Description of Class Teaching Unit Type of Lesson
Description of Class Teaching Unit Type of Lesson
Description of Class Teaching Unit Type of Lesson
Teaching unit How did you spend your winter holiday?
Type of lesson Practicing
Additional plan To play game with irregular and regular verbs. To prepare 14 to 16 (it depends of number of the students)
cards with infinitive and the past simple tense and put them on the student’s back. Then they should find
their pair. Then they line up and the verbs loudly.
Aims and objectives Class organization procedure and Teaching Possible Possible Timing
partIntroductory activities aids problems solutions
To introduce today’s unit Teacher asks pupils to look out the Blackboard Some pupils Teacher
window and answer on her question:” Poster aren’t ready to encourages
What’s the weather like” when she gets speak. They them to
the answer she starts talking and asking are too shy or speak and 10'
them about seasons. Then she puts some they want to she helps
photos on the board and asks them to say something them to
describe them. The last photo is winter. but they don’t say their
know.. sentences.
Main part
To practice the past simple Teacher invites pupils to listen short story Handout Some students Teacher
tense of irregular and about holiday. Then she writes 2 – 3 Board might have asks them
regular verbs sentences from the story on the board. Chalk difficulties to repeat
To improve pupil’s They discuses about verbs in those Notebook with their those
vocabulary sentences. When they make their own pronunciation.. words
To practice pupil’s conclusion which tense is in she calls up a more times 10’
pronunciation volunteer to come and write the verb from
sentence in infinitive and in the past
simple tense. She reads the verbs and asks
the whole class to read after her. She
repeats this several times. In this exercise
teacher also gives chance to pupils who
had bad mark to speak and write first. She
lets them to get better mark.
To improve pupil’s Then teacher asks pupils to tell her how They talk in Teacher
vocabulary they spent their winter holiday. She the present lets them
motivates them to use the words from the simple tense. to speak,
To develop their skill of first two exercises. but when 20’
speaking they finish
To talk about winter holiday she repeats
Final part When they finish their conversation Pupil’s None None
To reward pupils for their teacher marks some students for their Diary
work work and asks them to write 5 to 10
sentences about winter holiday for their 5’