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Investigation of common-mode voltage and ground

leakage current of grid-connected transformerless PV

inverter topology

Atanda K Raji
Mohamed T E Kahn
Centre for Distributed Power Electronics Systems, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

Abstract Introduction
The problems of increasing electricity demand by The problems of increasing electricity demand by
the unabated population and economy growth can the unabated population growth can be solved by
be solved by employing sustainable distributed gen- employing sustainable distributed generation tech-
eration technologies. Convectional primary energy nologies. Convectional primary energy sources
sources such as coal, liquid hydrocarbons and nat- such as coal, liquid hydrocarbons and natural
ural gasses create environmental degradation and gasses create environmental degradation and ener-
energy security problems. Even though the cost of gy security problems (Binal, 2000). Alternative
solar energy is zero, the same cannot be said of a energy sources such as wind, solar, wave, tidal,
solar energy system. The system cost especially the geothermal and ocean are renewable sources that
initial capital investment has been hindering the are sustainable and environmentally friendly.
rapid deployment of solar energy systems. One way Amongst these renewables, solar energy is in pole
of reducing the system cost of a solar energy system position to be adopted as distributed generation
is to look into the constituent components and see integrated into a low voltage system. The abun-
where cost can be reduced without compromising dance and everywhere availability of solar energy
the system efficiency and human safety. Eliminating provides easy site for system setup, reduced trans-
the isolation transformer reduces the cost and mission losses and eliminate utility grid extension
increases the system overall efficiency. However, the cost for very low load centres such as remote vil-
galvanic connection between the PV array and the lages (Bull & Billman, 2000)
utility grid creates a safety problem for people and Even though the cost of solar energy is zero, the
system equipment. We present a simplified model same cannot be said of a solar energy system. The
for the investigation of the common mode voltage system cost especially the initial capital investment
and ground leakage current that can lead to electro- has been hindering the rapid deployment of a solar
magnetic interference. The leakage current level is energy system (Bouffard & Kirschen, 2008). Many
used for the determination of the suitability of the governments around the world have provided
investigated PV inverter topology for grid connec- incentives and subsidies to promote fast adoption of
tion without isolation transformer. renewable energy systems. However, such policy is
not sustainable in the longer terms and it is highly
Keywords: common-mode voltage, grid-connected dynamic (Winkler, 2005).
transformerless PV inverter topology; ground leak- One way of reducing the system cost of a solar
age current energy system is to look into the constituent com-
ponents and see where cost can be reduced without
compromising the system and human safety
(Arnam & Zhong, 1997). 25% of the solar system
cost constitutes the inverter system cost out of
which 15% is the cost of the transformer that is used
to isolate the PV array from the AC grid system for

20 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 26 No 1 February 2015

Figure 1: H bridge grid connected PV module

safety reasons. The percentage contribution of the PV parasitic capacitance value of 100nF is used
inverter system cost may increase in longer terms as for the investigation (Bassoon, 2018). The parasitic
the cost of PV module continues to decrease. capacitance depends on such factors as weather,
Eliminating the isolation transformer reduces the PV cell technology, distance between the PV cells
cost and increases the system overall efficiency. and the frame etc. (Azri & Rahim, 2011; Arajo et
However, the galvanic connection between the PV al., 2010; Lopez et al, 2007; Photong, 2010).
array and the utility grid creates a safety problem When the upper switch is on, the corresponding
for people and system equipment (IEEE Standard voltage is equal to VDC while the lower switch cor-
1547, 2003). responding voltage is zero (reference O). Therefore,
The PV array parasitic capacitance between the we can replace the DC bus and switches with two
PV array and the ground causes leakage current to PWM voltage sources as shown in Figure 2.
flow (Barater et al., 2009) Many PV inverter topolo-
gies with different switching strategies have been
proposed in the technical literature to mitigate the
problem of common-mode voltage (CMV) and
ground leakage current (Francke et al., 2010;
Photong et al., 2010).
The next section presents the analysis of a sim-
plified model suitable for the investigation of com-
mon-mode voltage and ground leakage current for
a convectional full bridge inverter topology with
unipolar switching strategy. Section three models,
simulates the presented model using PSIM software Figure 2: Equivalent common-mode currents
and presents the simulation results. Conclusion of
the work is presented in the final section. According to the superposition theorem, the
total leakage current is the sum of the currents gen-
Simplified model for CMV and GLC erated by the grid and the two PWM voltage
The full bridge inverter topology used in this work is sources. Figure 3 shows the leakage current gener-
presented in Fgure 1. Switches S1/S4 and S3/S2 ated by the grid. The leakage current generated by
switched with unipolar modulation strategy. An L the two PWM voltage sources is shown in Figure 4.
output filter is used to ensure that the injected AC As shown in Figure 3, the leakage current icm1
current complies with the harmonics requirements generated by the grid can be given as:
stated in the grid codes (Azri & Rahim, 2011).
In the full bridge circuit shown in Figure 1, volt-
ages VAO and VBO are controlled by the four switch-
es S1, S2, S3 and S4. The principle of superposi-
tion is used for the analysis. Each of the voltage
sources is considered acting alone and the total
effect of all is obtained from the algebraic sum of
the individual current produced by each source act-
ing alone.

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 26 No 1 February 2015 21

Figure 3: Generated grid leakage currents

Figure 4: Generated PWM for each inverter leg

Figure 5: Combined inverter leg generated

common-mode currents

As shown in Figure 5 it is concluded that if the

common mode voltage is kept constant during all
the commutation states, leakage current could be
restricted to nearly zero (assuming that the leakage
current contribute by the grid is negligible).

Simulations and results

The inverter ouput voltage is shown in Figure 6
changing from positive peak value to zero and then
to negative peak values. The three voltage vector
states enable the topology to be switched with half
the switching frequency with the same component
parameters as a full bridge with bipolar switching
strategy. This provides the advantage of lower filter
requirements and reduce the core lossess of the fil-
According to equation 5, the equivalent circuit ter inductor.
model of common mode leakage current can be The common mode voltage imposed on the PV
obtained as shown in Figure 5. array parasitic capacitance is shown in Figure 7.

22 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 26 No 1 February 2015

The PV array terminal voltage across the PV harmonics of the switching frequency. The peak
array parasitic capacitance is shown in Figure 8 to value of the ground leakage current is 3,552 A and
contain harmonics of switching frequency. the average value is 1,164 A while the root mean
The leakage current through the PV array para- square value is 1,345 A.
sitic capacitance is shown in Figure 9. It contains Figure 10 shows the FFT of the ground leakage

Figure 6: Unipolar inverter output voltage

Figure 7: Common mode voltage

Figure 8: PV array terminal voltage

Figure 9: Ground leakage current

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 26 No 1 February 2015 23

Figure 10: FFT of the ground leakage current of the simulated PV inverter topology
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