Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1: Date: 28-10-2018 Name of Students: Salma Abdulla
Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1: Date: 28-10-2018 Name of Students: Salma Abdulla
Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1: Date: 28-10-2018 Name of Students: Salma Abdulla
PURPOSE – Why am I teaching this lesson? What do I want the students to know/to be able to
do by the end of the lesson that they could not do before?
LANLAGUAGE – What is the language I hope to teach? Specifically – what do I want the
students to be able to say or write or read or listen to? Is it new language, or am I revising
something I or my MST has already presented and practiced, or is it a mixture?
● English language
● I want the students to be able to know these words: -I can see
-Soil -Plant -Water -Sun -Air -Seeds beans
● Mixture because they know about these words they have a background and there is some
new words.
SKILLS – Which skill(s) am I teaching and what aspect of that / those skill(s) will I focus on?
White board
Real Plant
Data show
Flash cards
ACTIVITIES – What activities can I design that use the resources and are appropriate in the
context? Are my activities authentic and purposeful?
S Try to answer
T-S Ask them random
During questions about the
Reflection T give them S doing the activities To wrap up the lesson and
worksheet and some make sure they
activities to make understand it.
sure that they
Wrap Up understand the