Demonstration DLL
Demonstration DLL
Demonstration DLL
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the discussion, the learners will be able to;
Cognitive: Illustrate the laws of logarithms.
Skills: Solve problems involving LOGARITHMIC FUNCTION.
Affective: Value the importance of the law of logarithmic functions in solving real-life problems.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions.
B. Performance Standards Apply the concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions to formulate and solve real-life problems with
precision and accuracy.
C. Evaluation Evaluation of learning takes place in a fun group activity through log station maze. Attached Student should be actively
instructional materials. participating in the given activity.
Each group will begin at the station. In your respective station answer the question and Students will group themselves
move to the stations that correspond to your answer. For example, group 5 should begin at into 7 groups.
station 5. If their answer says go to station 9, that’s the station they will visit next. Each
group should follow this procedure until you visited all of the stations. If a group is sent back
to the station you have previously visited, it means your group made a mistake and should
go back and check their work.
Checking of answers and identifying the winner.
F. Reflection • Students will summarize and synthesize their learning for the topic logarithmic functions. Student will be given the
opportunity to ask question.