Lecture6 PDF
Lecture6 PDF
Lecture6 PDF
Lecture 6
Momentum in Open Channel
Specific Force
Course: Advanced Hydraulics Module 1: Open Channel Flow
The momentum of the flow passing a channel section per unit time is expressed by
wQV/g where is the momentum coefficient, w is the unit weight of water, Q is the
discharge and V is the mean velocity.
According to Newtons second law of motion, the change of momentum per unit of time
in the body is equal to the resultant of all the external forces that are acting on the body.
Expression for momentum change per unit time in the body of water enclosed between
two sections may be written:
( )= + sin
Where subscripts referring to sections 1 and 2; P is the resultant of pressure acting on the
two sections; W is the weight of water enclosed between two section and Ff is the total
Course: Advanced Hydraulics Module 1: Open Channel Flow
external force of friction an resistance acting along the surface of contact between the
water and the channel.
When the slope of the channel is relatively small, therefore in a rectangular channel with
a small slope
P1 .b. y12
P2 .b. y 22
F f .b.h f y
Where y is the average depth and Q
V1 V2 .b. y
The weight of the water is W .b.L y
z1 z 2
v1 v
z1 y1 1 z 2 y2 2 2 h 'f
2g 2g
h 'f is the losses due to external forces exerted on water by the wall of the channel.
For parallel or gradually varied flow the values of P in the momentum equation may be
computed by assuming a hydrostatic distribution of pressure and value of =1.
For curvilinear or rapidly varied flow, the value of P must be corrected for curvature
effect of the streamlines of the flow.
The momentum equation has certain advantages in application to problem involving high
internal energy changes such as problem of hydraulic jump. If energy equation is applied
to such problems, the unknown internal energy loss is indeterminate. Therefore,
momentum equation is applied to these problems since it deals only with external forces.
Course: Advanced Hydraulics Module 1: Open Channel Flow
Specific force is the sum of the pressure force and momentum flux per unit weight of the
fluid at a section.
By plotting the depth against the specific force for a given channel section and discharge,
a specific force curve is obtained.
Figure1.10: (a) Specific energy curve (b) Typical channel section (c) Specific force curve for an open
( )=
1 1
P1 . A1 . z1 and P2 . A2 . z 2
2 2
z1 and z 2 are the distance of centroids below the water surface and A1 and A2 is the water
area and V=Q/A
Course: Advanced Hydraulics Module 1: Open Channel Flow
Q2 Q2
A1 z1 A2 z 2
gA1 gA2
Specific force F is a function of depth of flow, channel geometry and discharge and is
given by
F A z
For minimum value of specific force, the first derivative of F with respect to y should be
= + =0
This is also criterion for critical state of flow as derived earlier. Therefore, depth at the
minimum value of specific force is critical depth.
From F vs y curve, it can be seen that for a given value of specific force there are two
possible depths.
Course: Advanced Hydraulics Module 1: Open Channel Flow
1. Under which of the following conditions steady non-uniform flow in open channels
a. When for a constant discharge the liquid depth in the channel varies along its length
b. When a constant discharge flows at the constant depth
c. When a constant discharge flows in a channel laid at a fixed slope
d. When the discharge and the depth both vary along the channel length
2. When the depth of flow changes gradually over a length of the channel, then the flow will
be termed as
a. Rapidly varied flow
b. Critical flow
c. Gradually varied flow
d. Uniform flow
4. The phenomenon occurring in an open channel when a rapidly flowing stream abruptly
changes to slowly flowing stream causing a distinct rise of liquid surface, is
a. Uniform flow
b. Critical discharge
c. Hydraulic jump
d. None of the above
a. Rigid channel
b. Prismatic channel
c. Mobile channel
d. Boundary channel
1 What is the difference between open channel flow and pipe flow.
2 Distinguish between:
a. Steady and Uniform flow
b. Unsteady and non-uniform flow
c. Gradually and Spatially varied flow
d. Critical and Super critical flows
e. Prismatic and non-prismatic channel.
3 Define specific energy. Draw a neat sketch of specific energy curve for a rectangular
channel showing all the details.
4 Write a short note on velocity distribution in a open channel.
5 What do you mean by critical flow? Derive the equation for the critical depth in
triangular and rectangular channels.
6 Find at the discharge in a trapezoidal channel with a bed width of 10m, side slope of 1:1
and depth of flow of 2.0m under uniform flow condition. The bottom slope of 0.0001
and n=0.02. Also, find the Chezys coefficient at this depth. (Ans. 16 cumec, 52.4 m1/2/s)
7 A rectangular channel has a bed width of 4m, bottom slope of 0.0004 and Manning's n
of 0.02. The normal depth of flow in this channel is 2m. If the channel empties into a
pool at the downstream and the pool elevation of 0.6m higher than canal bed elevation at
the downstream end. Calculate the critical depth of section. (Ans. 0.742 m)
8 Find the critical depth and critical velocity of the water flowing through a rectangular
channel of width 8m, when discharge is 20cumecs. (Ans 2.9 m/s)
9 For a given triangular channel, section of side slope 2H: 1V, minimum specific energy is
1.5m. Find the corresponding critical velocity. (Ans. 2.426 m/s)
1.2m, with bottom width 2m and side slope of 1.5 Horizontal to 1Vertical. Consider
uniform flow and calculate:
a. The longitudinal slope of the channel.
b. The average shear stress over the wetted perimeter
c. The value of equivalent Darcys f .
d. The Froude number of flow. Assume, Mannings n= 0.010.
(Ans. 1/1351.4, 5.22N/m2, 0.008, 0.776)
12 A rectangular channel 4m wide and bed slope 1 in 5000, conveys a discharge of 5.0
cumecs. The depth of flow at a section is 0.80m. How far upstream will the depth of
flow be 1.0m? Assume N=0.012. (Ans. 461.53m)
13 For a constant specific energy of 1.0 N-m/N, calculate the maximum discharge that may
occur in a rectangular channel, 1.0m wide. (Ans. 2.91cumec)
14 A trapezoidal channel has a bottom width of 6m and side slope of 1:1. The depth of the
flow is 1.5m; bottom slope is 1 in 1000 and discharge of 15cumec flows through it.
Determine the specific energy. Take n=0.015. (Ans. 1.663m).
Course: Advanced Hydraulics Module 1: Open Channel Flow
1. Chaudhry, M.H., 1994, Open-Channel Flow, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New
4. Ojha, C.S.P., Berndtsoon, R., and Chandramouli, P.N., 2010. Fluid Mechanics and
5. Subramanya, K., 1991. Flow in open channels, Tata McGraw-Hill New Delhi.