Making Soy Cheese With Combination Starter

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Making Soy Cheese With Combination Starter

Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophillus

Fery Haidir Irawan, Nabilatun Sholikha, Nauvaldy Achmad Fachreza, and Syafira Alfianida
Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agriculutural University,

Cheese is made from cow’s milk, it can’t be consumed for a diet. The utilization of soy milk as a raw material
for cheese was not developing in Indonesia. The objectives of this study are to determine characteristic and
organoleptic assay of soy cheese. This study used Completely Randomized Design with LAB combination
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophillus (1:1). Steps of this research are LAB cell
characterization, soy cheese production, organoleptic assay. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus
thermophillus is Gram positive.

Keyword : Soy cheese, LAB, Metabolism, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophillus

INTRODUCTION cheese with cow's milk base, while for soybean

milk basic ingredients are rare, especially using a
Cheese production in Indonesia usually
variety of combinations of LAB.
made from milk of a cow utilize rennet stomach a
calf to coagulate cow milk. Dairy cattle as the
The starter culture used for cheese was
fundamental substance of cheese still containing
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus
fat high , so they could not consumed by someone
thermophilus is cultivated in MRS media. Mature
who is undergoing diet .Alternative that can be
soy beans (Baektae, white soybean) were
used namely replace dairy cattle and soy milk.
Soy contains the most complete nutrients obtained from market. Raw soybeans 10 kg
that are essential and non essential proteins that were washed, added to 10× of tap water and
become vegetable protein. Soy has benefits for kept for 12 h at 14 ~ 20 °C, drained and
cancer and osteoporosis. Soy contains blended with 2× weighted distilled water at
osmosakarida rafinosa and stakiosa that are 85,000 rpm for 5 min. Then, the milk was first
difficult to digest by humans. One way to break filtered. Remained milk extracted using a
down carbohydrates into simple sugars before dehydrator from the puree and again filtered
consumption is by adding a culture of lactic acid in the same way and combined before
bacteria (LAB).
Lactic acid bacteria belong to probiotic
bacteria. Generally probiotic bacteria live in the
digestive tract and mutualism with its host, can DISCUSSION
live in the range of pH 2-4, does not cause negative LAB cell characterization. Lactic acid
impact on the body, not pathogen, do not form bacteria have Gram positive characteristics on
spores, aerob and anaerob,it do not disturb the Gram staining (UNIMED 2009).
body ecosystem and can live in in the gut. Lactobacillus bulgaricus is basilic, while
Consumption of probiotics in food is a Streptococcus thermophillus is coccus. This is in
good way to revive the balance of intestinal accordance with the characteristics of lactic acid
microflora. BAL inoculum is often used for making bacteria having Gram positive [9]. The purple color
occurs because the bacterial cell wall binds violet NADH to produce ATP and lactic acid (Mardiani
crystalline dye (Gram A), which is amplified by 2013).
iodine (Gram B) and the violet crystals will not Lactic acid fermentation is carried out
disappear when the lye is dyed (Gram C), so it is when the soy milk that has been obtained is fed
not affected when given a Gram D coloured Red. into the tank bioreactor stirred then fermented
Lactobacillus bulgaricus is often used as a protein fermented by adding streptococcus lactis
starter in the manufacture of yoghurt. This bacteria with 15% v / v inoculum count. Then
bacterium has a size of 0.5-1.2 x 1-10 μm, is a stirring with the aim to accelerate the
Gram-positive bacteria, rod-shaped, facultative fermentation process (forming clumps / curd).
anaerobic, non-berspora, including mesophilic Temperature and time fermentation is made
bacteria, the optimum temperature to grow 34-45 varies at 26 oC - 40 oC. The protein clumps formed
oC, pH 4-5,5 , classified as homofermentative are then filtered by means of a filtering device to
because it is only able to produce lactic acid from separate the whey from the curd. The curing is
glucose fermentation. Its proteolytic enzyme done after the curd is separated from the whey,
activity is higher than other lactic acid bacteria, so salting is intended to enhance the taste. The
the bacterial fermentation product has high taste investigation in this study 2% w / v of cheese
and nutritional value (Fardiaz 1993). chewing using Streptocococcal lactis bacteria
Streptococcus thermophillus is a lactic should not exceed 4% because at higher salt levels
acid bacterium in the form of a round, forming a the bacteria can not survive. The pressing is done
chain, belonging to the fermentation process of when the salted curd is wrapped in a thin cloth
homofermentatif which produces more than 85% then put in pressing tools. Curd is then pressed
lactic acid, the optimum temperature growth of until the water content is reduced. This pressing
37-42 oC, optimum pH 6.5 and can not grow at pH too aim to give shape to curd. Ripening when the
10, at the concentration of salt. This streptococcus curd has been printed and reduced its water
thermophillus can be used to produce lactic acid content and then matured (ripening) with a
which is used as a coagulant in coagulating soy temperature variation between 11 – 38 oC. The
milk proteins (Sudarmadji 1984) ripening process is done with variation of time
Metabolism pathway, Cheese nutrients between 10 - 30 days (Kurniawan 2007).
that can be utilized by lactic acid bacteria to Strain activation and cultivation, MRS
survive are the components of fat, milk minerals medium was sterilized at 118℃ for 15min, and
(calcium, phosphorus and magnesium) and most inoculating with 2% Lactobacillus bulgaricus to
importantly the proteins due to peptides and MRS medium to culture at 37℃for 24h under
amino acids resulting from the reshuffling of sterile conditions.Then according to the results of
proteins into nitrogen sources to increase viability microscopic analysis, repeated the experiments
of lactic acid bacteria the. Available nutrients will until the vitality of bacteria remained stable.
be used in the metabolism process of lactic acid When the strain was not used for more than 7
bacteria, growth and viability of lactic acid bacteria days, it needed to be reactivated.
in the process of food fermentation determined by Bioreactor. The bioreactor that can be
the suitability and nutritional content of the food used is a stirred bioreactor with control at
itself. Organic compounds in the form of lactic acid optimum conditions. According to Kurniawan et al
are produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria. The process (2007), the higer yield yield curd is 14.12% w / b
of lactic acid fermentation starts from the path of were obtained from the fermentation
glycolysis that produces pyruvic acid. The temperature 35 oC by the time as long as 6 hours.
degraded pyruvic acid will be degraded molecules Whereas the high quality soycheese was obtained
(anaerobically) because of the unavailability of in the hatching temperature of 11 ° C and hatching
oxygen. The degraded pyruvic acid is catalyzed by period of 20 days. 25.99% w / b, carbohydrate
dehydrogenase acid enzyme and is reduced to
0.61% w / b, fat 16.44% w / w and water content Fardiaz S. 1993. Mikrobiologi Pengolahan Pangan.
53.00% w / w. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Purification of a protease as the soybean Direktorat Jendral Perguruan Tinggi Pusat Antar
milk curdling enzyme The precipitation ratio from Universitas Pangan dan Gizi. Bogor (ID) : Institut
soybean milk was assayed to optimize the curdling Pertaniaan Bogor.
activity method. Commercial soy milk has
dispersion stability due to the presence of Kurniawan Ronny, Wulan Sandra, Pranata Agung
oleosomes or the formation of aggregate soy Surya. 2007. Pembuatan keju dari kedelai
proteins (Waschatko 2012). Therefore, the (soycheese) secara batch menggunakan
precipitate was not produced from commercial bioreaktor tangki berpengaduk. Prosiding Seminar
soybean milk by low centrifugal gravity (400 x g). Tjipto Utomo. 6(1)-1-10.
However, precipitation ratios were increased with
the enzyme reaction period. Mardiani Astri, Sumarmono Juni, Setyawardani
A preferred synthetic fat composition is Triana . 2013. Total bakteri asam laktat, kadar air
produced by interesterifying the blend of natural dan protein keju peram susu kambing yang
fats and lower alkanoyl radical-containing mengandung probiotik Lactobacillus casei dan
compounds. This interestification can be Bifidobacterium longum. Jurnal Ilmiah
accomplished in any conventional manner. The Peternakan. 1(1):244-253.
compounds of the blend are preferably purified
via contentional deacidification, de-colorization, Sudarmadji, S., B. Haryono dan Suhardi. 1984.
and deorization techniques prior to Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan
interestification to prevent discoloration. Pertanian. Liberty. Yogyakarta.
Representative interesterification techniques
includes the step of heating the mixture to a Tsumura et al. 1974. Preparation of Soy Cheese.
temperature of about 50oC-100oC in the presence United States Patent. 19: 54.
of a catalyst, such as sodium methylate, sodium
hydroxide, stannous chloride or the like. For UNIMED. 2009. Bakteri Asam Laktat. Medan (ID):
example, complete interesterification can be Universitas Negeri Medan.
achieved by agitating the blend in the presence of
sodium methylate at 70oC for one hour. The Waschatko G, Junghans A, and Vilgis TA. (2012).
resultant interesterified fat composition is then Soy milk oleosome behaviour at the air-water
washed, bleached, and deodrized in the interface. Faraday Discussions. 158, 157-69.
conventional manner and is ready for use in this
invention (Tsumura et al. 1974).

Soy contains the most complete nutrients
that are essential and non essential proteins that
become vegetable protein. Cheese making was
using LAB such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and
Streptococcus bulgaricus. The process making,
first starter cultivation, fermentation and


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