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What do these sentences refer to a ) Human force, b) forcé of machine or c) forcé of


a) Leaves fall to the ground in autumn. _____

b) A tennis ball flies across the net at super speed. ___
c) Air circulates in the room with the fan going round and round. ____
d) –a child slides down a slide in the park. ____
e) A balloon slowly floats to the ground when losing helium. ____
f) A car passes a truck on the highway. ____
g) A child swings back and forth on the swing set. ____
h) A basketball is thrown trough te hoop. ____
i) A rocket takes off towards the moon. ____

2. Complete


 _____________________ FORCES (one object or person moves another by
 ______________________ FORCES (without touching) gravityn magnetism.


a) Kicking a ball
b) Bell ring
c) Dressing
d) Sewing
e) Fliying a kite
f) Running

4. Complete

Forces can make an object move in different ways: move ___________, move

_________, ______________ direction, ______________ moving or ______________


A forcé applied to an object can also change it _________ ore ven _________. It

depends on the _________________ the object is made and how much ____________

is applied.
5. Fill in the chart with the corresponding letter.



a) Pressing a coin hard between your fingers.

b) The swing speeds up when pushed
c) Pins move towards a magnet when close.
d) Opening a door
e) Squeezing a brick.
f) A window closes suddenly.
g) Squeezing a sponge.
h) Speading butter.

6. Choose A or B

a) A boy kicks the ball with his foot.

A- Contact force B- Non- contact force

b) An Apple falls from a tree.

A- Contact force B- Non- contact forcé

c) A girl slows the dog down by holding to the rope.

A- Push B- Pull

d) A man uses a lawnmower to cut the grass.

A- Push B- Pull

e) A woman uses a shopping cart in the supermarket.

f) Push B- Pull

7. Match the sentence halves

a. Forces make things move or…. 1. Moves another by touching it.

b. A force applied to an object can also… 2. Objects without touching them.
c. Contact force is when one object or person 3. Change its shape ore ven brake it.
d. Non- contact forces move… 4. Stay still by pushing or pulling

8. Write the words with the corresponding sentence.

A banana Butter An Apple A biscuit

It changes shape when forcé is applied: ______________________

It doesn´t change shape when a forcé is applied. __________________
9. Circle the objects that change shape when a forcé is applied.


10. Cross out the words that are not about forces
Evaporation gravity push volumen non-contact

Pull solution magnetism contact molecule

11. Complete
GRAVITY is a _____________________, ___________ force. It is a force that pulls towards
their _______________. For example, the Earth´s ____________ pulls everything on or near
the Earth toward its centre.

This stop sus and our belonings floating away!

Gravity was discovered by ________________ _______________.

Newton´s conclussions

 _____________ masses pull ___________ masses towards them.

 The ___________ the mass, the ___________ the pull.
 The _____________ the masses, the _______________ the pull.

12. Gravity Question.

What type os force it is?
What does it do?
Who discovered it?
Is gravity stonger on the Earth or
the Moon? Why?
What is weigh?
What is the unit os measurement
of weight?
13. Complete with “mass” or “ weight”
 ___________ is the amount of matter in an object. It is measured in
 _________________ is a force. It is _________X ____________. It is measured in
_______________ (____)

14. Fill in the chart with following information.

a. Measured in newtons (N) f. a non-contact, pull force
b. Mass X gravity g. the amount of matter in an object.
c. Stronger on the Earth h. only noticeable with very large masses
d. Measured in kilograms (Kg) i. A force
e. The larger it is, the stronger the pull


20. Write the formula for calculating weight.

Now use this formula to solve the following problems

a) Jhon´s mass is 95 Kg. If gravity on Mars is 3,7. How much more is Jhon´s weight on
Earth then it would be on Mars?

b) Jupiter´s gravity is 25 , Venus is 9 and Neptune 11. Calculate the difference of Jhon´s
weight comparing all thre planets. Use the following structure:
He weights ________ more/less on____________________ than _________________.
22. Complete
Upthrust is a ________________, ____________ force applied by ____________ and
______. It _____________ objects in _______ and _________________ up.
Upthrust is an opposite force to ____________________.
Upthrust depends on the ___________ and _____________ of an object:
 ___________ mass and __________ volume a lot of upthrust (ex. Feathers)
 ___________mass and ___________ volume less upthrust (ex. Coin)

________________ discovered upthrust over 2000 years ago.

23. Write True or False and correct the false staments.

a) Upthrust is a non- contact, push forcé which pushes objects in the air and water up.
b) Upthrust is the opposite of gravity, gravity pulls and object down and upthrust pushes
c) The mass and weight of an object influences the amount of upthrust.
d) Archimedes, an Ancient Greek scientist, discovered upthrust in his bath over 2000
years ago.
e) Archimedes discovered that the water uses has an upwards force.

24. Check the example that occur because of upthrust.

 We can swim A footballer kicks the ball

 Boats don´t sink A ball is thrown into a basket
 A sponge changes shape A hot air balloon rises
 A parachute rises and slows the fall A bottle floats
 A leaf to the ground Fruit floats in punch.


 Tennis uses _______________ forces to move the ball ( contact/ non-contact)

 Players use a racket to apply _____________ forces to the ball. (push/pull)
 Push forces make the ball change ____________________ (direction/shape)
 A big push forcé makes the ball _______________________ (speed up/ slow down)
 A small push forcé makes the ball ____________________. (speed up/ slow down)
 Players move about by applying push forces to the __________with their legs and feet.
(air/ ground)
 _______________________ Pulls the ball back to the ground. (gravity/ magnetic
 Upthrust ____________ the ball and makes it fall more slowly. (pushes/ pulls)


 To swim ou need to _____________ (sink/ float)

 Gravity pulls the swimmer down and _______________ some water ( displaces/
 __________________ of the displaced water pushes the swimmer up (weight/
 To move forwards the swimmer applies ___________ forces (contact/ non-contact) to
the water.
 The swimmer applies forces with their _______________ (arms and legs/ arms only)
 The swimmer _____________________ the water to move (pushes and pulls/ only
 The bigger the forcé the swimmer applies the ___________ they move (faster/ slower)

 ___________________ pulls you down and stops you jumping very high (a contact
force/ gravity)
 Upthrst of displaced air makes you fall more _______________ (slowly/ quickly)
 Gravity and upthrust are _____________________ forces and make you move up and
down. (balances/ unbalanced)

 Your legs apply _____________ forces to the tampoline. (contact/ non contact)
 The __________________ the push force the higher y ou jump (smaller/ bigger)
 Your arms pull and push the ______________ Air/ water) to jump higher.
 When your legs apply a _____________ foce you stop. (push/ pull)
 On the moon you could jump much higher because gravity is _______________
(stronger weaker)

 Footballers apply contact forces to the ball with their feet, ________________ and
chest. (hands /head)
 __________________ can apply forces with their feet (only push/ push and pull)
 Push forces make the ball change _______________ (direction/ shape)
 A big push force makes the ball _________________ (speed up/ slow down)
 A small force makes the ball _________________ (speed up/ slow down)
 ___________________ pulls the ball back to the ground. (gravity/ magnetic forces)
 Upthrust __________________ the ball up and makes it fall more slowly. (pushes/

25. Choose the correct answer

a) Two types of non- contact forces are

1. magnetism and gravity
2. Gravity and upthrust
3. upthrust and magnetism

B The force that moves the violin strings

1. is a contact and push force
2. Is a non- concatact force
3. Is a contact and pull force

c) Gravity on the Earth

1. pushes things up.
2. pulls things down
3. makes things stay in the air

c) A boat floats when

1. Its weight and the upthrust are equal
2. when the upthrust is more tan its weight
3. when its weight is more tan the upthrust.

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