Par Ticipant Handbook

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ticipant Handbook
York University Athletics and Recreation
209A Tait McKenzie Centre
4700 Keele St.
M3J 1P3
416-736-2100 ext. 33021
[email protected]

This handbook is designed for participants in the York University Intramural Program as
a reference guide to refer to. Sports in the Program are offered at both the competitive
(Tier I) and recreational (Tier II) levels. Sports are divided into various leagues,
tournaments and special events that are offered at in mens, womens, coed or open
divisions. The Intramural program boasts 30+ sports open to all York University
students. For more information please visit the Intramural portion at our website:

Team Captains Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Team Captain to:
1. Register your team (or if entering through college making sure team is finalized),
completing payment of the Performance Bond and Entry fees.
2. Know your game schedule & make sure team members are reminded about games, and
show up ready to go before game time.
3. Make sure all team members are appropriately dressed and have the proper equipment
necessary for the sport. The IM Office does not loan out any equipment.
a. All team members must have matching uniforms with unique numbers when
b. For Ice Hockey all players MUST have full player/goalie equipment
4. Request a reschedule of any game your team cannot make, a minimum of 3 days in
advance of the game.
5. DOUBLE-CHECK THE SCORECARD at the conclusion of each game
a. Ensure proper score is recorded
b. Ensure all players in attendance are marked off
6. Ensure all players on your team conform to eligibility requirements
7. Ensure all players are aware of and conform to the Sport Rules and policies of the
Intramural Program
8. Review individual team members eligibility for playoffs and if any discrepancies are
discovered bring to the attention of the Sport Convenor at least 1 week prior to playoffs
9. Report to all games unless otherwise directed by the IM Office or Lead Convenor for that

IM Office Contact Information

In the table below is the contact information for members of the Intramural Staff Team.
Please note the Intramural Office is located in Room 209A Tait McKenzie Centre.
Regular office hours are kept where participants are able to come and inquire about any
issues that they may be experiencing. Office hours are from 2pm 10pm Monday to
Thursday and Fridays by appointment only.
It is recommended that communication between Team Captains and
League/Tournament Convenors be conducted through the IMLeagues Message Center.
If you cannot get a hold of the sport supervisor feel free to call the office at (416) 7362100 ex. 77222 or email [email protected] with your concern.
Intramural Sport
Intramural Sport

Calin Crainic
Ashley Jung

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Contact via
Message Centre


Phone #

206 Tait
209A Tait
209A Tait
209A Tait

College Contact Information

Every York student is affiliated with a specific colleges depending on the major or study. The
York Intramural Program is structured around the college system and each college allows
student to play on their respective teams free of charge. To get in contact with you college
representative you can use the contact information below or visit the college council office.
Schulich UBC

Email Address
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Council Office
122 Bethune College
122 Calumet College

143 McLaughlin College

105 Atkinson Building
106 Stong College


[email protected]

003 Winters College

Important Terminology:

A Performance Bond is required for all teams entering into an

intramural league or tournament to ensure commitment
throughout. The bond is refunded if the team does not default and
players do not incur any suspensions. Bonds must be submitted at
the time of registration. Bonds are payable at the Tait Client
Services Desk. Cash, Debit and Credit Cards (VISA, MasterCard)
are acceptable methods of payment.

Captains Quiz

A sport specific Captains Quiz including questions regarding

intramural regulations and sport specific rules must be completed
prior to a team being entered on imleagues.


A Default occurs if a team does not show up to a scheduled game

within the allotted default time period. Every default results in the
loss of $25.00 of the performance bond and two defaults results in
elimination from the league, tournament and/or special event.
During a league, two defaults in one night will only count as one

Entry Fee

Sports that have an excessive number of expenses will require an

Entry Fee on top of the performance bond. This is payable at the
Tait Client Services Desk. Cash, Debit and Credit Cards (VISA,
MasterCard) are acceptable methods of payment.

Final Roster

Final Rosters are kept on IMLeagues from the player roster and
games played statistics.


IMLeagues is the on-line league management software used for

all intramural events. Every intramural participant is required to
create an account at prior to
participating. All schedules as well as league results and standings
will be posted on imleagues.

Rules Meeting

Team captains are required to attend all rules meetings. Should a

team captain be unable to attend a rules meeting they must send
another representative from their team in their place. If a
representative fails to attend the rules meeting this could result in
the team forfeiting their spot in the sport.

Team Registration Form

The Team Registration form is embedded in the confirmation email

that is automatically generated from imleagues when a team is
entered. The Team registration form must be completed and

submitted at Tait McKenzie Client Services with payment by the

registration deadline to confirm the team.

Depending on the format of the sport you wish to participate in will determine when it is normally
run. All Leagues, Extended Leagues, Drop-In Leagues operate between Sunday and Thursday
unless otherwise mentioned. All Special Events operate between Friday Evenings and Sunday
Locations where sports are operated include:

Tait McKenzie Centre (Squash Courts, Pool, Main Gym, Student Field House, Upper
South Utility Field,
York Alumni Field
York Pan Am Stadium,
Football Practice Field
Rugby Practice Field,
Founders Tennis Courts
Passy Fields.

In addition to these locations, occasionally the Intramural Program offers sporting events offcampus when specific facilities are needed on a timely basis.

How to Create an Account on IMLeagues

1. Go to and click Create Account
2. Enter your information and submit.
3. You will be sent an activation email, click the link in the email to login and activate
your IMLeagues account.
4. You should be automatically joined to YORK UNIVERSITY If not you can search for
YORK UNIVERSITY by clicking the Schools link


Below are instructions on how to enter a team within the Intramural Program. Please note all
team registration is done through
1. If you havent done so already you will need to create an account on IMLeagues. It is
recommended that the captain read the SIRC handbook and specific sport Rules &




Regulations prior to beginning of the tournament or league. If teams are being affiliated with
a college, the Captain must incorporate the initials of said college in their team name.
Captain will automatically be forwarded a confirmation email with a registration form
Captains must print the confirmation email and complete the embedded registration form.
Submit completed form along with payment to the Tait McKenzie Centre Client Services
Upon registering the team you must also submit the appropriate Bond and Entry Fee along
with the Team Registration Form. Team payment and confirmation information will be
tracked on Please confirm your team payment is confirmed and your
team is approved to ensure you are included on the schedule.
You must attend the mandatory Rules Meeting. All Rules Meetings will be located in room
316 Tait McKenzie. All dates and times for Rules Meetings will be indicated on your team
registration receipt. If you do not attend the mandatory rules meeting your team may not be
permitted to enter teams into the corresponding sport.
Every player must create an account at and be added to the roster
prior to participating.
Non-students and alumni members will have to pay an additional fee to participate in

Team Captains will be given the opportunity to identify preferred days/times of play when
registering the team on The Intramural Office will accommodate these
requests where possible. The Intramural Office will make every effort to evenly distribute
the less preferred playing times amongst the teams.
Under certain circumstances the Intramural coordinator (Sport supervisor) can reschedule
games on the day off accompanied by an IMLeagues message.

Scheduling Games
1. The Manager of Intramural Sport shall be responsible for scheduling games.
2. Whenever possible, games shall be scheduled after 3: 30 pm on weekdays and after
9:00 am on weekends.
3. Whenever possible games shall not be scheduled on the first day back to class after a
4. The schedule will be available on imleagues at least 3 days prior to the first game, when
possible. When possible a notice will be emailed to the captains to notify them when the
schedule is posted.
5. The Manager of Intramural Sport reserves the right to cancel an intramural game, should
extenuating circumstances prevent the scheduling of the sport in question.
6. Games that are rescheduled with less than three (3) days notice by the Intramural Office
shall not incur fines in the event of a default. Every effort should be made to attend
rescheduled games. Any team who determines that they are unable to attend the
rescheduled time should notify the opposing team captain as soon as possible.

1. Under certain circumstances the Manager of Intramural Sport will reschedule games. In
the event that a tournament needs to be rescheduled, the Manager of Intramural Sport
shall decide whether to reschedule or cancel the tournament completely.
2. Under extenuating circumstances, games may be postponed if:
a. Agreed upon by the Manager of Intramural Sport and both team captains.
b. The decision to postpone the game is made at least 3 days prior to the originally
scheduled game.
c. The teams involved reschedule with the league convenor at the time of
postponement and the game is played before the end of the regular season.
d. In the event that extenuating circumstances prevent the game from being played
a double default result will be assigned.
3. All games that are rescheduled due to inclement weather or other extenuating
circumstances will be rescheduled to the next available time. Postponement will be
announced by the convenor to the team captains of the teams involved and adjusted on
IMLeagues as soon as possible.

Player Eligibility
1. To be eligible for intramural activities, the participant must be one of the following:
a. York University Student
b. York University Alumni
c. Full-Time employee of York University
d. Member of the Tait McKenzie Centre
2. All non-York students participating in the Intramural program will be required to pay a fee
for the use of the facilities.
a. There are a maximum number of non-York students participants a student team
may have. Should a student team have more than this number of non-current
students they will be required to enter as a NON-STUDENT team.
3. All players participating on an college associated team must be affiliated with that
a. If a participant resides in residence, he/she is automatically affiliated with that
college, unless changed at the Registrars Office.
b. If a college does not enter a team in any given sport, members of that college
may play for any other college.
4. Participants may play for one team per league/tournament. Once the players name has
appeared on one game sheet, he/she is not eligible to participate on any other team for
that sport.
5. Participants may move up to a higher tier but may not move down tiers. If a Tier 1 team
defaults out of the league, players may not move to a Tier 2 team.
6. Once an athlete has played one game for an team, they must finish the remainder of the
season with that team, unless they are moving from a Tier 2 to Tier 1 team
7. York University varsity athletes are ineligible to participate in the intramural sport or
deviation for which they play that varsity sport. A varsity athlete is considered one after
they have appeared on an official OUA game sheet or roster. For example, a varsity
volleyball player may not play in our volleyball leagues or tournaments.

8. Sports Club members who are listed on the OUA roster are ineligible to participate in
intramurals for that specific sport.

1. All intramural participants must carry their proper identification to participate.
2. Students must show a valid YU Card prior to every game regardless of how well-known
the player is.
3. All York Alumni must show an alumni card, proof of purchase and photo identification
prior to every game. Alumni cards are available through the York Alumni Office, West
Office Building, 416-650-8159
4. All York Staff and Faculty must show a Staff/Faculty YU-Card or Tait Member Card and
proof of purchase
5. All Non-York Students must present photo identification and proof of purchase of the
appropriate player pass.

User Group

Identification Required


Current York Student

York University Staff

Valid YU-Card
Valid Staff YU-Card or Tait
Member Card
Valid Faculty YU-Card or Tait
Member Card
Tait Member Card

Receipt of Non-Student
Fees Paid
Receipt of Non-Student
Fees Paid
Receipt of Non-Student
Fees Paid
Receipt of Non-Student
Fees Paid

York University Faculty

Tait McKenzie Centre
York University Alumni

Valid York Alumni Card or Tait

Member Card

6. Officials (referees and convenors) will conduct ID checks before each game start. They
will also be checking college affiliation.
7. Any participant without proper identification will be ineligible to participate until they can
present the required identification.
8. If a team has an insufficient number of players due to a lack of ID, the team will default
that game.

1. It is recommended that you purchase uniforms for your teams.
2. Matching uniforms with unique numbers are MANDATORY for the following sports
a. Ice Hockey
b. 3on3 Ice Hockey
c. Outdoor Soccer
d. Futsal

e. Basketball (with the exception of 3-on-3 Basketball)

f. Flag Football
g. Touch Rugby
h. Ultimate
i. Handball
j. Ball Hockey.
3. Uniforms must have identical colours with unique numbers on the back.
4. Taped Numbers on jerseys are UNACCEPTABLE and will not be permitted.
5. If numbers are drawn on the back, the diameter of the numbers must be at least 1 inch
thick and visible to officials

League playoff schedules and tournament brackets will be available for teams to view on Players must appear on the teams roster to gain eligibility for games played.
Please check stats regularly and report discrepancies to the league/tournament convenor for
verification from the original game sheets. Please note it is the players responsibility to ensure
they sign in on the game sheet prior to each game with valid identification.
Playoff schedules for leagues will be made available at least 2 weeks prior to the end of the
regular season games. Qualifying teams will be inputted in these schedules on the last day of
the season. Playoff tournament brackets will be made available before the end of the
preliminary round robin. Qualifying teams will be inputted into the bracket after the completion of
the preliminary round.

Playoff Eligibility
1. In order to play in the playoffs, a player must meet the following criteria:
a. For league sports: must have played in at least 50% of the games for the team
that they are playing in the playoffs
b. For Tournaments: play in at least one preliminary round game.
2. If a players team defaults out of the league and the player joins another team, they still
must play in at least 50% of that teams games (from the start of the season) and games
with the defaulted team do not count towards their eligibility for playoffs.
3. In the event that a league has an uneven number of games, eligibility for playoffs will be
50% less of half for participants
a. For example if a league has 7 games, participants would only need 3 games to
be eligible for playoffs

Tie Breaking Procedures

In the case of a tie at the conclusion of a tournament round robin or a leagues regular season
the following Tie Breaking Procedure will be followed:
1. Any team(s) with a loss by default will be ranked lower than any team with which they
are tied, that has few or no losses by default.
2. Head to head match/ games scores
3. Total plus/ minus
4. Points For
5. Points Against
6. Coin Toss

A game is defaulted when a team does not have the required amount of players present to play
the game.
1. A standard grace period of ten minutes will be in effect for each sport offered in the
intramural program (the Manager of Intramural Sport will determine no grace period for
any sport(s) that is time restricted). Tournaments and special events will have a grace
period of five minutes generally.
2. For Ice Hockey, the clock will be allowed to run for the first period. If a team is not on the
ice ready to play with the required number of skaters before the clock expires it will be
declared a default.
3. For 3on3 Hockey the clock will run for ten minutes. If a team is not on the ice ready to
play, with a fully dressed ice hockey goalie before the ten minutes expire it will be
declared a default.
4. The first default by a team will result in an initial loss of 25 dollars from the teams bond.
5. The second default will result in a loss of the remainder of their performance bond as
well as their elimination from the tournament/ league.
6. If it is in the opinion of the Manager of Intramural Sport, a member of the Intramural Staff
or a member of the SIRC Executive that a team/ player is intentionally losing, then that
team/ player will be defaulted and all participation points will be forfeited. This team/
player may also be subjected to suspension.
In the event of a tie between two teams in league or tournament standings, any team that has
been assessed a default will automatically be ranked the lower of the two teams.

Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action will be taken in cases of misconduct. Misconduct is defined as any rough
play, fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct, intent to injure, abuse of official or travesty of the game.
1. The referee(s) in all games shall complete the game report on the reverse side of the
game sheet including any action he/she has taken in penalizing a player for misconduct.
Details of the incident including names and playing numbers of persons involved shall be
clearly provided.
2. If a designated coach or spectator of a team commits any of the offenses, listed in the
suspension section, the same penalties shall apply.

3. An Intramural Convenor has the authority to assess an immediate one (1) game
suspension. One game suspensions administered by a Convenor may NOT be
4. Any incident requiring action in excess of one (1) game shall be administered in writing
to the player, team captain and college athletics representatives by the Manager of
Intramural Sport.
5. All players involved in an incident referred to the Manager of Intramural Sport for major
suspension review shall be suspended from all sports until a decision is made and an
official suspension notice is issued.
6. Any incident where a student exhibits behavior that is inconsistent with the values of
civility, equity and respect in their interactions with others as expressed in the Code of
Student Rights and Responsibilities may be reported to the Office of Student Conflict
Resolution where the will be held accountable through the Code.

Team Disciplinary Action

Teams will receive a Team Warning for every incident that results in one (1) or more major
suspensions for players on that teams roster.
1. Team warnings may be issued at the discretion of the Manager of Intramural Sport in
response to repeated inappropriate conduct reports concerning a specific team
regardless of whether or not any individual major suspensions are issued.
2. Any team incurring three (3) team warning will be removed from the league.

Disciplinary Action for an Individual during Individual Sports

A participant who incurs misconduct in an individual sport will be ejected from the event.
1. Where required, the incident will be reviewed for a major suspension
2. If this incident occurs during an individual sport where there are still events left in the
tournament the individual will be ineligible to participate in the remaining events.
3. For example if the incident occurs during mens singles badminton the individual in
question will also be ineligible to participate in both mens doubles badminton and mixed
doubles badminton.

All major disciplinary action will incur suspension from all intramural sports including, but not
limited to, special events, leagues, tournaments and drop-in events. For example, a player
suspended during a hockey game incident will be ineligible to participate in ANY intramural
activities for the duration of the suspension period. The suspension notice will include a specific
suspension end date after the recommended duration has been applied only to weeks that it
can be reasonably assumed the player in question would have played intramural sports.

All major suspension will be accompanied by a probationary period during which time any Game
Major (GM), Intent to Injure (ITI) or Gross Misconduct (GRM) will result in an immediate
suspension of a minimum of 1 year. The specified probationary period shall commence upon
completion of the suspension period.

GAME MAJOR (GM) infraction will result in immediate ejection of a player engaging in any of
the following:
Disputing an officials
call in a hostile
manner; including
verbal insult and/or
1-3 week suspension 1 year suspension +
use of obscene
+ 1 year probation
lifetime probation
Verbal abuse of
official; including foul
language and/or
derogatory terms
5 week suspension +
1 year suspension +
directed at the office
1 year probation
lifetime probation
or purposefully
uttered within hearing
range of an official
FIGHTING - defined
as any player
punching, hitting,
pushing; or in any
way coming in
4 month - 1 year
physical contact with
suspension + 1 year
Lifetime Suspension
another player in an
intentional and
aggressive manner
outside the regularly
accepted play of the
HOCKEY FIGHT 3-8week suspension
4 month - 1 year
defined as players
+ 1 year probation
suspension + 1 year
engaging in a fight, as
defined in GM3,
without either hockey
gloves or helmets
being removed.
Definition of a fight in
hockey as GM3 or
GM4 is at the
discretion of the

Manager of Intramural
Sport, details
revealed during an
appeal may result in a
change of the original
INTENT TO INJURE (ITI) - defined as excessive use of force that severely infringes on the
safety of another player. Any incident witnessed by an on duty official or other intramural staff
member that is deemed to be an intent to injure will result in immediate ejection.
Head Contact; any
intentional contact or
1 year - Lifetime
Suspension +
unintended contact
Lifetime Probation
resulting from a
player's actions
Upper Body Contact;
any intentional
contact or dangerous
6 weeks - 1 year
unintended contact to
Suspension + 1
an opponents waist
year Probation
to neck region
resulting from a
player's actions.
Lower Body Contact;
any intentional
contact or dangerous
6 weeks - 1 year
unintended contact to
Suspension + 1
an opponents waist
year Probation
to foot region
resulting from a
player's actions
Genital Contact; any
intentional contact or
6 weeks - 1 year
unintended contact to Suspension + 1
an opponents genital year Probation
region resulting from
a player's actions.
** A 2nd Intent to Injure (ITI) infraction from any category will result in a lifetime

GROSS MISCONDUCT (GMR) - incidents as defined below, witnessed by any on-duty

intramural official or other staff member will result in immediate ejections





Travesty of the Game;
actions that may be
deemed to make a
travesty of the game
including, but are not
limited to,
consumption of
alcohol or illicit drugs
prior to a game,
fighting with a team
official or spectator,
spraying water at an
official, use of
excessively obscene
gestures, or
physically disrupting
or damaging the
playing surface.
Uttering a
Discriminatory Slur
Head Butt, use of
equipment as a
weapon (i.e.: hockey
butt end, kicking with
a skate blade),
spitting, kicking, hair
Physical Abuse of an
Official; including, but
not limited to, any
aggressive physical
contact with an official
or other employee of
the Athletics &



1 year Suspension +
Lifetime Probation

Lifetime Suspension

1 year Suspension +
Lifetime Probation

Lifetime Suspension

1 year Suspension +
Lifetime Probation

Lifetime Suspension

Lifetime Suspension

Lifetime Suspension

Appeal Procedures
1. All suspensions will be administered by the Manager of Intramural Sport.

2. Suspensions may be appealed using the Intramural Suspension Appeal Google Doc
Form to the SIRC President within one week of the suspension notice.
3. To submit an appeal to the SIRC President an individual must file their appeal using the
Google Docs link provided by the SIRC executive.
4. Such an appeal must contain new and relevant information outlining why the suspension
should be reduced or terminated.
5. The players suspension shall be upheld until the appeals committee can hear the case.
6. The appeals committee shall rule on suspension appeals and shall impose sanctions as
deemed appropriate.
7. If during a probation period an additional misconduct offense occurs, suspension for life
from all intramurals shall be automatic.
8. The Manager, Intramural Sport shall determine whether an act is considered fighting.
Under no circumstances can the committee decide that there was no fighting when
actions would be considered battery under common law.

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