Cssyll 5
Cssyll 5
Cssyll 5
Module 1 Teaching
Enumerations, Autoboxing and Annotations(metadata): Enumerations, 8 Hours
Enumeration fundamentals, the values() and valueOf() Methods, java
enumerations are class types, enumerations Inherits Enum, example, type
wrappers, Autoboxing, Autoboxing and Methods, Autoboxing/Unboxing occurs
in Expressions, Autoboxing/Unboxing, Boolean and character values,
Autoboxing/Unboxing helps prevent errors, A word of Warning. Annotations,
Annotation basics, specifying retention policy, Obtaining Annotations at run
time by use of reflection, Annotated element Interface, Using Default values,
Marker Annotations, Single Member annotations, Built-In annotations.
Module 2
The collections and Framework: Collections Overview, Recent Changes to 8 Hours
Collections, The Collection Interfaces, The Collection Classes, Accessing a
collection Via an Iterator, Storing User Defined Classes in Collections, The
Random Access Interface, Working With Maps, Comparators, The Collection
Algorithms, Why Generic Collections?, The legacy Classes and Interfaces,
Parting Thoughts on Collections.
Module 3
Networking:Networking Basics,The Networking Classes and 8 Hours
Interfaces,InetAddress,Inet4address and Inet6 address,TCP/IP Client Sockets,
URL,URL connection, HttpURL connection, URI Class, Cookies,TCP/IP
Server Sockets, Datagrams,Java2EnterpriseEditionOverview: J2EE
andJ2SE,JDBC Objects: TheConcept
ofJDBC,JDBCDriverTypes,JDBCPackages,ABrief Overview
oftheJDBCprocess,DatabaseConnection,Associating the JDBC/ODBC
Module 4
Java Servlets: Java Servlets and Common Gateway Interface Programming, 8 Hours
Benefits of using a Java Servlet, Anatomy of a Java servlet, Deployment
Descriptor, Reading Data from a Client, Reading HTTP Request Headers,
Sending Data to a client and writing the HTTP Response Header, Working with
Cookies, Tracking Sessions.
Module 5
Java Server Pages (JSP): JSP, JSP Tags, Tomcat, Request String, User Sessions, 8 Hours
Cookies, Session Objects, Java Remote Method Invocation: Remote Method
Invocation concept, Server side, Client side. Enterprise Java Beans: Enterprise
Java Beans, Deployment Descriptors, Session Java Bean, Entity Java Bean,
Message-Driven Bean, The JAR File.
Course outcomes: The students should be able to:
Interpret the need for advanced Java concepts like enumerations and collections in
developing modular and efficient programs
Build client-server applications and TCP/IP socket programs
Illustrate database access and details for managing information using the JDBC API
Describe how servlets fit into Java-based web application architecture
Develop reusable software components using Java Beans
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have TEN questions.
There will be TWO questions from each module.
Each question will have questions covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each
Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt: Java The Complete Reference, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. JimKeogh:J2EE-TheCompleteReference,TataMcGrawHill, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Y. Daniel Liang: Introduction to JAVA Programming, 7 Edition, Pearson Education,
2. StephanieBodoffetal:TheJ2EETutorial, 2 Edition,Pearson Education,2004.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
(Effective from the academic year 2016 -2017)
Subject Code 15CS554 IA Marks 20
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3 Exam Marks 80
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
Explain principles of algorithms analysis approaches
Compare and contrast a number theoretic based strategies.
Describe complex signals and data flow in networks
Apply the computational geometry criteria.
Module 1 Teaching
Analysis Techniques: Growth functions, Recurrences and solution of recurrence 8 Hours
equations; Amortized analysis: Aggregate, Accounting, and Potential methods,
String Matching Algorithms: Naive Algorithm; Robin-Karp Algorithm, String
matching with Finite Automata, Knuth-Morris-Pratt and Boyer-Moore
Module 2
Number Theoretic Algorithms: Elementary notions, GCD, Modular arithmetic, 8 Hours
Solving modular linear equations, The Chinese remainder theorem, Powers of an
element RSA Cryptosystem, Primality testing, Integer factorization, - Huffman
Codes, Polynomials. FFT-Huffman codes: Concepts, construction, Proof
correctness of Huffman's algorithm; Representation of polynomials
Module 3
DFT and FFT efficient implementation of FFT, Graph Algorithms, Bellman-Ford 8 Hours
Algorithm Shortest paths in a DAG, Johnson's Algorithm for sparse graphs, Flow
networks and the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm, Maximum bipartite matching.
Module 4
Computational Geometry-I: Geometric data structures using, C, Vectors, Points, 8 Hours
Polygons, Edges Geometric objects in space; Finding the intersection of a line
and a triangle, Finding star-shaped polygons using incremental insertion.
Module 5
Computational Geometry-II: Clipping: Cyrus-Beck and Sutherland-Hodman 8 Hours
Algorithms; Triangulating, monotonic polygons; Convex hulls, Gift wrapping
and Graham Scan; Removing hidden surfaces
Course outcomes: The students should be able to:
Explain the principles of algorithms analysis approaches
Apply different theoretic based strategies to solve problems
Illustrate the complex signals and data flow in networks with usage of tools
Describe the computational geometry criteria.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have TEN questions.
There will be TWO questions from each module.
Each question will have questions covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each
Text Books:
1. Thomas H. Cormen et al: Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall India, 1990
2. Michael J. Laszlo: Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics in C' Prentice
Hall India, 1996
Reference Books:
1. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni and S. Rajasekaran, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms,
University Press, Second edition, 2007
2. Kenneth A Berman & Jerome L Paul, Algorithms, Cengage Learning, First Indian
reprint, 2008
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
(Effective from the academic year 2016 -2017)
Subject Code 15CSL57 IA Marks 20
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 01I + 02P Exam Marks 80
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
Demonstrate operation of network and its management commands
Simulate and demonstrate the performance of GSM and CDMA
Implement data link layer and transport layer protocols.
Description (If any):
For the experiments below modify the topology and parameters set for the experiment and
take multiple rounds of reading and analyze the results available in log files. Plot necessary
graphs and conclude using any suitable tool.
Lab Experiments:
1. Implement three nodes point to point network with duplex links between them.
Set the queue size, vary the bandwidth and find the number of packets dropped.
2. Implement transmission of ping messages/trace route over a network topology
consisting of 6 nodes and find the number of packets dropped due to congestion.
3. Implement an Ethernet LAN using n nodes and set multiple traffic nodes and plot
congestion window for different source / destination.
4. Implement simple ESS and with transmitting nodes in wire-less LAN by simulation
and determine the performance with respect to transmission of packets.
5. Implement and study the performance of GSM on NS2/NS3 (Using MAC layer) or
equivalent environment.
6. Implement and study the performance of CDMA on NS2/NS3 (Using stack called
Call net) or equivalent environment.
Implement the following in Java:
7. Write a program for error detecting code using CRC-CCITT (16- bits).
8. Write a program to find the shortest path between vertices using bellman-ford
9. Using TCP/IP sockets, write a client server program to make the client send the file
name and to make the server send back the contents of the requested file if present.
Implement the above program using as message queues or FIFOs as IPC channels.
10. Write a program on datagram socket for client/server to display the messages on
client side, typed at the server side.
11. Write a program for simple RSA algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the data.
12. Write a program for congestion control using leaky bucket algorithm.