Ibong Tiririt Pipe 3

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The sum of the pressure head and velocity head.

The measure of the ability of a goal to withstand exposure to the
a. static head
environment elements without excessive crumbling
b. pressure head
c. velocity head
a. crumbling coefficient
d. dynamic head
b. weatherability
c. cohensiveness
Answer: (D)
d. attrition coefficient

Answer. (B)
Which of the following statement is/are true regards to the first law
of thermodynamics for a change in state of a control mass
A type of coal that tends to break apart as it burns thereby exposing
the unburned coal to the combustion air.
a. since heat and work are path function Q-W must also be a path
a. loose coal
b. Q-W is an inexact differential
b. free burning coal
c. A and B
c. non-cohensive coal
d. Q-W is a point function
d. aggregate
Answer: (D)
Answer: (B)
Which of the following statements is/are true with regards to heat
A type of coal that produced a fused coal mass as it burns.
and work.
a. plastic coal
a. heat and work are both transient phenomena
b. caking coal
b.both heat and work are boundary phenomena
c.soft coal
c.both heat and work are path function
d. high-moisture coal
d. all of the above
Answer: (B)
Answer: (D)
A combustible coal content that produces a major atmospheric
The height of the surface of the water above the gage point
pollutant consequently, it is important that coal has a low
percentage of this component.
a. pressure head
b. velocity head
a. nitrogen
c. dynamic head
d. static head
c. carbon
d. hydrogen
Answer: (D)

The head required to produced a flow of the water. The removal of heat from compressed air between stages of
a. static head
b. pressure head a. regeneration
c. velocity head b. exhaustion
d. dynamic head c. heat evacuation
d. intercooling
Answer: (C)
Answer:( D)
The dynamic pressure of the liquid at pump section less the
corresponding to the temperature at the same point, converted to As a general rule, the cooling water side of the condenser should be
liquid. schedule for inspection for every:

a. NPSH a. month
b. specific head b. 3 months
c.pump operating head c. 6 months
d. suction head d. year

Answer: (A) Answer: (B)

If the compressor runs continually, the cause might be the:

The algebraic difference of the discharge and suction heads.
A. high-pressure cutout switch is jammed shut
a. pump operating head B. low pressure switch is jammed shut
b. TDH C. thermal bulb is not operating properly
c. A and B D. scale trap is clogged
Answer: (B)
Answer: (C)

The transfer of the heat energy from exhaust gases to compressed air
flowing between the compressor and combustion chamber.

a. intercooling
b. convection If the temperature in the icebox is too high, the trouble could be:
c. regeneration
d. economics A. a clogged scale trap
B. air in the system
Answer :(C) C. automatic controls not functioning properly

D. insufficient cooling water to the condenser The memory lost when the operating power is removed

Answer: C a. power memory

b. volatile memory
If frost forms on the cylinders, the cause would be: c. initial memory
d. quick data
A. expansion valve not open wide enough
B. charging valve open too wide Answer (B)
C. expansion valve open too wide Which of the following regions in a multi-stage turbine where
D. dehydrator not working properly efficiency a highest?

Answer: C A. High pressure region above 200 psi

B. Intermediate pressure region
The most likely cause of high superheat would be: C. Low pressure most region
D. A and B
A. too much refrigerant
B. expansion valve open too wide Answer (B)
C. expansion valve closed in too much wide
D. back-pressure valve set too high Calculate the use factor of a 135 MW plant with a load facetor of 0.8
and a peak load of 120 MW if its operation is limited to 8500 hrs in a
Answer: (B) year

Short-cycling means that the machine: A 0.90

B. 0.73
A. grounds out frequently C. 0.70
B. stops and starts frequently D. 0.78
C. runs too fast
D. runs too slow Answer (B)

Answer: B Calculate the net radiation heat flux exchange of two bodies with
surface temperature of 25 deg C. The radiation heat transfer
If the cooling water to the condenser should suddenly fail: coefficient is 7.0 W/m2-k

A. the solenoid valve will close A. 700 w/sq m

B. the compressor will shut down B. 750 w/sq m
C. the expansion valve will close C. 665 w/sq m
D. an alarm will ring to notify the engineer D. 650 w/sq m

Answer: (B) Answer C

Calculate the reserve factor for a power plant with a load factor of
0.7 average load of 50 MW and rated capacity of 80 MW Answer C

a. 2 Where groundwater ( wells and springs) or surface water (streams

b. 1.5 and takes) are used for feedwater, water hardness of ___ and
c. 1.12 alkalinity of pH 10 to be ph should be considered
d. 1.6
a. 0-10 ppm
Answer C b 10-20 ppm
c 20-30 ppm
Maximum demand of 30 MW and 10 MW are connected to a power d 30-40 ppm
plant with a peak load of 70 MW. What is the diversity factor of the
plant? Answer A

a. 0.50 Which of the following is not a solid fuel?

b. 0.70
c. 0.65 a. peat
d. 0.86 b. briquettes
c. tar
Answer C d. coke

A gas in piston-cylinder set-up undergoes an expansion of such rate Answer C

that PV 1.2 =constant. Before the expansion process the pressure of
the gas is 300 kpa and the volume is 0.50 m3. If the final volume of Canisters of helmets shall be removed immediately after having
the gas is 0.1 m3, calculate the work done by the gas been used on sucking water from a public service main or private-
use water system
a. 9.71 KJ
b. 11.0 KJ a. horizontal split case pump
c. 12 KJ b. vertical shaft turbine pump
d. 8 KJ c. booster pump
d. submersible pump
Answer A
answer C
The phenomenon in which air enters a submerged suction pipe from
the water surface is called a: A small fitting with a double offset, or shaped like the letter U with
the ends turned out
a. whirlpool
b. vacuum a. elbow tee
c. vortex b. expansion loop
d. thixotropic c. spigot joint

d. cross-over Energy is always

Answer d a. being produced

b. being destroyed
The condition in which droplets of water are carried by steam in the c. not changing
boiler d. none of the above

a. priming Answer b
b. breeching A 5m thick flat plane ( k=60 w/ m k) is well insulated on its sides,
c. carryover while the top and bottom surfaces are maintained at 150 deg.
d. condensation Assuming a steady state heat conduction, calculate the temperature
4 m below the top surface.
Answer a
a. 100 deg c
At the start of the compression process of an air-standard diesel b. 120 deg c
power cycle the pressure is 100kpa and the temp is 15 deg C. for a c. 94 deg c
mean effective pressure of 1362 kpa and compression ratio of 18 the d. 80 deg c
heat of combustion developed is 1800 kj/kg. what is the thermal
efficiency of the cycle? Answer c

a. 65 % A solid of diameter D=0.5 m and surface emissivity of 0.8 contains

b. 59 % electrons that dissipate 100 W of heat. If it does not receive radiation
c. 55% from the surroundings, what is the surface temp?
d. 68%
a. 300 deg C
Answer b b. 280 deg C
c. 230 deg C
A circular chip ( k= 150 w/ mk) with a diameter d=10mm and d. 270 deg C
thickness t= 4 cm inside diameter and 12 cm outer diameter. The
inside wall temperature of the pipe is maintained at 500 deg C while Answer C
the outside surface of asbestos at 90 deg C. Calculate the heat loss
per meter length Which of the following is basically a jet engine that exhausts into a
turbine generator?
a. 1265w/m
b. 1500 w/m a. aeroderivative gas turbine
c 1400 w/m b. brayton engine
d. 1100 w/m c. industrial gas turbine
d. joule turbine
Answer a
Answer A

it is referred to as the maximum continous power available from a Answer B
hydroelectric power plant even under the most adverse hydraulic
condition Working fluids used in refrigeration cycle decreases in temperature
as the pass through the throttle valve. The joule-thompson
a. primary power coefficient of these fluids is
b. continuous base power
c. continuous peak power a. negative
d. firm power b. zero
c. positive
Answer D d. none of the above

Energy destruction is a result of Answer C

a. heat transfer
b. work production The interactions that occurs between a system and its surroundings
c. process irreversibility as a system executes a process, which is the result of the system
d. none of the above being at temperature different from the surrounding is

Answer c A. mass transfer

b. heat transfer
c. work transfer
Working fluids used in refrigeration cycle decreases in temperature d. none of the above
as they pass through the throttle valve. The Joule- Thompson
coefficient of these fluids is Answer b

a. negative An air pollutant which isth e result of burning fuels oils

b. zero
c. positive a. ferrous oxide
d. none of the above b. hydrogen nitride
c. sulfur dioxide
Answer C d. aluminum oxide

The interaction that occurs between a system and its surroundings Answer c
as the system executes a process, which is the result of the system Analysis of solid fuel to determine moisture, volatile matter, fixed
being at the temperature different from the surrounding, is carbon, and ash expressed as percentage of the total weight of the
a. mass transfer
b. heat transfer a. viscometer
c. work transfer b. proximate analysis
d. none of the above c. ultimate

d. pour point c. ammeter
d. calorimeter
Answer b
Answer b
a gas analysis apparatus in which the percentage of oxygen, carbon
dioxide and neonoxide in the gas measured by absorption in A rotating device used to convert kinetic energy into mechanical
separate chemical solutions energy

a. orsat a. turbine
b. proximate b. generator
c. ultimate c. pump
d. pour point d. vacuum

Answer a Answer a

the water added to boiler feed to compensate for the water lost air can be prevented from getting into the system by:
through blowdown, leakage, etc
a. keeping all gland and stuffing boxes on the high pressure side
a. condensate tight
b. make-up b. keeping the dehydrator clean at all times
c. sulfur c. keeping all glands and stuffing boxes on the low pressure side
d. economizer tightr
d. running the refrigerant through an aerator
Answer b
Answer c
gas flow caused by boiler’s pressure being less than boiler’s furnace
pressure An excessively high head pressure could be caused by

a. induced draft a. solenoid valve shut off

b. infrared b. insufficient cooling water to the condenser
c. injector c. insufficient cooling water to the evaporator coils
d. inhibitor d. too much cooling water to the condenser

Answer (a) Answer b

An automatic pressure-relieving device that opens in proportion to The solenoid valve is controlled by
the increase in pressure over its opening pressure
a. the amount of liquid in the system
a. pressure gauge b. the amount of gas in the system
b. relieve valve c. the temperature in the condenser

d. the thermal switch operated by the icebox temperature d. shape and size of coal

Answer D Answer C

if the discharge side of the thermal expansion valve is marmer than a boiler horsepower is equal to the evaporation of 3405lbs of 100
the degrees c water per hr. how much steam in lb per hour a 700
horsepower boiler can generate?
a. expansion valve is working normally
b. expansion valve is not working normally a. 24150 lb / hr
c. solenoid valve is not working normally b. 21000 lb/ hr
d. scale trap is dirty c. 18000 lb/hr
d. 30000 lb/hr
Answer B
Answer b
If the pressure is too high
___ is obtained by mixing and burning precisely the right amount of
a. the relief valve should open before the high pressure output fuel and oxygen so that products are left once combustion is
b. the relief valve should open and let excess refrigerant go to complete
c. the high pressure output switch should operate before the relief a. perfect combustion
valve b. burning combustion
d. close in on the suction valve c. firing combustion
d. burning combustion
Answer c
Answer a
If a pressurized water reactor (PWR) what type of boiler commonly used in industrial and heavy
a. the coolant water is pressurized to work as moderator commercial application due to less expensive to make low pressure,
b the coolant water boils in the core of the reactor easier to maintain and repair
c. the coolant water is pressurized to prevent boiling of water in the
core a. water tube boiler
d. no moderator is used b. fire tube boiler
c. air tube boiler
Answer c d. marine water

Which of the following property of coal has major influence on the Answer b
design and operation of a steam power plant
during the emergency operation of the boiler, when there is no
a. density of coal water in the gauge glass and steam comes out of the bottom trycock,
b. carbon content of coal the water level cannot be determined. What preventive measure the
c. ash content of coal operator does to save the boiler

why should you avoid bending or twisting of fan blades in an air
a. shutdown the boiler and do not add water conditioning unit?
b. add water to compensate the water losss
c. increase the firing rate a. it will not cause ice build up
d. continue to operate the boiler and add water b. it will wear out the motor bearings &cause noise
c. it may not slice suction line
Answer a d. it decrease the volume flow of refrigerant

the most important valve in the boiler operation and the last line of Answer b
defense against disaster is known as
The heat transferred radially across insulated pipe per unit area
a. pressure gauge
b. compound gauge a. remain constant
c. safety valve b. inversely proportional to the thermal conductivity
d. gate valve c. decrease from pipe wall to insulated surface
d. increase form pipe wall to insulated surface
Answer c
Answer c
a common test and very important when a boiler is being repaired
and or replaced before being back in operation or in service is under normal operating conditions, when a solid material to be
known as dried is placed inside a batch tray dryer, the material is usually
a. hydrostatic test
b. water level test a. under constant drying conditions
c. test clamp b. under variable drying conditions
d. acid test c. under high temperature drying
d. under low temperature drying
Answer a
Answer a
In heat transfer by conduction, due to symmetry the heat flow as a
point is perpendicular to the isothermal surface through the point. a change of phase directly from vapor to solid without passing
This mode of conduction is a characteristic of through the liquid state is called as

a. non-isotropic a. sublimation
b. isotropic b. vaporization
c. insulators c. solidification
d. conductors d. deposition

Answer a Answer d

in terms of heat transfer, the use of a cooling tower is said to be more
efficient and more economical compared to an ordinary heat The ozone concentration of parts per million (ppm) is generally
exchanger since considered maximum permissible for how many hours of exposure?

a. large vol of air is available and free A. 8 hrs

b. temperature profiles of air and water can cross each other b. 7 hrs
c. large amount of water can be processed c. 4 hrs
d. a cooling tower is much smaller and cheaper than a heat heat d. 3hrs
Answer a
Answer b
How may moisture be removed from air?

It is a form of oxygen photochemicallly produced in nature a. condensation

b. adsorption
a. ozone c. A and B
b. oxidizing agent d. none of these
d. D02 Answer c

Answer a In cooling cycle, the dry bulb temp (db) of the air is lowered, what
will happens to the relative humidity
What is the chemical formula of ozone
a. increased
a. O3 b. decreases
b. D3O c. remains constant
c. o7 d. increases or decreases depending on the temperature at which it
d. O1 is cooled

Answer a Answer A

In the upper atmosphere, ozone is nade by ultraviolet light reacting What is the effect of superheating the
with refrigerant?

a. oxygen a. it increases the coefficient of performance

b. nitrogen b. it decreases the coefficient of performance
c. hydrogen c. it lowers the boiling point of the refrigerant
d. water vapor d. it increases the suction pressure of the refrigerant

Answer a Answer a

A turbine setting where one disadvantage is the difficulty of ans a
lubricating the operating mechanism, with consequent relatively
rapid water The ratio of the maximum pressure in the cycle to the atmospheric
a. siphon setting
b. open fume setting a. cycle pressure ratio
c cast setting b. cycle pressure level
d. capacity setting c. regenerator effectiveness
d. thermal efficiency
Answer b
ans b
A patented device combining expansion and compression function
in a single rotor permitting higher cycle temperatures The ratio of the actual partial pressure exerted by tge water vapor in
any volume of air to the partial pressure that would be exerted by
a. comprex the water vapor in the air is saturated at the temperature of the air
b. compressor
c. expander a. relative humidity
d. single-shaft b. absolute humidity
c. humidity ratio
answer: A d. saturation ratio

A rough measure of the physical size of the equipment which must ans a
handle the specified quantity of the fluid
In sensible heating the absolute humidity remains constant but the
a. pressure ratio relative humidity
b. fuel rate
c. thermal efficiency a. increases
d. air ratio b . remains constant
c. decreases
ans d d. zero

ans c
The ratio of the highest main compressor discharge pressure as the
lower main compressor inlet pressure The relative humidity becomes 100% and where the water vapor
start to condense
a, cycle pressure ratio
b. cycle pressure level a. dew point
c. work ratio b. saturated point
d. air ratio c. cloud point

d. critical point d. Wet Bulb Thermometer

ans a Answer: A

The phenomenon that warm air rise and cold air settle is called
Why should you avoid bending or twisting of fan blades in an air
conditioning unit? a. Stratification
b. Setting Due
a. It will cause ice build-up c. Sedimentation
b. It will wear out the motor bearings and cause noise d. Ventilation
c. It may not slice suction line
d. It decreases the volume flow of refrigerant Answer: A

Answer: B Which of the following components of the window air conditioning

system cleaned annually?
A type of refrigerant that will not damage the ozone layer.
a. Evaporator and condenser
a. Hydrofluorocarbons (HCF’s) b. Fan blades and fan motor
b. R-22 c. Motor and compressor
c. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCHF’s) d. All of these
d. R-12
Answer: C
Answer: A
A cooled heat exchanger that transfer heat from compressed air to
Which of the following is the type of refrigerant that damages cooler air.
Ozone layer?
a. Intercooler
a. Hydrocholorofluorocarbons (HCHF’s) b. Refrigerator
b. R-22 c. Economizer
c. R-12 d. Aftercooler
d. All of these
Answer: D
Answer: D
All the control stand, pitch of the turbine blades must be adjusted
Large-bulb alcohol thermometer used to measure air speed or manually by a.
atmospheric condition by means of cooling.
a. Sensor
a. Kata thermometer b. Float valve
b. JJ Thompson Thermometer c. Gate
c. Kelvin Thermometer d. Switch

Answer: A Advantage for propeller turbines of all types

The most commonly used adjustable-blade propeller turbine. a. open flumes setting
b. siphon setting
a. Francis turbine c. cost setting
b. Kaplan turbine d. capacity setting
c. Impulse turbine
d. Pelton wheel Answer: B

Answer: B An office air conditioning system drew in a quantitity of hot air

from outside, cooled it to 1 deg C, and mixed it with the internal air
Runner blades are adjusted automatically in synchronism with of a building. Care was taken to supply enough fresh air to eliminate
turbine wicker gates by a/an. objectionable odors. The temperature of the space was maintained
constant, and yet some people became uncomfortable in the
a. Control valve afternoon, why?
b. Governor
c. Oil servomotor a. The relative humidity had dropped
d. Manual operation b. When a person spends a long time at a constant temperature that
person becomes uncomfortable
Answer: C c. Radiant heat from others in the office made the space
What is supplied to the servomotor from the turbine governor oil d. The complainers were not really uncomfortable, they were just
system through the generator shaft and through a control valve. bored

a. Water Answer: A
b. Air
c. Steam Equipment designed to reduce the amount of water vapor in the
d. Oil ambient atmosphere;
a. Blower
Answer: D b. Condenser
c. Dehumidifier
Used to exhaust air from the casing for starting. d. Cooling tower

a. Ejectors Answer: C
b. Dearator
c. Injector A large paper plant uses its own cogeneration power plant to
d. Blower generate its electricity because.

Answer: A a. It permits the use of a more efficient generator

b. The company can better control the voltage An instrument which is commonly used to measure the most
c. It does away with high power lines leading to the plant important characteristics of fuel oil which is viscosity is known as;
d. It provides a more efficient conversion of fuel
a. Saybolt Viscosimeter
Answer: D b. Ph-meter
c. Acid Testmeter
The volumetric output of a centrifugal pump is reduced by closing a d. Gravuty meter
valve part way on the intake side of the pump, throttling the intake.
The reduction of flow is accompanied by “popping” noises which Answer: A
seem to come from inside the case.
What is the probable cause? In a refrigerator, this is a chamber for storing low-side liquid
refrigerant in a system, which also serves as a surge drum.
a. The impeller has broken
b. Dirt particles have got into the pump intake a. Condenser
c. The intake valve flow seal is loose and vibrates b. Evaporator
d. The fluid is cavitating c. Compressor
d. Accumulator
Answer: D
Answer: D
If a man touches two metals which were kept together at room
temperature, why would one metal feel colder that the other? The measure of a fluids resistance to flow (the internal friction of a
fluid) as temperature increase.
a. One has a high temperature coefficient
b. One has a lower temperature a. Density
c. One has a high thermal conductivity b. Viscosity
d. One has a high temperature c. Specific gravity
d. Temperature
Answer: C
Answer: B
The ratio of the internal thermal resistance of a solid to the boundary
layer thermal resistance is described by: A mechanical device used to burn solid fuel specifically used in coal
power palnt.
a. Biot number
b. Nusselt number a. Stroker
c. Prandtl number b. Boiler
d. Reynolds number c. Staybolt
d. Condenser
Answer: A
Answer: A

The chemically correct ratio of air fuel a mixture capable of perfect
combustion with no unused air or fuel, a. Boron
b. Cast iron
a. Fuel point c. Beryllium
b. Pour point d. Steel
c. Stoichiometric ratio
d. Stack Answer: C

Answer: C The function of a moderator in a nuclear reactor is

When a solid material is said to be “dry” it means that a. To slow down the fast moving electrons
b. To speed up the slow moving electrons
a. The solid does not contain any moisture c. To start the chain reaction
b. The solid still contains very small amount of moisture d. To transfer the heat produced inside the reactor to a heat
c. The solid contains equilibrium moisture exchanger
d. The weight of the solid is the same as the bone dry weight
Answer: A
Answer: B
Which of the following is the most commonly used moderator?
A hot block is cooled by blowing cool air over its top surface. The a. Graphite
heat that is first transferred to the air layer close to the block is by b. Sodium
conduction. It is eventually carried away from the surface by: c. Deuterium
d. Heavy water
a. Convection
b. Radiation Answer: A
c. Conduction
d. Thermal
Ammonia leaks in the condenser can be detected by:
Answer: A
a. Smelling the discharge water
When drying banana chips under the sun, the rate of drying is faster b. Applying litmus paper to the circulating water discharge
c. Adding oil of peppermint to the system and tracing the small
a. On a slightly breezy day d. Applying a scapy mixture to the condenser heads and looking
b. On a calm day for bubbles
c. On a cloudy day
d. On a hot and windy day Answer: B

Answer: D Air arrangement of headwater tubes located in the boiler

Reflector of a nuclear reactor are made up of a. Economizer

b. Condenser
c. Evaporator Answer: D
d. Boiler
What part of heat exchangers that are classified as radiant
Answer: A convection and placed at the near of the furnace, where they receive
the bulk of the radiation from the flame.
Scale in boiler can.
a. Radiant superheaters
a. Create low steam quality b. Condenser
b. Cause foaming c. Radiator
c. Over blow-off line d. Evaporators
d. Inhibit circulation and heat transfer
Answer: A
Answer: D
Which of the following is the major consideration while selecting the
The effectiveness of a body as a thermal radiator at a given nuclear power plant?
a. Safety
a. Absorptivity b. Load center
b. Emissivity c. Disposal of waste
c. Conductivity d. Availability of water
d. Reflectivity
Answer: C
Answer: B
A moderator is used to:
In a cooling tower, the water is cooled mainly by;
a. Slow down neutrons
a. Condensation b. Slow down electrons
b. Evaporation c. Accelerate neutrons
c. Convection d. Direct flow of electron
d. Conduction
Answer: A
Answer: C
Which of the following material is not used as moderator?
A temperature above which a given gas cannot be liquefied;
a. Graphite
a. Cryogenic Temperature b. Beryllium
b. Absolute Temperature c. Aluminum
c. Vaporization d. Light water
d. Critical Temperature

Answer: C
Which of the following statements is not a key feature of fourier’s
heat conduction.
In nuclear power plant which of the following is used to slow down
the fast neutron? a. It is phenomenological
b. It defines an important material property called thermal
a. Reflector conductance
b. Shield c. It is vector expression indicating that the heat flux is normal
c. Control rod and the direction of decreasing temperature.
d. Moderator d. Assume that the thermal conductivity is constant with repect
to temperature of the material
Answer: D
Answer: D
Control rods for nuclear reactors are made of

a. Graphite
b. Concrete
c. Cadmium What is the color code of steam line in geothermal power plant?
d. Lead
a. Green
Answer: C b. Blue
c. Silver Gray
The reactor in which fissionable fuel produced is more than the fuel d. Red
consumed is known as
Answer: C
a. Fast reactor
b. Breeder reactor What is absorbed by sulphites in boiler water treatment?
c. Thermal reactor
d. None of the above a. Carbon dioxide
b. Oxygen
Answer: B c. Carbon monoxide
d. Impurities settled in mud drums
Heavy duty gas turbines typically have
Answer: D
a. Double shaft
b. Triple shaft A flow volume in which the fluids flow upward through a tapered
c. Single shaft tube lifting a shaped weight to a position where the upward force
d. Quadruple shaft just balances to weight.

Answer: C a. Rotameter

b. Thermometer The portion of sunlight, rich in ultraviolet rays, which has a strong
c. Viscometer effect on photographic plate.
d. Ammeter
a. Gamma rays
Answer: A b. X-rays
c. Beta rays
An instrument that register total pressure and static pressure in a d. Actinic rays
used to determine velocity.
Answer: D
a. Ammeter
b. Rotameter Which of the following does not illustrate the effect of temperature
c. Pitot tube or pressure on gas solubility?
d. Pour point
a. Air bubbles from on the sides of a warm glass of water
Answer: C b. Soda pop is bottle under pressure
c. Boiling frees water gases
A heat engine whose thermodynamic efficiency is greater than that d. Air is more humid on rainy days
of a Carnot device using the same energy reservoir is known as:
Answer: D
a. A perpetual machine of the zeroth kind
b. A perpetual machine of the second kind Among the effluents that may be released from the hydrothermal
c. A perpetual machine of the first kind reservoir which one is the most toxic?
d. A perpetual machine of the third kind
a. Carbon dioxide
Answer: B b. Hydrogen sulfide
c. Methane
d. Ammonia

Answer: B
The degrees of power interval in 4-stroke cycle of a six-cylinder
engine is Newton said that a projectile if given enough horizontal velocity
will not fail to the earth. Instead, it moves along a path around the
a. 60 degrees earth. The 1st artificial satellite that verified Newton’s statement is
b. 180 degrees
c. 90 degrees a. Apollo 1
d. 120 degrees b. Houston 1
c. Sputnik 1
Answer: D d. None of these

Answer: C

c. 65%
d. 54%
A refrigerant control valve that maintains a constant pressure in a
evaporator Answer: D

a. Bleed valve At the beginning of the compression stroke in an standard Otto

b. Angle valve cycle. The pressure is 100 kPa and the temperature is 15 degree C.
c. Automatic expansion valve the compression ratio is 8 and work is 1,017.7 kj/kg. Determine the
d. Ball check valve mean effective pressure.

Answer: C a. 1,406 kPa

b. 1,500 kPa
A rigid contains gas a 100 kpa and 10 degrees C. the gas is heated c. 1,350 kPa
until the temperature reaches 100 degree C. Calculate the work done d. 1,550 kPa
by the system.
Answer: A
a. 2
b. 0 The compression ratio in an air standard diesel cycle is 20. At the
c. 1 beginning of the compression process the pressure and the
d. 1.5 temperature are 0.12 Mpa and 15 degree C respectively. What is the
pressure at the end of the compression process?
Answer: B
a. 8,500 kPa
The compression ratio in an air-standard Otto cycle is 10. At the b. 7,955 kPa
beginning of the compression stroke the pressure is 120 kpa and the c. 8,300 kPa
temperature is 15 degree C. Calculate the pressure and the d. 8,200 kPa
temperature at the end of the compression process.
Answer: B
a. 4,000 kPa
b. 3,500 kPa The accounting of all energy units involved in a system a cycle of an
c. 3,014 kPa piece of equipment
d. 3,200 kPa
a. Thermodynamic solution
Answer: C b. Equilibrium condition
c. Summation of energy units
Find the thermal efficiency of an air-standard Otto power cycle with d. Heat Balance
a compression ratio of 7.
Answer: D
a. 60%
b. 50%

It refers to any arrangement whereby steam is bled from a turbine Vapor pumps that raise the pressure of the refrigeration to a level
more pressure for any purpose whatsoever that permits sufficient heat rejection to the condensing medium.

a. Regeneration a. Fans
b. Extraction b. Blower
c. Bled-off cycle c. Compressor
d. Regenerative extraction cycle d. Suction

Answer: B Answer: C

Any arrangement whereby steam is bled from a turbine for a Low temperature heat exchanger that is used to absorb heat from
purpose of thermal regeneration of the condensate to a temperature the refrigerated space and transfer it to the refrigerant in its tubes so
level approaching that of the boiler water. that it can be transported to another and released.

a. Regenerative a. Condenser
b. Extraction cycle b. Evaporator
c. Bled-off steam cycle c. Capillary tube
d. Regenerative extraction cycle d. Compressor

Answer: A Answer: B

The steam extraction from the turbine The substance employed as cooling effect to absorb heat from the
refrigerated space in called
a. Bled steam
b. Extraction a. Condensate
c. Extracted steam b. Feedwater
d. A and C c. Refrigerant
d. Moisture
Answer: D
Answer: C

The point of particular pressure where the steam is extracted It is inversely proportional to the power required to grind the coal to
certain fitness
a. Bleeder point
b. Extraction point a. Pulverizing index
c. Bleeder b. Fireness index
d. A and B c. Grindability index
d. Inverse power coefficient
Answer: D
Answer: C

A. 60 hp
The temperature where the ash becomes very plastic, somewhat B. 70 hp
below the melting point of the ash. C. 80 hp
D. 90 hp
a. Ash- softening temperature
b. Ash- plasticity temperature Answer: C
c. Ash – fluidity temperature
d. Ash – liquefaction temperature Three thousand cubic feet per minute of air are circulated over an
air-cooled condenser. If the load on the condenser is 64,800 Btu/hr,
Answer: A compute the temperature rise of the air passing over the condenser.
Specific volume of standard air (13.34
The amount of chemical energy in a given mass or volume of fuel. ft3/lb).
a. Heating value A. 10 0F
b. Energy storage
B. 15 0F
c. Calorific value
d. A and C C. 20 0F
D. 25 0F
Answer: D
Answer: C
The refrigerant volume flow rate at entrance at the entrance of
compressor were obtained from a test on a twin cylinder, single A reversed Carnot cycle has a refrigerating COP of 2.5. Determine
acting 15 cm x 20 cm, 320 rpm compressor ammonia refrigerating the ratio TH/TL?
plant to be 33 L/s. Determine the volumetric efficiency of the
compressor. A. 1.4
B. 1.5
A. 77.65 % C. 1.25
B. 87.6 % D. 1.2
C. 97.6 TR
Answer: A
D. 65.65 %

Answer: B Saturated vapor ammonia at -16 0C (h7 = 1442.60 kJ/kg) leaves the
evaporator and enters the compressor at -6 0C (h1 = 1465 kJ/kg). The
A twin cylinder ammonia compressor with volume displacement of refrigerant leaves the condenser as saturated liquid at 40 0C (h4 =
14,726 cm3 operates at 300 rpm. Condenser and evaporator pressure 390.6 kJ/kg). Heat rejected from the condenser amount to 50 kW.
are 1200 kPa and 227 kPa respectively. Specific volume of refrigerant The work to compressor is 208 kJ/kg, while the heat loss from
at the entrance of compressor is 528.26 L/kg. Compression process compressor is 33 kJ/kg. If 9.5 kJ/kg of heat are lost in the piping
is polytropic with n = 1.2 and clearance factor of compressor is 2 between the compressor discharge and condenser inlet, determine
percent. Determine horsepower required. the refrigerating capacity of the system.

A. 49.5 TR Compute the humidity ratio of air at 70% relative humidity and 25
B. 46.61 TR
C when the barometric pressure is 101.325 kPa. From steam tables:
C. 12.88 TR Psat 34 0C = 3.169 kPa.
D. 13.24 TR
A. 0.014 kg water vapor/kg dry air
Answer: A B. 0.14 kg water vapor/kg dry air
C. 1.4 kg water vapor/kg dry air
A 35.0 mL sample of gas is enclosed in a flask at 22 degrees Celsius. D. 0.0014 kg water vapor/kg dry air
If the flask was placed in an ice bath at 0 degrees Celsius, what
would the new gas volume be if the pressure is held constant? Answer: A

A. 34.1 ml A pressure gage registers 50 psig in a region where the barometer

B. 31.1 ml reads 14.8 psia. Find the absolute pressure in kPa.
C. 32.39 ml A. 666.66 kPa
D. 33.1 ml B. 556.66 kPa
C. 446.66 kPa
Answer: C D. 336.66 kPa
A car engine with a power output of 65 hp has a thermal efficiency
of 24%. Determine the fuel consumption rate of this car if the fuel Answer: C
has heating value of 19,000 Btu/lbm.
Determine the quality of steam in a vessel containing 2 kg of
A. 36.28 lb/hr saturated vapor and 8 kg of saturated liquid.
B. 37.28 lb/hr
C. 37.28 lb/hr A. 100%
D. 35.30 lb/hr B. 20%
C. 80%
Answer: A D. 60%

The thermal efficiency of a carnot cycle operating between 170 0C Answer: B

and 620 0C to:
Consider 1 kg of air at 32 0C that expanded by a reversible
A. 44% polytropic process with n = 1.25 until the pressure is halved:
B. 50% Determine the heat transfer. Specific heat at constant volume for air
C. 63% is 0.1786 kJ/kg.K.
D. 73%
A. 17.02 kJ heat rejected
Answer: B B. 17.02 kJ added
C. 7.05 kJ heat rejected
D. 7.05 kJ added

Answer: B
A. 212 kJ/kg
Fifty kilograms of cooling water per second enter the condenser at B. 100 kJ/kg
25 0C and leaves at 50 0C. Find the heat carried away by water. C. 0 kJ/kg
D. 331.25 kJ/kg
A. 1234.45 kW
B. 5233.75kW Answer: C
C. 2340.52 kW
D. 3140.25 kW Three-hundred kilojoules of heat flow by conduction from the
outside to the inside of a cold storage in one hour. If the temperature
Answer: B and all other conditions are the same, what is the heat flowing
through the cold storage room in two hours?
Ten kilograms per second of steam enter the turbine with an
enthalpy of 3200 kJ/kg and enter the condenser with an enthalpy of A. 600 kJ
2500 kJ/kg in Rankine cycle. If the turbine efficiency is 80% and the B. 900kJ
generator efficiency is 90%, determine the power plant output. C. 300kJ
D. 1,200 kJ
A. 4320 kW
B. 3213 kW Answer: A
C. 4056 kW
D. 5040 kW Determine the specific weight of air at 760 mmHg absolute and 22
Answer: D
A. 3.517 kW
The condenser of reheat power plant rejects heat at the rate of 500 B. 12,000 kW
kW. The mass flow rate of cooling water is 5 kg/s and the inlet C. 211 kJ/min
cooling water temperature is 35 0C. Calculate the condenser cooling
D. All of the above
water exit temperature.
Answer: D
A. 43.35 0C
B. 53.45 0C Find the work process for a Helium gas at 20 0C
C. 63.66 0C
D. 74.34 0C A. 609 kJ/kg
B. 168 kJ/kg
Answer: C C. 229 kJ/kg
D. 339 kJ/kg
One kilogram of air is compressed adiabatically and in a steady-flow
manner. The compression efficiency is 80% and the work done on Answer: A
the air is 265kJ/kg. Compute the heat.

Two kilogram of gas is confined in a 1m3 tank at 200 kPa and 88 0C. Compute the free aperture cross section in m2 for the ventilation of a
What type of gas is in the tank? machinery room if the mass of refrigerant IS 9 KG.

A. Helium A. 0.314
B. Ethane B. 0.414
C. Methane C. 0.514
D. Ethane D. 0.614

Answer: B Answer: B
Find the enthalpy of Helium if its internal energy is 200kJ/kg
A 29.53” X 39.37” pressure vessel contains ammonia with f=0.041.
A. 144 kJ/kg Compute the minimum required discharge capacity of the relief
B. 223.42 kJ/kg device in kg/hr.
C. 333.42 kJ/kg
A. 106.71 kg/hr
D. 168 kJ/kg
B. 108.71 kg/hr
Answer: C C. 110.71 kg/hr
D. 112.71 kg/hr
Compute the mass of a 2 m3 propane at 280 kpa and 40 0C.
Answer: C
A. 6.47 kg Compute the maximum length of the discharge pipe installed on
B. 5.1 kg the outlet of a pressure-relief device in feet for internal pipe
C. 10.20 kg diameter of 0.5 in and rated discharge capacityis 8 lb/min of air. The
rated pressure of relief valve is 16 psig.
D. 9.47 kg

Answer: D A. 0.286 ft
B. 0.386 ft
Compute the air flow in ft3/min of mechanical ventilation required C. 0.486 ft
to exhaust an accumulation of refrigerant due to leaks of the system D. 0.586 ft
capable of revolving air from the machinery room for a mass of 4lbs
refrigerant. Answer: A

A. 200 A thermal power plant has a heat rate of 11, 363 Btu/kW-hr, Find
B. 210 the thermal efficiency of the plant.
C. 220
A. 28%
D. 230
B. 30%
Answer: A C. 34%
D. 40%

Answer: B Answer: A

What is the hydraulic gradient of a 1 mile, 17 inches inside diameter Copra enters a dryer containing 70% moisture and leaves at 7%
pipe when 3300 gal/min of water flow with f = 0.03 moisture. Find the moisture removed on each pound of solid in final
A. 0.00714
B. 0.00614 A. 6.258 lb
C. 0.00234 B. 1.258 lb
D. 0.00187 C. 4.258 lb
D. 2.258 lb
Answer: A
Answer: D
Find the loss of head in the pipe entrance if speed of flow is 10 m/s.
A 1 m x 1.5 m cylindrical tank is full of oil with S.G = 0.92. Find the
A. 5.10 force acting at the bottom of the tank in dynes.
B. 10.2
C. 17.4 A. 106.33 x 10^3 dynes
D. 2.55 B. 106.33 x 10^4 dynes
C. 106.33 x 10^5 dynes
Answer: D D. 106.33 x 10^6 dynes

Find the mass of carbon dioxide having a pressure of 20 psia at 200F Answer: D
with 10 ft3 volume.
Find the pressure at the 100 fathom depth of water in kpag.
A. 1.04 lbs
B. 1.14 lbs A. 1,793.96 kpag
C. 1.24 lbs B. 1,893.96 kpag
D. 1.34 lbs C. 1,993.96 kpag
D. 1,693.96 kpag
Answer: C
Wet material, containing 220% moisture ( dry basis ) s to be dried at Answer: A
the rate of 1.5 kg/s in a continuous dryer to give a product
containing 10% (dry basis). Find the moisture removed in kg/hr Find the depth in furlong of the ocean (S.G = 1.03) if the pressure at
the sea bed is 2,032.56 kpag.
A. 3543.75 kg/hr
B. 3513.75 kg/hr A. 1
C. 3563.75 kg/hr B. 2
D. 3593.75 kg/hr C. 3
D. 4

Answer: A D. 90%
Find the mass of 10 quartz of water.
Answer: C
A. 10.46 kg
B. 9.46 kg An air compressor has a power of 40 kW at 4% clearance. If
C. 11.46 kg clearance will increase to 7%, what is the new power?
A. 70 kW
D. 8.46 kg
B. 40 kW
Answer: B C. 53 kW
D. 60 kW
Find the heat needed to raise the temperature of water from 30C to
100 C with 60% quality. Consider an atmospheric pressure of Answer: B
101.325 kpa. Use the approximate enthalpy formula of liquid. A refrigeration system consumed 28,300 kW-hr per month of
energy. There are 20% of energy is lodt due to cooling system of the
A. 293.09 kJ/kg compressor and motor efficiency is 90%. If COP pf the system is 6,
B. 1,772.90 kJ/kg Find the tons of refrigeration of the system.
C. 1,547.90 kJ/kg
A. 43.15%
D. 1,647.29 kJ/kg
B. 46.15%
Answer: D C. 49.15%
D. 41.15%
Find the enthalpy of water at 212F and 14.7 psi if the dryness factor
is 30%. Use the approximate enthalpy formula of liquid Answer: C

A. 461 Btu/lb A 23 tons of refrigeration system has a heat rejected of 1ookW. Find
B. 471 Btu/lb the energy efficiency ratio of the system.
C. 481 Btu/lb A. 13.42
D. 491 Btu/lb B. 14.42
C. 15.42
Answer: B D. 16.42

An air compressor consumed 1200 kW-hr per day of energy. The Answer: B
electric motor driving the compressor has an efficiency of 80%. If
indicated power of the compressor is 34 kW, Find the mechanical A 200 mm X 250 mm, 8 cylinder, 4-stroke diesel engine has a brake
efficiency of the compressor. power of 150kW. The mechanical efficiency is 80%. If two of the
cylinders were accidentally cut off, what will be the new friction
A. 117.65% power?
B. 75%
C. 85% A. 31.50 kW

B. 33.50kW D. 12.38
C. 35.5o kW
D. 37.50 kW Answer: A

Answer: D A diesel cycle has a cut off ratio of 2.5 and expansion ratio of 4. Find
the clearance of the cycle.
If the efficiency ratio of the refrigeration system is 12.6, what is the
COP of the system? A. 9.11 %
B. 5.55%
A. 3.69 C. 11.11%
B. 4.23 D. 15.25%
C. 5.92
D. 6.83 Answer: C

Answer: A A dual cycle has an initial temperature of 30C. The compression

ratio is 6 and heat addition at constant volume process is 600 Kj/kg.
What is the approximate value of temperature of water having If cut-off ratio is 2.5, Find the maximum temperature of the cycle.
enthalpy of 208 Btu/lb?
A. 138.67⁰C A. 3638.5⁰C
B. 115.55⁰C B. 3365.50⁰C
C. 258.67⁰C C. 3565.50⁰C
D. 68.67⁰C D. 3965.50⁰C

Answer: B Answer: B
Convert 750⁰R to ⁰K
A. 390.33⁰K A three stages air compressor compresses air from 100kPa to 1000
kPa. Find the intercooler pressure between the first and second
B. 395.33⁰K
C. 410.33⁰K
D. 416.33⁰K A. 505.44 kPa
B. 108.44 kPa
Answer: D
C. 316.23 kPa
An otto cycle has a compression ratio of 8. Find the pressure ratio D. 215.44 kPa
during compression.
Answer: D
A 10-stages air compressor compresses air from 100 kPa to 800 kPa.
A. 18.38
Find the intercooler pressure between the first and second stage.
B. 16.38
C. 14.38 A. 282.82 kPa

B. 113.21 kPa
C. 123.11 kPa
D. 333.51 kPa

Answer: C

A 3-stages air compressor compresses air from 1oo kPa to 700 kPa.
Find the intercooler pressure between the 2nd and 3rd stage

A. 365.88 kW
B. 375.88 kW
C. 385.88 kW
D. 395.88 kW

Abswer: A

Carnot cycle A, B and C are connected in series so that the heat

rejected from A will be the heat added to B and heat rejected from B
will be added to C. Each cycle oprates between 30⁰C and 400⁰C. If
heat added to A is 1000kW, find the work output of C.

A. 111.44 kW
B. 549.78 kW
C. 247.53 kW
D. 141.89 kW

Answer: A


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