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Processes and model

My Learning Essentials

Curriculum development is a dynamic process involving many different

people and procedures. In curriculum development, there are always changes
intended for improvement. Let us look into the Curriculum Development Process

Ralph Tyler Hilda Taba Galen Saylor

Model: Model: and William

Also known as Tyler’s Hilda Taba improved on Galen Saylor and William
Rationale, the curriculum Tyler’s model. She believed Alexander described
development model that teachers should curriculum as “a plan for
emphasizes the planning participate in developing a providing sets of learning
phase. curriculum. She presented opportunities to achieve
seven (7) major steps: broad educational goals
and related specific
1. Diagnosis of learners’ objectives for an
1. Purposes of the school
needs identifiable population
2. Educational experiences
2. Formulation of served by a single school
related to the purposes
learning objectives center.”
3. Organization of the
3. Selection of learning
contents 1. Goals, Objectives and
4. Evaluation of the Domains
4. Organization of
experience 2. Curriculum Designing
learning contents
3. Curriculum
5. Selection of learning
experiences 4. Evaluation
6. Determination of
what to evaluate and
the means of doing it
My Map
My Learning Activities

Visit the school and interview an administrator on at least one

(1) curriculum model. Accomplish the given matrix below.

Curriculum Model Best Feature Insights

 Subjects are organized in  This can be use in
1. GRASSROOTS different learning areas different level both
APPROACH  Mastery of the subject elementary and secondary.
 Topics to be covered  There are really
appropriate ways on
 Directly learned by the experiencing Subject
learners through social matter content.
 This will develop the
 Centralized test abilities or skills of the
 Subject demonstration
 It also allows the learners
 Students engagement to become more
productive and expert on
the learning of different

My Personal Insights

Curriculum development is a dynamic process involving many

different people and procedures. It is very necessary for a teacher to know
and master the curriculum in order for her/his to have a good quality of
teaching learning process.
Through the identifying of different curriculum, as future
educator I can identify what specific and appropriate curriculum that can
use and integrate to the learners that they can easily get and apply to their
learning experiences. That is why the curriculum models are very
important to the learning of teacher and students.
These are the steps in the model of Hilda Taba. Interview a
teacher and inquire how these steps are applied by
accomplishing the given chart by giving concrete examples.

Steps Applications to Real Teaching

1. Diagnosis of Learners’ Needs

and Expectations of Larger
Learners-centered approach

2. Formulation of Learning
100% proficiency attained by the learners

3. Selection of Learning Content

Learning content that will meet the learner’s

4. Organization of Learning Content

There is a process to be followed.

5. Selection of Learning Content

Delivery of lesson based on the learner’s

6. Modes of Evaluation

Assessment ( performance- based test)

Complete the staircase of the Curriculum Development Process
according to Tyler. Write the answers in the steps. Give
examples for each step.

4. Evaluation of the experiences

For example, the teacher could have the students write an essay without
assistance. If they can do this, it is evidence that the students have achieved the
objective of the lesson.

3. Organization of the experiences

Should the teacher demonstrate first or should the students learn by writing
immediately? Either way could work and preference is determined by the
philosophy of the teacher and the needs of the students. The point is that the
teacher needs to determine a logical order of experiences for the students.

2. Educational experiences related to the purposes

For example, if students need to meet the objective of writing an essay. The
learning experience might be a demonstration by the teacher of writing an essay.
The students then might practice writing essays. The experience (essay
demonstration and writing) is consistent with the objective (Student will write an

1. Purposes of the school

For example, a school that is developing an English curriculum my create
an objective that students will write essays. This would be one of many
objectives within the curriculum.
My Learning Portfolio
(Pieces of Evidence, Documents, Records, Picture)

Other Learning Proof/Pieces of Evidence

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