Lab Manual CS Amplifier
Lab Manual CS Amplifier
Lab Manual CS Amplifier
Batch: L1
Aim: Simulate AC, transient and DC response of MOSFET single stage CS amplifier.
Theory: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor, or MOSFET for short, is an
excellent choice for small signal linear amplifiers as their input impedance is extremely high
making them easy to bias. But for a MOSFET to produce linear amplification, it has to
operate in its saturation region, unlike the Bipolar Junction Transistor. But just like the BJT,
it too needs to be biased around a centrally fixed Q-point.
Consider the basic MOSFET amplifier circuit shown below. If we apply a small time-varying
signal to the input, then under the right circumstances the MOSFET circuit can act as a linear
amplifier providing the transistors Q-point is somewhere near the center of the saturation
region, and the input signal is small enough for the output to remain linear.
For proper operation of the MOSFET, this gate-source voltage must be greater than the
threshold voltage of the MOSFET, that is VGS > VTH. Since IS = ID, the gate voltage, VG is
therefore equal to:
To set the MOSFET amplifier gate voltage to this value we select the values of the
resistors, R1 and R2 within the voltage divider network to the correct values. As we know
from above, “no current” flows into the gate terminal of a MOSFET so the formula for
voltage division is given as:
Graphical representations of frequency response curves are called Bode Plots and as such
Bode plots are generally said to be a semi-logarithmic graphs because one scale (x-axis) is
logarithmic and the other (y-axis) is linear (log-lin plot) as shown.
Fig.2: Magnitude response of (a) RC-coupled amplifier (b) Transformer-coupled amplifier and
(c) Direct-coupled amplifier
Then we can see that the frequency response of any given circuit is the variation in its
behavior with changes in the input signal frequency as it shows the band of frequencies over
which the output (and the gain) remains fairly constant. The range of frequencies either big or
small between ƒL and ƒH is called the circuit’s bandwidth. So from this we are able to
determine at a glance the voltage gain (in dB) for any sinusoidal input within a given
frequency range.
audio amplifier is called its Bandwidth, (BW) and is primarily determined by the frequency
response of the circuit.
Frequency points ƒL and ƒH relate to the lower corner or cut-off frequency and the upper
corner or cut-off frequency points respectively were the circuit gain falls off at high and low
frequencies. These points on a frequency response curve are known commonly as the -3dB
(decibel) points. So the bandwidth is simply given as:
Bandwidth ( BW ) =F H −F L
Observation Table:
Thus we have studied to simulate a single stage MOSFET Common Source amplifier
circuit with and without bypass capacitor. We have also studied how to construct and
simulate voltage divider biasing circuit and MOSFET CS amplifier with and without
bypass capacitor filter. Having vout 1.6V and vin 49.9V.and with the frequency
responses of 854.25KHz.