Boylestad Electronic Ch2

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Diode Applications


● Understand the concept of load-line analysis and how it is applied to diode networks.
● Become familiar with the use of equivalent circuits to analyze series, parallel, and
series-parallel diode networks.
● Understand the process of rectification to establish a dc level from a sinusoidal ac
● Be able to predict the output response of a clipper and clamper diode configuration.
● Become familiar with the analysis of and the range of applications for Zener diodes.


The construction, characteristics, and models of semiconductor diodes were introduced in
Chapter 1. This chapter will develop a working knowledge of the diode in a variety of
configurations using models appropriate for the area of application. By chapter’s end, the
fundamental behavior pattern of diodes in dc and ac networks should be clearly under-
stood. The concepts learned in this chapter will have significant carryover in the chapters
to follow. For instance, diodes are frequently employed in the description of the basic con-
struction of transistors and in the analysis of transistor networks in the dc and ac domains.
This chapter demonstrates an interesting and very useful aspect of the study of a field
such as electronic devices and systems:
Once the basic behavior of a device is understood, its function and response in an
infinite variety of configurations can be examined.
In other words, now that we have a basic knowledge of the characteristics of a diode
along with its response to applied voltages and currents, we can use this knowledge to ex-
amine a wide variety of networks. There is no need to reexamine the response of the device
for each application.
In general:
The analysis of electronic circuits can follow one of two paths: using the actual
characteristics or applying an approximate model for the device.
For the diode the initial discussion will include the actual characteristics to clearly dem-
onstrate how the characteristics of a device and the network parameters interact. Once there
is confidence in the results obtained, the approximate piecewise model will be employed to
verify the results found using the complete characteristics. It is important that the role and
the response of various elements of an electronic system be understood without continually

56 DIODE APPLICATIONS having to resort to lengthy mathematical procedures. This is usually accomplished through
the approximation process, which can develop into an art itself. Although the results ob-
tained using the actual characteristics may be slightly different from those obtained using a
series of approximations, keep in mind that the characteristics obtained from a specification
sheet may be slightly different from those of the device in actual use. In other words, for
example, the characteristics of a 1N4001 semiconductor diode may vary from one element
to the next in the same lot. The variation may be slight, but it will often be sufficient to
justify the approximations employed in the analysis. Also consider the other elements of the
network: Is the resistor labeled 100  exactly 100 ? Is the applied voltage exactly 10 V or
perhaps 10.08 V? All these tolerances contribute to the general belief that a response deter-
mined through an appropriate set of approximations can often be “as accurate” as one that
employs the full characteristics. In this book the emphasis is toward developing a working
knowledge of a device through the use of appropriate approximations, thereby avoiding an
unnecessary level of mathematical complexity. Sufficient detail will normally be provided,
however, to permit a detailed mathematical analysis if desired.


The circuit of Fig. 2.1 is the simplest of diode configurations. It will be used to describe the
analysis of a diode circuit using its actual characteristics. In the next section we will replace
the characteristics by an approximate model for the diode and compare solutions. Solving
the circuit of Fig. 2.1 is all about finding the current and voltage levels that will satisfy
both the characteristics of the diode and the chosen network parameters at the same time.

ID (mA)


+ VD –
+ +
– –
0 VD (V)
(a) (b)

FIG. 2.1
Series diode configuration: (a) circuit; (b) characteristics.

In Fig. 2.2 the diode characteristics are placed on the same set of axes as a straight line
defined by the parameters of the network. The straight line is called a load line because the
intersection on the vertical axis is defined by the applied load R. The analysis to follow is
therefore called load-line analysis. The intersection of the two curves will define the solu-
tion for the network and define the current and voltage levels for the network.
Before reviewing the details of drawing the load line on the characteristics, we need to
determine the expected response of the simple circuit of Fig. 2.1. Note in Fig. 2.1 that the
effect of the “pressure” established by the dc supply is to establish a conventional current
in the direction indicated by the clockwise arrow. The fact that the direction of this current
has the same direction as the arrow in the diode symbol reveals that the diode is in the
“on” state and will conduct a high level of current. The polarity of the applied voltage has
resulted in a forward-bias situation. With the current direction established, the polarities
for the voltage across the diode and resistor can be superimposed. The polarity of VD and
the direction of ID clearly reveal that the diode is indeed in the forward-bias state, result-
ing in a voltage across the diode in the neighborhood of 0.7 V and a current on the order
of 10 mA or more.

Characteristics (device)
Load line (network)


FIG. 2.2
Drawing the load line and finding the point of operation.

The intersections of the load line on the characteristics of Fig. 2.2 can be determined by
first applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the clockwise direction, which results in
+E - VD - VR = 0

or E = VD + ID R (2.1)

The two variables of Eq. (2.1), VD and ID, are the same as the diode axis variables of
Fig. 2.2. This similarity permits plotting Eq. (2.1) on the same characteristics of Fig. 2.2.
The intersections of the load line on the characteristics can easily be determined if one
simply employs the fact that anywhere on the horizontal axis ID  0 A and anywhere on
the vertical axis VD  0 V.
If we set VD  0 V in Eq. (2.1) and solve for ID, we have the magnitude of ID on the
vertical axis. Therefore, with VD  0 V, Eq. (2.1) becomes
E = VD + ID R
= 0 V + ID R

and ID = ` (2.2)
R VD = 0 V

as shown in Fig. 2.2. If we set ID  0 A in Eq. (2.1) and solve for VD, we have the magni-
tude of VD on the horizontal axis. Therefore, with ID  0 A, Eq. (2.1) becomes
E = VD + ID R
= VD + (0 A)R

and VD = E 0 ID = 0 A (2.3)

as shown in Fig. 2.2. A straight line drawn between the two points will define the load line
as depicted in Fig. 2.2. Change the level of R (the load) and the intersection on the vertical
axis will change. The result will be a change in the slope of the load line and a different
point of intersection between the load line and the device characteristics.
We now have a load line defined by the network and a characteristic curve defined by the
device. The point of intersection between the two is the point of operation for this circuit.
By simply drawing a line down to the horizontal axis, we can determine the diode voltage
VDQ, whereas a horizontal line from the point of intersection to the vertical axis will provide
the level of IDQ. The current ID is actually the current through the entire series configuration
of Fig. 2.1a. The point of operation is usually called the quiescent point (abbreviated “Q-
point”) to reflect its “still, unmoving” qualities as defined by a dc network.
58 DIODE APPLICATIONS The solution obtained at the intersection of the two curves is the same as would be ob-
tained by a simultaneous mathematical solution of
ID = - 3 derived from Eq. (2.1) 4
and ID = Is(eVD>nVT - 1)
Since the curve for a diode has nonlinear characteristics, the mathematics involved would
require the use of nonlinear techniques that are beyond the needs and scope of this book.
The load-line analysis described above provides a solution with a minimum of effort and a
“pictorial” description of why the levels of solution for VDQ and IDQ were obtained. The
next example demonstrates the techniques introduced above and reveals the relative ease
with which the load line can be drawn using Eqs. (2.2) and (2.3).

EXAMPLE 2.1 For the series diode configuration of Fig. 2.3a, employing the diode char-
acteristics of Fig. 2.3b, determine:
a. VDQ and IDQ.
b. VR.

ID (mA)

+ VD – 18
Si 12
ID 10
+ + 8
E 10 V R 0.5 k⍀ VR 6
– 4
– 2
0 0.5 0.8 VD (V)
(a) (b)

FIG. 2.3
(a) Circuit; (b) characteristics.

E 10 V
a. Eq. (2.2): ID = ` = = 20 mA
R VD = 0 V 0.5 k⍀
Eq. (2.3): VD = E 0 ID = 0 A = 10 V
The resulting load line appears in Fig. 2.4. The intersection between the load line and
the characteristic curve defines the Q-point as
VDQ ⬵ 0.78 V
IDQ ⬵ 18.5 mA
The level of VD is certainly an estimate, and the accuracy of ID is limited by the chosen
scale. A higher degree of accuracy would require a plot that would be much larger and
perhaps unwieldy.
b. VR = E - VD = 10 V - 0.78 V = 9.22 V

As noted in the example above,

the load line is determined solely by the applied network, whereas the characteristics
are defined by the chosen device.
Changing the model we use for the diode will not disturb the network so the load line to
be drawn will be exactly the same as appearing in the example above.
Since the network of Example 2.1 is a dc network the Q-point of Fig.2.4 will remain
fixed with VDQ = 0.78 V and IDQ = 18.5 mA. In Chapter 1 a dc resistance was defined at
any point on the characteristics by RDC = VD>ID.

IDQ ⬵ 18.5 mA

VDQ ⬵ 0.78 V

FIG. 2.4
Solution to Example 2.1.

Using the Q-point values, the dc resistance for Example 2.1 is

VDQ 0.78 V
RD = = = 42.16 ⍀
IDQ 18.5 mA
An equivalent network (for these operating conditions only) can then be drawn as shown
in Fig. 2.5.

+ VD –

42.16 ⍀ IDQ
+ +
E 10 V R 500 ⍀ VR

FIG. 2.5
Network quivalent to Fig. 2.4.

The current
E 10 V 10 V
ID = = = ⬵ 18.5 mA
RD + R 42.16  + 500  542.16 
RE (500 )(10 V)
and VR = = = 9.22 V
RD + R 42.16  + 500 
matching the results of Example 2.1.
In essence, therefore, once a dc Q-point has been determined the diode can be replaced
by its dc resistance equivalent. This concept of replacing a characteristic by an equivalent
model is an important one and will be used when we consider ac inputs and equivalent models
for transistors in the chapters to follow. Let us now see what effect different equivalent
models for the diode will have on the response in Example 2.1

EXAMPLE 2.2 Repeat Example 2.1 using the approximate equivalent model for the sili-
con semiconductor diode.
Solution: The load line is redrawn as shown in Fig. 2.6 with the same intersections as
defined in Example 2.1. The characteristics of the approximate equivalent circuit for the
diode have also been sketched on the same graph. The resulting Q-point is
VDQ = 0.7 V
IDQ = 18.5 mA

20 Q-point
ID ~= 18.5 mA 18
0.7 V Load line
6 ⇒
4 ID

0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VD (V)
VD ~= 0.7 V

FIG. 2.6
Solution to Example 2.1 using the diode approximate model.

The results obtained in Example 2.2 are quite interesting. The level of IDQ is exactly the
same as obtained in Example 2.1 using a characteristic curve that is a great deal easier to
draw than that appearing in Fig. 2.4. The VD  0.7 V here and the 0.78 V from Example
2.1 are of a different magnitude to the hundredths place, but they are certainly in the same
neighborhood if we compare their magnitudes to the magnitudes of the other voltages of
the network.
For this situation the dc resistance of the Q-point is
VDQ 0.7 V
RD = = = 37.84 
IDQ 18.5 mA
which is still relatively close to that obtained for the full characteristics.
In the next example we go a step further and substitute the ideal model. The results will
reveal the conditions that must be satisfied to apply the ideal equivalent properly.

EXAMPLE 2.3 Repeat Example 2.1 using the ideal diode model.
Solution: As shown in Fig. 2.7, the load line is the same, but the ideal characteristics
now intersect the load line on the vertical axis. The Q-point is therefore defined by
VDQ = 0 V
IDQ = 20 mA

I D (mA)

I D = 20 mA 20
Load line
8 VD = 0 V

4 ID

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VD (V)
VD = 0 V

FIG. 2.7
Solution to Example 2.1 using the ideal diode model.
The results are sufficiently different from the solutions of Example 2.1 to cause some con- SERIES DIODE 61
cern about their accuracy. Certainly, they do provide some indication of the level of voltage CONFIGURATIONS
and current to be expected relative to the other voltage levels of the network, but the addi-
tional effort of simply including the 0.7-V offset suggests that the approach of Example 2.2
is more appropriate.
Use of the ideal diode model therefore should be reserved for those occasions when
the role of a diode is more important than voltage levels that differ by tenths of a volt and
in those situations where the applied voltages are considerably larger than the threshold
voltage VK. In the next few sections the approximate model will be employed exclusively
since the voltage levels obtained will be sensitive to variations that approach VK. In later
sections the ideal model will be employed more frequently since the applied voltages will
frequently be quite a bit larger than VK and the authors want to ensure that the role of the
diode is correctly and clearly understood.
In this case,
RD = = = 0  (or a short@circuit equivalent)
IDQ 20 mA


In the last section we found that the results obtained using the approximate piecewise-linear
equivalent model were quite close, if not equal, to the response obtained using the full
characteristics. In fact, if one considers all the variations possible due to tolerances, tem-
perature, and so on, one could certainly consider one solution to be “as accurate” as the
other. Since the use of the approximate model normally results in a reduced expenditure of
time and effort to obtain the desired results, it is the approach that will be employed in this
book unless otherwise specified. Recall the following:
The primary purpose of this text is to develop a general knowledge of the behavior,
capabilities, and possible areas of application of a device in a manner that will
minimize the need for extensive mathematical developments.
For all the analysis to follow in this chapter it is assumed that
The forward resistance of the diode is usually so small compared to the other series
elements of the network that it can be ignored.
This is a valid approximation for the vast majority of applications that employ diodes.
Using this fact will result in the approximate equivalents for a silicon diode and an ideal
diode that appear in Table 2.1. For the conduction region the only difference between
the silicon diode and the ideal diode is the vertical shift in the characteristics, which is
accounted for in the equivalent model by a dc supply of 0.7 V opposing the direction of
forward current through the device. For voltages less than 0.7 V for a silicon diode and 0 V
for the ideal diode the resistance is so high compared to other elements of the network that
its equivalent is the open circuit.
For a Ge diode the offset voltage is 0.3 V and for a GaAs diode it is 1.2 V. Otherwise
the equivalent networks are the same. For each diode the label Si, Ge, or GaAs will appear
along with the diode symbol. For networks with ideal diodes the diode symbol will appear
as shown in Table 2.1 without any labels.
The approximate models will now be used to investigate a number of series diode con-
figurations with dc inputs. This will establish a foundation in diode analysis that will carry
over into the sections and chapters to follow. The procedure described can, in fact, be ap-
plied to networks with any number of diodes in a variety of configurations.
For each configuration the state of each diode must first be determined. Which diodes are
“on” and which are “off”? Once determined, the appropriate equivalent can be substituted
and the remaining parameters of the network determined.
In general, a diode is in the “on” state if the current established by the applied sources
is such that its direction matches that of the arrow in the diode symbol, and VD # 0.7 V
for silicon, VD # 0.3 V for germanium, and VD # 1.2 V for gallium arsenide.
For each configuration, mentally replace the diodes with resistive elements and note the
resulting current direction as established by the applied voltages (“pressure”). If the resulting
Approximate and Ideal Semiconductor Diode Models.

ID + 0.7 V – + 0.7 V –


0 0.7 V VD

ID = 0 A
ID = 0 A

ID + 0V– + VD = 0 V –


0 VD

ID = 0 A
ID = 0 A

+ direction is a “match” with the arrow in the diode symbol, conduction through the diode will
VD –
occur and the device is in the “on” state. The description above is, of course, contingent on
the supply having a voltage greater than the “turn-on” voltage (VK) of each diode.
ID If a diode is in the “on” state, one can either place a 0.7-V drop across the element or
redraw the network with the VK equivalent circuit as defined in Table 2.1. In time the prefer-
– ence will probably simply be to include the 0.7-V drop across each “on” diode and to draw a
diagonal line through each diode in the “off” or open state. Initially, however, the substitu-
tion method will be used to ensure that the proper voltage and current levels are determined.
The series circuit of Fig. 2.8 described in some detail in Section 2.2 will be used to
FIG. 2.8 demonstrate the approach described in the above paragraphs. The state of the diode is first
Series diode configuration. determined by mentally replacing the diode with a resistive element as shown in Fig. 2.9a.
The resulting direction of I is a match with the arrow in the diode symbol, and since E  VK,
the diode is in the “on” state. The network is then redrawn as shown in Fig. 2.9b with the
appropriate equivalent model for the forward-biased silicon diode. Note for future refer-
ence that the polarity of VD is the same as would result if in fact the diode were a resistive
element. The resulting voltage and current levels are the following:

VD = VK (2.4)

+ VD –
I ID 0.7 V
+ + + +
– – – –

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.9
(a) Determining the state of the diode of Fig. 2.8; (b) substituting the
equivalent model for the “on” diode of Fig. 2.9a.

ID = IR = (2.6)

In Fig. 2.10 the diode of Fig. 2.7 has been reversed. Mentally replacing the diode with
a resistive element as shown in Fig. 2.11 will reveal that the resulting current direction
does not match the arrow in the diode symbol. The diode is in the “off” state, resulting in
the equivalent circuit of Fig. 2.12. Due to the open circuit, the diode current is 0 A and the
voltage across the resistor R is the following:
VR = IR R = ID R = (0 A)R = 0 V

VD = E
+ –
ID = 0 A
+ + + +
– – – –

FIG. 2.10 FIG. 2.11 FIG. 2.12

Reversing the diode of Fig. 2.8. Determining the state of the diode Substituting the equivalent model
of Fig. 2.10. for the “off” diode of Fig. 2.10.

The fact that VR  0 V will establish E volts across the open circuit as defined by Kirchhoff’s
voltage law. Always keep in mind that under any circumstances—dc, ac instantaneous
values, pulses, and so on—Kirchhoff’s voltage law must be satisfied!

EXAMPLE 2.4 For the series diode configuration of Fig. 2.13, determine VD, VR, and ID.

+ VD –
+ +
E 8V R 2.2 kΩ VR
– –

FIG. 2.13
Circuit for Example 2.4.

Solution: Since the applied voltage establishes a current in the clockwise direction to
match the arrow of the symbol and the diode is in the “on” state,
VD = 0.7 V
VR = E - VD = 8 V - 0.7 V = 7.3 V
VR 7.3 V
ID = IR = = ⬵ 3.32 mA
R 2.2 k
EXAMPLE 2.5 Repeat Example 2.4 with the diode reversed.
Solution: Removing the diode, we find that the direction of I is opposite to the arrow in
the diode symbol and the diode equivalent is the open circuit no matter which model is
employed. The result is the network of Fig. 2.14, where ID  0 A due to the open circuit.
Since VR = IR R, we have VR = (0)R = 0 V. Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around
the closed loop yields
E - VD - VR = 0
and VD = E - VR = E - 0 = E = 8 V

ID = 0 A
+ VD – IR = 0 A

+ +
E 8V R 2.2 kΩ VR
– –

FIG. 2.14
Determining the unknown quantities for
Example 2.5.

In particular, note in Example 2.5 the high voltage across the diode even though it is an
“off” state. The current is zero, but the voltage is significant. For review purposes, keep the
following in mind for the analysis to follow:
An open circuit can have any voltage across its terminals, but the current is always 0 A.
A short circuit has a 0-V drop across its terminals, but the current is limited only by the
surrounding network.
In the next example the notation of Fig. 2.15 will be employed for the applied voltage. It
is a common industry notation and one with which the reader should become very familiar.
Such notation and other defined voltage levels are treated further in Chapter 4.

E = + 10 V +10 V E = –5 V –5 V
+ –
E 10 V E 5V
– +

FIG. 2.15
Source notation.

+0.5 V
+ EXAMPLE 2.6 For the series diode configuration of Fig. 2.16, determine VD, VR, and ID.
– Solution: Although the “pressure” establishes a current with the same direction as the
+ arrow symbol, the level of applied voltage is insufficient to turn the silicon diode “on.”
R 1.2 kΩ VR The point of operation on the characteristics is shown in Fig. 2.17, establishing the open-
– circuit equivalent as the appropriate approximation, as shown in Fig. 2.18. The resulting
voltage and current levels are therefore the following:
ID = 0 A
FIG. 2.16
Series diode circuit for VR = IR R = ID R = (0 A) 1.2 k = 0 V
Example 2.6. and VD = E = 0.5 V
+0.5 V
ID = 0 mA
VD = 0.5 V

R VR = 0 V

FIG. 2.17 FIG. 2.18

Operating point with E  0.5 V. Determining ID, VR, and VD for
the circuit of Fig. 2.16.

EXAMPLE 2.7 Determine Vo and ID for the series circuit of Fig. 2.19.
Solution: An attack similar to that applied in Example 2.4 will reveal that the resulting
current has the same direction as the arrowheads of the symbols of both diodes, and the
network of Fig. 2.20 results because E  12 V  (0.7 V  1.8 V [Table 1.8])  2.5 V.
Note the redrawn supply of 12 V and the polarity of Vo across the 680- resistor. The
resulting voltage is
Vo = E - VK1 - VK2 = 12 V - 2.5 V = 9.5 V
VR Vo 9.5 V
and ID = IR = = = = 13.97 mA
R R 680 

VK1 VK 2
Si IR + –+ –
+12 V Vo
red IR
ID +
ID + 0.7 V 1.8 V
680 Ω E 12 V 680 Ω Vo
– –

FIG. 2.19 FIG. 2.20

Circuit for Example 2.7. Determining the unknown quantities for
Example 2.7.

EXAMPLE 2.8 Determine ID, VD2, and Vo for the circuit of Fig. 2.21.
Solution: Removing the diodes and determining the direction of the resulting current I
result in the circuit of Fig. 2.22. There is a match in current direction for one silicon diode
but not for the other silicon diode. The combination of a short circuit in series with an open
circuit always results in an open circuit and ID  0 A, as shown in Fig. 2.23.

+ VD

Si Si
+20 V Vo
ID + I + + +
5.6 kΩ E R 5.6 kΩ Vo Vo
– – – –

FIG. 2.21 FIG. 2.22 FIG. 2.23

Circuit for Example 2.8. Determining the state of the diodes Substituting the equivalent state for
of Fig. 2.21. the open diode.
I= 0 A

ID1 = 0 A +

FIG. 2.24
Determining the unknown quantities for the
circuit of Example 2.8.

The question remains as to what to substitute for the silicon diode. For the analysis to
follow in this and succeeding chapters, simply recall for the actual practical diode that when
ID  0 A, VD  0 V (and vice versa), as described for the no-bias situation in Chapter 1.
The conditions described by ID  0 A and VD1 = 0 V are indicated in Fig. 2.24. We have
Vo = IR R = ID R = (0 A)R = 0 V
and VD2 = Vopen circuit = E = 20 V
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law in a clockwise direction gives
E - VD1 - VD2 - Vo = 0
and VD2 = E - VD1 - Vo = 20 V - 0 - 0
= 20 V
with Vo = 0 V

EXAMPLE 2.9 Determine I, V1, V2, and Vo for the series dc configuration of Fig. 2.25.

+ V1 –
E1 = 10 V Vo
4.7 kΩ Si I
R2 2.2 kΩ V2

E2 = –5 V

FIG. 2.25
Circuit for Example 2.9.

Solution: The sources are drawn and the current direction indicated as shown in Fig. 2.26.
The diode is in the “on” state and the notation appearing in Fig. 2.27 is included to indicate
this state. Note that the “on” state is noted simply by the additional VD  0.7 V on the
figure. This eliminates the need to redraw the network and avoids any confusion that may

R1 R1


FIG. 2.26 FIG. 2.27

Determining the state of the diode for the Determining the unknown quantities for the network
network of Fig. 2.25. of Fig. 2.25. KVL, Kirchhoff voltage loop.
result from the appearance of another source. As indicated in the introduction to this sec- PARALLEL AND 67
tion, this is probably the path and notation that one will take when a level of confidence SERIES–PARALLEL
has been established in the analysis of diode configurations. In time the entire analysis will
be performed simply by referring to the original network. Recall that a reverse-biased
diode can simply be indicated by a line through the device.
The resulting current through the circuit is
E1 + E2 - VD 10 V + 5 V - 0.7 V 14.3 V
I = = =
R1 + R2 4.7 k + 2.2 k 6.9 k
⬵ 2.07 mA
and the voltages are
V1 = IR1 = (2.07 mA)(4.7 k) = 9.73 V
V2 = IR2 = (2.07 mA)(2.2 k) = 4.55 V
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the output section in the clockwise direction results in
-E2 + V2 - Vo = 0
and Vo = V2 - E2 = 4.55 V - 5 V = ⴚ0.45 V
The minus sign indicates that Vo has a polarity opposite to that appearing in Fig. 2.25.



The methods applied in Section 2.3 can be extended to the analysis of parallel and series–
parallel configurations. For each area of application, simply match the sequential series of
steps applied to series diode configurations.

EXAMPLE 2.10 Determine Vo, I1, ID1, and ID2 for the parallel diode configuration of Fig. 2.28.

I1 0.33 kΩ
E 10 V D1 Si D2 Si Vo

FIG. 2.28 FIG. 2.29

Network for Example 2.10. Determining the unknown quantities for
the network of Example 2.10.

Solution: For the applied voltage the “pressure” of the source acts to establish a current
through each diode in the same direction as shown in Fig. 2.29. Since the resulting current
direction matches that of the arrow in each diode symbol and the applied voltage is greater
than 0.7 V, both diodes are in the “on” state. The voltage across parallel elements is always
the same and
Vo = 0.7 V
The current is
VR E - VD 10 V - 0.7 V
I1 = = = = 28.18 mA
R R 0.33 k
Assuming diodes of similar characteristics, we have
I1 28.18 mA
ID1 = ID2 = = = 14.09 mA
2 2
68 DIODE APPLICATIONS This example demonstrates one reason for placing diodes in parallel. If the current rat-
ing of the diodes of Fig. 2.28 is only 20 mA, a current of 28.18 mA would damage the
device if it appeared alone in Fig. 2.28. By placing two in parallel, we limit the current to
a safe value of 14.09 mA with the same terminal voltage.
+8 V

R EXAMPLE 2.11 In this example there are two LEDs that can be used as a polarity detec-
tor. Apply a positive source voltage and a green light results. Negative supplies result in a
red light. Packages of such combinations are commercially available.
Find the resistor R to ensure a current of 20 mA through the “on” diode for the configu-
Red Green ration of Fig. 2.30. Both diodes have a reverse breakdown voltage of 3 V and an average
turn-on voltage of 2 V.
Solution: The application of a positive supply voltage results in a conventional current
that matches the arrow of the green diode and turns it on.
The polarity of the voltage across the green diode is such that it reverse biases the red
FIG. 2.30 diode by the same amount. The result is the equivalent network of Fig. 2.31.
Network for Example 2.11. Applying Ohm’s law, we obtain
E - VLED 8V - 2V
I = 20 mA = =
+8 V
20 mA 6V
and R = = 300 ⍀
20 mA
R Note that the reverse breakdown voltage across the red diode is 2 V, which is fine for an
LED with a reverse breakdown voltage of 3 V.
However, if the green diode were to be replaced by a blue diode, problems would
+ develop, as shown in Fig. 2.32. Recall that the forward bias required to turn on a blue diode
is about 5 V. The result would appear to require a smaller resistor R to establish the current
– of 20 mA. However, note that the reverse bias voltage of the red LED is 5 V, but the
reverse breakdown voltage of the diode is only 3 V. The result is the voltage across the red
LED would lock in at 3 V as shown in Fig. 2.33. The voltage across R would be 5 V and
the current limited to 20 mA with a 250  resistor but neither LED would be on.
FIG. 2.31
Operating conditions for the
network of Fig. 2.30. +8 V +8 V

R –3 V R
0 V2 V

+ + +
5 V > Vrmax 5V 3V
– – –

FIG. 2.32 FIG. 2.33

Network of Fig. 2.31 Demonstrating damage to the red LED if the
with a blue diode. reverse breakdown voltage is exceeded.

A simple solution to the above is to add the appropriate resistance level in series with
each diode to establish the desired 20 mA and to include another diode to add to the
reverse-bias total reverse breakdown voltage rating, as shown in Fig. 2.34. When the blue
LED is on, the diode in series with the blue LED will also be on, causing a total voltage
drop of 5.7 V across the two series diodes and a voltage of 2.3 V across the resistor R1,
establishing a high emission current of 19.17 mA. At the same time the red LED diode and
IR1 = 8 V – 5.7 V = 19.17 mA
120 Ω

R2 120 Ω R1 120 Ω (standard value)

+ +
Si Si 0.7 V
– 5.7 V
Blue +
– –

FIG. 2.34
Protective measure for the red LED of Fig. 2.33.

its series diode will also be reverse biased, but now the standard diode with a reverse
breakdown voltage of 20 V will prevent the full reverse-bias voltage of 8 V from appear-
ing across the red LED. When forward biased, the resistor R2 will establish a current of
19.63 mA to ensure a high level of intensity for the red LED.

12 V
EXAMPLE 2.12 Determine the voltage Vo for the network of Fig. 2.35.
Solution: Initially, it might appear that the applied voltage will turn both diodes “on”
because the applied voltage (“pressure”) is trying to establish a conventional current
through each diode that would suggest the “on” state. However, if both were on, there Si green
would be more than one voltage across the parallel diodes, violating one of the basic rules
of network analysis: The voltage must be the same across parallel elements.
The resulting action can best be explained by remembering that there is a period of Vo
build-up of the supply voltage from 0 V to 12 V even though it may take milliseconds or
2.2 kΩ
microseconds. At the instant the increasing supply voltage reaches 0.7 V the silicon diode will
turn “on” and maintain the level of 0.7 V since the characteristic is vertical at this voltage—the
current of the silicon diode will simply rise to the defined level. The result is that the volt-
age across the green LED will never rise above 0.7 V and will remain in the equivalent
open-circuit state as shown in Fig. 2.36.
FIG. 2.35
The result is
Network for Example 2.12.
Vo = 12 V - 0.7 V = 11.3 V

FIG. 2.36
Determining Vo for the network of
Fig. 2.35.
EXAMPLE 2.13 Determine the currents I1, I2, and ID2 for the network of Fig. 2.37.

Si 3.3kΩ I1

E 20 V Si D2
– ID2
I2 R2

5.6 kΩ

FIG. 2.37 FIG. 2.38

Network for Example 2.13. Determining the unknown quantities for
Example 2.13.

Solution: The applied voltage (pressure) is such as to turn both diodes on, as indicated
by the resulting current directions in the network of Fig. 2.38. Note the use of the abbrevi-
ated notation for “on” diodes and that the solution is obtained through an application of
techniques applied to dc series–parallel networks. We have
VK2 0.7 V
I1 = = = 0.212 mA
R1 3.3 k
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the indicated loop in the clockwise direction
-V2 + E - VK1 - VK2 = 0
and V2 = E - VK1 - VK2 = 20 V - 0.7 V - 0.7 V = 18.6 V
V2 18.6 V
with I2 = = = 3.32 mA
R2 5.6 k
At the bottom node a,
ID2 + I1 = I2
and ID2 = I2 - I1 = 3.32 mA - 0.212 mA ⬵ 3.11 mA



The tools of analysis are now at our disposal, and the opportunity to investigate a computer
(1) E = 10 V configuration is one that will demonstrate the range of applications of this relatively sim-
1 D1
ple device. Our analysis will be limited to determining the voltage levels and will not
Si include a detailed discussion of Boolean algebra or positive and negative logic.
(0) 0V Vo The network to be analyzed in Example 2.14 is an OR gate for positive logic. That is, the
2 D2 10-V level of Fig. 2.39 is assigned a “1” for Boolean algebra and the 0-V input is assigned
a “0.” An OR gate is such that the output voltage level will be a 1 if either or both inputs is
R 1 kΩ a 1. The output is a 0 if both inputs are at the 0 level.
The analysis of AND/OR gates is made easier by using the approximate equivalent for
a diode rather than the ideal because we can stipulate that the voltage across the diode must
be 0.7 V positive for the silicon diode to switch to the “on” state.
FIG. 2.39 In general, the best approach is simply to establish a “gut” feeling for the state of the
Positive logic OR gate. diodes by noting the direction and the “pressure” established by the applied potentials. The
analysis will then verify or negate your initial assumptions.

EXAMPLE 2.14 Determine Vo for the network of Fig. 2.39.

Solution: First note that there is only one applied potential; 10 V at terminal 1. Terminal 2
with a 0-V input is essentially at ground potential, as shown in the redrawn network of
Fig. 2.40. Figure 2.40 “suggests” that D1 is probably in the “on” state due to the applied 10 V, AND/OR GATES 71
whereas D2 with its “positive” side at 0 V is probably “off.” Assuming these states will
result in the configuration of Fig. 2.41.

+ –
+ – 0.7V
Vo = E – VK = 9.3 V (a 1 level)
+ Vo E 10 V
E 10 V –

R 1 kΩ R 1 kΩ


FIG. 2.40 FIG. 2.41

Redrawn network of Fig. 2.39. Assumed diode states for Fig. 2.40.

The next step is simply to check that there is no contradiction in our assumptions. That is,
note that the polarity across D1 is such as to turn it on and the polarity across D2 is such as to
turn it off. For D1 the “on” state establishes Vo at Vo = E - VD = 10 V - 0.7 V = 9.3 V.
With 9.3 V at the cathode () side of D2 and 0 V at the anode () side, D2 is definitely in the
“off” state. The current direction and the resulting continuous path for conduction further
confirm our assumption that D1 is conducting. Our assumptions seem confirmed by the
resulting voltages and current, and our initial analysis can be assumed to be correct. The out-
put voltage level is not 10 V as defined for an input of 1, but the 9.3 V is sufficiently large to
be considered a 1 level. The output is therefore at a 1 level with only one input, which suggests
that the gate is an OR gate. An analysis of the same network with two 10-V inputs will result
in both diodes being in the “on” state and an output of 9.3 V. A 0-V input at both inputs will
not provide the 0.7 V required to turn the diodes on, and the output will be a 0 due to the 0-V
output level. For the network of Fig. 2.41 the current level is determined by
E - VD 10 V - 0.7 V
I = = = 9.3 mA
R 1 k

(1) Si
EXAMPLE 2.15 Determine the output level for the positive logic AND gate of Fig. 2.42. E1 = 10 V
An AND gate is one where a 1 output is only obtained when a 1 input appears at each and 1 D1
every input.
(0) Si
Solution: Note in this case that an independent source appears in the grounded leg of the E2 = 0 V Vo
network. For reasons soon to become obvious, it is chosen at the same level as the input 2 D2
logic level. The network is redrawn in Fig. 2.43 with our initial assumptions regarding the R 1 kΩ
state of the diodes. With 10 V at the cathode side of D1 it is assumed that D1 is in the “off”
state even though there is a 10-V source connected to the anode of D1 through the resistor. +
E 10 V

VK FIG. 2.42
(1) – + Positive logic AND gate.
+ Vo = VK = 0.7 V (a 0 level)
E1 10 V 0.7V
– R 1 kΩ
I E 10 V

FIG. 2.43
Substituting the assumed states for the diodes of Fig. 2.42.
72 DIODE APPLICATIONS However, recall that we mentioned in the introduction to this section that the use of the
approximate model will be an aid to the analysis. For D1, where will the 0.7 V come from
if the input and source voltages are at the same level and creating opposing “pressures”?
D2 is assumed to be in the “on” state due to the low voltage at the cathode side and the
availability of the 10-V source through the 1-k resistor.
For the network of Fig. 2.43 the voltage at Vo is 0.7 V due to the forward-biased diode
D2. With 0.7 V at the anode of D1 and 10 V at the cathode, D1 is definitely in the “off”
state. The current I will have the direction indicated in Fig. 2.43 and a magnitude equal to
E - VK 10 V - 0.7 V
I = = = 9.3 mA
R 1 k

The state of the diodes is therefore confirmed and our earlier analysis was correct. Al-
though not 0 V as earlier defined for the 0 level, the output voltage is sufficiently small to
be considered a 0 level. For the AND gate, therefore, a single input will result in a 0-level
output. The remaining states of the diodes for the possibilities of two inputs and no inputs
will be examined in the problems at the end of the chapter.



The diode analysis will now be expanded to include time-varying functions such as the
sinusoidal waveform and the square wave. There is no question that the degree of diffi-
culty will increase, but once a few fundamental maneuvers are understood, the analysis
will be fairly direct and follow a common thread.
The simplest of networks to examine with a time-varying signal appears in Fig. 2.44. For
the moment we will use the ideal model (note the absence of the Si, Ge, or GaAs label) to
ensure that the approach is not clouded by additional mathematical complexity.

vi –
Vm + +

T t vi R vo
0 T
1 cycle – –
vi = Vm sin ωt

FIG. 2.44
Half-wave rectifier.

Over one full cycle, defined by the period T of Fig. 2.44, the average value (the algebraic
sum of the areas above and below the axis) is zero. The circuit of Fig. 2.44, called a half-wave
rectifier, will generate a waveform vo that will have an average value of particular use in the
ac-to-dc conversion process. When employed in the rectification process, a diode is typically
referred to as a rectifier. Its power and current ratings are typically much higher than those
of diodes employed in other applications, such as computers and communication systems.
During the interval t = 0 S T>2 in Fig. 2.44 the polarity of the applied voltage vi is such
as to establish “pressure” in the direction indicated and turn on the diode with the polarity
appearing above the diode. Substituting the short-circuit equivalence for the ideal diode will
result in the equivalent circuit of Fig. 2.45, where it is fairly obvious that the output signal
is an exact replica of the applied signal. The two terminals defining the output voltage are
connected directly to the applied signal via the short-circuit equivalence of the diode.
For the period T>2 S T, the polarity of the input vi is as shown in Fig. 2.46, and the
resulting polarity across the ideal diode produces an “off” state with an open-circuit equiva-
lent. The result is the absence of a path for charge to flow, and vo = iR = (0)R = 0 V for
the period T>2 S T. The input vi and the output vo are sketched together in Fig. 2.47 for
comparison purposes. The output signal vo now has a net positive area above the axis over
+ + + + vo HALF-WAVE
vi R vo vi R vo = vi

0 T t
– – – – 2

FIG. 2.45
Conduction region (0 S T>2).

– +
– + – + vo

vo = 0 V
vi R vo vi R vo = 0 V

0 T T t
+ – + – 2

FIG. 2.46
Nonconduction region (T>2 S T).



Vdc = 0 V
0 t



Vdc = 0.318Vm
0 t

FIG. 2.47
Half-wave rectified signal.

a full period and an average value determined by

Vdc = 0.318 Vm half@wave (2.7)

The process of removing one-half the input signal to establish a dc level is called half-
wave rectification.
The effect of using a silicon diode with VK  0.7 V is demonstrated in Fig. 2.48 for the
forward-bias region. The applied signal must now be at least 0.7 V before the diode can turn
“on.” For levels of vi less than 0.7 V, the diode is still in an open-circuit state and vo  0 V,
as shown in the same figure. When conducting, the difference between vo and vi is a fixed

vi + – vo
Vm Vm – VK
+ 0.7 V

VK = 0.7 V vi R vo
0 T T t 0 T Tt
2 2
– –
Offset due to VK

FIG. 2.48
Effect of VK on half-wave rectified signal.
74 DIODE APPLICATIONS level of VK  0.7 V and vo = vi - VK, as shown in the figure. The net effect is a reduction
in area above the axis, which reduces the resulting dc voltage level. For situations where
Vm W VK, the following equation can be applied to determine the average value with a
relatively high level of accuracy.

Vdc ⬵ 0.318(Vm - VK ) (2.8)

In fact, if Vm is sufficiently greater than VK, Eq. (2.7) is often applied as a first approxi-
mation for Vdc.

a. Sketch the output vo and determine the dc level of the output for the network of Fig. 2.49.
b. Repeat part (a) if the ideal diode is replaced by a silicon diode.
c. Repeat parts (a) and (b) if Vm is increased to 200 V, and compare solutions using Eqs.
(2.7) and (2.8).

vi + +
20 V
vi R 2 kΩ vo

0 T T t – –

FIG. 2.49
Network for Example 2.16.

a. In this situation the diode will conduct during the negative part of the input as shown in
Fig. 2.50, and vo will appear as shown in the same figure. For the full period, the dc level is
Vdc = -0.318Vm = -0.318(20 V) = ⴚ6.36 V
The negative sign indicates that the polarity of the output is opposite to the defined
polarity of Fig. 2.49.

vi – + vo

20 – +
vi 2 kΩ vo
0 T T t 0 T T t
2 2
20 + – 20 V

FIG. 2.50
Resulting vo for the circuit of Example 2.16.

vo b. For a silicon diode, the output has the appearance of Fig. 2.51, and
Vdc ⬵ -0.318(Vm - 0.7 V) = -0.318(19.3 V) ⬵ ⴚ6.14 V
The resulting drop in dc level is 0.22 V, or about 3.5%.
c. Eq. (2.7): Vdc = -0.318 Vm = -0.318(200 V) = ⴚ63.6 V
0 T T t
2 Eq. (2.8): Vdc = -0.318(Vm - VK) = -0.318(200 V - 0.7 V)
= -(0.318)(199.3 V) = ⴚ63.38 V
20 V – 0.7 V = 19.3 V
which is a difference that can certainly be ignored for most applications. For part (c) the
FIG. 2.51 offset and drop in amplitude due to VK would not be discernible on a typical oscillo-
Effect of VK on output of scope if the full pattern is displayed.
Fig. 2.50.
The peak inverse voltage (PIV) [or PRV (peak reverse voltage)] rating of the diode is of
primary importance in the design of rectification systems. Recall that it is the voltage rat-
ing that must not be exceeded in the reverse-bias region or the diode will enter the Zener
avalanche region. The required PIV rating for the half-wave rectifier can be determined
from Fig. 2.52, which displays the reverse-biased diode of Fig. 2.44 with maximum applied
voltage. Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law, it is fairly obvious that the PIV rating of the
diode must equal or exceed the peak value of the applied voltage. Therefore,

PIV rating G Vm half@wave rectifier (2.9)

– V (PIV) +
– I= 0 –
Vm R Vo = IR = (0)R = 0 V

+ +

FIG. 2.52
Determining the required PIV rating for the
half-wave rectifier.


Bridge Network
The dc level obtained from a sinusoidal input can be improved 100% using a process
called full-wave rectification. The most familiar network for performing such a function
appears in Fig. 2.53 with its four diodes in a bridge configuration. During the period t  0
to T>2 the polarity of the input is as shown in Fig. 2.54. The resulting polarities across the
ideal diodes are also shown in Fig. 2.54 to reveal that D2 and D3 are conducting, whereas
D1 and D4 are in the “off” state. The net result is the configuration of Fig. 2.55, with its
indicated current and polarity across R. Since the diodes are ideal, the load voltage is
vo = vi, as shown in the same figure.

+ + "off" + + "on"
D1 D2
– –
– vo + – vo +
vi vi
0 T T t R R
2 + +
D3 D4 "on" "off"
– – – –

FIG. 2.53 FIG. 2.54

Full-wave bridge rectifier. Network of Fig. 2.53 for the period
0 S T>2 of the input voltage vi.

vi vo
Vm Vm
0 T t – vo + 0 T t
2 2

FIG. 2.55
Conduction path for the positive region of vi.
76 DIODE APPLICATIONS For the negative region of the input the conducting diodes are D1 and D4, resulting in the
configuration of Fig. 2.56. The important result is that the polarity across the load resistor R
is the same as in Fig. 2.54, establishing a second positive pulse, as shown in Fig. 2.56. Over
one full cycle the input and output voltages will appear as shown in Fig. 2.57.

vi vo

– vo +
0 T T t R 0 T T t
2 2

FIG. 2.56
Conduction path for the negative region of vi.

vi vo

Vm Vm
Vdc = 0.636Vm

0 T T t 0 T T t
2 2

FIG. 2.57
Input and output waveforms for a full-wave rectifier.

Since the area above the axis for one full cycle is now twice that obtained for a half-wave
system, the dc level has also been doubled and
Vdc = 2 3 Eq. (2.7) 4 = 2(0.318Vm)

or Vdc = 0.636 Vm full@wave (2.10)

If silicon rather than ideal diodes are employed as shown in Fig. 2.58, the application of
Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the conduction path results in
vi - VK - vo - VK = 0
and vo = vi - 2VK

+ + VK = 0.7 V
Vm – 2VK

vi – +
R 0 T T t
+ VK = 0.7 V

– –

FIG. 2.58
Determining Vomax for silicon diodes in the bridge configuration.

The peak value of the output voltage vo is therefore

Vomax = Vm - 2VK
For situations where Vm W 2VK, the following equation can be applied for the average
value with a relatively high level of accuracy:

Vdc ⬵ 0.636(Vm - 2VK) (2.11)

Then again, if Vm is sufficiently greater than 2VK, then Eq. (2.10) is often applied as a first
approximation for Vdc.
PIV The required PIV of each diode (ideal) can be determined from Fig. 2.59 obtained at FULL-WAVE 77
the peak of the positive region of the input signal. For the indicated loop the maximum RECTIFICATION
voltage across R is Vm and the PIV rating is defined by

PIV G Vm full@wave bridge rectifier (2.12)

Center-Tapped Transformer
A second popular full-wave rectifier appears in Fig. 2.60 with only two diodes but requir-
ing a center-tapped (CT) transformer to establish the input signal across each section of the
secondary of the transformer. During the positive portion of vi applied to the primary of the
transformer, the network will appear as shown in Fig. 2.61 with a positive pulse across FIG. 2.59
each section of the secondary coil. D1 assumes the short-circuit equivalent and D2 the Determining the required PIV for
open-circuit equivalent, as determined by the secondary voltages and the resulting current the bridge configuration.
directions. The output voltage appears as shown in Fig. 2.61.

vi +
Vm vi
+ R
vi –
0 t CT – vo +
– +


FIG. 2.60
Center-tapped transformer full-wave rectifier.

vi + vo
Vm Vm
+ – vo +
vi –
0 T t CT 0 T t
– Vm R
2 + 2

– – +

FIG. 2.61
Network conditions for the positive region of vi.

During the negative portion of the input the network appears as shown in Fig. 2.62, revers-
ing the roles of the diodes but maintaining the same polarity for the voltage across the load re-
sistor R. The net effect is the same output as that appearing in Fig. 2.57 with the same dc levels.

vi – vo
– +
– Vm R
vi +
0 T T t CT – vo + 0 T T t
2 + – 2

+ Vm

FIG. 2.62
Network conditions for the negative region of vi.
78 DIODE APPLICATIONS PIV The network of Fig. 2.63 will help us determine the net PIV for each diode for this
full-wave rectifier. Inserting the maximum voltage for the secondary voltage and Vm as
established by the adjoining loop results in
PIV = Vsecondary + VR
= Vm + Vm

and PIV G 2Vm CT transformer, full@wave rectifier (2.13)

EXAMPLE 2.17 Determine the output waveform for the network of Fig. 2.64 and calcu-
FIG. 2.63 late the output dc level and the required PIV of each diode.
Determining the PIV level for
the diodes of the CT transformer
full-wave rectifier. vi
10 V
2 kΩ
0 T T t – vo +
2 kΩ 2 kΩ

FIG. 2.64
Bridge network for Example 2.17.

+ + vo
+ +
2 kΩ vo
10 V – 5V
2 kΩ vi – 2 kΩ
0 T t – vo + 2 kΩ
0 T t
2 2
2 kΩ 2 kΩ
– –

FIG. 2.65 FIG. 2.66

Network of Fig. 2.64 for the positive region of vi. Redrawn network of Fig. 2.65.

Solution: The network appears as shown in Fig. 2.65 for the positive region of the input
voltage. Redrawing the network results in the configuration of Fig. 2.66, where vo = 12vi or
Vomax = 12Vimax = 12(10 V) = 5 V, as shown in Fig. 2.66. For the negative part of the input,
the roles of the diodes are interchanged and vo appears as shown in Fig. 2.67.
5V The effect of removing two diodes from the bridge configuration is therefore to reduce
the available dc level to the following:
0 T T t
Vdc = 0.636(5 V) = 3.18 V
2 or that available from a half-wave rectifier with the same input. However, the PIV as deter-
FIG. 2.67 mined from Fig. 2.59 is equal to the maximum voltage across R, which is 5 V, or half of
Resulting output for Example 2.17. that required for a half-wave rectifier with the same input.


The previous section on rectification gives clear evidence that diodes can be used to change
the appearance of an applied waveform. This section on clippers and the next on clampers
will expand on the wave-shaping abilities of diodes.
Clippers are networks that employ diodes to “clip” away a portion of an input signal
without distorting the remaining part of the applied waveform.
The half-wave rectifier of Section 2.6 is an example of the simplest form of diode clipper— CLIPPERS 79
one resistor and a diode. Depending on the orientation of the diode, the positive or negative
region of the applied signal is “clipped” off.
There are two general categories of clippers: series and parallel. The series configura-
tion is defined as one where the diode is in series with the load, whereas the parallel variety
has the diode in a branch parallel to the load.

The response of the series configuration of Fig. 2.68a to a variety of alternating waveforms
is provided in Fig. 2.68b. Although first introduced as a half-wave rectifier (for sinusoidal
waveforms), there are no boundaries on the type of signals that can be applied to a clipper.

vi vo vi vo

+ +
0 t t t t
vi R vo
– – –V –V

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.68
Series clipper.

FIG. 2.69
Series clipper with a dc supply.

The addition of a dc supply to the network as shown in Fig. 2.69 can have a pronounced
effect on the analysis of the series clipper configuration. The response is not as obvious
because the dc supply can aid or work against the source voltage, and the dc supply can be
in the leg between the supply and output or in the branch parallel to the output.
There is no general procedure for analyzing networks such as the type in Fig. 2.69, but
there are some things one can do to give the analysis some direction.
First and most important:
1. Take careful note of where the output voltage is defined.
In Fig. 2.69 it is directly across the resistor R. In some cases it may be across a combi-
nation of series elements.
2. Try to develop an overall sense of the response by simply noting the “pressure”
established by each supply and the effect it will have on the conventional current
direction through the diode.
In Fig. 2.69, for instance, any positive voltage of the supply will try to turn the diode on
by establishing a conventional current through the diode that matches the arrow in the
diode symbol. However, the added dc supply V will oppose that applied voltage and try to
keep the diode in the “off” state. The result is that any supply voltage greater than V volts
will turn the diode on and conduction can be established through the load resistor. Keep in
mind that we are dealing with an ideal diode for the moment, so the turn-on voltage is
simply 0 V. In general, therefore, for the network of Fig. 2.69 we can conclude that the
80 DIODE APPLICATIONS diode will be on for any voltage vi that is greater than V volts and off for any lesser voltage.
For the “off” condition, the output would be 0 V due to the lack of current, and for the “on”
condition it would simply be vo = vi - V as determined by Kirchhoff’s voltage law.
3. Determine the applied voltage (transition voltage) that will result in a change of
state for the diode from the “off” to the “on” state.
This step will help to define a region of the applied voltage when the diode is on and
when it is off. On the characteristics of an ideal diode this will occur when VD  0 V and
ID  0 mA. For the approximate equivalent this is determined by finding the applied volt-
age when the diode has a drop of 0.7 V across it (for silicon) and ID  0 mA.
This exercise was applied to the network of Fig. 2.69 as shown in Fig. 2.70. Note the
substitution of the short-circuit equivalent for the diode and the fact that the voltage across
the resistor is 0 V because the diode current is 0 mA. The result is vi  V  0, and so

vi = V (2.14)

is the transition voltage.

V vd = 0 V
+ – id = 0 A
+ + – +
vi R vo = iRR = id R = (0)R = 0 V
– –
V off FIG. 2.70
0 T T t Determining the transition level for the circuit of Fig. 2.69.

This permits drawing a line on the sinusoidal supply voltage as shown in Fig. 2.71 to
FIG. 2.71 define the regions where the diode is on and off.
Using the transition voltage to For the “on” region, as shown in Fig. 2.72, the diode is replaced by a short-circuit
define the “on” and “off” regions. equivalent, and the output voltage is defined by

vo = vi - V (2.15)
+ –
For the “off” region, the diode is an open circuit, ID  0 mA, and the output voltage is
+ +
vi R vo vo = 0 V
– – 4. It is often helpful to draw the output waveform directly below the applied voltage
using the same scales for the horizontal axis and the vertical axis.
Using this last piece of information, we can establish the 0-V level on the plot of Fig. 2.73
FIG. 2.72
for the region indicated. For the “on” condition, Eq. (2.15) can be used to find the output
Determining vo for the diode
in the “on” state. voltage when the applied voltage has its peak value:
vopeak = Vm - V
vo and this can be added to the plot of Fig. 2.73. It is then simple to fill in the missing section
of the output curve.
Vm – V

0 T T t EXAMPLE 2.18 Determine the output waveform for the sinusoidal input of Fig. 2.74.
vi = V (diodes change state)
Step 1: The output is again directly across the resistor R.
FIG. 2.73 Step 2: The positive region of vi and the dc supply are both applying “pressure” to turn the
Sketching the waveform of vo using diode on. The result is that we can safely assume the diode is in the “on” state for the entire
the results obtained for vo above range of positive voltages for vi. Once the supply goes negative, it would have to exceed
and below the transition level. the dc supply voltage of 5 V before it could turn the diode off.

FIG. 2.74
Series clipper for Example 2.18.

Step 3: The transition model is substituted in Fig. 2.75, and we find that the transition
from one state to the other will occur when
vi + 5 V = 0 V
or vi = -5 V

– + vd = 0 V

+ 5V
id = 0 A
vi R vo = vR = iR R = id R = (0) R = 0 V

– –

FIG. 2.75
Determining the transition level for the clipper of Fig. 2.74.

Step 4: In Fig. 2.76 a horizontal line is drawn through the applied voltage at the transition
level. For voltages less than 5 V the diode is in the open-circuit state and the output is 0
V, as shown in the sketch of vo. Using Fig. 2.76, we find that for conditions when the diode
is on and the diode current is established the output voltage will be the following, as deter-
mined using Kirchhoff’s voltage law:
vo = vi + 5 V


20 vi + 5 V = 20 V + 5 V = 25 V

5V vo = 0 V + 5 V = 5 V
–5V T T t 0 T T t
2 2
Transition vo = –5 V + 5 V = 0 V

FIG. 2.76
Sketching vo for Example 2.18.

The analysis of clipper networks with square-wave inputs is actually easier than with si-
nusoidal inputs because only two levels have to be considered. In other words, the network
can be analyzed as if it had two dc level inputs with the resulting vo plotted in the proper
time frame. The next example demonstrates the procedure.

EXAMPLE 2.19 Find the output voltage for the network examined in Example 2.18 if the
applied signal is the square wave of Fig. 2.77.
Solution: For vi = 20 V (0 S T>2) the network of Fig. 2.78 results. The diode is in the FIG. 2.77
short-circuit state, and vo = 20 V + 5 V = 25 V. For vi = -10 V the network of Fig. 2.79 Applied signal for Example 2.19.
82 DIODE APPLICATIONS results, placing the diode in the “off” state, and vo = iR R = (0)R = 0 V. The resulting
output voltage appears in Fig. 2.80.

– + + – + + vo
+ 5V 5V
– 25 V
20 V R vo 10 V R vo = 0 V
– +
– 0V

0 T T t

FIG. 2.78 FIG. 2.79 FIG. 2.80

vo at vi  20 V. vo at vi  10 V. Sketching vo for Example 2.19.

Note in Example 2.19 that the clipper not only clipped off 5 V from the total swing, but
also raised the dc level of the signal by 5 V.

The network of Fig. 2.81 is the simplest of parallel diode configurations with the output for
the same inputs of Fig. 2.68. The analysis of parallel configurations is very similar to that
applied to series configurations, as demonstrated in the next example.

+ R +
vi vo

– –

vi vo vi vo


0 t 0 t 0 t 0 t

–V –V –V –V

FIG. 2.81
Response to a parallel clipper.

EXAMPLE 2.20 Determine vo for the network of Fig. 2.82.

Step 1: In this example the output is defined across the series combination of the 4-V sup-
ply and the diode, not across the resistor R.

FIG. 2.82
Example 2.20.
Step 2: The polarity of the dc supply and the direction of the diode strongly suggest that CLIPPERS 83
the diode will be in the “on” state for a good portion of the negative region of the input
signal. In fact, it is interesting to note that since the output is directly across the series com-
bination, when the diode is in its short-circuit state the output voltage will be directly
across the 4-V dc supply, requiring that the output be fixed at 4 V. In other words, when
the diode is on the output will be 4 V. Other than that, when the diode is an open circuit,
the current through the series network will be 0 mA and the voltage drop across the resistor
will be 0 V. That will result in vo = vi whenever the diode is off.
Step 3: The transition level of the input voltage can be found from Fig. 2.83 by substitut-
ing the short-circuit equivalent and remembering the diode current is 0 mA at the instant of
transition. The result is a change in state when
vi = 4 V
FIG. 2.83
Step 4: In Fig. 2.84 the transition level is drawn along with vo = 4 V when the diode is Determining the transition level
on. For vi Ú 4 V, vo = 4 V, and the waveform is simply repeated on the output plot. for Example 2.20.

vR = iRR = idR = (0) R = 0 V

+ +
id = 0 A –
VK 0.7 V
vi + vo
FIG. 2.84 – V 4V –

Sketching vo for Example 2.20.
FIG. 2.85
Determining the transition level for
To examine the effects of the knee voltage VK of a silicon diode on the output response, the network of Fig. 2.82.
the next example will specify a silicon diode rather than the ideal diode equivalent.
+ +
EXAMPLE 2.21 Repeat Example 2.20 using a silicon diode with VK = 0.7 V. R –
0.7 V
Solution: The transition voltage can first be determined by applying the condition id  0 A vi + vo
at vd  VD  0.7 V and obtaining the network of Fig. 2.85. Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage +
law around the output loop in the clockwise direction, we find that – 4V –

vi + VK - V = 0
and vi = V - VK = 4 V - 0.7 V = 3.3 V FIG. 2.86
Determining vo for the diode of
For input voltages greater than 3.3 V, the diode will be an open circuit and vo = vi. For
Fig. 2.82 in the “on” state.
input voltages less than 3.3 V, the diode will be in the “on” state and the network of Fig. 2.86
results, where
vo = 4 V - 0.7 V = 3.3 V
The resulting output waveform appears in Fig. 2.87. Note that the only effect of VK was to
drop the transition level to 3.3 from 4 V.

There is no question that including the effects of VK will complicate the analysis some-
what, but once the analysis is understood with the ideal diode, the procedure, including the FIG. 2.87
effects of VK, will not be that difficult. Sketching vo for Example 2.21.
FIG. 2.88
Clipping circuits.

Summary CLAMPERS 85
A variety of series and parallel clippers with the resulting output for the sinusoidal input
are provided in Fig. 2.88. In particular, note the response of the last configuration, with its
ability to clip off a positive and a negative section as determined by the magnitude of the
dc supplies.


The previous section investigated a number of diode configurations that clipped off a por-
tion of the applied signal without changing the remaining part of the waveform. This sec-
tion will examine a variety of diode configurations that shift the applied signal to a
different level.
A clamper is a network constructed of a diode, a resistor, and a capacitor that shifts a
waveform to a different dc level without changing the appearance of the applied signal.
Additional shifts can also be obtained by introducing a dc supply to the basic structure.
The chosen resistor and capacitor of the network must be chosen such that the time constant
determined by t  RC is sufficiently large to ensure that the voltage across the capacitor
does not discharge significantly during the interval the diode is nonconducting. Through-
out the analysis we assume that for all practical purposes the capacitor fully charges or
discharges in five time constants.
The simplest of clamper networks is provided in Fig. 2.89. It is important to note that
the capacitor is connected directly between input and output signals and the resistor and the
diode are connected in parallel with the output signal.
Clamping networks have a capacitor connected directly from input to output with a
resistive element in parallel with the output signal. The diode is also in parallel with the
output signal but may or may not have a series dc supply as an added element.

FIG. 2.89

There is a sequence of steps that can be applied to help make the analysis straightfor-
ward. It is not the only approach to examining clampers, but it does offer an option if dif-
ficulties surface.
Step 1: Start the analysis by examining the response of the portion of the input signal
that will forward bias the diode.
Step 2: During the period that the diode is in the “on” state, assume that the capac-
itor will charge up instantaneously to a voltage level determined by the surrounding
network. C
For the network of Fig. 2.89 the diode will be forward biased for the positive portion of
the applied signal. For the interval 0 to T>2 the network will appear as shown in Fig. 2.90.
+ – +
The short-circuit equivalent for the diode will result in vo  0 V for this time interval, as +
V R vo
shown in the sketch of vo in Fig. 2.92. During this same interval of time, the time constant

determined by t  RC is very small because the resistor R has been effectively “shorted

out” by the conducting diode and the only resistance present is the inherent (contact, wire)
resistance of the network. The result is that the capacitor will quickly charge to the peak
value of V volts as shown in Fig. 2.90 with the polarity indicated. FIG. 2.90
Step 3: Assume that during the period when the diode is in the “off” state the capac- Diode “on” and the capacitor
itor holds on to its established voltage level. charging to V volts.
86 DIODE APPLICATIONS Step 4: Throughout the analysis, maintain a continual awareness of the location and
defined polarity for vo to ensure that the proper levels are obtained.
When the input switches to the V state, the network will appear as shown in Fig. 2.91,
with the open-circuit equivalent for the diode determined by the applied signal and stored
voltage across the capacitor—both “pressuring” current through the diode from cathode to
anode. Now that R is back in the network the time constant determined by the RC product
is sufficiently large to establish a discharge period 5t, much greater than the period
T>2 S T, and it can be assumed on an approximate basis that the capacitor holds onto all
its charge and, therefore, voltage (since V = Q>C) during this period.
Since vo is in parallel with the diode and resistor, it can also be drawn in the alternative
FIG. 2.91 position shown in Fig. 2.91. Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the input loop results in
Determining vo with the diode “off.”
-V - V - vo = 0
and vo = -2V
The negative sign results from the fact that the polarity of 2V is opposite to the polarity
defined for vo. The resulting output waveform appears in Fig. 2.92 with the input signal.
The output signal is clamped to 0 V for the interval 0 to T>2 but maintains the same total
swing (2V ) as the input.
Step 5: Check that the total swing of the output matches that of the input.
This is a property that applies for all clamping networks, giving an excellent check on
the results obtained.

EXAMPLE 2.22 Determine vo for the network of Fig. 2.93 for the input indicated.

FIG. 2.92
Sketching vo for the network of
Fig. 2.91.

C FIG. 2.93
– – + Applied signal and network for Example 2.22.
VC +
20 V R 100 k⍀ vo
+ Solution: Note that the frequency is 1000 Hz, resulting in a period of 1 ms and an inter-
val of 0.5 ms between levels. The analysis will begin with the period t1 S t2 of the input
+ – –
signal since the diode is in its short-circuit state. For this interval the network will appear
FIG. 2.94 as shown in Fig. 2.94. The output is across R, but it is also directly across the 5-V battery
Determining vo and VC with the if one follows the direct connection between the defined terminals for vo and the battery
diode in the “on” state. terminals. The result is vo  5 V for this interval. Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around
the input loop results in
25 V -20 V + VC - 5 V = 0
– + and VC = 25 V
+ +
The capacitor will therefore charge up to 25 V. In this case the resistor R is not shorted
10 V R vo out by the diode, but a Thévenin equivalent circuit of that portion of the network that
includes the battery and the resistor will result in RTh = 0  with ETh = V = 5 V. For
– – – the period t2 S t3 the network will appear as shown in Fig. 2.95.
The open-circuit equivalent for the diode removes the 5-V battery from having any
KVL effect on vo, and applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the outside loop of the network
results in
FIG. 2.95
Determining vo with the diode +10 V + 25 V - vo = 0
in the “off” state. and vo = 35 V
The time constant of the discharging network of Fig. 2.95 is determined by the product CLAMPERS 87
RC and has the magnitude
t = RC = (100 k)(0.1 mF) = 0.01 s = 10 ms
The total discharge time is therefore 5t = 5(10 ms) = 50 ms.
Since the interval t2 S t3 will only last for 0.5 ms, it is certainly a good approximation
that the capacitor will hold its voltage during the discharge period between pulses of the
input signal. The resulting output appears in Fig. 2.96 with the input signal. Note that the
output swing of 30 V matches the input swing as noted in step 5.

FIG. 2.96
vi and vo for the clamper of Fig. 2.93.

EXAMPLE 2.23 Repeat Example 2.22 using a silicon diode with VK  0.7 V.
Solution: For the short-circuit state the network now takes on the appearance of Fig. FIG. 2.97
2.97, and vo can be determined by Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the output section: Determining vo and VC with the
diode in the “on” state.
+5 V - 0.7 V - vo = 0
and vo = 5 V - 0.7 V = 4.3 V
For the input section Kirchhoff’s voltage law results in
-20 V + VC + 0.7 V - 5 V = 0
and VC = 25 V - 0.7 V = 24.3 V
For the period t2 S t3 the network will now appear as in Fig. 2.98, with the only change
being the voltage across the capacitor. Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law yields
+10 V + 24.3 V - vo = 0
and vo = 34.3 V
FIG. 2.98
The resulting output appears in Fig. 2.99, verifying the statement that the input and output Determining vo with the diode
swings are the same. in the open state.

FIG. 2.99
Sketching vo for the clamper of Fig. 2.93
with a silicon diode.
FIG. 2.100
Clamping circuits with ideal diodes (5t = 5RC W T>2).

A number of clamping circuits and their effect on the input signal are shown in
Fig. 2.100. Although all the waveforms appearing in Fig. 2.100 are square waves, clamp-
ing networks work equally well for sinusoidal signals. In fact, one approach to the analysis
of clamping networks with sinusoidal inputs is to replace the sinusoidal signal by a square
wave of the same peak values. The resulting output will then form an envelope for the
sinusoidal response as shown in Fig. 2.101 for a network appearing in the bottom right of
Fig. 2.100.

vo (V)
vi +30
20 V + +
vi – R vo
0 t 0 t
10 V –10 V
–20 V – –

FIG. 2.101
Clamping network with a sinusoidal input.


The analysis thus far has been limited to circuits with a single dc, ac, or square wave input.
This section will expand that analysis to include both an ac and a dc source in the same
configuration. In Fig. 2.102 the simplest of two-source networks has been constructed.
For such a system it is especially important that the Superposition Theorem can be applied. NETWORKS WITH A DC 89

The response of any network with both an ac and a dc source can be found by finding
the response to each source independently and then combining the results. + vD –
+ iD
vs 2 Vp–p +
DC Source – R 2 k⍀ vR
The network is redrawn as shown in Fig. 2.103 for the dc source. Note that the ac source was + –
E 10 V
removed by simply replacing it with a short-circuit equivalent to the condition vs  0 V. –
Using the approximate equivalent circuit for the diode, the output voltage is
VR = E - VD = 10 V - 0.7 V = 9.3 V
9.3 V FIG. 2.102
and the currents are ID = IR = = 4.65 mA Network with a dc and ac supply.
2 k

+ 0.7 V –
AC Source
The dc source is also replaced by a short-circuit equivalent, as shown in Fig. 2.104. The ID
diode will be replaced by the ac resistance, as determined by Eq. 1.5 in Chapter 1—the
current in the equation being the quiescent or dc value. For this case, R 2 k⍀
26 mV 26 mV E 10 V
rd = = = 5.59  –
ID 4.65 mA

vs + vD – FIG. 2.103
Applying superposition to determine
+ iD Si effects of the dc source.

R 2 k⍀ vR
0V t

–2 V

FIG. 2.104
Determing the response of vR to the applied ac source.

Replacing the diode by this resistance will result in the circuit of Fig. 2.105. For the peak
value of the applied voltage, the peak values of vR and vD will be
2 k (2 V)
vRpeak = ⬵ 1.99 V
2 k + 5.59 
and vDpeak = vspeak - vRpeak = 2 V - 1.99 V = 0.01 V = 10 mV

+ vD –

+ 5.59 ⍀
vpeak = 2 V
– +
R 2 k⍀ vR

FIG. 2.105
Replacing the diode of Fig. 2.104 by its
equivalent ac resistance.

Combining the results of the dc and ac analysis will result in the waveforms of Fig. 2.106
for vR and vD.
vR vD
12 9.3 V + 1.99 V = 11.29 V
10 0.71 V
VR = 9.3 V
Q 9
0.01 V
VDQ = 0.7 V
6 9.3 V − 1.99 V = 7.31 V 0.01 V
5 dc shift 0.69 V
3 dc shift

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 t (ms) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 t (ms)
(a) (b)

FIG. 2.106
(a) vR and (b) vD for the network of Fig. 2.102.

Note that the diode has an important impact on the resulting output voltage vR but very
little impact on the ac swing.
For comparison purposes the same system will now be analyzed using the actual charac-
teristics and a load-line analysis. In Fig. 2.107 the dc load line has been drawn as described
in Section 2.2. The resulting dc current is now slightly less due to a voltage drop across the
diode that is slightly more than the approximate value of 0.7 V. For the peak value of the
input voltage the load line will have intersections of E  12 V and I = ER = 212k
= 6 mA. For
the negative peak the intersections are at 8 V and 4 mA. Take particular note of the region
of the diode characteristics traversed by the ac swing. It defines the region for which the
diode resistance was determined in the analysis above. In this case, however, the quiescent
value of dc current is ⬵4.6 mA so the new ac resistance is
26 mV
rd = = 5.65 
4.6 mA
which is very close to the above value.

ID (mA)

ac range – change in iD

IDQ = 4.6 mA


vs = +2 V

2 dc
d li
~ 0.75 V vs = –2 V
VD =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VD (V)
change in vD

FIG. 2.107
Shifting load line due to vs source.
In any event, it is now clear that the change in diode voltage for this region is very small, ZENER DIODES 91
resulting in minimum impact on the output voltage. In general, the diode had a strong im-
pact on the dc level of the output voltage but very little impact on the ac swing of the output.
The diode was clearly close to ideal for the ac voltage and 0.7 V off for the dc level. This is
all due primarily to the almost vertical rise of the diode once conduction is fully established
through the diode. In most cases, diodes in the “on” state that are in series with loads will
have some effect on the dc level but very little effect on the ac swing if the diode is fully
conducting for the full cycle.
For the future, when dealing with diodes and an ac signal the dc level through the diode
is first determined and the ac resistance level determined by Eq. 1.3. This ac resistance can
then be substituted in place of the diode for the required analysis.


The analysis of networks employing Zener diodes is quite similar to the analysis of semi-
conductor diodes in previous sections. First the state of the diode must be determined,
followed by a substitution of the appropriate model and a determination of the other
unknown quantities of the network. Figure 2.108 reviews the approximate equivalent cir-
cuits for each region of a Zener diode assuming the straight-line approximations at each
break point. Note that the forward-bias region is included because occasionally an applica-
tion will skip into this region also.

– + 0.7 V
+ – + –


– + – +

FIG. 2.108
Approximate equivalent circuits for the Zener diode in the three possible 40 V
regions of application.

The first two examples will demonstrate how a Zener diode can be used to establish
R 1.3 kΩ
reference voltage levels and act as a protection device. The use of a Zener diode as a regu-
lator will then be described in detail because it is one of its major areas of application. A
regulator is a combination of elements designed to ensure that the output voltage of a supply
remains fairly constant.

Vo 1
EXAMPLE 2.24 Determine the reference voltages provided by the network of Fig. 2.109,
which uses a white LED to indicate that the power is on. What is the level of current Si
through the LED and the power delivered by the supply? How does the power absorbed by
the LED compare to that of the 6-V Zener diode? VZ2 3.3 V

Solution: First we have to check that there is sufficient applied voltage to turn on all the
series diode elements. The white LED will have a drop of about 4 V across it, the 6-V and
3.3-V Zener diodes have a total of 9.3 V, and the forward-biased silicon diode has 0.7 V, FIG. 2.109
for a total of 14 V. The applied 40 V is then sufficient to turn on all the elements and, one Reference setting circuit for
hopes, establish a proper operating current. Example 2.24.
92 DIODE APPLICATIONS Note that the silicon diode was used to create a reference voltage of 4 V because
Vo1 = VZ2 + VK = 3.3 V + 0.7 V = 4.0 V
Combining the voltage of the 6-V Zener diode with the 4 V results in
Vo2 = Vo1 + VZ1 = 4 V + 6 V = 10 V
Finally, the 4 V across the white LED will leave a voltage of 40 V – 14 V  26 V across
the resistor, and
VR 40 V - Vo2 - VLED 40 V - 10 V - 4 V 26 V
IR = ILED = = = = = 20 mA
R 1.3 k 1.3 k 1.3 k
which should establish the proper brightness for the LED.
The power delivered by the supply is simply the product of the supply voltage and cur-
rent drain as follows:
Ps = EIs = EIR = (40 V)(20 mA) = 800 mW
The power absorbed by the LED is
PLED = VLED ILED = (4 V)(20 mA) = 80 mW
and the power absorbed by the 6-V Zener diode is
PZ = VZ IZ = (6 V)(20 mA) = 120 mW
The power absorbed by the Zener diode exceeds that of the LED by 40 mW.

EXAMPLE 2.25 The network of Fig. 2.110 is designed to limit the voltage to 20 V during
the positive portion of the applied voltage and to 0 V for a negative excursion of the
applied voltage. Check its operation and plot the waveform of the voltage across the sys-
tem for the applied signal. Assume the system has a very high input resistance so it will not
affect the behavior of the network.

60 V

t vi VZ 20 V System

– Si
–60 V

FIG. 2.110
Controlling network for Example 2.25.

Solution: For positive applied voltages less than the Zener potential of 20 V the Zener
diode will be in its approximate open-circuit state, and the input signal will simply distrib-
ute itself across the elements, with the majority going to the system because it has such a
high resistance level.
Once the voltage across the Zener diode reaches 20 V the Zener diode will turn on as
shown in Fig. 2.111a and the voltage across the system will lock in at 20 V. Further
increases in the applied voltage will simply appear across the series resistor with the volt-
age across the system and the forward-biased diode remaining fixed at 20 V and 0.7 V,
respectively. The voltage across the system is fixed at 20 V, as shown in Fig. 2.111a,
because the 0.7 V of the diode is not between the defined output terminals. The system is
therefore safe from any further increases in applied voltage.
For the negative region of the applied signal the silicon diode is reverse biased and
presents an open circuit to the series combination of elements. The result is that the full
negatively applied signal will appear across the open-circuited diode and the negative volt-
age across the system locked in at 0 V, as shown in Fig. 2.111b.
The voltage across the system will therefore appear as shown in Fig. 2.111c.
+ + + +
vi > 20.7 V VZ 20 V vo = 20 V vi < 20.7 V vo = 0 V
– vd = vi
– – – – + –
– +
0.7 V ID = 0 mA

(a) (b)

60 V

20 V


FIG. 2.111
Response of the network of Fig. 2.110 to the application of a 60-V sinusoidal signal.

The use of the Zener diode as a regulator is so common that three conditions surrounding
the analysis of the basic Zener regulator are considered. The analysis provides an excellent
opportunity to become better acquainted with the response of the Zener diode to different R
operating conditions. The basic configuration appears in Fig. 2.112. The analysis is first
for fixed quantities, followed by a fixed supply voltage and a variable load, and finally a
fixed load and a variable supply. + +
– – PZM

Vi and R Fixed
The simplest of Zener diode regulator networks appears in Fig. 2.112. The applied dc volt-
age is fixed, as is the load resistor. The analysis can fundamentally be broken down into FIG. 2.112
two steps. Basic Zener regulator.
1. Determine the state of the Zener diode by removing it from the network and
calculating the voltage across the resulting open circuit.
Applying step 1 to the network of Fig. 2.112 results in the network of Fig. 2.113, where
an application of the voltage divider rule results in
+ + +
V = VL = (2.16) – – –
R + RL

If V Ú VZ, the Zener diode is on, and the appropriate equivalent model can be substituted.
If V 6 VZ, the diode is off, and the open-circuit equivalence is substituted.
FIG. 2.113
2. Substitute the appropriate equivalent circuit and solve for the desired unknowns. Determining the state of the
For the network of Fig. 2.112, the “on” state will result in the equivalent network of Zener diode.
Fig. 2.114. Since voltages across parallel elements must be the same, we find that

VL = VZ (2.17)

FIG. 2.114
Substituting the Zener equivalent for the
“on” situation.

The Zener diode current must be determined by an application of Kirchhoff’s current law.
That is,
IR = IZ + IL

and IZ = IR - IL (2.18)

IL = and IR = =
The power dissipated by the Zener diode is determined by

PZ = VZ IZ (2.19)

that must be less than the PZM specified for the device.
Before continuing, it is particularly important to realize that the first step was employed
only to determine the state of the Zener diode. If the Zener diode is in the “on” state, the
voltage across the diode is not V volts. When the system is turned on, the Zener diode will
turn on as soon as the voltage across the Zener diode is VZ volts. It will then “lock in” at
this level and never reach the higher level of V volts.

a. For the Zener diode network of Fig. 2.115, determine VL, VR, IZ, and PZ.
b. Repeat part (a) with RL = 3 k.


FIG. 2.115
Zener diode regulator for Example 2.26.

a. Following the suggested procedure, we redraw the network as shown in Fig. 2.116.
Applying Eq. (2.16) gives
RLVi 1.2 k(16 V)
V = = = 8.73 V
R + RL 1 k + 1.2 k

FIG. 2.116
Determining V for the regulator of Fig. 2.115.

Since V  8.73 V is less than VZ  10 V, the diode is in the “off” state, as shown on
the characteristics of Fig. 2.117. Substituting the open-circuit equivalent results in the
same network as in Fig. 2.116, where we find that
VL = V = 8.73 V
VR = Vi - VL = 16 V - 8.73 V = 7.27 V
IZ = 0 A
and PZ = VZ IZ = VZ (0 A) = 0 W
b. Applying Eq. (2.16) results in
RLVi 3 k(16 V) FIG. 2.117
V = = = 12 V Resulting operating point for the
R + RL 1 k + 3 k network of Fig. 2.115.
Since V  12 V is greater than VZ  10 V, the diode is in the “on” state and the net-
work of Fig. 2.118 results. Applying Eq. (2.17) yields
VL = VZ = 10 V
and VR = Vi - VL = 16 V - 10 V = 6 V
VL 10 V
with IL = = = 3.33 mA
RL 3 k
and IR = = = 6 mA
R 1 k
so that IZ = IR - IL 3 Eq. (2.18) 4
= 6 mA - 3.33 mA
= 2.67 mA

FIG. 2.118
Network of Fig. 2.115 in the “on” state.

The power dissipated is

PZ = VZ IZ = (10 V)(2.67 mA) = 26.7 mW
which is less than the specified PZM  30 mW.

Fixed Vi, Variable RL

Due to the offset voltage VZ, there is a specific range of resistor values (and therefore load cur-
rent) that will ensure that the Zener is in the “on” state. Too small a load resistance RL will result
in a voltage VL across the load resistor less than VZ, and the Zener device will be in the “off” state.
96 DIODE APPLICATIONS To determine the minimum load resistance of Fig. 2.112 that will turn the Zener diode
on, simply calculate the value of RL that will result in a load voltage VL  VZ. That is,
VL = VZ =
RL + R
Solving for RL, we have

RL min = (2.20)
Vi - VZ

Any load resistance value greater than the RL obtained from Eq. (2.20) will ensure that the
Zener diode is in the “on” state and the diode can be replaced by its VZ source equivalent.
The condition defined by Eq. (2.20) establishes the minimum RL, but in turn specifies
the maximum IL as

IL max = = (2.21)
RL RL min

Once the diode is in the “on” state, the voltage across R remains fixed at

VR = Vi - VZ (2.22)

and IR remains fixed at

IR = (2.23)

The Zener current

IZ = IR - IL (2.24)

resulting in a minimum IZ when IL is a maximum and a maximum IZ when IL is a minimum

value, since IR is constant.
Since IZ is limited to IZM as provided on the data sheet, it does affect the range of RL and
therefore IL. Substituting IZM for IZ establishes the minimum IL as

IL min = IR - IZ M (2.25)

and the maximum load resistance as

RL max = (2.26)
IL min

a. For the network of Fig. 2.119, determine the range of RL and IL that will result in VRL
being maintained at 10 V.
b. Determine the maximum wattage rating of the diode.

FIG. 2.119
Voltage regulator for Example 2.27.
Solution: ZENER DIODES 97
a. To determine the value of RL that will turn the Zener diode on, apply Eq. (2.20):
RVZ (1 k)(10 V) 10 k
RLmin = = = = 250 ⍀
Vi - VZ 50 V - 10 V 40
The voltage across the resistor R is then determined by Eq. (2.22):
VR = Vi - VZ = 50 V - 10 V = 40 V
and Eq. (2.23) provides the magnitude of IR:
VR 40 V
IR = = = 40 mA
R 1 k
The minimum level of IL is then determined by Eq. (2.25):
ILmin = IR - IZM = 40 mA - 32 mA = 8 mA
with Eq. (2.26) determining the maximum value of RL:
VZ 10 V
RLmax = = = 1.25 k⍀
ILmin 8 mA
A plot of VL versus RL appears in Fig. 2.120a and for VL versus IL in Fig. 2.120b.

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.120
VL versus RL and IL for the regulator of Fig. 2.119.

b. Pmax = VZ IZM
= (10 V)(32 mA) = 320 mW

Fixed RL, Variable Vi

For fixed values of RL in Fig. 2.112, the voltage Vi must be sufficiently large to turn the
Zener diode on. The minimum turn-on voltage Vi = Vimin is determined by
VL = VZ =
RL + R

(RL + R)VZ
and Vimin = (2.27)

The maximum value of Vi is limited by the maximum Zener current IZM. Since IZM 

IRmax = IZM + IL (2.28)

Since IL is fixed at VZ 兾RL and IZM is the maximum value of IZ, the maximum Vi is
defined by
Vimax = VRmax + VZ

Vimax = IRmaxR + VZ (2.29)

EXAMPLE 2.28 Determine the range of values of Vi that will maintain the Zener diode of
Fig. 2.121 in the “on” state.

FIG. 2.121
Regulator for Example 2.28.

(RL + R)VZ (1200  + 220 )(20 V)
Eq. (2.27): Vimin = = = 23.67 V
RL 1200 
VL VZ 20 V
IL = = = = 16.67 mA
RL RL 1.2 k
Eq. (2.28): IRmax = IZM + IL = 60 mA + 16.67 mA
= 76.67 mA
Eq. (2.29): Vimax = IRmaxR + VZ
= (76.67 mA)(0.22 k) + 20 V
= 16.87 V + 20 V
= 36.87 V
A plot of VL versus Vi is provided in Fig. 2.122.

FIG. 2.122
VL versus Vi for the regulator of Fig. 2.121.

The results of Example 2.28 reveal that for the network of Fig. 2.121 with a fixed RL,
the output voltage will remain fixed at 20 V for a range of input voltage that extends from
23.67 V to 36.87 V.


Voltage-multiplier circuits are employed to maintain a relatively low transformer peak
voltage while stepping up the peak output voltage to two, three, four, or more times the
peak rectified voltage.
The network of Fig. 2.123 is a half-wave voltage doubler. During the positive voltage half-
cycle across the transformer, secondary diode D1 conducts (and diode D2 is cut off), charg-
ing capacitor C1 up to the peak rectified voltage (Vm). Diode D1 is ideally a short during
this half-cycle, and the input voltage charges capacitor C1 to Vm with the polarity shown in
Fig. 2.124a. During the negative half-cycle of the secondary voltage, diode D1 is cut off
and diode D2 conducts charging capacitor C2. Since diode D2 acts as a short during the
negative half-cycle (and diode D1 is open), we can sum the voltages around the outside
loop (see Fig. 2.124b):
-Vm - VC1 + VC2 = 0
-Vm - Vm + VC2 = 0
from which we obtain
VC2 = 2Vm

FIG. 2.123
Half-wave voltage doubler.

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.124
Double operation, showing each half-cycle of operation: (a) positive half-cycle;
(b) negative half-cycle.

On the next positive half-cycle, diode D2 is nonconducting and capacitor C2 will discharge
through the load. If no load is connected across capacitor C2, both capacitors stay
charged—C1 to Vm and C2 to 2Vm. If, as would be expected, there is a load connected to
the output of the voltage doubler, the voltage across capacitor C2 drops during the positive
half-cycle (at the input) and the capacitor is recharged up to 2Vm during the negative half-
cycle. The output waveform across capacitor C2 is that of a half-wave signal filtered by a
capacitor filter. The peak inverse voltage across each diode is 2Vm.
Another doubler circuit is the full-wave doubler of Fig. 2.125. During the positive
half-cycle of transformer secondary voltage (see Fig. 2.126a) diode D1 conducts, charging
capacitor C1 to a peak voltage Vm. Diode D2 is nonconducting at this time.
During the negative half-cycle (see Fig. 2.126b) diode D2 conducts, charging capacitor
C2, while diode D1 is nonconducting. If no load current is drawn from the circuit, the volt-
age across capacitors C1 and C2 is 2Vm. If load current is drawn from the circuit, the voltage
across capacitors C1 and C2 is the same as that across a capacitor fed by a full-wave rectifier
circuit. One difference is that the effective capacitance is that of C1 and C2 in series, which
is less than the capacitance of either C1 or C2 alone. The lower capacitor value will provide
poorer filtering action than the single-capacitor filter circuit.

FIG. 2.125
Full-wave voltage doubler.

D1 Conducting Nonconducting

+ – D1
C1 + C1 +
Vm Vm Vm Vm
– –
– +

+ +
C2 Vm Vm
– C2 –

D2 D2
Nonconducting Conducting
(a) (b)

FIG. 2.126
Alternate half-cycles of operation for full-wave voltage doubler.

The peak inverse voltage across each diode is 2Vm, as it is for the filter capacitor circuit.
In summary, the half-wave or full-wave voltage-doubler circuits provide twice the peak
voltage of the transformer secondary while requiring no center-tapped transformer and only
2Vm PIV rating for the diodes.

Voltage Tripler and Quadrupler

Figure 2.127 shows an extension of the half-wave voltage doubler, which develops three
and four times the peak input voltage. It should be obvious from the pattern of the circuit

FIG. 2.127
Voltage tripler and quadrupler.
connection how additional diodes and capacitors may be connected so that the output volt- PRACTICAL 101
age may also be five, six, seven, and so on, times the basic peak voltage (Vm). APPLICATIONS
In operation, capacitor C1 charges through diode D1 to a peak voltage Vm during the posi-
tive half-cycle of the transformer secondary voltage. Capacitor C2 charges to twice the peak
voltage, 2Vm, developed by the sum of the voltages across capacitor C1 and the transformer
during the negative half-cycle of the transformer secondary voltage.
During the positive half-cycle, diode D3 conducts and the voltage across capacitor C2
charges capacitor C3 to the same 2Vm peak voltage. On the negative half-cycle, diodes D2
and D4 conduct with capacitor C3, charging C4 to 2Vm.
The voltage across capacitor C2 is 2Vm, across C1 and C3 it is 3Vm, and across C2 and C4 it
is 4Vm. If additional sections of diode and capacitor are used, each capacitor will be charged
to 2Vm. Measuring from the top of the transformer winding (Fig. 2.127) will provide odd
multiples of Vm at the output, whereas measuring the output voltage from the bottom of the
transformer will provide even multiples of the peak voltage Vm.
The transformer rating is only Vm, maximum, and each diode in the circuit must be rated
at 2Vm PIV. If the load is small and the capacitors have little leakage, extremely high dc
voltages may be developed by this type of circuit, using many sections to step up the dc


The range of practical applications for diodes is so broad that it would be virtually impos-
sible to consider all the options in one section. However, to develop some sense for the use
of the device in everyday networks, a number of common areas of application are intro-
duced below. In particular, note that the use of diodes extends well beyond the important
switching characteristic that was introduced earlier in this chapter.

Battery chargers are a common household piece of equipment used to charge everything
from small flashlight batteries to heavy-duty, marine, lead-acid batteries. Since all are
plugged into a 120-V ac outlet such as found in the home, the basic construction of each is
quite similar. In every charging system a transformer must be included to cut the ac volt-
age to a level appropriate for the dc level to be established. A diode (also called rectifier)
arrangement must be included to convert the ac voltage, which varies with time, to a fixed
dc level such as described in this chapter. Some dc chargers also include a regulator to
provide an improved dc level (one that varies less with time or load). Since the car battery
charger is one of the most common, it will be described in the next few paragraphs.
The outside appearance and the internal construction of a Sears 6>2 AMP Manual Bat-
tery Charger are provided in Fig. 2.128. Note in Fig. 2.128b that the transformer (as in most
chargers) takes up most of the internal space. The additional air space and the holes in the
casing are there to ensure an outlet for the heat that develops due to the resulting current
The schematic of Fig. 2.129 includes all the basic components of the charger. Note first
that the 120 V from the outlet are applied directly across the primary of the transformer.
The charging rate of 6 A or 2 A is determined by the switch, which simply controls how
many windings of the primary will be in the circuit for the chosen charging rate. If the
battery is charging at the 2-A level, the full primary will be in the circuit, and the ratio of
the turns in the primary to the turns in the secondary will be a maximum. If it is charging
at the 6-A level, fewer turns of the primary are in the circuit, and the ratio drops. When
you study transformers, you will find that the voltage at the primary and secondary is
directly related to the turns ratio. If the ratio from primary to secondary drops, then the
voltage drops also. The reverse effect occurs if the turns on the secondary exceed those
on the primary.
The general appearance of the waveforms appears in Fig. 2.129 for the 6-A charging
level. Note that so far, the ac voltage has the same wave shape across the primary and the
secondary. The only difference is in the peak value of the waveforms. Now the diodes take

Meter leads

Heat sink
Rectifier (diode)

switch Grounded
to chassis
(a) (b)

FIG. 2.128
Battery charger: (a) external appearance; (b) internal construction.

Peak = 18 V
12 V

120 V ac
+ +
13 V
Positive clamp
6A – Diodes of charger


Circuit Current
breaker meter Negative clamp
of charger

FIG. 2.129
Electrical schematic for the battery charger of Fig. 2.128.

over and convert the ac waveform, which has zero average value (the waveform above
equals the waveform below), to one that has an average value (all above the axis) as shown
in the same figure. For the moment simply recognize that diodes are semiconductor elec-
tronic devices that permit only conventional current to flow through them in the direction
indicated by the arrow in the symbol. Even though the waveform resulting from the diode
action has a pulsing appearance with a peak value of about 18 V, it will charge the 12-V
battery whenever its voltage is greater than that of the battery, as shown by the shaded area.
Below the 12-V level the battery cannot discharge back into the charging network because PRACTICAL 103
the diodes permit current flow in only one direction. APPLICATIONS
In particular, note in Fig. 2.128b the large plate that carries the current from the rectifier
(diode) configuration to the positive terminal of the battery. Its primary purpose is to pro-
vide a heat sink (a place for the heat to be distributed to the surrounding air) for the diode
configuration. Otherwise the diodes would eventually melt down and self-destruct due to
the resulting current levels. Each component of Fig. 2.129 has been carefully labeled in
Fig. 2.128b for reference.
When current is first applied to a battery at the 6-A charge rate, the current demand, as
indicated by the meter on the face of the instrument, may rise to 7 A or almost 8 A. However,
the level of current will decrease as the battery charges until it drops to a level of 2 A or 3 A.
For units such as this that do not have an automatic shutoff, it is important to disconnect
the charger when the current drops to the fully charged level; otherwise, the battery will
become overcharged and may be damaged. A battery that is at its 50% level can take as long
as 10 hours to charge, so one should not expect it to be a 10-minute operation. In addition, if
a battery is in very bad shape, with a lower than normal voltage, the initial charging current
may be too high for the design. To protect against such situations, the circuit breaker will
open and stop the charging process. Because of the high current levels, it is important that
the directions provided with the charger be carefully read and applied.
In an effort to compare the theoretical world with the real world, a load (in the form of
a headlight) was applied to the charger to permit a viewing of the actual output waveform.
It is important to note and remember that a diode with zero current through it will not
display its rectifying capabilities. In other words, the output from the charger of Fig. 2.129
will not be a rectified signal unless a load is applied to the system to draw current through
the diode. Recall from the diode characteristics that when ID  0 A, VD  0 V.
By applying the headlamp as a load, however, sufficient current is drawn through the
diode for it to behave like a switch and convert the ac waveform to a pulsating one as
shown in Fig. 2.130 for the 6-A setting. First note that the waveform is slightly distorted
by the nonlinear characteristics of the transformer and the nonlinear characteristics of the
diode at low currents. The waveform, however, is certainly close to what is expected when
we compare it to the theoretical patterns of Fig. 2.129. The peak value is determined from
the vertical sensitivity as
Vpeak = (3.3 divisions)(5 V/division) = 16.5 V vs. the 18 V of Fig. 1.129

5 V/div

dc level

2 ms/div

FIG. 2.130
Pulsating response of the charger of Fig. 2.129
to the application of a headlamp as a load.

with a dc level of
Vdc = 0.636Vpeak = 0.636(16.5 V) = 10.49 V
A dc meter connected across the load registered 10.41 V, which is very close to the theo-
retical average (dc) level of 10.49 V.
One may wonder how a charger having a dc level of 10.49 V can charge a 12-V battery
to a typical level of 14 V. It is simply a matter of realizing that (as shown in Fig. 2.130) for
a good deal of each pulse, the voltage across the battery will be greater than 12 V and the
battery will be charging—a process referred to as trickle charging. In other words, charg-
ing does not occur during the entire cycle, but only when the charging voltage is more than
the voltage of the battery.
104 DIODE APPLICATIONS Protective Configurations
Diodes are used in a variety of ways to protect elements and systems from excessive volt-
ages or currents, polarity reversals, arcing, and shorting, to name a few. In Fig. 2.131a, the
switch on a simple RL circuit has been closed, and the current will rise to a level deter-
mined by the applied voltage and series resistor R as shown on the plot. Problems arise
when the switch is quickly opened as in Fig. 2.131b to essentially tell the circuit that the
current must drop to zero almost instantaneously. You will remember from your basic
circuits courses, however, that the inductor will not permit an instantaneous change in cur-
rent through the coil. A conflict results, which will establish arcing across the contacts of
the switch as the coil tries to find a path for discharge. Recall also that the voltage across
an inductor is directly related to the rate of change in current through the coil (vL = L diL >dt).
When the switch is opened, it is trying to dictate that the current change almost instanta-
neously, causing a very high voltage to develop across the coil that will then appear across
the contacts to establish this arcing current. Levels in the thousands of volts will develop
across the contacts, which will soon, if not immediately, damage the contacts and thereby
the switch. The effect is referred to as an “inductive kick.” Note also that the polarity of the
voltage across the coil during the “build-up” phase is opposite to that during the “release”
phase. This is due to the fact that the current must maintain the same direction before and
after the switch is opened. During the “build-up” phase, the coil appears as a load, whereas
during the release phase, it has the characteristics of a source. In general, therefore, always
keep in mind that
Trying to change the current through an inductive element too quickly may result in an
inductive kick that could damage surrounding elements or the system itself.


R iL = –
R iL R 0A
+ + + – R
E L vL + vcontact – di
– E L vL = L –L
– +
0 t
5␶ = 5 L
(a) (b)

FIG. 2.131
(a) Transient phase of a simple RL circuit; (b) arcing that results across a switch when opened in series with an RL circuit.

In Fig. 2.132a the simple network above may be controlling the action of a relay.
When the switch is closed, the coil will be energized, and steady-state current levels will
be established. However, when the switch is opened to deenergize the network, we have
the problem introduced above because the electromagnet controlling the relay action will
appear as a coil to the energizing network. One of the cheapest but most effective ways to
protect the switching system is to place a capacitor (called a “snubber”) across the terminals
of the coil as shown in Fig. 2.132b. When the switch is opened, the capacitor will initially
appear as a short to the coil and will provide a current path that will bypass the dc supply
and switch. The capacitor has the characteristics of a short (very low resistance) because of
the high-frequency characteristics of the surge voltage, as shown in Fig. 2.131b. Recall that
the reactance of a capacitor is determined by XC = 1>2pfC, so the higher the frequency, the
less is the resistance. Normally, because of the high surge voltages and relatively low cost, ce-
ramic capacitors of about 0.01 mF are used. You don’t want to use large capacitors because
the voltage across the capacitor will build up too slowly and will essentially slow down the

Rs 100 ⍀

Inductive Relay Cs 0.01 μF Relay V R

"Snubber" C = 0.01 μF
(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 2.132
(a) Inductive characteristics of a relay; (b) snubber protection for the configuration of part (a);
(c) capacitive protection for a switch.

performance of the system. The resistor of 100 ⍀ in series with the capacitor is introduced
solely to limit the surge current that will result when a change in state is called for. Often,
the resistor does not appear because of the internal resistance of the coil as established by
many turns of fine wire. On occasion, you may find the capacitor across the switch as shown
in Fig. 2.132c. In this case, the shorting characteristics of the capacitor at high frequencies
will bypass the contacts with the switch and extend its life. Recall that the voltage across a
capacitor cannot change instantaneously. In general, therefore,
Capacitors in parallel with inductive elements or across switches are often there to act
as protective elements, not as typical network capacitive elements.
Finally, the diode is often used as a protective device for situations such as above. In
Fig. 2.133, a diode has been placed in parallel with the inductive element of the relay con-
figuration. When the switch is opened or the voltage source quickly disengaged, the polarity
of the voltage across the coil is such as to turn the diode on and conduct in the direction –
indicated. The inductor now has a conduction path through the diode rather than through
the supply and switch, thereby saving both. Since the current established through the coil iL
must now switch directly to the diode, the diode must be able to carry the same level of Protective Relay
current that was passing through the coil before the switch was opened. The rate at which diode +
the current collapses will be controlled by the resistance of the coil and the diode. It can
be reduced by placing an additional resistor in series with the diode. The advantage of the
diode configuration over that of the snubber is that the diode reaction and behavior are not FIG. 2.133
frequency dependent. However, the protection offered by the diode will not work if the ap- Diode protection for an RL circuit.
plied voltage is an alternating one such as ac or a square wave since the diode will conduct
for one of the applied polarities. For such alternating systems, the “snubber” arrangement
would be the best option.
In the next chapter we will find that the base-to-emitter junction of a transistor is
forward-biased. That is, the voltage VBE of Fig. 2.134a will be about 0.7 V positive. To
prevent a situation where the emitter terminal would be made more positive than the base
terminal by a voltage that could damage the transistor, the diode shown in Fig. 2.134a
is added. The diode will prevent the reverse-bias voltage VEB from exceeding 0.7 V. On


B npn
–+ transistor
Limit + – E
to 0.7 V E

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.134
(a) Diode protection to limit the emitter-to-base voltage of a
transistor; (b) diode protection to prevent a reversal in
collector current.
106 DIODE APPLICATIONS occasion, you may also find a diode in series with the collector terminal of a transistor as
shown in Fig. 2.134b. Normal transistor action requires that the collector be more positive
than the base or emitter terminal to establish a collector current in the direction shown.
However, if a situation arises where the emitter or base terminal is at a higher potential
than the collector terminal, the diode will prevent conduction in the opposite direction. In
general, therefore,
Diodes are often used to prevent the voltage between two points from exceeding 0.7 V
or to prevent conduction in a particular direction.
As shown in Fig. 2.135, diodes are often used at the input terminals of systems such
as op-amps to limit the swing of the applied voltage. For the 400-mV level the signal
will pass undisturbed to the input terminals of the op-amp. However, if the voltage
jumps to a level of 1 V, the top and bottom peaks will be clipped off before appearing at
the input terminals of the op-amp. Any clipped-off voltage will appear across the series
resistor R1.

400 mV

0 t

400 mV
vi – 400 mV
+ –
+ – v
D1 D2 Op-amp
0 t – or
0.7 V 0.7 V +
– high-input-
+ impedance
– 400 mV network
vi = 700 mV

1V = 1000 mV
700 mV

0 t
0 t

–700 mV

–900 mV

FIG. 2.135
Diode control of the input swing to an op-amp or a high-input-impedance network.

The controlling diodes of Fig. 2.135 may also be drawn as shown in Fig. 2.136 to control
the signal appearing at the input terminals of the op-amp. In this example, the diodes are act-
ing more like shaping elements than as limiters as in Fig. 2.135. However, the point is that
The placement of elements may change, but their function may still be the same. Do
not expect every network to appear exactly as you studied it for the first time.
In general, therefore, don’t always assume that diodes are used simply as switches. There
is a wide variety of uses for diodes as protective and limiting devices.

vi –

vi –

D1 D2


10 V
6.7 V

– 0.7 V
0.7 V
10 V –
vi + –
R1 +
0 t D1 0.7 V –
– 6.7 V

–10 V +6 V


FIG. 2.136
(a) Alternate appearances for the network of Fig. 2.135; (b) establishing random levels of control
with separate dc supplies.

Polarity Insurance
There are numerous systems that are very sensitive to the polarity of the applied voltage.
For instance, in Fig. 2.137a, assume for the moment that there is a very expensive piece of
equipment that would be damaged by an incorrectly applied bias. In Fig. 2.137b the correct
applied bias is shown on the left. As a result, the diode is reverse-biased, but the system
works just fine—the diode has no effect. However, if the wrong polarity is applied as

+ 4V – – 15.3 V +
R + + R + 12 V
– – 12 V
12 V
S 16 V 12 V S 16 V 0.7 V S
system system system
– – – + +
Diode polarity protection Diode open Diode conducting
(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 2.137
(a) Polarity protection for an expensive, sensitive piece of equipment; (b) correctly applied polarity;
(c) application of the wrong polarity.
108 DIODE APPLICATIONS shown in Fig. 2.137c, the diode will conduct and ensure that no more than 0.7 V will
appear across the terminals of the system, protecting it from excessive voltages of the
wrong polarity. For either polarity, the difference between the applied voltage and the load
Defined polarity or diode voltage will appear across the series source or network resistance.
for sensitive In Fig. 2.138 a sensitive measuring movement cannot withstand voltages greater than
+ – 1 V of the wrong polarity. With this simple design the sensitive movement is protected from
voltages of the wrong polarity of more than 0.7 V.

Controlled Battery-Powered Backup

Protective diode
In numerous situations a system should have a backup power source to ensure that the
FIG. 2.138 system will still be operational in case of a loss of power. This is especially true of security
Protection for a sensitive meter
systems and lighting systems that must turn on during a power failure. It is also important
when a system such as a computer or a radio is disconnected from its ac-to-dc power con-
version source to a portable mode for traveling. In Fig. 2.139 the 12-V car radio operating
off the 12-V dc power source has a 9-V battery backup system in a small compartment in
the back of the radio ready to take over the role of saving the clock mode and the channels
stored in memory when the radio is removed from the car. With the full 12 V available
from the car, D1 is conducting, and the voltage at the radio is about 11.3 V. D2 is reverse-
biased (an open circuit), and the reserve 9-V battery inside the radio is disengaged.
However, when the radio is removed from the car, D1 will no longer be conducting because
the 12-V source is no longer available to forward-bias the diode. However, D2 will be
forward-biased by the 9-V battery, and the radio will continue to receive about 8.3 V to
maintain the memory that has been set for components such as the clock and the channel


D1 Internal
Automobile + electronics
electrical 12 V D2
system – 9V

12 V –
Car radio

FIG. 2.139
Backup system designed to prevent the loss of memory in a
car radio when the radio is removed from the car.

Polarity Detector
Through the use of LEDs of different colors, the simple network of Fig. 2.140 can be used
to check the polarity at any point in a dc network. When the polarity is as indicated for the
applied 6 V, the top terminal is positive, D1 will conduct along with LED1, and a green
light will result. Both D2 and LED2 will be back-biased for the above polarity. However,
if the polarity at the input is reversed, D2 and LED2 will conduct, and a red light will
appear, defining the top lead as the lead at the negative potential. It would appear that the

Green (+)

– D2
Red (–)

FIG. 2.140
Polarity detector using diodes and LEDs.
network would work without diodes D1 and D2. However, in general, LEDs do not like to PRACTICAL 109
be reverse-biased because of sensitivity built in during the doping process. Diodes D1 and APPLICATIONS
D2 offer a series open-circuit condition that provides some protection to the LEDs. In the
forward-bias state, the additional diodes D1 and D2 reduce the voltage across the LEDs to
more common operating levels.

Some of the primary concerns of using electric light bulbs in exit signs are their limited
lifetime (requiring frequent replacement); their sensitivity to heat, fire, and so on; their
durability factor when catastrophic accidents occur; and their high voltage and power
requirements. For this reason LEDs are often used to provide the longer life span, higher
durability levels, and lower demand voltage and power levels (especially when the reserve
dc battery system has to take over).
In Fig. 2.141 a control network determines when the EXIT light should be on. When it
is on, all the LEDs in series will be on, and the EXIT sign will be fully lit. Obviously, if
one of the LEDs should burn out and open up, the entire section will turn off. However,
this situation can be improved by simply placing parallel LEDs between every two points.
Lose one, and you will still have the other parallel path. Parallel diodes will, of course, reduce
the current through each LED, but two at a lower level of current can have a luminescence
similar to one at twice the current. Even though the applied voltage is ac, which means that
the diodes will turn on and off as the 60-Hz voltage swings positive and negative, the per-
sistence of the LEDs will provide a steady light for the sign.

Limit to low mA
= 20 mA

120 V ac

All red LEDs

FIG. 2.141
EXIT sign using LEDs.

Setting Voltage Reference Levels R

7.4 V
Diodes and Zeners can be used to set reference levels as shown in Fig. 2.142. The net- + + 4.6 V
– +
work, through the use of two diodes and one Zener diode, is providing three different 0.7 V

voltage levels. 6.7 V
12 V 0.7 V
Establishing a Voltage Level Insensitive to the Load Current –
As an example that clearly demonstrates the difference between a resistor and a diode in a +
voltage-divider network, consider the situation of Fig. 2.143a, where a load requires about 6V
– –
6 V to operate properly but a 9-V battery is all that is available. For the moment let us
assume that operating conditions are such that the load has an internal resistance of 1 k.
Using the voltage-divider rule, we can easily determine that the series resistor should be FIG. 2.142
470  (commercially available value) as shown in Fig. 2.143b. The result is a voltage Providing different reference levels
across the load of 6.1 V, an acceptable situation for most 6-V loads. However, if the operat- using diodes.
ing conditions of the load change and the load now has an internal resistance of only 600 ,
the load voltage will drop to about 4.9 V, and the system will not operate correctly. This
sensitivity to the load resistance can be eliminated by connecting four diodes in series with
the load as shown in Fig. 2.143c. When all four diodes conduct, the load voltage will be
+ +
+ 470 
Variable +
9V 6V load 1 k(9 V) ~ 6.1 V
9V RL 1 k VRL = ___________ =
– 1 k + 470 
– –

(a) (b)

+ 0.7 V – + 0.7 V – + 0.7 V – + 0.7 V –

9V + 2.8 V – RL 6.2 V (with RL = 1 k or 600 )


FIG. 2.143
(a) How to drive a 6-V load with a 9-V supply (b) using a fixed resistor value.
(c) Using a series combination of diodes.

about 6.2 V, irrespective of the load impedance (within device limits, of course)—the sen-
sitivity to the changing load characteristics has been removed.

AC Regulator and Square-Wave Generator

Two back-to-back Zeners can also be used as an ac regulator as shown in Fig. 2.144a. For
the sinusoidal signal vi the circuit will appear as shown in Fig. 2.144b at the instant
vi = 10 V. The region of operation for each diode is indicated in the adjoining figure.
Note that Z1 is in a low-impedance region, whereas the impedance of Z2 is quite large, cor-
responding to the open-circuit representation. The result is that vo = vi when vi = 10 V.
The input and the output will continue to duplicate each other until vi reaches 20 V. Then
Z2 will “turn on” (as a Zener diode), whereas Z1 will be in a region of conduction with a
resistance level sufficiently small compared to the series 5-k resistor to be considered a

vi vo
+ 5 kΩ +
22 V Z1
vi 20-V vo 20 V
0 ωt Zeners 0 20 V ωt
–22 V – –

5 kΩ +
+ Z1
– 20 V
vi = 10 V
– + 0 V


FIG. 2.144
Sinusoidal ac regulation: (a) 40-V peak-to-peak sinusoidal ac regulator;
(b) circuit operation at vi  10 V.
short circuit. The resulting output for the full range of vi is provided in Fig. 2.144a. Note SUMMARY 111
that the waveform is not purely sinusoidal, but its root mean square (rms) value is lower
than that associated with a full 22-V peak signal. The network is effectively limiting the
rms value of the available voltage. The network of Fig. 2.144b can be extended to that of a
simple square-wave generator (due to the clipping action) if the signal vi is increased to
perhaps a 50-V peak with 10-V Zeners as shown in Fig. 2.145 with the resulting output


50 V
+ 5 kΩ + +
vi 10-V
– vo 10 V
0 π 2π ω t Zeners + –10 V
– – –

FIG. 2.145
Simple square-wave generator.


Important Conclusions and Concepts
1. The characteristics of a diode are unaltered by the network in which it is employed.
The network simply determines the point of operation of the device.
2. The operating point of a network is determined by the intersection of the network
equation and an equation defining the characteristics of the device.
3. For most applications, the characteristics of a diode can be defined simply by the
threshold voltage in the forward-bias region and an open circuit for applied volt-
ages less than the threshold value.
4. To determine the state of a diode, simply think of it initially as a resistor, and find
the polarity of the voltage across it and the direction of conventional current through
it. If the voltage across it has a forward-bias polarity and the current has a direction
that matches the arrow in the symbol, the diode is conducting.
5. To determine the state of diodes used in a logic gate, first make an educated guess
about the state of the diodes, and then test your assumptions. If your estimate is
incorrect, refine your guess and try again until the analysis verifies the conclusions.
6. Rectification is a process whereby an applied waveform of zero average value is
changed to one that has a dc level. For applied signals of more than a few volts, the
ideal diode approximations can normally be applied.
7. It is very important that the PIV rating of a diode be checked when choosing a diode
for a particular application. Simply determine the maximum voltage across the diode
under reverse-bias conditions, and compare it to the nameplate rating. For the typical
half-wave and full-wave bridge rectifiers, it is the peak value of the applied signal. For
the CT transformer full-wave rectifier, it is twice the peak value (which can get quite
8. Clippers are networks that “clip” away part of the applied signal either to create a
specific type of signal or to limit the voltage that can be applied to a network.
9. Clampers are networks that “clamp” the input signal to a different dc level. In any
event, the peak-to-peak swing of the applied signal will remain the same.
10. Zener diodes are diodes that make effective use of the Zener breakdown potential of
an ordinary p–n junction characteristic to provide a device of wide importance and
application. For Zener conduction, the direction of conventional flow is opposite to
the arrow in the symbol. The polarity under conduction is also opposite to that of
the conventional diode.
112 DIODE APPLICATIONS 11. To determine the state of a Zener diode in a dc network, simply remove the Zener
from the network, and determine the open-circuit voltage between the two points
where the Zener diode was originally connected. If it is more than the Zener poten-
tial and has the correct polarity, the Zener diode is in the “on” state.
12. A half-wave or full-wave voltage doubler employs two capacitors; a tripler, three
capacitors; and a quadrupler, four capacitors. In fact, for each, the number of diodes
equals the number of capacitors.

Silicon: VK = 0.7 V; ID is determined by network.
Germanium: VK = 0.3 V; ID is determined by network.
Gallium arsenide: VK = 1.2 V; ID is determined by network.
VK = 0 V; ID is determined by network.
For conduction:
Half-wave rectifier:
Vdc = 0.318Vm
Full-wave rectifier:
Vdc = 0.636Vm


Cadence OrCAD
Series Diode Configuration In the previous chapter the OrCAD 16.3 folder was estab-
lished as the location for our projects. This section will define the name of our project, set
up the software for the analysis to be performed, describe how to build a simple circuit,
and, finally, perform the analysis. The coverage will be quite extensive since this will be
the first true exposure to the mechanics associated with using the software package. In the
chapters to follow you will find the analysis can be performed quite rapidly to obtain
results that confirm the long-hand solutions.
Our first project can now be initiated by double-clicking on the OrCAD Capture CIS
Demo icon on the screen, or you can use the sequence Start–All Programs–Cadence–
OrCAD 16.3 Demo. The resulting screen has only a few active keys on the top toolbar.
The first at the top left is the Create document key (or you can use the sequence File-New-
Project). Selecting the key will result in a New Project dialog box, in which the Name of
the project must be entered. For our purposes we will choose OrCAD 2-1 as shown in the
heading of Fig. 2.146, and select Analog or Mixed A/D (to be used for all the analyses of
this text). Note at the bottom of the dialog box that the Location appears as C:\OrCAD
16.3 as set earlier. Click OK, and another dialog box will appear titled Create PSpice
Project. Select Create a blank project (again, for all the analyses to be performed in this
text). Click OK, and additional keys will be turned on along with additional toolbars. A
Project Manager Window will appear with OrCAD 2-1 as its heading. The new project
listing will appear with an icon and an associated  sign in a small square. Clicking on
the  sign will take the listing a step further to SCHEMATIC1. Click  again (to the left
of SCHEMATIC1), and PAGE1 will appear; clicking on a  sign will reverse the pro-
cess. Double-clicking on PAGE1 will create a working window titled SCHEMATIC1:
PAGE1, revealing that a project can have more than one schematic file and more than one
associated page. The width and the height of the window can be adjusted by grabbing an
edge to obtain a double-headed arrow and dragging the border to the desired location. Either
window on the screen can be moved by clicking on the top heading to make it dark blue
and then dragging it to any location.

FIG. 2.146
Cadence OrCAD analysis of a series diode configuration.

Now we are ready to build the simple circuit of Fig. 2.146. Select the Place part key (the
top key on the far right vertical toolbar that looks like an integrated circuit with a positive
sign in the bottom right corner) to obtain the Place Part dialog box. Since this is the first
circuit to be constructed, we must ensure that the parts appear in the list of active libraries.
Go to Libraries and select the Add Library key (looks like a dashed rectangular box with
a yellow star in the top left corner). The result is a Browse File in which analog.olb can
be selected, followed by Open to place it in the active list of Libraries. Repeat the process
to add the eval.olb and source.olb libraries. All three libraries will be required to build the
networks appearing in this text. However, it is important to realize that:
Once the library files have been selected, they will appear in the active listing for each
new project without having to add them each time—a step, such as the Folder step
above, that does not have to be repeated with each similar project.
Click the small x in the top right corner of the dialog box to remove the Place Part dialog
box. We can now place components on the screen. For the dc voltage source, first select the
Place Part key and then select SOURCE in the library listing. Under Part List, a list of
available sources will appear; select VDC for this project. Once VDC has been selected, its
symbol, label, and value will appear on the picture window at the bottom left of the dialog
box. Click the Place Part key on the top of the dialog box, and the VDC source will follow
the cursor across the screen. Move it to a convenient location, left-click the mouse, and it
will be set in place as shown in Fig. 2.146.
Since a second source is present in Fig. 2.146, move the cursor to the general area of the
second source and click it in place. Since this is the last source to appear in the network,
execute a right click of the mouse and select End Mode. Choosing this option will end the
procedure, leaving the last source in a red dashed box. The fact that it is red indicates that
it is still in the active mode and can be operated on. One more click of the mouse, and the
second source will be in place and the red active status removed. The second source can
be rotated 180° to match Fig. 2.146 by first clicking the source to make it red (active) to
obtain a long list of options and select Rotate. Since each rotation only turns it 90° coun-
terclockwise, two rotations will be required. The rotations can also be accomplished using
the sequence Ctrl-R.
One of the most important steps in the procedure is to ensure that a 0-V ground poten-
tial is defined for the network so that voltages at any point in the network have a reference
point. The result is a requirement that every network must have a ground defined. For our
purposes, the 0/SOURCE option will be our choice when the GND key is selected. It is
obtained by selecting the ground symbol in the middle of the far right toolbar to obtain the
Place Ground dialog box. Scroll down until 0/SOURCE is selected and click OK. The
result is a ground that can be placed anywhere on the screen. As with the voltage source,
114 DIODE APPLICATIONS multiple grounds can be added by simply going from one point to another. The process is
ended with a right click and the End Mode option.
The next step will be to place the resistors of the network of Fig. 2.146. This is accom-
plished by selecting the Place Part key again and then selecting the ANALOG library.
Scrolling the options, note that R will appear and should be selected. Click the Place Part
key, and the resistor will appear next to the cursor on the screen. Move it to the desired
location and click it in place. The second resistor can be placed by simply moving to the
general area of its location in Fig. 2.146 and clicking it in place. Since there are only two
resistors, the process can be ended by making a right click of the mouse and selecting End
Mode. The second resistor will have to be rotated to the vertical position using the same
procedure described for the second voltage source.
The last element to be placed is the diode. Selecting the Place Part keypad will again
result in the Place Part dialog box, in which the EVAL library is chosen from the Libraries
listing. Then type D under Part heading and select D14148 under Part List followed by
the Place Part command to place on the screen in the same manner described for the source
and resistors.
Now that all the components are on the screen you may want to move them to positions
corresponding directly with Fig. 2.146. This is accomplished by simply clicking on the
element and holding the left-click down as you move the element.
All the required elements are on the screen, but they need to be connected. This is ac-
complished by selecting the Place wire key, which looks like a step, near the top of the
toolbar to the left of the toolbar with the Place Part key. The result is a crosshair with a
center that should be placed at the point to be connected. Place the crosshair at the top of the
voltage source, and left-click it once to connect it to that point. Then draw a line to the end
of the next element, and click the mouse again when the crosshair is at the correct point. A
red line will result with a square at each end to confirm that the connection has been made.
Then move the crosshair to the other elements, and build the circuit. Once everything is
connected, a right click will provide the End Mode option. Don’t forget to connect the
source to ground as shown in Fig. 2.146.
Now we have all the elements in place, but their labels and values are wrong. To change
any parameter, simply double-click on the parameter (the label or the value) to obtain the
Display Properties dialog box. Type in the correct label or value, click OK, and the quan-
tity is changed on the screen. The labels and values can be moved by simply clicking on
the center of the parameter until it is closely surrounded by the four small squares and then
dragging it to the new location. Another left click, and it is deposited in its new location.
Finally, we can initiate the analysis process, called Simulation, by selecting the New
Simulation Profile key near the top left of the display—it resembles a data page with a
star in the top right corner. A New Simulation dialog box will result that first asks for
the Name of the simulation. OrCAD 2-1 is entered, and none is left in the Inherit From
request. Then select Create, and a Simulation Setting dialog box will appear in which
Analysis-Analysis Type-Bias Point is sequentially selected. Click OK, and select the Run
key (which looks like an isolated arrowhead in a green background) or choose PSpice-Run
from the menu bar. An Output Window will result that appears to be somewhat inactive.
It will not be used in the current analysis, so close (X) the window, and the circuit of Fig.
2.146 will appear with the voltage and current levels of the network. The voltage, current,
or power levels can be removed (or replaced) from the display by simply selecting the
V, I, or W in the third toolbar from the top. Individual values can be removed by simply
selecting the value and pressing the Delete key. Resulting values can be moved by simply
left-clicking the value and dragging it to the desired location.
The results of Fig. 2.146 show that the current through the series configuration is
2.081 mA through each element, compared to the 2.072 mA of Example 2.9. The voltage
across the diode is 218.8 mV  (421.6 mV) ⬵ 0.64 V, compared to the 0.7 V applied
in the long-hand solution of Example 2.9. The voltage across R1 is 10 V  218.8 mV ⬵
9.78 V, compared to 9.74 V in the long-hand solution. The voltage across the resistor R2
is 5 V  421.6 mV ⬵ 4.58 V, compared to 4.56 V in Example 2.9.
To understand the differences between the two solutions, one must be aware that the diode
has internal characteristics that affect its behavior such as the reverse saturation current and
its resistance levels at different current levels. Those characteristics can be viewed through
the sequence Edit-PSpice Model resulting in the PSpice Model Editor Demo dialog box.
You will find that the default value of the reverse saturation current is 2.682 nA—a quantity COMPUTER ANALYSIS 115
that can have an important effect on the characteristics of the device. If we choose Is 
3.5E-15A (a value determined by trial and error) and delete the other parameters for the
device, a new simulation of the network will result in the response of Fig. 2.147. Now the
current through the circuit is 2.072 mA, which is an exact match with the result of Example
2.9. The voltage across the diode is 260.2 mV  440.9 mV ⬵ 0.701 V, or essentially
0.7 V, and the voltage across each resistor is exactly as obtained in the long-hand solution.
In other words, by choosing this value of reverse saturation current, we created a diode with
characteristics that permitted the approximation that VD  0.7 V when in the “on” state.

FIG. 2.147
The circuit of Fig. 2.146 reexamined with Is set at 3.5E-15A.

The results can also be viewed in tabulated form by selecting PSpice at the head of the
screen followed by View Output File. The result is the listing of Fig. 2.148 (modified to
conserve space), which includes the CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION with all the components
of the network, the Diode MODEL PARAMETERS with the chosen Is value, and the
INITIAL TRANSIENT SOLUTION with the dc voltage levels, current levels, and total
power dissipation.
The analysis is now complete for the diode circuit of interest. Granted, there was a wealth
of information provided to establish and investigate this rather simple network. However,
the vast majority of this material will not be repeated in the PSpice examples to follow,
which will have a dramatic effect on the length of the descriptions. For practice purposes,
it is suggested that other examples in this chapter be checked using PSpice and that the
exercises at the end of the chapter be investigated to develop confidence in applying the
software package.

Diode Characteristics The characteristics of the D1N4148 diode used in the above analysis
will now be obtained using a few maneuvers somewhat more sophisticated than those
employed in the first example. The process begins by first building the network of Fig.
2.149 using the procedures just described. Note in particular that the source is labeled E and
set at 0V (its initial value). Next the New Simulation Profile icon is selected from the tool-
bar to obtain the New Simulation dialog box. For the Name, Fig. 2-150 is entered since it
is the location of the graph to be obtained. Create is then selected and the Simulation Set-
tings dialog box will appear. Under Analysis Type, DC Sweep is chosen because we want
to sweep through a range of values for the source voltage. When DC Sweep is selected a list
of options will simultaneously appear in the right-hand region of the dialog box, requiring
that some choices be made. Since we plan to sweep through a range of voltages, the Sweep
variable is a Voltage source. Its name must be entered as E as appearing in Fig. 2.149. The
sweep will be Linear (equal space between data points) with a Start value of 0 V, End
Value of 10 V, and an Increment of 0.01 V. After making all the entries, click OK and the


*Analysis directives:
.TRAN 0 1000ns 0
.PROBE V(alias(*)) I(alias(*))
W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*))
.INC "..\"

**** INCLUDING ****

* source ORCAD2-2
V_E1 N00103 0 10Vdc
V_E2 0 N00099 5Vdc
R_R1 N00103 N00204 4.7k TC=0,0
R_R2 N00099 N00185 2.2k TC=0,0
D_D1 N00204 N00185 D1N4148



IS 2.000000E-15


(N00099) -5.0000
(N00103) 10.0000
(N00185) -.4455
(N00204) .2700


V_E1 -2.070E-03
V_E2 -2.070E-03


FIG. 2.148
Output file for PSpice Windows analysis of the circuit of Fig. 2.147.

RUN PSpice option can be selected. The analysis will be performed with the source voltage
changing from 0 V to 10 V in 1000 steps (as resulting from the division of 10 V兾0.01 V).
The result, however, is simply a graph with a horizontal scale from 0 V to 10 V.
Since the plot we want is of ID versus VD, we must change the horizontal (x-axis) to VD.
This is accomplished by selecting Plot and then Axis Settings. An Axis Settings dialog
box will appear, in which choices have to be made. If Axis Variables is selected, an X-Axis

FIG. 2.149
Network for obtaining the characteristics of the D1N4148 diode.
Variable dialog box will appear with a list of variables that can be chosen for the x-axis. COMPUTER ANALYSIS 117
V1(D1) will be selected since it represents the voltage across the diode. If we then select
OK, the Axis Settings dialog box will return, where User Defined is selected under the
Data Range heading. User Defined is chosen because it will allow us to limit the graph
to a range of 0 V to 1 V since the “on” voltage of the diode should be around 0.7 V. After
entering the 0–1 V range, selecting OK will result in a graph with V1(D1) as the x variable
with a range of 0 V to 1 V. The horizontal axis now seems to be set for the desired plot.
We must now turn our attention to the vertical axis, which should be the diode current.
Choosing Trace followed by Add Trace will result in an Add Trace dialog box in which
I(D1) will appear as one of the possibilities. Selecting I(D1) will also cause it to appear as
the Trace Expression at the bottom of the dialog box. Selecting OK will then result in the
diode characteristics of Fig. 2.150, clearly showing a steep rise around 0.7 V.

FIG. 2.150
Characteristics of the D1N4148 diode.

If we turn back to the PSpice Model Editor for the diode and change Is to 3.5E-15A as
in the previous example, the curve will shift to the right. Similar procedures will be used to
obtain the characteristic curves for a variety of elements to be introduced in later chapters.

Fortunately, there are a number of similarities between Cadence OrCAD and Multisim.
Then again, there are a number of differences also, but the saving point is that once you
become proficient in the use of one software package, the other will be much easier to learn.
For those users familiar with the earlier versions of Multisim, you will find that the new
version has a minimum of changes, permitting an easy transition to the new procedures.
Once the Multisim icon is chosen, a screen will appear with a vast array of toolbars. The
content of each and the name of each can be found through the sequence View-toolbars.
The result is a long vertical list of available toolbars. The content and location of each can
be found by simply selecting or deleting a toolbar and noting the effect on the full screen.
For our purposes the Standard, View, Main, Components, Simulation Switch, Simula-
tion and Instruments will be used.
When using Multisim you have a choice between using “virtual” or “real” components.
Virtual components are those that can be given any value when you build the network. The
term real comes from the fact that the resulting list is a list of standard component values
that can be purchased from a supplier. Finding a component is initiated by first selecting
the second keypad (from the left) on the component toolbar that looks like a resistor. As
you approach the key, the label Place Basic will appear. Once it is chosen, the Select a
118 DIODE APPLICATIONS Component dialog box will appear that contains a subset titled Family. Third down on
that list is a RATED_VIRTUAL option with a resistor symbol. When this is selected a list
RATED, and a variety of others will appear. If RESISTOR-RATED is selected, a resistor
symbol will appear under the Symbol heading. Note that the resistor docs not have a specific
value. If we now select OK and place it on the screen in much the same way we did for
the OrCAD introduction, you will find that the value was automatically labeled R1 with
a value of 1 k. In order to place another resistor the same sequence must be followed,
but this time the resistor will automatically be called R2 but with the same value of 1 k.
This labeling process will continue in the same manner with the same 1-k value for as
many resistors as you place. As was done with OrCAD, the resistor labels and values can
be changed quite easily. Of course, if the chosen resistor is a standard value then it can be
found directly under the RESISTOR listing of “real” components.
We are now ready to build the diode network of Example 2.13 so we can compare
results. The diodes chosen will be commercially available under the “real” listing. In this
case two 1N4009 diodes were found by first selecting the keypad Place Diode to the
right of the Place Basic keypad to obtain the Select a Component dialog box. Then the
sequence Family-DIODE-1N4009–OK will result in a diode on the screen labeled D1
with 1N4009 below the symbol, as shown in Fig. 2.151. Next we can place the resistors
on the screen by going to the RESISTOR option and typing in the value of one of the
resistors, in this case, the 3.3-k resistor in the area provided at the top of the resistor
listing. This certainly removes the need to scroll through the list looking for a particular
resistor. Once found and placed, it will appear as R1 with a value of 3.3 k. The same
procedure will result in a second resistor called R2 with a value of 5.6 k. In each case the
elements are initially placed closest to where they will end up. The dc voltage source is
found by going to the Place Source keypad, which is the first keypad in the Component
toolbar. Under Family, POWER SOURCES is selected, followed by DC_POWER.
Click OK and a voltage source will appear on the screen with the label V1 at a level of
12 V. The last circuit element to be set on the screen is the ground, which is accomplished
by going back to the Place Source option and, after selecting POWER SOURCES,
choosing “ground” under the Component listing. Click OK and the ground can be placed
anywhere on the screen.

FIG. 2.151
Verifying the results of Example 2.13 using Multisim.

Now that all the components are on the screen, they must be placed and labeled properly.
For each component, simply selecting the device will create a blue dashed box around it to
indicate it is in the active mode. When clicked to establish this condition, it can be moved
to any location on the screen. To rotate an element, establish the active mode and apply
Crtl-R to rotate it 90 degrees. Each application of this process will rotate it an additional
90 degrees. Changing a label simply requires double-clicking the label of interest to create
a small blue box around it and produce a dialog box for the change. For the source, a dia- PROBLEMS 119
log box labeled DC_POWER will result, in which the heading Label is selected and the
refDEs retyped as E. Click OK and the label E will appear. The same procedure can change
the value to 20 V, although in this case the Value heading is chosen and the units are chosen
using the scroll at the right of the entered value.
The next step is to determine what quantities are to be measured and how to measure
them. For this network a multimeter will be used to measure the current through the resistor
R1. The multimeter is found at the top of the Instrument toolbar. After selection it can be
placed on the screen in the same manner as the other elements. Double-clicking the meter
will then result in the Multimeter-XXM1 dialog box, in which A is selected to set the mul-
timeter as an ammeter. In addition, the DC box (a straight line) must be selected because
we are dealing with dc voltages. The current through the diode D1 and the voltage across
the resistor R2 will be found using Indicators, which are found as the tenth option to the
right on the Component toolbar. The software symbol looks like an LED with a red dashed
figure eight inside. Click on this option and a Select a Component dialog box will appear.
Under Family, select AMMETER and then take note of the Component listing and the
four options for the orientation of the indicator. For our analysis the AMMETER_H will
be chosen since the plus sign or entering point for the current is on the left for the diode
D1. Click OK and the indicator can be placed to the left of the diode D1. For the voltage
across the resistor R2, the option VOLTMETER_HR is chosen so the polarity matches
that across the resistor.
Finally, all the components and meters must be connected. This is accomplished by
simply placing the cursor at the end of an element until a small circle and a set of crosshairs
appear to designate the starting point. Once these are in place, click the location and an x
will appear at the terminal. Then move to the end of the other element and left-click the
mouse again—a red connecting wire will automatically appear with the most direct route
between the two elements. The process is called Automatic Wiring.
Now that all the components are in place it is time to initiate the analysis of the circuit,
an operation that can be performed in one of three ways. One option is to select Simulate
at the head of the screen followed by Run. The next is the green arrow in the Simulation
toolbar. The last is to simply toggle the switch at the head of the screen to the 1 position. In
each case a solution appears in the indicators after a few seconds that seems to flicker over
time. This flickering simply indicates the software package is repeating the analysis over
time. To accept the solution and stop the continuing simulation, either toggle the switch to
the 0 position or select the lightning bolt keypad again.
The current through the diode is 3.349 mA, which compares well with the 3.32 mA in
Example 2.13. The voltage across the resistor R2 is 18.722 V, which is close to the 18.6 V
of the same example. After the simulation, the multimeter can be displayed as shown in
Fig. 2.151 by double-clicking on the meter symbol. By clicking anywhere on the meter, the
top portion is dark blue, and the meter can be moved to any location by simply clicking on
the blue region and dragging it to the desired location. The current of 193.285 mA is very
close to the 212 mA of Example 2.13. The differences are primarily due to the fact that each
diode voltage is assumed to be 0.7 V, whereas in fact it is different for each diode of Fig.
2.151 since the current through each is different. In all, however, the Multisim solution is
a very close match with the approximate solution of Example 2.13.


*Note: Asterisks indicate more difficult problems.
2.2 Load-Line Analysis
1. a. Using the characteristics of Fig. 2.152b, determine ID, VD, and VR for the circuit of Fig. 2.152a.
b. Repeat part (a) using the approximate model for the diode, and compare results.
c. Repeat part (a) using the ideal model for the diode, and compare results.
2. a. Using the characteristics of Fig. 2.152b, determine ID and VD for the circuit of Fig. 2.153.
b. Repeat part (a) with R = 0.47 k.
c. Repeat part (a) with R = 0.68 k.
d. Is the level of VD relatively close to 0.7 V in each case?
How do the resulting levels of ID compare? Comment accordingly.

E 12 V R 0.75 k⍀ VR


ID (mA)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VD (V)
0.7 V


FIG. 2.152
Problems 1 and 2.

3. Determine the value of R for the circuit of Fig. 2.153 that will result in a diode current of
10 mA if E  7 V. Use the characteristics of Fig. 2.152b for the diode.
4. a. Using the approximate characteristics for the Si diode, determine VD, ID, and VR for the
circuit of Fig. 2.154.
b. Perform the same analysis as part (a) using the ideal model for the diode.
c. Do the results obtained in parts (a) and (b) suggest that the ideal model can provide a good
approximation for the actual response under some conditions?

+ VD –
+ VD –
ID Si + +
+ +
E E 30 V R 1.5 k⍀ VR
6V R 0.2 k⍀ VR –
– – –

FIG. 2.153 FIG. 2.154

Problems 2 and 3. Problem 4.
2.3 Series Diode Configurations PROBLEMS 121
5. Determine the current I for each of the configurations of Fig. 2.155 using the approximate
equivalent model for the diode.

+ –


(b) (c)

FIG. 2.155
Problem 5.

6. Determine Vo and ID for the networks of Fig. 2.156.


Vo Vo


–6 V
(a) (b)

FIG. 2.156
Problems 6 and 49.

*7. Determine the level of Vo for each network of Fig. 2.157.

12 V

10 k⍀

10 V

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.157
Problem 7.

*8. Determine Vo and ID for the networks of Fig. 2.158.


2.2 k⍀
–20 V

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.158
Problem 8.
122 DIODE APPLICATIONS *9. Determine Vo1 and Vo2 for the networks of Fig. 2.159.

GaAs kΩ

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.159
Problem 9.

2.4 Parallel and Series–Parallel Configurations

10. Determine Vo and ID for the networks of Fig. 2.160.

20 V

12 V


(a) (b)

FIG. 2.160
Problems 10 and 50.

*11. Determine Vo and I for the networks of Fig. 2.161.



–4 V
(a) (b)

FIG. 2.161
Problem 11.

12. Determine Vo1, Vo2, and I for the network of Fig. 2.162.
*13. Determine Vo and ID for the network of Fig. 2.163.

– GaAs

FIG. 2.162 FIG. 2.163

Problem 12. Problems 13 and 51.

2.5 AND/OR Gates

14. Determine Vo for the network of Fig. 2.39 with 0 V on both inputs.
15. Determine Vo for the network of Fig. 2.39 with 10 V on both inputs.
16. Determine Vo for the network of Fig. 2.42 with 0 V on both inputs.
17. Determine Vo for the network of Fig. 2.42 with 10 V on both inputs.
18. Determine Vo for the negative logic OR gate of Fig. 2.164.
19. Determine Vo for the negative logic AND gate of Fig. 2.165.

–5 V –5 V

Si Si

0V 0V
Vo Vo
Si Si

1 kΩ 2.2 kΩ

–5 V

FIG. 2.164 FIG. 2.165

Problem 18. Problem 19.

20. Determine the level of Vo for the gate of Fig. 2.166.

21. Determine Vo for the configuration of Fig. 2.167.

FIG. 2.166 FIG. 2.167

Problem 20. Problem 21.

2.6 Sinusoidal Inputs; Half-Wave Rectification

22. Assuming an ideal diode, sketch vi, vd, and id for the half-wave rectifier of Fig. 2.168. The
input is a sinusoidal waveform with a frequency of 60 Hz. Determine the profit value of vi from
the given dc level.
23. Repeat Problem 22 with a silicon diode (VK  0.7 V).
24. Repeat Problem 22 with a 10 k load applied as shown in Fig. 2.169. Sketch vL and iL.
124 DIODE APPLICATIONS id + vd – Vdc = 2 V
Ideal vi iL
Vdc = 2 V
+ + vd
– id +
vi 2 kΩ 2 k⍀ RL 10 k⍀ vL
– –

FIG. 2.168 FIG. 2.169

Problems 22 through 24. Problem 24.

25. For the network of Fig. 2.170, sketch vo and determine Vdc.
*26. For the network of Fig. 2.171, sketch vo and iR.

vi iR
2 kΩ
10 V
1 kΩ
+ +
2 0 t vi Si 1 kΩ vo

–10 V – –

FIG. 2.170 FIG. 2.171

Problem 25. Problem 26.

*27. a. Given Pmax = 14 mW for each diode at Fig. 2.172, determine the maximum current rating
of each diode (using the approximate equivalent model).
b. Determine Imax for the parallel diodes.
c. Determine the current through each diode at Vimax using the results of part (b).
d. If only one diode were present, which would be the expected result?

vi Imax
160 V
0 t vi Si 4.7 kΩ 68 kΩ

FIG. 2.172
Problem 27.

2.7 Full-Wave Rectification

28. A full-wave bridge rectifier with a 120-V rms sinusoidal input has a load resistor of 1 k.
a. If silicon diodes are employed, what is the dc voltage available at the load?
b. Determine the required PIV rating of each diode.
c. Find the maximum current through each diode during conduction.
d. What is the required power rating of each diode?
29. Determine vo and the required PIV rating of each diode for the configuration of Fig. 2.173. In
addition, determine the maximum current through each diode.

100 V

vi Ideal diodes vo
t +
–100 V
2.2 kΩ

FIG. 2.173
Problem 29.
*30. Sketch vo for the network of Fig. 2.174 and determine the dc voltage available. PROBLEMS 125

100 V
Ideal diodes
vi vo
t +
–100 V
2.2 kΩ 2.2 kΩ 2.2 kΩ

FIG. 2.174
Problem 30.

*31. Sketch vo for the network of Fig. 2.175 and determine the dc voltage available.

170 V Ideal 2.2 kΩ
– vo +
2.2 kΩ
–170 V
2.2 kΩ

FIG. 2.175
Problem 31.

2.8 Clippers
32. Determine vo for each network of Fig. 2.176 for the input shown.


+ –
100 kΩ 2 kΩ

FIG. 2.176
Problem 32.

33. Determine vo for each network of Fig. 2.177 for the input shown.

12 V vo
– +

1.8 kΩ 10 kΩ

–12 V
(a) (b)

FIG. 2.177
Problem 33.
126 DIODE APPLICATIONS *34. Determine vo for each network of Fig. 2.178 for the input shown.

– 4 V + Ideal
+ +
vi 1 kΩ vo

– –

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.178
Problem 34.

*35. Determine vo for each network of Fig. 2.179 for the input shown.

1 kΩ
+ –

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.179
Problem 35.

36. Sketch iR and vo for the network of Fig. 2.180 for the input shown.

+ –
5.3 V 7.3 V
– +

FIG. 2.180
Problem 36.

2.9 Clampers
37. Sketch vo for each network of Fig. 2.181 for the input shown.


(a) (b)

FIG. 2.181
Problem 37.
38. Sketch vo for each network of Fig. 2.182 for the input shown. PROBLEMS 127

Ideal +

(a) (b)

FIG. 2.182
Problem 38.

*39. For the network of Fig. 2.183:

a. Calculate 5t.
b. Compare 5t to half the period of the applied signal.
c. Sketch vo.

12 V

–12 V +

FIG. 2.183
Problem 39.

*40. Design a clamper to perform the function indicated in Fig. 2.184.

FIG. 2.184
Problem 40.

*41. Design a clamper to perform the function indicated in Fig. 2.185.


FIG. 2.185
Problem 41.
128 DIODE APPLICATIONS 2.10 Zener Diodes
*42. a. Determine VL, IL, IZ, and IR for the network of Fig. 2.186 if RL  180 .
b. Repeat part (a) if RL  470 .
c. Determine the value of RL that will establish maximum power conditions for the Zener diode.
d. Determine the minimum value of RL to ensure that the Zener diode is in the “on” state.

VZ = 10 V
PZ max = 400 mW

FIG. 2.186
Problem 42.

*43. a. Design the network of Fig. 2.187 to maintain VL at 12 V for a load variation (IL) from 0 mA
to 200 mA. That is, determine RS and VZ.
b. Determine PZ max for the Zener diode of part (a).
*44. For the network of Fig. 2.188, determine the range of Vi that will maintain VL at 8 V and not
exceed the maximum power rating of the Zener diode.


FIG. 2.187 FIG. 2.188

Problem 43. Problems 44 and 52.

45. Design a voltage regulator that will maintain an output voltage of 20 V across a 1-k load with
an input that will vary between 30 V and 50 V. That is, determine the proper value of RS and
the maximum current IZM.
46. Sketch the output of the network of Fig. 2.145 if the input is a 50-V square wave. Repeat for a
5-V square wave.

2.11 Voltage-Multiplier Circuits

47. Determine the voltage available from the voltage doubler of Fig. 2.123 if the secondary voltage
of the transformer is 120 V (rms).
48. Determine the required PIV ratings of the diodes of Fig. 2.123 in terms of the peak secondary
voltage Vm.
2.14 Computer Analysis
49. Perform an analysis of the network of Fig. 2.156b using PSpice Windows.
50. Perform an analysis of the network of Fig. 2.161b using PSpice Windows.
51. Perform an analysis of the network of Fig. 2.162 using PSpice Windows.
52. Perform a general analysis of the Zener network of Fig. 2.188 using PSpice Windows.
53. Repeat Problem 49 using Multisim.
54. Repeat Problem 50 using Multisim.
55. Repeat Problem 51 using Multisim.
56. Repeat Problem 52 using Multisim.

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