TWD IC Manual Part II I. Work Planning
TWD IC Manual Part II I. Work Planning
TWD IC Manual Part II I. Work Planning
specified. Its format is predominantly bulleted and does not conform to the report
format used in Part A.
Monitoring & Audit Process
This was derived from the Strategic Planning Flow Diagram shown in the PGIAM:
A. Overview
• The process of identifying the key audit strategic direction of the IAU for
3 yrs
1. Overview
Entity ICS Review
PGIAM Diagram
Entity ICS Review
Entity ICS Review
Control environment Workshops
ii. Document the control environment. See Annex 1 for the Checklist
(Control Environment Documentation Checklist).
b. Risk assessment
i. According to the PGIAM, the organization has to establish its own
Risk Management Framework & Process (see next page).
ii. Check if the organization has a risk management framework and
process. Determine if the components are well defined. If there is
no documented risk management framework and process yet, the
PGIAM guidelines may be used
iii. See Annex 2a for the Risk Management Guidelines
iv. See Annex 2b for the Risk Management Plan Template
v. Perform assessment of internal audit risks
- See the prescribed steps from the PGIAM:
c. Control activities
i. See Annex 3 for the Control Activities Documentation Template
HOW: Methodologies
According to the PGIAM, the procedure in documenting the ICS
includes a combination of the following in order to obtain from the
operating and support units the primary source documents; and validate
all observations and recommendations with key officials of the
a. Workshops
i. An educational seminar or series of meetings emphasizing
interaction and exchange of information among a usually small
number of participants (Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000)
ii. A seminar or small group that meets to explore some subject,
develop a skill or technique, carry out a creative project, etc. (K
Dictionaries Ltd., 2010)
c. Document review
i. involves obtaining documents from primary sources for validation,
such as inspection guidelines or manuals which contain the
standards, timing and methods for the conduct of inspection.
Determine methodology
• Conceptualization
• Define population and sampling method
• Determine the size and number of focus groups
• Develop and pre-test FGD content
• Logistics
• Secure a focus group facility
• Generate participant contact lists
• Manage participant recruitment and reminders
• Finalize focus group facility & room arrangements
• Organize needed materials
• Preparation activities
• “Involves the facilitator committing the discussion guide to
memory so seemless [sic] and effortless group discussion
• Pre-session activities
• Facilitator observes participants’ behavior and personality
traits, taking note of any which may require special
attention during the session
• Facilitator helps participants gain rapport with the process
and each other
• Session activities
• Begins when the moderator opens the session with a brief
overview of the major discussion topic
(Ryken, 2012)
Rev- Audit
Entity ICS
iew areas
Support Finance
Sys systems
b. Definitions
Term Definition / Examples
Process The application of a system of processes within an
approach organization, together with the identification and
interactions of these processes, and their management
to produce the desired outcome
Process A set of interrelated or interacting activities which
transform input elements into outputs / results provided
to the citizens
Input elements - Statutory policies
- Resources
- Managerial policies
- Citizens’ needs and expectations
Outputs/ Results - Products / goods
- Services
- Benefits
Performance The criterion in terms of quantity, quality, cost and
measures perception of plans and programs
Indicators of performance expressed in units of
work which quantify or measure the outputs and
Requires that every unit of output must have a
standard cost which should be compared with the
actual cost to obtain the difference
In the absence of a standard cost, the organization
must set up a standard or predetermined cost
b. Guidelines
Criteria for selection of critical processes
• Existing flowcharts
• Operating manuals
• Periodic accomplishment reports
b. Guidelines
Criteria for selection of critical processes
• Structure
• Personnel qualifications & performance
• Processes of the office of primary responsibility
Methods of Review
Narrative Walkthrough
Test of
A technique for:
- validating the understanding of the transaction flow
and control design, particularly those which may
help prevent or detect fraud and error
- determining whether or not controls have designed
effectively and actually placed in operation
- identifying areas where fraud and error may occur
b. Activities include
i. Physical observation of the actual transactions involving the internal
control procedures being performed
ii. Evaluation of evidence that the control procedures were performed
at the proper time
iii. Inquiry about how and when the procedures were performed
iv. May involve touring facilities, making site visits, and reviewing
processes, flow of materials and documents
Special Considerations
System software Limit and monitor access to the powerful programs &
controls sensitive files that control the computer hardware
and secure applications supported by the system
Segregation of Implies that policies, procedures and an
duties organizational structure are established to prevent
one individual from controlling all key aspects of
computer-related operations and thereby conduct
unauthorized actions or gain unauthorized access to
assets or records
Application software
Application controls
data are data are
generated by the
authorized, properly application
converted to processed by reflect
an automated the computer transactions or
form, and and files are events that
entered into updated actually occurred
and accurately
the correctly reflect the results
application in of processing,
an accurate, and reports are
complete, and controlled and
distributed to the
timely authorized users
Entity ICS Rev-iew
This step may be formal or informal. The positive results of the test
of controls will be an input to the Control Universe (CU). The CU is a list of
all auditable areas which shall be an input to the baseline assessment
report, included in the strategic plan and will be prioritized in the
formulation of the annual work plan. Aside from the CU, other sources to
be considered in strategic planning are the results of the review of
oversight bodies and international development partners
(Department of Budget Management, 2011)
• Executive summary
• Objectives
• Scope and methodology
• Detailed findings and recommendations on each internal control
• Overall findings
• Summary of interim report
• Control environment
• Results of oversight bodies and international dev't partners
• Attachments
1. Objective
To identify which controls should be assessed for internal audit risk and those
which should not be prioritized in the strategic and annual work plan
2. Diagram
Overview: Steps
Assess Assess
Identify controls
significance level materiality level
•Often considered in terms of value or relative importance of an amount
•Level may or may not be set based on a specific amount
•of information is determined if the ommission or misstatement of such
could affect control objectives
•Depends on the nature and size of the item or error judged in particular
•Take into account the quantitative factors and nonfinancial items that,
independent of the amount, may impact on the achievement of the
control objectives (e.g. legal & regulatory requirements)
Overview: Steps
Determine vulnerable
Conduct risk assessment
Generally, the units responsible for addressing risks must make the
assessment of their own risks, including top management as control risk
assessment is part of its regular functions. Thus, the control risk owners
should already have identified and initiated measures to modify the
material and significant control risks, based on probability and impact,
before the auditors begin an audit. Nevertheless, the ICS will still have to
conduct risk assessment on the identified material and significant controls
where they may be high risk of impact on key processes of operating and
support systems in order to properly prioritize potential audit areas.
Detailed Steps
a. Conduct risk assessment on the identified material and significant
controls where there may be high risk of impact on key processes of
operating and support systems;
b. Determine those controls that are vulnerable to be omitted, being
improperly implemented or bypassed.
1. Overview
Risk Risk
Risk analysis
identification evaluation
Risk analysis
Risk evaluation
• Compare the estimated levels of the risks with the risk criteria; and
• Determine whether or not the risk or its magnitude is acceptable or
1. Definition
The ICS prepares the proposed three-year direction of the internal audit
activities for approval by the General Manager.
2. Steps
Evaluate result of
Evaluate result of
Analyze the results assessment of
assessment of
of the BAR significance,
internal audit risk
materiality and risk
3. Components
d. Responsibility
f. ICS Work
e. ICS Management for Deterring and
Strategies and
Strategies Dectecting Fraud &
Audit Coverage
b. Methodology
• Approach in developing the plan
• Consists of:
• Conduct of baseline assessment of internal control system
• Consideration of control significance, materiality and risk
• assessment of internal audit risks
• consultation with key stakeholders
• Responsibilities:
• Responsibility for deterrence and detection of fraud & error lies on
the functional units
• Responsibility to exercise due professional care is required of the
internal auditor.
h. Performance measures
• Used to measure the performance of internal audit and any change in
measures or targets over time
1. Definition
• Contains the prioritized audit areas from the Strategic Plan and approved by the
GM which will be focused on during a one-year period, the type and approach of
audit and the timelines of the same
2. Features
• Should include areas for management audit and operations audit
• Basic frame of reference is the objective established by the organization and the
weight of the expected results from the audit area
• If failure to deliver expected results results from control deficiency, then a
management audit is required
• As part of strategic planning and developing the AWP, the ICS may review the
control components for any change, new systems and processes and the results
obtained on, for example, the top 5 key audit issues in the organization's priorities
3. Steps
previous audit Discuss with
potential audit
follow-up GM
Of the three-year strategic plan, the ICS schedules the prioritized audit
areas into three annual plans or AWPs, subject to the approval of the
GM. The ICS then prepares the Audit Engagement Plan which
focuses on the specific audit areas prioritized for the year. An example
of an audit focus is shown in Table 7. In case the allocated budget is
insufficient, the IAS/IAU should strategically source augmentation of
Controls in Management Appraisal of the existing Ensure inventoriable items are Administration 1 30 WD Sep 9
inventory & Audit controls in inventory and properly safeguarded and – Warehouse
warehousing warehousing practices accounted for;
Ensure warehouse
management is efficient and
responsive to the needs of the
Procurement Compliance Check compliance with RA Assess the compliance with Administration 1 30 WD Oct 21
controls Audit 9184 and related laws rules and regulations and
ensure proper procurement is
done in accordance with
applicable laws
G. References
Department of Budget and Management. (2008, October 23). Circular Letter No. 2008-8.
Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Department of Budget and Management:
Department of Budget and Management. (2011, May 19). Circular Letter No. 2011-5. Retrieved
February 20, 2013, from Department of Budget and Management:
Department of Budget Management. (2011, May). Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
(PGIAM). Retrieved February 28, 2013, from Department of Budget Management:
International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI). (2013). INTOSAI Guidance for
Good Governance (INTOSAI GOV). Retrieved April 01, 2013, from International Standards of
Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI):
The Institute of Internal Auditors. (2013). Mandatory Guidance. Retrieved April 01, 2013, from
The Institute of Internal Auditors: