Fieldstudy PART 1

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Learning Activity 1: The School as Learning


At the end of this activity, you will be able to describe

a school environment that provides social,
psychological and physical support to learning.

 Visit a school. Observe the facilities in the learning areas within the
 Accomplish the checklist as you move around the school premises
 Based on your observations, describe the school environment in
terms of the facilities you see around.
 Document the features of these facilities through photos and other


Name of School: Benigno Ninoy Aquino High School

School Adress: Aguho St. Comembo Makati City
Date of Visit: July 20, 2017

1. Describe the school community you have visited in terms of its

location (whether it is within the residential, commercial or
agricultural area).
 Bnahs is actually a commercial area. Where all the places you would like
to go is just nearby like church, hospital, mall etc. Bnahs is one of the
schools who have a highest number of enrollees so basically it is huge not
just that because of its standard, the quality of Education they have.
2. What impression do you have the offices that you passed by?

 Bnahs is my alma mater where I graduated my high school. Before I never

been from the offices I avoided them through that I have to take good care
of my good moral. And by the time visit this school once again I felt
nervous everything was so quiet but unfortunately they are
accommodating visitors politely. Time for them is gold they spend it wisely.

3. Go around the school, and observe the facilities such as the library,
the canteen and science laboratory. Describe whether these facilities
are still functional.

 As I said above statements Bnahs is one of the biggest schools in Metro

Manila. As I go around the facilities it is big they are all functional. They
are two canteens in these school, libraries have a lot of books to choose
too, Laboratories are used only for the science class due to its

“Never stop LEARNING because life doesn’t STOP teaching”

- Anonymous

As I walked along the campus I felt a warm welcome, the way

students greet me with Ma’am in my name.

I have already conducted my classroom observation; I have observed

that the teacher used various principles in teaching that caters not

only the intellectual but also the emotional aspect of the learners. I

also observed that in every principle the teacher used, he relates it to

the personal experiences of the students and to their multiple

intelligences and individual differences, so that she will be able to

catch their attention and interest, and at the same time she can give

them educational needs.

As a future teacher in the making I also come up to the principles use

in teaching. Adapt the things that are good for my students and avoid

bad from the things that are not good. For me to become a productive

teacher someday in my community.


1. Can you consider the school environment you just observed

conducive to learning? Why? Why not?

I might say it is not conducive to learning, As I observed for the first time in
my field study there are some problems I encountered one of it is the
behavior of the students “millennials” in this case you have to be very
patience to them. Next is the technology, they do not have some materials
provided for a faster and enjoying way of learning they still use the
traditional which is manila papers, chalks and other teaching material but in
the end my critic teacher has a lot of ways to have an enjoyable class. And
last that I have observe it is hot some of the fan are not functioning so most
of the students are not participating.

2. What are the characteristics of a classroom that is conducive to


What we need in order to have a conducive learning is books, technologies

and the most important are the teachers we cannot replace teachers in
giving knowledge to its students. They are our path to our future. And the
environment that are functional aside the facilities they also need a room to
be comfortable too.
Learning Activity 2: Learners’ Characteristics and Needs

To gain competence in differentiating the

characteristics and needs of learners at different,
developmental levels.

In my 1st week of observation I have seen a lot of diverse students when it

comes in activities. I have noticed they are more active to explore more things
rather than just listening to their teacher.

Physical: Teachers should come up with various activities to their students in

order for them to get its attention and be able to assess its learning to a
specific lesson. In the activities I have observed they are actually enjoying
group activities where they can share their insights/suggestions to its co-peer.
Like having a skit where they can express their own talents and share it to

Social: Students now a days are millennials the way they interact with their
teachers are like to their friends. One time I have encountered one student in
my class they forgot to say “po” and “opo. The values of the students now a
days are getting worse. They don’t even know their limitations they were too
close when they meet their teachers.

Emotional: Diversity of the students as I have seen my observation they are

“bipolar”. They can shift their moods easily. They are very hyper, some of
them are on the corner of a room sleeping. Others are having a group
conversation. They are not afraid to show its behavior sometimes they don’t
mind their teacher. When it comes in expressing their needs they were all
Cognitive: Students express their own ideas very well; their thoughts are
usually coming in their experiences. They are not shy to share it others they
were all competent. But of course the teacher give credits by means of giving
points to its recitation. In that way the students are engaging and active.


 Energetic and dynamic students  The teacher come up with a set of

rules like lessen some points in
his/her recitations when they are
making too much noise. Sometimes
the teacher just counts 1 to 3 where
those numbers has meaning. Most of
the time the teacher just observing
and let the student be aware.

 Disrespect Students  Most of the students treat their

teachers like a friend they forgot to set
a limitation from it. What my teacher
did she adjust herself she is the one
who says “po and opo”. So that the
student is aware of not being

 They have a great deal of physical  The teacher uses kinesthetic

energy activities. have systems in place to
manage student movement from one
activity or grouping to the next.

 They are curious about adults and

observe adult behavior and  Nurture a relationship with
conversations each student. Try to find
areas of common interest with
each one. Respond with
openness and warmth.

1. Reflect on your experiences when you were of their age. Discuss

any similarities or differences of such experience with those of what
you observed.

I was a high school student before and I might say those years are my
happiest moments. What I have seen from this generation is actually
different from the past. From traditional to technology from being a geek
to millennials. Students now a days are very active they use to learn
things through technologies so the teachers are just facilitators to guide.
They are also having in common the students are still gangsters just like
me before I used to bully others but now I have changed for the better I
hope these students also change, know its limitations and the
consequences of what he/she did.

2. What theory of development can help you explain your


Child development theories focus on explaining how children change and

grow over the course of childhood. Such theories center on various
aspects of development including social, emotional and cognitive growth.
What I have observed, the theory use of teachers for the development of
the students is what we called the behaviorism. It says that the learners
learn through its environment of what they I have heard and imitations.

Learning Activity 3: Classroom Management and

At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in managing

time, space and resources to provide an environment
appropriate and conducive to the learners.

Use the activity form provided for you to document

your observation.

Name of School: Benigno Ninoy Aquino High School

School Address: Aguho St. Comembo Makati City


Benigno High School is not new to me, even other schools here in Makati were

all the same even the facilities the type of rooms do have a common. As I have

observed in my resource teacher class, it’s quite big good for 40 students.

Students are very blessed for having such a good facility they have well chair

to use, a fan for them to be convenient, great or even the best teachers. Last

but not the least students here in Makati receive school supplies every year

coming from the city government of Makati like notebooks, bags, pens even

shoes and uniforms. They were all very blessed, what the Mayor want for the

students is to come school every day and study hard. For them to have a

better opportunity in life.


1. Specific Classroom Areas It’s spacious, free from dirt

because they have trashcans
inside the room.
2. House Rules The teacher conducted an
orientation in their first meet for
them to be aware for its mistakes.
And by this set of rules the
students are obedient as I have

3. Daily Routines It was usually done first by having

a prayer conducted by the
students, arranging the chairs and
put some trash in the container.
4. Seating Arrangement The teacher use to arrange the
seating arrangement according by
their heights and for those
students who are near sighted.

What is the basis of the classroom organization and routine?

Having this kind of routines inside a classroom is good way to start a day. The

learners are aware by the time the teacher entered the room. it’s like there

were all program. And by that, the teacher is gladly to see that his/her student

are obedient.

Cite a certain theory that can support your answer, share your insights

with your classmates during the class.

One of the theory I can cite to support my answer and that is The Behaviorism.

Behaviorism is a learning theory that only focuses on objectively observable

behaviors and discounts any independent activities of the mind. Behavior

theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior

based on environmental conditions. By means of having a positive

reinforcement the students are well engaging and having a positive outlook

together with their teacher.


1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what

grade/year level do you see yourself in? What routines and

procedures would you consider for this level? Why?

I imagine myself as a college teacher for being a Professor it is not the end

of my journey to pursue more in my education. I don’t see myself teaching

high school students I don’t think I can make it due that I am very strict,

nowadays the students are wild. Routines what I would like to take is first to

have a prayer it is a good start of a day having a little conversation with God

before making any doings for a specific task. I want all the students are

orient before the whole period begins.

2. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

For me no, I am a kind of teacher who is a disciplinarian. As a teacher it is

my authority to set rules in my class. But this set of rules are humorous, I

still have care for my students. This set of rules are good for them. In order

for them to be aware, know their limitations.

Learning Activity 4: Social Dimension of Education

At the end of this activity, you will be

competent in determining the teaching
approaches and techniques that address
individual differences of learners.

Number of Pupils/Students: 42
Females: 28 Males: 14
Age Range of Students: 12-13 years’ old
Religious Affiliation: 34 Christian and 8 Non-
Ethnic Groups: None

Name of School: Benigno Ninoy Aquino High School
School Adress: Aguho St. Comembo Makati City
Subject Observed: Filipino

A. Pupil’s Socio-Cultural Characteristics

 Gender: In my observation mostly of the students are
female and only few for males. Maybe because the office
intent to do it due that female students are good students
than boys who are chaotic.
 Age Range: Their age we’re all in common young and
fresh graduates of primary which are 12 to 13 years’ old.
 Religion: There is nothing to talk about religion, because all of them
accept each other all of them are friends. It is not a hindrance it seems
like they were all united and family.
 Ethnic Group:

B. Distinct features of the learners observed

 Physical: Students are all active and physically fit.
 Social: As I said in above statement, most of the students treat their
teachers like friends. Most of them likely have much time
communicating with their group of friends rather than participating in a
 Emotions: Students tend to express their emotions through to its
experiences. They get easily trust others.
 Intellectual: Students are now highly competent; they have more
knowledge when it comes in technology. They express their opinions
with confident sometimes some of them are still hiding inside a box.

1. Describe how the teacher plays his/her role in allowing the learners
interact with others in the classroom activities.
 My resource teacher has a various style to have an interactive class. In its
class she allows his students to express it thoughts even the main thought
of its message is not applicable to its question she still give credits to it
appreciate of what the students can. Sometimes she forces others to talk no
one will be sitting unless the student comes up with its idea about the
specific topic. She always reminds its students to be active and participate
in order for them to have good grades.

2. Have you noticed anyone or group that do not join the group? Why
don’t they join others?
 When it comes in having a group activity, I might say I have notice some
groups who are just there just have a little chat with its circle of friends
rather than thinking, suggesting some ideas to have a good performance
maybe because they do not like their groupmates or maybe they let the
leader to do the work.

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the
individual differences of the students?
 The teacher doesn’t see the diversity of its students she treated it equally
there’s no boundaries or walls between of it. If someone share his thoughts
about specific topic she granted it appreciate and give also some insights.
4. Is there interaction of learners outside of the classroom? Describe it.
 Nowadays teachers should be also aware in their community, in continuous
development of our technology the teacher should be also knowledgeable in
using it. Like in using social media I might say my resource teacher also
include to the group chat of its students for she will be able to discuss some
issues or information by simply chatting in facebook. She also uses Edmodo
application for a paperless activity and examination so that she can easily
assess its student’s performance.

5. What factors may have influence the grouping of learners outside the

 Having this kind of engaging with students outside a classroom or outside

the school is a great way to help the students to engage with their peers.
They’ll be able to express their own thoughts and ideas. and can reveal their
hidden talents.

1. Based on your experience, do you see unity among the teachers and
learners? Explain.
 Yes, I’ve seen the unity among the teacher to its students. One time in one
specific class the teacher asks his students; “How is it going?” the teacher
ask if they were all okay to its performance for the celebration of Buwan ng
Wika there task is to perform an original poem about “Filipino Wikang
Mapagbago”. And the students show its performance to its teacher. My
resource teacher and I give some suggestions and share some comments
that could help to them for their performance.

2. Is there anything you would like to improve in the classroom

interaction? How will you do it?

 As far as I have seen in the classroom management of my resource teacher.

The only one thing that I could add is to have a good behavior/manner among
the students, the values that students should not forget is to know their
limitations to their teachers. We can be friends to them but in some other way
not all the time. Because teachers are our parents who will guide and our
path for a better future in the making.

3. How will you encourage all learners, regardless of religious, ethnic, or

racial background interact and participate in class activities?

 For me, I need to orient them first. That all of my students are equally treated.
I can join them in their circle of peers. When it comes in encouraging them I
will simply support each one of them. Lift students who are shy to showcase
its ideas and talents. And for those who are confident I will tap and appreciate
them for a having such a good attitude. And aside from that I will give credits
by simply giving them a deserve grade for their activity.
Learning Activity 5: Learning
Activities and Learning Process

Through this experiential learning activity, you will

build on principle-informed practical skills and
contextual understanding of the theories and
concepts of knowledge acquisition.


Environment  It is conducive to have an activity

because it is big and dirt free.
 The teacher properly teaches the

Class Activities  The time limit is observed

 Following the specific schedule
 Students are actively participating
 Students initiates responses
 The activity is applicable to its lesson

Skit/Human Diorama  It lets the student to express their

hidden talents and thoughts to a
specific activity

Reading Policy  Students actively engaging in

reading due that the teacher give
credits like giving points to their
Teaching can be a demanding profession. There are times when

students can seem uninterested in learning and disruptive to the

classroom environment. So as a future teacher I should observed

now what are the strategies I should use for them to be active. First

thing I should do is to know my students and at the same way I will

share also mine were I can build trust. When it comes in absorbing

knowledge to my students I think one of the strategies I can use is

the OBE system or what we called Outcomes Based Education.

(student-learner-centered). Where I as a teacher will facilitate and let

the students to learn its own. But it never ends there while they are

doing that I will also engage to them. In that way I’ll be able to

assess my student’s learnings through a specific lesson and be able

to showcase their abilities. One of the advantages of having this kind

of strategy is for them to have confidence in facing a crowd and

enhances its vocabulary.


I’ve been observing a Grade 10 students and my resource teacher is Mrs.

Lorenzo with 42 students. They are 28 females and 14 males each section.

Overall she has 4 sections to hold. They maybe a lot but still my resource

teacher has a great way when it comes in handling her students. They have

different religious beliefs but they are still close to each other and that is how I

get inspired to this student’s it’s like they treated each other as a family.

Having field study in one of our curriculum is a big help for as to have a hands

on experience and be able to sight and experience the real world in teaching

before we face the challenge as a student teacher. One of the struggles I have

face is the noise, chaotic scene in one classroom. So we better need a lot of

patience. Next is to have various styles in teaching and activities for students.

And lastly the manner or behavior you will absorb for everybody. Being a

teacher is a hard work, aside from imparting the knowledge they have to know.

Teachers are also parents who will guide and advise. Being a student, it is not

just having an intelligent mind but also having a good manner and conduct.

They must be valued as persons whose ideas, thoughts, perceptions, views

and beliefs are essential for him and for others.


I used to think that knowledge is a systematic process, it will always start

from the beginning before in the end. Before making any decisions in life it

should be planned and prepared for a better living in the future. Just like in

expressing thoughts it is better to analyze first the sentence combining with

an comprehend mind to build a good one explanation.

After doing this observation, I now think that knowledge will always start

in having a well plan task before making any actions. For have a better

integration with the learners.

From the experience, I feel that being a teacher is not an easy job to apply

for. It will always need a lifetime study to enhance and to become an effective

teacher, a fountain of information. A teacher is the one who build a young one

for becoming a productive citizen in a community.

If only time flies so fast, I’ll be able to use my education to apply it to others

and help my co-teachers. By means of guiding, teaching, to love them and lift

them until they reach their goals in life. So that is the essence of being a

Learning Activity 6: Home-School

At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in

understanding and accepting the learners’ diverse
backgrounds and in relating the such background to
their performance in the classroom.

Name of School: Benigno Ninoy Aquino High School

School Adress: Aguho St. Comembo Makati City
Name of FS Student: Jenessa Grace D. Manguiat
Grade Level/Class Observed: Grade 10

Name of Pupil Observed: Ma.Kristina Y. Maniling

No. of Siblings: 4 Rank: Youngest
Residence: Makati City
Age: 15 Gender: Female


Occupation of Parents Housewife Security Guard

Education Attainment Undergraduate Undergraduate

Religion Catholic Catholic


1. Describe any task or non-school-related tasks assigned to the pupil

while at home.
 Kristina or should I say Tin-tin her nickname is a kind student of Grade 10
Lopez Jaena. I picked her because she is the secretary of their class. Aside
from being kind she is very approachable. I ask her a question. “How are
you as a student?” She said, “It’s quite hard now that I am a graduating
student I have to strive. it’s hard but I can manage”. “How about in your
home do you still have time to your family now that you are striving too
much in your study?”. “Of course, I mostly help my mom in household
chores like going to the market to buy some meats, cleaning the house that
is the only way I can help aside from my studies”.

2. Who assist him/her in doing the assignment?

 His eldest brother Jose, even though he is a busy man, he still has a time to
help her. Sometimes, she only does her assignments alone.

3. What time does the pupil perform her assignments, if any?

 She does her assignment during after she take her nap. For her to have a
lot of energy in making it.

4. Describe how the learner is motivated to do his/her assignment at

 Tin-tin told me the only thing she is motivated to strive hard is her family. To
return the sacrifice they made for her.

As future teacher, how can you establish good relationship with


The first thing that I would do is to orient also the parents of my learners.

They should be the one I should build trust first by means of having

connection. In the first meeting I will collect their phone numbers to have a

contact to them to inform also with some manners regarding to their child’s

behavior or even their grades.



1. Determines an
environment that
provides social, 
psychological, and
physical support to
2. Differentiates
learners of varied
learning 
characteristics and
3. Manages time, space
and resources to
provide an 
conducive to
4. Recognizes multi-
cultural background
of learners when 
providing learning
5. Determines teaching
approaches and
techniques 
appropriate to the
6. Determines,
understands, and
accepts the learners 
diverse background.
7. Relates the learners
background to their
performance in the 
8. Reflects on the
impact of home and
family life to 
9. Expounds on one’s
understanding of the
learning processes 
and the role of the
teacher in facilitating
these processes in
their students.
10. Accepts personal
accountability to
learners achievement 
and performance.


1. Identifies and
classifies resources
that facilitate
teaching and
learning processes.

2. Appraises the
effectiveness of
displays as learning

3. Designs a bulletin
board display
4. Determines the
appropriateness of
teaching aids to
learning task

5. Prepares
materials that are
appropriate to the
learning content

6. Develop and
utilizes materials
which involve
students in
meaningful learning
7. Recognizes
strengths and
weaknesses of
slide presentations
in facilitating the

8. Determines the
appropriateness of
the internet
resources to the
learning task

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