Siregar 2018 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 308 012005

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Design of production process main shaft process with lean

manufacturing to improve productivity
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10th International Conference Numerical Analysis in Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 308 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/308/1/012005

Design of production process main shaft process with lean

manufacturing to improve productivity

I Siregar*1, A A Nasution2, U Andayani3, Anizar1, K Syahputri1

Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155,
Sumatera, Indonesia.
Department of Accounting, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155, Sumatera,
Department of Information Technology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155,
Sumatera, Indonesia.
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This object research is one of manufacturing companies that produce oil palm
machinery parts. In the production process there is delay in the completion of the Main shaft
order. Delays in the completion of the order indicate the low productivity of the company in
terms of resource utilization. This study aimed to obtain a draft improvement of production
processes that can improve productivity by identifying and eliminating activities that do not
add value (non-value added activity). One approach that can be used to reduce and eliminate
non-value added activity is Lean Manufacturing. This study focuses on the identification of
non-value added activity with value stream mapping analysis tools, while the elimination of
non-value added activity is done with tools 5 whys and implementation of pull demand
system. Based on the research known that non-value added activity on the production process
of the main shaft is 9,509.51 minutes of total lead time 10,804.59 minutes. This shows the
level of efficiency (Process Cycle Efficiency) in the production process of the main shaft is
still very low by 11.89%. Estimation results of improvement showed a decrease in total lead
time became 4,355.08 minutes and greater process cycle efficiency that is equal to 29.73%,
which indicates that the process was nearing the concept of lean production.

1. Introduction
This research was conducted on a palm oil processing machine spare parts manufacturing company in
North Sumatra. The products produced are Main Shaft, Cone, Intermediate Gear, Protect Nut, Pulley,
Flexible Couple, Press Cage, Screw Press and Digester. The production system used is make to order
where the product will be made if the order has been received from the consumer with the order rules
that have arrived first, will be served first (First Come First Serve).
The company experienced problems in carrying out its production. The Company has delayed the
settlement of orders that are not in accordance with the agreement when the order is received. Delay in
order completion occurs repeatedly with quite large number of delays. Company data shows that the
largest number of delays occurred in Main Shaft products with a delay in August of 24 units,
September at 12 units and in October 40 units. Delays in product completion will have a chain effect
on subsequent product settlements and will inhibit production flow.

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
10th International Conference Numerical Analysis in Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 308 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/308/1/012005

Delays in product completion indicate the low productivity of the company in terms of resource
utilization. Efforts to increase productivity can be done by increasing the efficiency of resource use. A
job will be said to be resolved efficiently if its completion time is shortest [1]. One way to reduce lead
time according to Wilson [2] is to eliminate unnecessary activities in the production process. Thus,
improvements by reducing and eliminating non value added activity in the production process can
improve efficiency. For that the company must know the activities that provide added value (value
added activity) and activities that do not provide added value (non-value added activity). One
approach that can be used to reduce and eliminate non-value added activity is Lean Manufacturing.
Lean manufacturing is a set of techniques that when combined and run well will reduce and then
eliminate waste. Previous research has found that the elimination of non-value added activity by the
Lean Manufacturing approach can decrease the production time from 6900 seconds and the time after
recommendation of improvement turns to 4645 seconds. This means that the production required
process time is reduced 32.68% (2255 seconds) before [3]. Another study also found that Lead Time
in paper production amounted to 162 minutes, after the proposed improvement was achieved Lead
Time reduction of 72 minutes. So Lead Time obtained for 90 minutes, by reducing the waiting time on
arrival of raw material until the production floor process [4]. The research got the same result that is
decreasing Lead Time through waste elimination. Elimination of waste is intended for all activities
undertaken on the floor of production is an activity that provides added value (value added activity),
resulting in increased productivity and competitiveness through increasing the effectiveness of
production processes and the efficiency of the use of resources (resources).

2. Research Method
Based on the method used, this research includes action research because this research aims to get a
model of company production process design that can increase productivity. Judging from the level of
explanation, this research includes descriptive research, because this research describes the systematic,
factual and accurate about the facts and the properties of a particular object [5]. The object of this
research is the activity done in the main shaft production process itself.
The research instrument used in this research is a Seiko brand digital stopwatch in data collection
which used is to measure the time of Main Shaft production process. Present state maps are used in
data processing whose function is to visualize the real state of the production process and determine
the classification of value added activity and non-value added activity.
Stages in the implementation of research that is:
1. Analysis of delay in order completion.
2. Analysis of non-value added activity with value stream mapping analysis tools and
classification of activity. Calculation of Process Cycle Efficiency is done based on value added
time and total lead time resulted from activity classification which become indicator in lean
manufacturing approach.
3. Elimination of non-value added activity with the 5 Whys tool and application of pull demand
4. Preparation of Future State Value Stream Mapping and estimation of improvement results.
5. Conclusion.

3. Results and Discussions

3.1. Order delay analysis

The delay in order completion occurs repeatedly with a small number of delays as shown in table 1.

Table 1. Main Shaft Completion Delay

Amount Delay
Spare part Bulan
(Unit) (Days)
Main Shaft August 24 14

10th International Conference Numerical Analysis in Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 308 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/308/1/012005

September 12 3
October 40 5
August 16 7
Cone September 16 5
October 50 2
August 16 3
Cone Guide September 16 3
October 20 2
August 8 2
Hidrolik September 12 7
October 24 4
August 16 4
September 12 4
October 31 3

Company data show that the largest number of delays occurred in Main Shaft products with a delay in
August of 24 units, September at 12 units and in October 40 units.

3.2. Non value added activity analysis

Non value-added activity analysis that occurs in main shaft production process is done with value
stream mapping analysis tools and classification of activity.

3.2.1. Value stream mapping

Value stream mapping is an analysis tool in lean manufacturing that represents where waste occurs
although it does not directly give effect to the production process. Creating a map of each process
category (Door-to-Door Flow) requires production process information to be recapitulated in one
process box. For that we need to understand the order of main shaft production process. The order of
main shaft production process is:
1. Measurement and cutting process
2. Rolling ring plate process
3. Welding process
4. The process of lathe
5. Milling process
6. Painting process
7. Packing process.
The information collected from each work station is included in the process box. The Present state
map illustrates the real condition of the entire process that takes place on the production floor in the
process box and the inventory and work in process images that are waiting for each process. Present
state map can be seen in figure 1.

3.2.2. Determination of activity classification

Based on the Present state map in Figure 1, the production floor activity will be classified into value
added activity and non-value added activity. Activities that are classified into value added activity are
activities to convert raw materials into products according to consumer demand. While the activity
that is classified non value added activity is activity that does not give change to raw material become
product according to consumer demand. Classification of activities can be seen in table 2. The
classification indicates that Value added activity based on consumer point of view is 1,295,08 minutes.
While non-value added activity amounted to 9,509,51 minutes. Non value added activity that occurs is
very significant and is a waste that needs to be reduced and eliminated.

10th International Conference Numerical Analysis in Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 308 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/308/1/012005

and cutting Welding Lathing Casting

Figure 1. Present state map

Table 2. Value Added and Non-Value Added Time

Non value Value
No. Activity
Added Added
1 Iron bars are stored in 5.072,41
temporary storage
Measurement and cutting 171,52
3 Rolling 29,77
4 Welding 38,82
5 Main shaft is waiting to be 1.266,39
turned in Lathe
6 Lathing 267,19
7 Main shaft is waiting to be 23,06
taken to the milling station
8 80,60
Main shaft waiting for milling
9 Milling 273,77
10 Main shaft waiting to be taken 52,89
to painting station
11 Painting 483,55
12 Packing 30,46
13 3.014,16
Main shaft waiting to be sent
Total 9.509,51 1.295,08

The classification indicates that Value added activity based on consumer point of view is 1,295,08
minutes. While non-value added activity amounted to 9,509,51 minutes. Non value added activity that
occurs is very significant and is a waste that needs to be reduced and eliminated.

3.2.3. Calculation of Process Cycle Efficiency

George (2002) says that a company is said to have implemented the concept of Lean Manufacturing if
it has a value of process cycle efficiency of 30% which means that the value-added activity reaches
30% of the activity time as a whole. From table 2 above, it can be seen that the large Value added time

10th International Conference Numerical Analysis in Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 308 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/308/1/012005

based on consumer point of view of 1.295.08 minutes. While non-value added time of 9,509,51
minutes. The calculation of process cycle efficiency is as follows:


= 11.98%
Total Lead Time = Sum of the value added time with the non-value added time.

3.3. Elimination of Non Value Added Activity

Lean manufacturing approach used to reduce and eliminate non value added activity is 5 whys tool to
find root of problem and arrangement of alternative corrective action and application of pull demand

3.3.1. Whys Methods

Classification of activities indicates a major waste of this company is the waste of waiting time. This
is supported by the results of discussions with production heads that indicate a waste of waiting time.
Waiting time is caused because the main shaft production process runs step by step and does not flow.
This problem will look for the root cause with the help of the 5 Whys tool.

Table 3. Alternative Problems Improvement

No. Roots of Problems Alternative Improvement
Communicate to suppliers to
Supplier stacked orders
1 make written cooperation
for a week
The main shaft line Modify the chuck on the
2 production is out of available lathe in order to be
balance able to do the main shaft
Performing crane addition
The number of cranes is
as the main material
3 limited to serve the
handling tool on the
needs of all stations
production floor
The main shaft is Provide work instruction
4 temporarily stored at sheet to create work
the lathe station standardization
Consider the amount of lead
Avoid to turn the time of the main shaft
5 engine on and off production process compared
repeatedly to the setup of the milling
equipment is unable Performing additional product
to service delivery of delivery vehicles
the product

Having known the root of the problem that causes the high value of non-value added time, then further
will be prepared for improvement efforts to reduce non value added time based on the root cause of
waste. Alternative improvements that can be made to minimize and eliminate non value added activity
in the form of waiting time can be seen in table 3.
Recall Kanban is a kanban card containing the information, quantity, and type of product to be
taken from the previous process. The withdrawal kanban is designed uniformly for the whole process
of main shaft production, withdrawal kanban can be seen in figure 2.

10th International Conference Numerical Analysis in Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 308 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/308/1/012005

Previous Process
Part Code

Part Name

Machine Type

Next Process

Amount Production Line

Figure 2. Recall Kanban

Recall Kanban is a kanban card containing the information, quantity, and type of product to be taken
from the previous process. The withdrawal kanban is designed uniformly for the whole process of
main shaft production, withdrawal kanban can be seen in figure 2.
Kanban production orders are kanban cards containing information, quantities, and types of
products to be made in the previous process. Production order orders are made in the same format to
be used throughout the production process of making the shaft. The format of the kanban card
production design commands that will be used in the production process of making the main shaft can
be seen in figure 3.

3.3.2. Pull Demand System Implementation

To apply lean concept, production control is cultivated as pull system. The application of pull demand
system in the lean concept is done by using Kanban cards. Kanban is a tool to achieve just in time
production. With the achievement of just in time production system, the waste of time waiting for
main shaft production process can be eliminated.
Kanban to be designed in this research is Kanban withdrawal (recall kanban) and kanban
production orders (production kanban).

Part Code

Part Name

Machine Type


Figure 3. Kanban Production Order

Application of pull demand system with Kanban tools there are some rules that must be understood
and followed by all operators.

3.4. Future state value stream mapping

Preparation of value stream mapping after improvement is drawn in the future state map and
calculated the lead time of the proposed improvement. The time change included is a time change that
can be observed or estimated from the current state. Value stream mapping in the form of future state
maps can be seen in figure 4.

10th International Conference Numerical Analysis in Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 308 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/308/1/012005

Figure 4 Future State Map

Future state map improvement results showed a decrease in total lead time to 4,355,08 minutes. Total
lead time has a direct effect on the process cycle efficiency, to see how much improvement of process
cycle efficiency after estimation is done as follows:


= 29.73%

The process cycle efficiency after estimation has a higher value compared to process cycle efficiency
before the improvement of 29.73%. Process cycle efficiency of main shaft production process
increased by 17.84% from 11.89%. Improved process cycle efficiency shows significant savings on
employees' working hours. Lead time main shaft production process of 10,804.59 minutes down to
4,355,08 minutes.

4. Conclusion
Based on the theoretical basis, the results of research and analysis have been done then it can be
concluded that there are very significant non-value added activity at present state map there are six
activities with total time of 9,509.51 minutes of total lead time of 10804.59 minutes. Through
estimation of improvement results obtained Total lead time in the future state map of 4.355.08
minutes. Value stream mapping showed a decrease in total lead time of 6,449.51 minutes. The saving
of working hours will directly increase the production capacity of the main shaft without having to
increase the input used in the production process resulting in increased productivity.

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[2] Lonnie W 2010 How to Implement Lean Manufacturing (USA: McGraw-Hill Company)

10th International Conference Numerical Analysis in Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 308 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/308/1/012005

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