NCERT Questions - Improvement in Food Resources - Everonn - CBSE Class-9th

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NCERT Questions - Improvement in Food Resources - Everonn - CBSE Class-9th

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1. Matter in Our Surroundings
2. Is Matter Around us Pure
3. Atoms and Molecules
4. Structure of the Atom
5. The Fundamental Unit of Life
6. Tissues
7. Diversity in Living Organisms
8. Motion
9. Force and Laws of Motion
10. Gravitation
11. Work and Energy
12. Sound
13. Why do We Fall ill
14. Natural Resources
15. Improvement in Food Resources
NCERT Questions Topics:
NCERT Questions
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Explain any one method of crop production, which ensures high yield.
Hybridisation It is a process of crossbreeding. In this two varieties of a
crop, each possessing at least one desired character, are selected, for example,

one with high yield and other one with disease resisting character. The two
varieties with desired characters are cross-bred to incorporate the desired
characters in one variety.
Why are manures and fertilizers used in fields?
By continuous cultivation of crops, the nutrients of the soil get depleted. So,
to supply nutrients and to keep soil fertility manures and fertilizers are used.
What are the advantages of inter- cropping and crop rotation?
Advantage of intercropping In intercropping two or more crops are on the
same field in a definite row pattern. That is, a few rows of the crop and
adjoining to that, a few rows of another crop are planted. This practice reduces

intraspecific competition for same type of nutrients. In this way both crops can

give better yield.
Advantages of crop rotation:
(i) Crop rotation makes the soil fertile and helps in the production of crop
(ii) It decreases the demand of nitrogenous fertilizers. Leguminous plants grown

during crop rotation fix atmospheric nitrogen and enrich the soil with nitrogen
(iii) Rotation of crops helps in pest control. Pests do not find their favourite

crop in the next season and find hard to survive.
What is genetic manipulation? How is it useful in agricultural practices?
Genetic manipulation means to incorporate desired characters in plants by
hybridisation, mutation, DNA recombination, polyploidy etc. Use in agricultural
practices By genetic manipulation improved variety of seeds can be
developed. The quality seeds having desired characters such as resistance to
disease and drought , better input response, goon in quality and higher yield,
to reduce the input cost.
What do we get from cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables?
Cereals Carbohydrates
Pulses Proteins
Fruits and vegetables Vitamins, minerals along with small quantities of
proteins, carbohydrates and oil .
How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production?
Biotic factors, such as diseases, insects and nematodes and abiotic factors,
such as drought, salinity, water logging, heat, cold and frost, cause stresses
on the crops. This results in decrease of crop production. Sometimes these
stresses under different situations may cause destruction of the whole crop.
What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvement?
Desirable agronomic characteristics in crop plants help to give higher yield.
For example, desirable characters for fodder crops are tallness and profuse
branching. For cereal crops dwarfness is the desired character so that less
nutrients are consumed by these crops.
What are macronutrients and why are they called macronutrients?
Macronutrients are the chemical elements required by plants such as carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur. They are called
major or macronutrients because they are required in large quantities.
How do plants get nutrients?
Plants need 16 nutrients. Out of these 16 elements, plants get 2 nutrients from
air, 1 nutrient from water and rest of 13 nutrients from the soil.
Compare the use of manure and fertilizers in maintaining soil fertility.
Manures are rich in organic matter but are poor supplier of nutrients. So, the
cultivated field, which is not supplied with fertilizers, may suffer from
deficiency of nutrients and may not give very good yield.
The cultivated field, which is supplied with fertilizers, may only face drainage

problem and water logging, due to lack of organic matter in the soil. This may
harm the crop and the yield. Use of fertilizers over long periods of time can
destroy the soil structure by killing the soil microorganisms that recycle
nutrients in the soil.
Which of the following conditions will give most of the benefits? Why?
(a) Farmers use quality seeds but do not adopt irrigation and use fertilizers.
(b) Farmers use ordinary seeds and adapt irrigation and use fertilizers.
(c) Farmers use quality seeds, adopt irrigation, use fertilizers and use crop
protection measures.
Conditions given in (c) are beneficial for farmers because the use of
(i) Quality seeds will provide genotypes for various characters such as
resistance, input response, quality and higher yield.
(ii) Proper irrigation methods fulfill water requirement of crop at proper time.
(iii) Fertilizers will provide required nutrients.
(iv) Crop protection measures will check loss of crop and crop product. Thus,
farmers will get maximum benefit of their input in the form of good seeds and
agronomic approaches.
Why should preventive measures and biological control methods be preferred for
protecting crops.
Preventive measures and biological control, are safe methods for protecting
crops. They do not cause environmental pollution. Chemical measures such as
spraying chemicals on crops or treating seeds with chemicals cause environmental

Moreover, biological control method protect crops from the beginning, i.e before

weeds, pests and diseases tend to affect the plants.
What factors may be responsible for the loss of grains during storage?
There is about 9.3% annual loss of grain during storage. The causes of loss of
grains are due to
(i) Biotic factors such as insects, fungi, bacteria, rodents, mites, birds, etc.
(ii) Abiotic factors such as moisture content in grains and temperature at which

they are stored.
Which method is commonly used for improving cattle breeds and why?
Artificial insemination
Reasons: (i) Semen of bull can be obtained / imported / transported to remote
parts of the country. It is because semen can be frozen and can be stored for a
long period.
(ii) By artificial insemination many cows can be fertilized by the semen
collected from one bull.
Discuss the implication of the following statement
"It is interesting to note that poultry is Indias most efficient converter of
low fibre food stuff into highly nutritious animal protein food".
It means that in India which is the 5th largest country in poultry farming ,
mainly fowl can be raised on low fibre food stuff which is unfit for human
consumption. Poultry provide both egg and meat, which are rich sources of
proteins. Chickens and eggs are poultry products of large section of
non-vegetarian population.
What management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming?
Important points to remember in dairy and poultry farming are:
(i) Proper housing, hygienic conditions, i.e., cleaning, sanitation, spraying
disinfectants at regular intervals.
(ii) Vaccination for prevention of infectious diseases.
(iii) Selection of good quality breed.
(iv) Enough space, proper light intensity and duration and maintenance of
(v) Proper feeding management.
What is the difference between broilers and layers and in their management?
Broilers: Chicken raised up to 6-7 weeks weighing 700 g to 1.5 kg are called
Management: They are fed proteins, fats with vitamins especially vitamin A and
vitamin K which is a rich supplementary feed for good growth rate and better
feeding efficiency. Care is taken to avoid mortality, feathering and carcass
quality and hygienic condition is provided.
Layers are hens, which start laying eggs at the age of 20 weeks. The egg
production in commercial layer is 500 days.
Management includes maintenance of temperature and hygienic conditions in
housing, poultry feed, prevention and control of diseases, pests etc.
The layers require enough space, proper light intensity and its duration.
Feeding of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients also influence hatchability of
How are fish obtained?
Fish is obtained by catching from natural resources called capture fisheries.
Fish is also cultivated by various culture methods.
What are the desirable characters of bee variety suitable for bee keeping?
Desirable characters of bees for bee keeping are
(i) Good honey collection capacity,
(ii) Prolific queen production with less swarming,
(iii) Ability to protect itself from enemies.
What is pasturage and how it is related to honey production?
Pasturage The flora/crops found around apiary to collect honey and pollen
grains is called pasturage.
Pasturage flora of honeybee includes, Mango, Coconut, Almond, Sisham, Apple,
Tamarind, Mahua, and Coriander.
Relation with honey production The quality and the taste of honey depend
upon the flora/pasturage around the apiary, from which bees collect the nectar
and pollens. For example, region of Kashmir having almond plant pasturage that
produce almond honey which is good in quality, taste and smell.
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