Lesson Planning in Grade 11 (Angie)

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Lesson Planning in Grade 11

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
differentiate the meaning of physical activity and exercise,
recognize the value of optimizing health through participation in
physical activities, and
organize fitness event for a target health issue or concern.
II. Subject Matter

Topic: Exercise for fitness

References: Physical Education and Health Volume 1
(Lualhati Fernando- Callo & Peter Fermin Dejime)
K-12 Learning Competency Guide

Materials: Handouts, Powerpoint Presentation, Video Clips, Visual Aids

III. Procedure

A. Review/ Drills
Energizer (Alive, Alert, Awake)
Review the previous lesson
B. Motivation
Arrange the picture puzzle given. The first to finish will be the
winner and will receive a reward.

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C. Presentation

1. Activity
James Bang- Create a big circle. If the student will be bang, raise
both hands. The corresponding seatmate from left and right must
bang each other. Students who will to follow instruction will
answer a question or will perform a certain act.

1. What exercise is appropriate for increasing aerobic capacity?
2. What exercise is appropriate for increasing muscular endurance?
3. Perform abdominal curl-ups and push-ups.
4. Perform sit and reach.

2. Analysis
Sayawit- Analyze and create a short jingle pertaining to the
importance of an active lifestyle and do it artistically. 3 minute
preparation will be given before the performance. Students will be
graded basing on the rubric.

3. Abstraction
3/2/1 Countdown- student will share their newly gained knowledge
and will be summarized by the teacher.

3 things Ive learned

2 ways I feel
1 word about the lesson

4. Application
Plan it Plan it Move it Move it- Plan and perform an exercise
program that will improve physical fitness and will increase fitness
level. Students will be graded by a rubric.

IV. Assessment
Groupinoy Henyo- Identify what is being performed by selected students
whether it is an aerobic exercise, resistance exercise or stretching
exercise. Do it as a group.

V. Assignment
Create a role play in relation to our topic today. Everybody in the class
must participate. Students will be graded by a rubric.

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