Cracks in Residential Basement Wall

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CIP 7 - Cracks in Residential Basement Walls

WHAT Types of Cracks May Occur?

Cast-in-place concrete basements provide durable,
high quality living space. Cracking of concrete is a
natural occurrence and at times can be undesirable.
Most common causes of cracking include:
a. Temperature and drying shrinkage cracks. Gener-
ally, newly placed concrete is at its largest volume.
As concrete hardens it dries and starts to shrink.
Temperature variations cause concrete to expand
and contract. When these volume changes are re-
strained, cracking results.
b. Re-entrant corner cracking occurs diagonally from
the corners of windows, doors or openings in the WHY do Basement Cracks Occur?
concrete walls. These cracks result from shrinkage.
c. Pour lines are visible demarcations between place- Some cracking is normal in concrete basement
ment of two concrete loads, typically due to a de- walls. Volume changes and other movements at an
lay in placing between the loads and if proper con- early age result in different types of cracks, as dis-
solidation was not performed to homogenize the cussed earlier. These cracks can grow if the walls
two portions across the separation. Pour lines are are not properly designed, due to the continued
often perceived as cracks. In extreme cases they horizontal pressures applied by soils, water and
may perform as cracks if the first placement has temperature. Cracking can be minimized and prob-
partially hardened before the second placement. lems prevented if the design and construction prac-
This is often referred to as a cold joint. tices that follow are implemented.
d. Vertical form lines occur between form panels and Most builders or third party providers offer limited
can sometimes cause weak zones due to the use of warranties for basements. A typical warranty will
form ties that support two layers of formwork dur- require repair only when cracks leak, have measur-
ing concrete placement. Cracks may initiate at able vertical displacement, or if the crack width
form lines. exceeds 1/8-in. (3 mm). The National Association
e. Restraint cracks may form in some portions of of Home Builders (NAHB) requires repair or cor-
walls where contact with footings restrains the rective action when cracks in basement walls cause
shrinkage of the concrete wall. leaks into the basement.
f. Crazing and surface cracking may occur due to a
lack of adequate curing and protection if construc- HOW to Design & Construct Quality Basements?
tion is during extreme cold or hot weather. Cast-in-place concrete basement walls are the
g. Settlement cracks occur from non-uniform support strongest and most effective foundation for a
of footings or occasionally from expansive soils. residence. However, climate conditions, unusual or
h. Structural cracks may occur during backfilling if unforeseen loads, material quality and
concrete strength is not adequate or the walls are workmanship may impact the quality of the finished
not adequately supported as the design intends. basement. Proper design and construction is
This is most likely to occur when heavy equipment important. The following steps should be followed:
gets too close to the walls during the backfill proc- a. Site conditions and excavation. Soil type and
ess or when pressure due to backfill material ex- conditions should be properly assessed for
ceed that anticipated in the design, for example appropriate design and construction of
with liquefied soils. foundations specific to the building site. The
excavation should be at least to the level of the foundation walls. These are spray-applied, painted,
bottom of the basement slab and can be to the or mechanically fastened sheet systems. Positive
bottom of the footing. Soil or granular fill side waterproofing (exterior) is generally better
beneath the entire area of the basement should than negative side (inside) to keep water from
be well compacted by rolling, vibrating or leaking through cracks. Drainage systems should
tamping. Footings must bear on undisturbed soil be designed to remove excessive soil moisture
or well compacted fill. Uniform soil bearing along the basement wall. Provide foundation
capacity should be ensured or the design should drainage by installing drain tiles or plastic pipes
accommodate any variation. around the exterior of the footing and properly
b. Formwork and reinforcement. Formwork connect them to a removal system or drain to
must be installed and braced to withstand the daylight. Surface and roof drainage should direct
pressure of the fresh and flowing concrete. water away from the residence. Water should be
Reinforcement is used to control crack width. drained to lower elevations suitable to receive
Wall thickness and reinforcement should be storm water run off.
provided in accordance with International g. Backfilling and final grading. Backfilling should
Residential Code (IRC), ACI 332, or locally be done carefully to avoid damaging the walls.
adopted Code. Brace the walls, if possible, or backfill after first
c. Joints. Some cracks in basement walls can be floor or other structural systems are in place. Finish
controlled to occur in properly located formed grade to slope ½ to 1-in. per foot (40 to 80-mm per
joints. m) for at least 8 to 10 feet (2.5 to 3 m) to drain
d. Concrete. Use concrete with adequate strength water away from the foundation. Considering
in accordance with the Code and project settlement, maintain this final grade to prevent
specifications. Excess water should not be added water from standing along the foundation and
to concrete in the truck mixer. Water-reducing exceeding the designed wall pressure.
admixtures can be used to increase flow. Air- h. Crack repair. Cracking is not necessarily a sign
entrained concrete should be used for walls that of poor materials or workmanship or a structural
may be exposed to moisture and freezing problem with the concrete wall. If repair is
temperatures. necessary, epoxy injection, dry-packing, or routing
e. Placement and curing. Place concrete in a and sealing techniques can be used to repair and
continuous operation to avoid cold joints and stabilize cracks. Before repairing leaking cracks,
segregation. Adding excess water to concrete to the drainage around the structure should be
facilitate placement will increase segregation, checked and corrected if necessary. Details of
cause honeycombing or excessive cracking, and these and other repair methods are provided in
reduce strength. Consider placement points no Ref. 1. Seek professional advice to evaluate and
greater 20 or 30 feet around the perimeter of the repair active cracks that are widening with time.
wall to minimize segregation. Properly designed
higher slump concretes with admixtures will References
flow horizontally for long distances and 1. Causes, Evaluation and Repair of Cracks, ACI 224.1R, American
placement points can be spread out. Curing Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
should begin after placement. Forms should be 2. Code Requirements for Residential Concrete, ACI 332-14, American
left in place 5 to 7 days or at least until concrete Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
attains adequate strength to support itself. Forms 3. International Residential Code, International Code Council,
Washington, DC,
removed too early can result in premature drying
4. Residential Concrete, National Association of Home Builders,
and may cause cracking. In cold weather, forms Washington, DC,
should be insulated with blankets or other 5. Residential Construction Performance Guidelines, National
materials to retain heat. During hot dry weather, Association of Home Builders, Washington, DC.
forms should be covered with wet burlap to 6. Casting Residential Foundation Walls in Cold Weather, Concrete
retain moisture. Liquid membrane-forming Foundations Association, Mount Vernon, IA,
curing compounds can be sprayed at the required 7. Backfilling Foundation Walls, Concrete Foundations Association,
Mount Vernon, IA.
coverage after forms are removed to prevent
8. Cracking in Foundation Walls, Concrete Foundations Association,
excessive drying. Mount Vernon, IA.
f. Waterproofing and drainage. Waterproof
membranes are best applied to the exterior of 1979, 2000, 2014

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