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Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (2016) 28, 121–122

King Saud University

Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences


New frontiers in petroleum engineering

Although oil seepages are well known since long time ago and, at the same time, indicates how important it should be
by the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and many other the educational process that prepares the next generation of
nations worldwide, its uses were very limited. The real oil dis- petroleum engineers to fulfill the industry needs.
covery goes back to the year 1859 when oil was commercially As demand for oil and its derivatives is increasing, educa-
produced through an oil well by Edwin Drake in Pennsylvania. tion, research, and technology are also rapidly developing to
Petroleum engineering is considered as a relatively new drive the oil and gas sector forward by developing new techni-
among other engineering disciplines. Due to the need for a spe- cal solutions, standards and industry best practices. Currently,
cialized petroleum engineering science, its pillars were set by several efficient technologies are being utilized in the oil indus-
mining engineers, geologists, mechanical engineers, civil engi- try such as:
neers and many other contributors. The boundaries of petro-
leum engineering are well defined in the first quarter of the (1) Smart wells and smart oilfields
twentieth century. In 1915, specialized petroleum engineering (2) Maximum reservoir contact completion (MRC)
programs were established in the United States universities fol- (3) Nano fluids (drilling, completion, fracturing, IOR, etc.)
lowed by other universities worldwide. From that time petro- (4) Geosteering drilling, Real-time drilling monitoring, and
leum engineering science was rapidly growing and evolving Real-time data services
to provide the humanity with the power source for the modern (5) Digital field data and software
Nowadays, Petroleum Engineering Programs became inte- Additionally, accessing the previously inaccessible oil and
gral part of most prestigious worldwide universities. According gas resources (unconventional oil and gas) is now become pos-
to the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology sible with modern drilling and hydraulic fracturing technolo-
(ABET) program criteria handbook, the typical petroleum gies. It is very important nowadays for petroleum engineers
engineering program must prepare graduates to be proficient to realize the main challenges that petroleum industry is going
in mathematics through differential equations, probability through:
and statistics, fluid mechanics, strength of materials, and ther-
modynamics; design and analysis of well systems and proce- (1) Overcome problematic fluctuation in oil prices
dures for drilling and completing wells; characterization and (2) Resolve difficulties in producing the current conven-
evaluation of subsurface geological formations and their tional oil and gas fields
resources using geoscientific and engineering methods; design (3) Economically developing oil and gas fields in deep
and analysis of systems for producing, injecting, and handling waters
fluids; application of reservoir engineering principles and prac- (4) Protecting the environment through reusing produced
tices for optimizing resource development and management; water
the use of project economics and resource valuation methods (5) Minimizing fresh water consumption in hydraulic frac-
for design and decision making under conditions of risk and turing operations.
uncertainty. (6) Increasing hydrocarbon recovery factors for current
‘‘Petroleum Engineers make the World run” this proud fields.
quote, extracted from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (7) Utilizing carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) as and
(SPE) website indicates how highly we regard our career an IOR process.
(8) The need for developing efficient and economical
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
exploitation means for unconventional hydrocarbon

Solutions for the above mentioned challenges remain

Production and hosting by Elsevier responsibility of petroleum engineering departments, research
1018-3639 Ó 2016 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
122 Editorial

centers, and industry experts. Whether we like it or not, hydro-

Prof. Musaed N.J. Al-Awad
carbon fuels are not going away anytime soon, and innova-
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department, College of
tions in the oil technology have the potential to impact
Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
everyone. If technology makes oil and gas easier, safer, cleaner,
E-mail address: [email protected],
and cheaper to extract, energy prices and quality of life could
improve for everybody.

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