - 07790 #35##2

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