LM-Q1-Week 3

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Think and Tell

Look at the picture.

Get a partner and talk about it.

Find out and Learn

Princess Polite (Short Story)

by Jasmine Logan, Grade pr, QLD

Once there was a girl called Princess Polite but people in her castle called her Polly or Polly Polite. One day a
super star came to her castle. Polly said
“Why have you come here? And what is your name?” The super star said
“My name is Sarah Jones. I’m here to rock out on your castles stage!” Polly said
“I don’t have a stage in my castle!”
“Ooooh dear!” Sarah cried. Polly said
“I will make a grand stage just for you and I will name it Stage Sarah.” Sarah said
“You don’t have to call it stage Sarah.” Polly called for the best builders in the land to come build the stage.
The building started. It took them two years to build it! Polly called Sarah on the phone.
“It’s finished come see!” Polly said.
“Sure, I’ll be there as soon as possible!” Super star Sarah said. Sarah brought a prince with her. Polly said
“Where did you find him and what’s his name?”
“James Sammy and I met him at a wedding.” Sarah said.
“Oh how sweet!” Polly said.
“Nice to meet you Polly Polite.” the handsome prince said.
“You smell like tuna!’ Polly said.
“Oh.” He said.
“We are here to get married!” Sarah said.
“Wait, I thought we were here to see you rock out. I don’t want to marry you!” James said, “I want to marry
Polly married the prince. The rock star rocked out on the stage but was crying the whole time. She stopped
crying for a moment then she cried into a bucket it had a thousand drips in it and it went all the way up to the
top. She had to tip it out and start all over again. The prince and the princess lived happily ever after. The rock
star spent the rest of her life crying a million tears into a bucket and starting all over again and again and again
and again and again and again and again and again

1. What is the story about?

2. What happened when the superstar came?
3. Why did Sarah want a castles stage?
4. How can you describe Sarah? Polly?
5. What happened when Polly built a stage for Sarah?
6. Why do you think the handsome prince married Polly instead of marrying Sarah?
7. What have you learned in the story?
Try and Learn

Greedy Boy

There lived a twin brother called Sam and Tom! They were identical twins, even their
mother found it too hard to differentiate between them during the initial months of birth.
However, they were like two poles when it comes to everything other than their
appearance. They neither agree with anything nor do they share even one single trait!

Sam had no friends, whereas for Tom the world was friendship. Sam loved sweets and
Tom loved to eat spicy foods. Sam was mommy’s pet and Tom was daddy’s pet. While
Sam was generous, Tom was greedy!

As they grew up, their father wanted to share his fortune equally. However, Tom did not
agree and he argued that whoever is more intelligent and strong, will gain higher share of
wealth than other.

Sam agreed. Their father decided to organize a competition between the two. And they ordered the two sons to
walk as long as they can in and they should return home before the sunset. Whoever covers the longer distance
and returns home before sunset will get huge amount of wealth proportionate to the distance they covered. They
don’t carry watch to calculate time.

Both started to walk a long way during a sunny day. Sam walked slowly and steadily, while Tom urged to win
over Sam started to run instantly.

The distance they cover until mid-noon will be equal to the distance they would reach home before sunset. It
was mid-noon and Sam decided to return back as he could reach home on time.

However, Tom, with his greediness to earn more wealth, did not turn his way back home even after mid-noon.
He walked two times longer distance that what Sam was covered and decided to return back before the sunset.
He urged to return home as the Sun turned orange in the evening. Unfortunately, he could not even make half
way to home and the moon rises.

He lost the race and was defeated because of greediness!



1. What is the setting of the story? Read the part where the setting is mentioned.
2. Who are the characters in the story? Describe each of the characters.
3. Identify the parts in the selection that helped you described the characters
Do and Learn
Read the story and summarize it by filling in the semantic web below.

“Mind Your Own Business”

There was once a girl who wouldn’t mind her own business, but loved to poke her nose into everyone
else’s! She really was most tiresome.
“You don’t do this right”, she would say to other children. “You don’t do that right!” And she would alter
what they had done and make them very angry.
She would even make herself a nuisance to her teacher. “You’ve put that notice up abput homework,
Miss Brown. Oh, Miss Brown, wouldn’t be better if we had painting on Thursday instead of Wednesday, then
we’d have more time?”
“Katie, when I want you to run my school for me I’ll tell you!” Miss Brown would say, “When will you
learn to mind your own business?”
“Katie always pokes her nose into everyhting,”said William. “When my mother sent you a note
yesterday, Miss Brown, Katie opened it and read it before you did.”
“Don’t tell tales,”said Katie at once.”Miss Brown, you don’t like tale tellers do you? You always say
you don’t. Well, wouldn’t you scold William?” “I don’t like tale tellers, it’s true,” said Miss Brown. “But I dislike
even more little girls who open notes meant for other people, Katie. One day you’ll get into serious trouble for
Katie was in her worst interfering mood one day. She had told her mother that the flowers in the vase
were not arranged at all nicely, and she had arranged them all over again. She told her father that there was
button loose in his mackintosh, and why didn’t he remember to get it sewn tightly?
She had made the cook very angry because she had gone into the kitchen to watch a cake being
made, and had felt certain she could do it better. So she had done a little mixing herself, and had upset the
bowl of flour, milk, sugar and eggs all over the table.
“She just can’t help poking her nose into everything,” grumbled the cook. “Somebody has got to do
something about her!”
Learn Some More


One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around
for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to
climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell
into the water.

She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her.
Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and
dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards
the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.
Just at that time, a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the
dove, hoping to trap it.

Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his
net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.

One good turn deserves another.


 The characters are the people or animals in the story.

 The setting talks about the place and the time that the events in the story
 The plot is made up of the events that happened in the story. It consists of the
beginning, the middle, and the ending.
 Beginning – it gives the problem faced by the main character
 Middle – it represents the actions made by the characters to solve the
 Ending – it gives the solution to the problem

Think and Tell

Look at the people in the picture.

 Who are in the pictures?

 How many of you are members of the GSP or the BSP
 What are the common activities of a girl scout and a boy scout?

Read and Learn

Read the story and analyze it.


Last year, the Girl Scouts in our district celebrated their anniversary with a journey. What do
you think is the meaning of journey? The purpose of this trip was to explore the virgin forests of
Palawan. (What do you mean by virgin?) since the forests of Palawan have not yet been touched
by loggers. Many of the Girl Scouts who went were independent girls and did not need help in doing
basic or essential things like cooking and hiking. What do you think is the meaning of independent?
Learning the meaning of cooperation helped to make their trip a success. (guess the
meaning of cooperation) By working together well, most of them learned much and enjoy the trip.
They learned the value of preserving or taking good care of our forests to avoid floods and soil
erosion. (what is the meaning of preserving?)

Talk about It
Answer the following questions.

 Who celebrated their anniversary?

 How did they celebrate their anniversary?
 What was the purpose of their trip?
 How can you descrice a virgin forest?
 Where do you think can we find a virgin forest?
 What value did the Girl Scout learn about the forest?

Try and Learn

Use Context clues to help you decide which word to use.
Choose from the words in parentheses.
1. In the Sinai Desert, there is a mountain with very fine grains of sand.
They say that when the sand slides, it produces a __________ sound that is very nice to hear.
(musical, mechanical, comical)
2. The lady announced that Jose won the grand prize. He became __________ for a while, and wouldn’t
say a word.
(noisy, speechless, disturbed)

3. Don’t throw old tires. Some people try to _________ them and earn a lot from them.
(reduce, recycle, return)

Learn Some More

Do and Learn

Read the given sentences, then choose one of the words from below that will best fit the sentence.
After this, underline the word in the sentence that gave you clue to the word you chose.

Vase knocking mailing

Morning light write

1. Every ________ I have breakfast.

2. Turn on the _____________. It is dark in this room.
3. Bring this letter to the post office for _____________.
4. I can hear someone _______________ at the door.
5. Father brought some flowers which mother put in a _____________.


To get the meaning of a word, it must be used in a context and there is a clue.When we say
context clue, it means get the meaning of the word as it is used with other words. “Therefore, the words
that precede and follow an unfamiliar word will help you get its specific meaning. The word or is a signal
that a meaning for a new word will follow.

Think and Tell

Write a sentence for each of the given pictures.

____________________________________ _____________________________

Find Out and Learn

Read the outline and answer the questions below.

I. Characteristics of Vultures

A. Large birds of prey

B. Have baldheads and neck
C. Have very good eyesight
D. Have a keen sense of smell
II. How vultures get their food

A. Do not hunt for food

B. Live on rotting bodies of dead animals
C. Have to wait for their dinner
D. Eats food left by the lion


 What kind of birds are vultures?

 Why do vultures do not hunt for food?
 What kind of outline is presented?
 What are the main topics in the outline?
 Are they subtopics given for the main topics?
 Can this outline be written in paragraph form?

Do and Learn
Write 2 paragraphs based on the outline given.
I. Why clouds are important
A. ____________________
B. protect us from the heat of the sun
C. ____________________
II. ____________________
A. During fine weather, early in the morning clouds are golden yellow.
B. ____________________
C. ____________________

Learn Some More

Write paragraphs based on the outline given below.

The Whale
I. A sea mammal well built for living in water
A. Has blubber or fat to keep at warm
B. Has few bristle of hair on its head
C. Has front links shaped like flippers
D. Gives birth to live babies

II. How the whale gets air

A. Breaths air through its lungs
B. Swims to the surface of the water to breathe air
C. Blows out stale air before breathing in
D. Will drown if cannot come to the surface to breathe
We write paragraph using an outline by writing the topics following their correct order
in the outline.

Read and Learn

A.Do you still remember what you used to do when you were small?
What are these activities that you used to do?
How do you feel when you recall these activities that you used to do?
Find out as you read the poem.


When I was a child
I used to go from place to place
Crawling with my hands and feet.
I used to play with all my toys
Tearing and pulling them apart.
Now that I have grown
I would go wherever I want
Going out with all my friends.
I would join all kinds of games
Playing ball whenever I can

What did the author use to do when he was a child? (Write the answers on the board)
What helping verbs were used to describe what he always did when he was small?

B. Read and study the paragraph.

We usually visit my grandparents every Sunday. Early in the morning on Sundays,

mother will prepare some food to take with us. She will cook fish as well as chicken
because grandpa likes fish but grandma eats only chicken.

Talk about It
a. How does mother usually do on Sundays?
b. What helping verb was used to express what mother usually does on Sunday?
c. What do we call these activities that we always do or always did in the past?
d. How many verbs are used to express these habits?
e. What are the main verbs?
f. What do we call these verbs?
g. In what forms are these auxiliary verbs used?
h. What do we call the helping verbs used before the auxiliary verbs?
i. Do the modals remain in the same form or do they follow that the subject is?
j. When do we use the modal used to and would?
k. When do we use the modal will?
Write About It
Use each modals inside the pie in a sentence.


 Modals are verbs used with other verbs. They can express a habit.
 Used to, would - are used to express a past habit
 Will – is used to express a present habit

Try and Learn

Draw a hat if the statement is correct and an umbrella if not.

1. The use of lighting can be both artificial and natural.
2. Actors/actress tells the story in a film by portraying a character.
3. Directions are the instructions given to the actors only.
4. Dialog are the things that are said by the characters in the movie.
5. A film creates the illusion of moving images.

Do and Learn

Exercise 1

Match Column A with the desciptions in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Things that are said by the characters in a movie A. Dialog
2. The time, place, circumstances in which a film takes place B. Directions
3. The use of various light sources C. Film
4. Instructions given to the actors and other people D.Lighting
5. Motion picture or photoplay E. Setting
Exercise 2

Using the pictures below, write a simple dialogue with Formal and Informal English.

A film, also called a movie, motion picture or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown
on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon.
The different forms and conventions of films are:
 Characterization - describe the depiction of a character in a movie
 Acting is the work of an actor or actress, which is a person in theatre, television, film, or any
other storytelling medium who tells the story by portraying a character and,
usually, speaking or singing the written text or play.
 Dialog – the things that are said by the characters in a movie; a discussion/ conversation
between two or more people
 Setting or set up – the time, place, circumstances in which a film takes place
 Direction – the instructions given to the actors and other people working on a film
 Blocking is the positioning and movement of the characters to tell the story in visual term
 Lighting - the use of various light sources, both artificial and natural, to achieve some aesthetic
or practical effect while illuminating a scene.

 Formal language is using standard English (not slang) and appropriate grammar when
speaking or writing. Informal language is the language we use when we feel very
comfortable and casual around people. For example, talking with or writing to our peers,
close friends, and family may be appropriate times to use informal speech. You may
choose to use slang or some inappropriate grammar. Informal language does not require
standard English.

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