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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
in English Language Education

Sintya Nirwana Gulo
Student Number: 141214171






Gulo, Sintya Nirwana. (2018). The Benefits of Skimming Technique in Reading

Comprehension to The Second Semester Students of Sanata Dharma University.
Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Departement of Arts
Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma

Reading is a process to make sense written idea through meaningful

interpretation and interaction with the language (Heilman & Blair, 1981). One of
the techniques that can be used in reading process is skimming. Skimming is used
when a reader wants to cover the main idea of the text in a hurry.
Basic Reading II class was chosen as the object of the research because
reading techniques are covered in this semester. This research is aimed to answer
a research question, namely what are the benefits of skimming technique for
students’ reading comprehension?
In order to answer a research question, the researcher used quantitative
method. Questionnaire was considered as the instrument. The researcher
distributed the questionnaire to the 28 students in Basic Reading II class C of
ELESP of Sanata Dharma University to get the data.
The result of the study shows that skimming is a helpful technique for
students’ reading activity, such as increases their interest, saves time, helps to find
the main idea and predict the content of the text. However, it is not likely to make
students understand new difficult vocabularies.

Keywords: reading comprehension, skimming technique




Gulo, Sintya Nirwana. (2018). The Benefits of Skimming Technique in Reading

Comprehension to The Second Semester Students of Sanata Dharma University.
Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas
Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Membaca komprehensif adalah proses untuk memahami ide yang tertulis

dalam interpretasi dan interaksi yang bermakna (Heilman, 1981). Salah satu
teknik yang dapat digunakan dalam kegiatan membaca adalah teknik skimming.
Teknik skimming digunakan untuk menemukan ide pokok bahasan dalam teks
secara cepat.
Penelitian ini memilih kelas Basic Reading II sebagai sasaran penelitian
karena kelas tersebut mengkaji teknik-teknik membaca. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk menjawab sebuah rumusan masalah, yakni apa saja keuntungan dari
skimming teknik untuk mahasiswa dalam membaca dalam membaca
Untuk menjawab permasalahan ini, peneliti menggunakan metode
kuantitatif. Jenis metode ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen penelitian.
Peneliti membagikan kuesioner kepada 28 mahasiswa Basic Reading II kelas C,
PBI, Universitas Sanata Dharma untuk mendapatkan data.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa skimming merupakan teknik
yang menguntungkan dalam kegiatan membaca, diantarnya yaitu meningkatkan
minat baca dalam bahasa Inggris, menghemat waktu, membantu menemukan ide
pokok bacaan dan memprediksi maksud dari sebuah bacaan atau teks. Akan tetapi,
skimming teknik tidak mempermudah pembaca menemukan dan memahami arti
dari beberapa kosakata yang sulit dengan cepat.

Kata Kunci: reading comprehension, skimming technique




-Miss Lanny-

I dedicated this thesis to:

My beloved parents,
my lovely sisters and brothers,
and my friends.




First of all, I would like to say thank to Jesus Christ for His blessing.

Only by His endless love and blessing I could be strong in struggling with all

problems that I faced during writing this thesis.

Second, I would like to express my depest gratitude to my lovely family;

my father, my mother, my siblings who always give me endless love, prayer,

support and happiness. I love them so much.

My greatest gratitude is also addressed to my lovely lecturer, Drs. Barli

Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. for his patience, guidance, and advice in finishing my thesis.

I would also like to thank all of my research respondents for their help,

willingness and participation. My gratitude goes to Pemerintah Daerah Nias

Barat, who give me a scholarship to study in Sanata Dharma University.

I would like to express my gratitude to my friends in English Language

Education Study Program for their precious time, wise advice and willingness

to hear my story. My gratitude goes to my friends in Asrama Syantikara for the

help and the bitter-sweet moments we spend together. The last, I thank everyone

whom I cannot mention one by one for their prayer, support, motivation, and help

in finishing my thesis.

Sintya Nirwana Gulo



TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................ ii

STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ...................................................... iv

PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ........................................................ v

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. vii

DEDICATION PAGE .......................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ x

LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................ xiii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................... xv


A. Research Background ........................................................................................ 1

B. Research Question ............................................................................................... 4

C. Research Significance ........................................................................................ 4

D. Definition Of Terms ........................................................................................... 5


A. Theoretical Description ...................................................................................... 7

1. Reading ......................................................................................................... 7

a. The Nature of Reading .......................................................................... 7



b. Reading and Motivation ........................................................................ 8

c. Reading Comprehension ....................................................................... 8

1) Definition of Reading comprehension .......................................... 9

2) Process of Reading Comprehension .............................................. 9

d. Three Models of Reading .................................................................... 10

1) The Bottom-Up Model .................................................................. 10

2) The Top-Down Model .................................................................. 11

3) The Interactive Model ................................................................... 11

2. Skimming Technique ................................................................................. 11

a. Definition of Skimming ..................................................................... 12

b. The Process of Skimming ................................................................... 13

c. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Skimming Technique

................................................................................................................ 16

B. Theoretical Framework .................................................................................... 17


A. Research Method ............................................................................................... 19

B. Research Setting ............................................................................................... 20

C. Research Participants ....................................................................................... 20

D. Research Instrument And Data Gathering Techniques ................................ 20

E. Data Analysis Technique ................................................................................ 23

F. Research Procedure ...................................................................................24




Skimming Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension for the Second

Semester Students of Basic Reading II ................................................................ 26


A. Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 34

B. Recommendations ............................................................................................ 35

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 37

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ 38




Figure 2.1 What a student might see in skimming ............................................ 15




Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint ..................................................................... 21

Table 3.2 Participants’ Responses...................................................................... 23




Appendix 1. Questionnaire................................................................................. 42

Appendix 2. The Result of Questionnaire .......................................................... 44





This chapter is a general description of the thesis and what the researcher

would like to discuss in the next chapter. This chapter consists of the background

of the study, research question, research significance, and the definition of terms.

A. Background

Proficiency in English covers four skills, namely speaking, listening, writing

and reading. In order to understand the four skills students need to study and

enrich their knowledge. One of the bases of studying and enriching knowledge is

reading. Reading skills should be mastered by the students in learning a language.

It is essential for having reading ability because the readers can transfer and

develop science, technology by reading.

Simanjuntak (1988) defines that reading is the process to put the reader

through the situation and the communication with the ideas. In other words,

reading is a complicated process in order to make the reader create the meaning

from the text. The reader is an active person who solves the problem in reading to

coordinate a number of skills and strategies to gain as he reads as a reading

material. Moreover, reading activities are suggested by the goal of the readers and

by specific characteristics of the reading passage.

Nowadays, there are many sources of information in literature media such as

books, magazines and newpaper written in English that make reading become a



serious activity. Some people read only to get the information as much as

possible. Reading a passsage is one kind of the activity of getting the information.

Reading a passage is not easy, especially for students who did not really like to

read. Reading activity is considered as a boring part in English. It happens

because the myths that students hold about reading is that they must read every

word in a passage. If students have several text books or passages and try to read

every word of every assignment, they are likely to have little time left to study

what they have read. Fortunately, not every word in a book or in a passage must

be read, nor must every detail be learned. Students should select some words or

sentences when they read a passage or a book to save their time.

Reading becomes one of the serious problems that happen in college. In

fact, there are some students who still read slowly. When students decrease their

speed in reading, they would take a long time to understand the context of the text.

In this case, the researcher tries to find the benefits that might appear in reading

comprehension activity by using one technique which is skimming technique.

Students in the second semester of ELESP of Sanata Dharma University are

given Basic Reading II course. Moreover, Basic Reading II course is designed to

help students develop their literal and inferential comprehension, basic reading

skills (previewing, skimming, scanning, guessing word meanings form context),

English vocabulary and reading aloud ability. In Basic Reading II course they got

and learned some passages, articles, and sometimes they got short or long

passages. They should read all the passages as fast as possible because they have

to go on to the other materials. In Basic Reading II course, the students are able to


find the reading strategies to be used in giving the critical responses to the ideas

presented in the texts. There are some strategies or technique which the students

can use in order to read the passages quickly and get the meaning of the text. They

can apply the reading speed in every passage they have. Unfortunately, reading

speed is not so simple.

According to Fry (1963), there are many kinds of reading speed which

depend on the difficulty of the material being read as well as the students’ own

reading ability and background knowledge. The first one is study of reading speed

which is used for difficult material. In this type of reading speed, the students

attempt to study the material carefully so that they will not miss a single point and

also remember the material at a later time. The second is average speed which can

be used in most prose materials, whether factual description or narrative. The last

one is skimming reading which is used when the reader wants to understand the

material in a short time. Skimming is used to find out the key words in a passage,

therefore skimming is one kind of reading speed. Skimming technique will help

students when they do not have time to read every assignment. Skimming reading

will also help students to be a flexible reader, who depends on their purpose in

reading. In this research, the researcher looks for the benefits of skimming

technique in reading comprehension. The reasons why skimming technique is

chosen in reading comprehension are based on two considerations. First, college

students need to get information quickly and exactly. In Basic Reading II class

students are given some passages to be read, they are supposed to analyze the

meaning of the text by understanding the main idea in the text. Hence, skimming


is one of the best techniques that can be applied in their reading. Second,

skimming technique is a useful and important skill for the university students

(Gloria, 1988). When skimming technique is applied, students can improve their

reading skills.

Reading comprehension is a kind of reading activity which skimming can be

an effective and useful technique to be used. Smith (1982) states “comprehension

in reading is a matter of making sense of text, and of relating written language to

what we have already known and to what we want to know” (as cited in Santoso,

2017, p. 2). In order to make students get the information in the text, they should

be aware to use an effective and useful technique in reading activity.

B. Research Question

This study is expected to answer the research question. There is one

research question in this study, namely: what are the benefits of skimming

technique for students’ reading comprehension?

C. Research Significance

The researcher expects this research will be beneficial and useful for the

several parties as follows:

1. For Students of Basic Reading II Class

This study will be useful for the students especially for the ELESP students

in Sanata Dharma University. This study helps students to understand the meaning

of the texts or passages without reading the whole passage. In addition, students


can explain and tell the ideas from the texts or passages informatively to the other

students. Therefore, this study can be a guideline for the students to read more

passage to get the information.

2. For Lecturers of Basic Reading II Class

This study helps lecturers to teach students easily without taking too much

time and they can discuss the new materials as soon as possible. Based on the

research the lecturers are able to know the students’ problem in reading.

Skimming is one of the techniques that can be useful for the lecturer to solve

students’ problem in reading activity by giving them some passages to be read

which are followed by the exercises every meeting or every week.

3. Future Researchers

The result of this research hopefully can be used as a reference for other

studies which are related to skimming technique. The researcher of this study

expects that this study can inspire the other researchers. Hopefully the next

researchers can find what they are going to find in this study and use this study as

one of their references.

D. Definition of Terms

This section defines the terms that are used by the researcher to avoid


1. Reading Skill

Mitchell (1982) states that “reading can be defined as the ability to make

sense of written or printed symbols. The reader uses the symbols to guide the


recovery of information to construct a logical interpretation of the writer’s

message” (p. 1). Moreover, according to Heilman “reading is a process of making

sense of written ideas through meaningful interpretation interaction with language

(as cited in Sinambela, 2015, p. 265).

2. Skimming Technique

Skimming is very fast-paced reading. Effective skimming requires the

reader to get an overall picture of it by processig a text at many levels of text (Fry,

1978). Moreover, Simanjuntak (1988) states that skimming is a skill that needs

concentration, a superior vocabulary, and also the understanding of

comprehension skills. Skimming is desirable in locating specific information in a

passage, in selecting and rejecting materials for a particular purpose, and for the

purpose of noting the general organization of selection or to refresh memory to its


3. Reading Comprehension

Snow noted that “reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously

extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with the

written language” (as cited in Wahyuni, 2015, p. 2). Reading comprehension is

important in understanding and remembering. In conclusion, there is an

interaction between the thought and the language to obtain the meaning of the text

or to comprehend a text.




This chapter contains of a discussion about a theoretical review. There are

two major points to be discussed. The first deals with the Theoretical Description,

which underlies the focus of the research. The second one is Theoritical

Framework which provides the theories used by the researcher to answer a

research question in this research.

A. Theoretical Descriptions

In this section, there are two topics will be presented. The two theories are

theory of reading and theory of skimming technique.

1. Reading

In this sub-chapter there are some theories will be presented related to the

topic, namely the nature of reading, reading and motivation, reading

comprehension, and the models of reading.

a. The Nature of Reading

Nuttal (1982) states that reading can be defined as a meaningful written

verbal symbol that makes the interaction or relation between the symbol and the

language skill of the readers. In this process the readers try to recreate the

meanings or the message from the writer. Moreover, according to Clark and

Silberstain (1987), “Reading as an active cognitive process of interacting with

print and monitoring comprehension to establish meaning” (p. 34). It means that


when the reader comprehends the message from the text, their prior knowlege and

written information are combined.

Based on the definition above, the researcher concludes that reading is

thinking process of the written or printed symbol to build the real meaning from

the writer’s message. In short, reading is a conversation between the reader and

the writer.

b. Reading and Motivation

When lecturers make students interested in reading, usually they should like

to read more. In this case, lecturers should always motivate students to read.

Shepherd describes that “a student who does not like to read because of lack of

motivation does not get the practice he needs in reading skills” (as cited in

Simanjuntak, 1988, p. 2). To make students’ motivation come up in reading

activity, lecturer should be able to create, to foster, and to maintain the motivation.

To do this activity effectively, lecturer must develop some understanding of

motivation. Students who are not motivated to read see nothing in which reading

that the needs of them. Simanjuntak (1988) reveals that motivation is like as the

fulfillment for the needs. Therefore, as lecturer, they should give some

motivations to the students and knowing students’ needs before asking them to


c. Reading Comprehension

In this sub-chapter there are some theories that will be presented related to

the topic, namely definition of reading comprehension and the process of reading



1) Definition of Reading Comprehension

Improving reading skill depends on the ability of the reader to handle a text

or a passage. Therefore, teachers or lecturers’ job is facilitating what is essentially

a natural process and make it more effectively; they must develop some

understanding of the reading process. One kind of important things to do in

reading process is reading comprehension activity. Fry (1963) defines that

“reading comprehension is a part of communication process of getting the

thoughts that were in the author’s mind into the reader’s mind” (p. 24). The writer

should have a distinct idea in his thought first, and the writer could transfer the

idea into the printed one and the last the reader finds the printed word then gets

the meaning of an idea. Furthermore, Nunan defines that “reading comprehension

as a process that involves actively constructing meaning among the part of the text

and between the text and personal experience. The reader comprehends the text by

actively constructing meaning internally from interacting with the material that is

read” (as cited in Patmawati, 2015, p. 116). In short, the foundation of

comprehension is the text and reader’s interaction.

2) Process of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is always followed by individual’s purposes and

needs. Carrel (1987) says that “the previously acquired knowledge is called the

reader’s ‘backgroud knowledge’ and the previously acquired knowledge

structures are called ‘schemata’. According to schemata theory, the text and the

reader’s background knowledge are an interactive process to comprehend a text”

(p. 7). Reading comprehension occurs when the students read their needs or at



least see some reasons to read. Reading is a cognive process which means the

brain does more of the work.

Simanjuntak (1988) defines two processes of reading comprehension. First

is simple ‘identification’ and the second is ‘interpretation’. The identification

process is the way of determining rapidly and accurately just what the text says.

At this level, reading is a kind of information processing, the transferring of

specific ‘bits’ of information form one system to another.

To make sense the information that is acquired, good reader should combine

all the subject that he has already known to his cognitive structure. To do this the

reader creates meaning which is understanable or structureable. This process is

called ‘interpretation’. At this level the reader must negotiate the meaning with the

writer of the text, the text serving as spokesperson for the writer.

d. Three Models of Reading

When the reader processes the text in constructing meaning, it is described

by their reading models that they used. There are three models of reading that will

be discussed which are concerned with how the reader translates a text into

meaning, namely bottom-up model, top-down model, and interactive model.

1) The Bottom-up Model

Eskey (1986) denotes that bottom-up model is a reading process which

involves “exact, detailed, sequential perceptios and identification of letters, words,

spelling patterns and larger language units”. In this model, the reader moves his

eyes from left to right, combines to form words then combining the words to form

phrases, clauses, and sentences of the text. Moreover, Kucer (1987) states that



“the bottom-up model is known as phonic, which requires the learners to match

letters with sounds in a defined sequence and reader decodes a text word by word,

linking the words into phrases and then senteces” (pp. 3-5).

2) The Top-down Model

Carell and Eisterhold (1987) denote that top-down is a reading model that

“occurs when the reader makes general prediction based on higher level, general

schemata and then searches the input for information” (p. 7). To predict the

meaning of the text in this model, the process of reading comprehension should

deal with the background of knowledge. It means that the reader should read

sentences in a text then tries to find the information by guessing the meaning of

the text.

3) The Interactive Model

This model is the combination between both models of reading; the bottom-

up model and top-down model. In other words, interactive model recognizes the

interaction of both reading models throughout the reading process. Moreover,

Eskey (1986) denotes that “the interactive models of reading process deals with a

particular type of cognitive behavior, which is based on certain kinds of

knowledge which form a part of the readers’ cognitive structure” (p. 15).

2. Skimming Technique

In this sub-chapter, there are some topics related to skimming technique that

will be discussed, as follows:



a. Definition of Skimming

Skimming is a fast reading technique that a reader can finish in a short time

and it is very helpful when a reader wants to finish to read the material quickly

(Fry, 1963). Moreover, Brown (2004) explains that skimming is the process of

quick coverage of reading matter to establish its gist or main idea. In this

technique a reader takes the main idea from the material without reading the

whole sentence or all the words in the text. In the practice of skimming, the reader

should focus in the ideas and skip the unimportant words or sentences, marginal

and unimportant part.

In order to get a clear meaning and to make the use of skimming technique

effectively, the reader is able to process a text quickly. In addition, Nuttal (1982)

mentions that by skimming we glance rapidly through a text to determine its gist,

for example in order to decide whether a research paper is relevant to our own

work, or in order to keep ourselves superficially informed about matters that are

not only of great importance to us.

In the skimming technique the reader is looking for the gist and what is the

writter’s message in the text without reading details of the text. In short, the reader

only read a preview and an overview of the material. According to Hanckock

(1987), in skimming a reader reads the introductory information, the headings and

subheadings, and the summary, if its provided. When the students get the passage

or the material, the first thing that they will read is the introduction of the text and

then go on to the next paragraph until they get the meaning of the text.



Simanjuntak (1988) states that skimming is a skill that requires

concentration, superior vocabulary, and adequate comprehension skills. When the

students concentrate in the passage that they are going to read, it will make them

find the meaning of the new vocabulary in the text even it is a difficult word.

Then they will comprehend the text easily. In addition, the students should often

practice the skimming technique to fulfill their purpose in reading activity. Hence,

skimming technique develops students’ skill to comprehend the main ideas of the


b. The Process of Skimming

According to Arundel (1999) “skimming is a strategy of rapidly moving the

eyes over the text with the pupose of getting only the main ideas and general

overview of the content”. There are some steps that the reader can do in skimming

as follows:

1. Read the tittle. In skimming techique, the tittle can be the possible summary of

the content.

2. Read the introduction. Usually in the intoduction we can find the main ideas of

the text easily.

3. Read paragraph completely. Sometimes in the text there are some subheadings

then we can read each paragraph to look for the relation among them.

4. Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph. Sometimes in the text, the

main ideas of the text can be found in the first sentence. Other possibilities, the

writter puts the main idea in the last sentence if he begins the sentence with a




5. Dip into the text. To look for the clue words that answer who, what, when,

why, where, and how, then looking for the proper noun, unusual words, etc.

6. Read the final paragraph completely. After a reader does the previous steps he

can read the last paragraph of the text.

Those steps are really helpful for the students who want to get the idea of the

passage or text in a brief time. Mikulecky (1990) states that skimming is an

important skill because students can save time; students can quickly decide what

to read and what not to read.

Furthermore, Fry (2000) explains that the steps to skim a text are:

(1) Read the first several paragraph

(2) Leave out the material (read only the key sentence)

(3) Find the main idea

(4) Read fast.

In skimming technique, the students are able to find the main in every

paragraph and the information from the text. Students might not get all the

information, but they can get some of them for example, some proper names of

numbers (Fry, 1963).



Figure 2.1. What a student might see in skimming

(Fry, 1963, p.54)

The picture above helps students to apply skimming technique in their

reading. When students are skimming through the material they may find that they

come to a paragraph midway in the text where they attempt to get the main idea

by reading a key sentence but they cannot find one. They may hunt around in the

paragraph trying to find the key word or phrase, but they cannot find this either.



Students might read the all the paragraphs in order to get the meaning of the text

but they must read and skim even faster to make up for lost time.

To summarize, skimming is all that is necessary to obtain the information

the readers want. Skimming technique requires students to comprehend the text or

a passage. Students should try to go as fast a possible and leave some pieces of the

material. Skimming is done when the reader did not have enough time to read and

they want to master the material as fast as possible.

3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Skimming Technique

Skimming technique has many advantages if students use it properly in their

reading activity. Mikulecky and Jeffries (2004) argue that “skimming is a

technique which can be used in high speed reading in order to save time and help

the readers get the meaning through lots of material as fast as possible” (p. 38). As

a college student who has many assignments, they should manage their time

effectively. Skimming technique is a skill that is beneficial for the students. When

they apply skimming technique in their reading, it will spend less time than

normal time that they use to read. Moreover, Brown (2004) claims that “skimming

is a prediction strategy used to give a reader sense of the topic and the purpose of

the text, the organization of the text, the perspective or point of view of the writer,

its ease or difficulty, and/or its usefulness to the reader” (p. 213). Skimming

technique is very useful in predicting what is going on in the text or even get the

main idea of the text then make students answer the question quickly and exactly.



On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of using skimming

techique in reading comprehension activity. There are two disadvantages

according to Santoso (2017) the first one is “skimming technique needs a high

accuracy in determining the precise time for reading activity and the second,

skimming technique needs an extra time to solve students’ problem in reading

activity” (p. 24) However, for some students, accuracy in reading is one of their

problem that caused by their less concentration of the text. In this problem

skimming technique became a disadvantage technique for them to be used.

B. Theoretical Framework

This section provides all of the relevant theories that have been mentioned

before. Since Fry purposes clear strategies in skimming technique, his theory was

chosen as the main theory to answer the research problem.

The researcher also uses reading comprehension theories in order to apply

the skimming technique in reading skills. According to Patmawati (2015), one of

the suggested techniques which can be used in teaching reading comprehension is

skimming. Moreover, Fry (1963) states that skimming drill must be followed by

comprehension tests, because there is no point in reading material at any rate,

including skimming, if there is no comprehension. Therefore, the researcher uses

the reading comprehension theories in this research.

In addition, the researcher uses theory of skimming technique in order to

find out some benefits of skimming technique in their reading activity. Moreover,

the factor that can be the reason of choosing the theory of skimming is as



Simanjuntak (1988) says that “skimming is an activity which requires an overall

view of the text and implies definite reading competence” (p. 55). By using

skimming technique students will be able to find out the main idea of the text,

select the key words or phrases and understand the material quickly with good

concentration and practice.




In this chapter the researcher discusses the method of this research in order

to answer the research question as mentioned in Chapter I. This chapter consists

of six parts, namely research method, research setting, research participants,

research instrument and data gathering, data analysis technique and research


A. Research Method

In order to answer the question that has been stated in Chapter I, the

researcher used quantitative method approach to answer the question. Leedy

(1993) notes that “Quantitative method is typically begins with data collection

based on a hypothesis or theory and it is followed with application and descriptive

or inferential statistics” (p. 88). Johnson and Christensen (2012) mention that

quantitative research generally decreases measurement to numbers. In a survey

research are usually measured by using rating scales (p. 376). The interview or

questionnaire provides a statement, and the respondents reply with one of the five

allowable response categories. After getting the answer from the respondents,

usually the researcher calculates and reports an avarge for the group of

respondents. Therefore, the researcher used this method to see the benefits of

skimming technique in reading comprehension activity.




B. Research Setting

The setting of this research was English Language Education Study

Program of Sanata Dharma University. This research was conducted in Basic

Reading II class C batch 2017. The duration of every meeting was 90 minutes and

the researcher had an opportunity to come to this class every Thursday from 09.00

to 10.50, this class was held at II/K.31. This research took three meetings

including the observation and questionnaires distribution.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this research were second semester students of Basic

reading II class C in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University academic year

2017/2018. The researcher chose Basic Reading II class C to be the respondents.

There were 28 students in Basic Reading II class C. In this research, the

researcher focused on the benefits of skimming that students get when they used

or apply skimming technique for their reading comprehension activity.

D. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques

In order to obtain the data, the researcher used only one kind of instrument

that is questionnaire. According to Ary, et all (1979) “there are two types of

questionnaire, they are closed form and open form. The closed form is used when

to ease the respondents in answering the questionnaire because they just choose

the available options, while the open form is used to obtain more information

from the respondents” (p. 75). This research used only one type of questionnaire



which was closed form questionnaire to collect the necessary information from the

respondents. The instrument has been used by Sutarsyah et al. (n.d) in “Using

Skimming to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension in Descriptive Text.”

1. Questionnaire

There was one class of Basic Reading II that was given the questionnaire to

gain the quantitative data. The questionnaire was used to find out the benefits of

skimming technique for the students in college in their reading activity. The

researcher used one type of questionnaire, which was closed form. All items in the

questionnaire were related to the research problem formulated. In closed form

questionnaire “the respondents were quick to complete and straightforward to

code, and do not discriminate unduly on the basis how articulate the respondents

are” (Wilson & McLean, 1994, p. 21). The questionnaire was given in the last


Every statement in the blueprint is made based on some theories related to

the topic discussed. Only one aspect which is skimming technique in reading

comprehension presented in the questionnaire. The blueprint is shown as follow.

Table 3.1 Blueprint

N Statements Theories
1 Skimming technique increases my
interest in learning English.
2 Skimming techinique facilitates me Skimming is the process of quick
to find the main idea in the text. coverage of reading matter to
establish its gist or main idea
(Brown, 2004, p. 213).
3 Skimming technique facilitates me Skimming is a prediction strategy
to predict the content of the text used to give a reader a sense of the
topic and purpose of the text, the



(Inferring the text). organization of the text, the

perspective or point of view of the
writer, its ease or difficulty, and/or
its usefulness to the reader
(Brown, 2004, p. 213)
4 Skimming technique helps me to Skimming will often help to keep
save time in reading and them informed in their general
fields of interest without taking
understanding the text.
the time that average reading
would (Fry, 1963, p. 60)
5 After skimming technique has been The purpose of reading is simply
applied, it is easier to answer the to find the answer of a question.
The students skim through the
reading the material looking for
just one thing, the answer (Fry,
1963, p. 61)
6 Skimming technique facilitates me Skimming is a skill that requires
to find the specific information from concentration, a superior
vocabulary, and adequate
the text.
comprehension skills
(Simanjuntak, 1988, p. 55)
7 Skimming technique facilitates me Skimming is a skill that requires
to understand the difficult word. concentration, a superior
vocabulary, and adequate
comprehension skills
(Simanjuntak, 1988, p. 55)
8 While reading, I need more time to It needs a high accuracy in
read and understand the context of determining the precise time for
reading activity (Santoso, 2017, p.
the text.
9 It is difficult for me to understand Skimming need extra time to
new vocabulary when using solve students’ problem in reading
skill (Santoso, 2017, p. 24).
skimming technique.



E. Data Analysis Technique

There were some steps that the researcher used to analyze the data. First, the

researcher analyzed the observation and made the description of the observation.

Next, the researcher analyzed the questionnaire that had been given. The

questionnaire was counted by using degree of the agreement and it is in the form

of percentage. The researcher had given five degree of agreements. After that, the

researcher made the percentages and an interpretation of the questionnaires that

had been counted. After the researcher got the data from the questionnaires, the

researcher made the description of each statement of questionnaires. The data was

presented in form of table (see Table 3.2). Meanwhile the percentage of each item

was obtained by:

x 100

= number of students who choose certain topics

∑n = total number of students

Table 3.2 Participants’ Responses

Degree of Agreement
No. Statements SD D N A SA
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
1. Statement 1
2. Statement 2
SD: Strongly Disagree; D: Disagree; N: Neutral; A: Agree; SA: Strongly



F. Research Procedure

In conducting this research, the researcher involved some steps in the

research procedures. First, the researcher chose the topic and then found the

problem in college students’ reading activity. Then the researcher formulated the

research problem that needed to be answered in this research. After that, in order

to gain the knowledge related to the topic, the researcher did the library study.

After finding some theories related to the topic discuss, the researcher decided an

appropriate method which was appropriate in this study. Then the researcher

selected the research participants and prepared the research instrument such as

blueprint of the questionnaire.

The next steps were decided to take Basic Reading II class C to be the

sample of this research. Before conducting the research, the researcher asked oral

permission to the lecturer who teaches Basic Reading II class C. After getting the

permission, the researcher and the lecturer made an appoinment to find the good

time to do the research. After the schedule had been arranged the researcher then

did the observation. The observation was done on 8thand 22nd March 2018. There

were 28 students who became the participants.

After the observation had done, the researcher distributed the

questionnaires. The questionnaire was given in the third meeting. The

questionnaire was distributed on Thursday, 12th April 2018. In constructing the

questionnaires, the researcher made the blueprint as a guide of instruments. After

getting the data, the researcher analyzed the data. Then, the data collected were

presented in a form of percentage and explained it descriptively. Based on the data



collection, the researcher answered the research problem which was mentioned in

Chapter I. And the last step, the researcher reported the result systematically and

made a conclusion.




This chapter presents the reseacrh results and the discussion to answer the

research problem about the benefits of skimming technique in reading

comprehension activity. The data gathered from the questionnaire only. The data

presented in this chapter describe how students consider of the benefits of

skimming technique in reading comprehension activity.

The Benefits of Skimming Technique in Reading Comprehension for the

Second Semester Students of Basic Reading II

The benefits of skimming technique in reading comprehension for the

Second Semester students of Basic Reading II can be seen from the result of the

questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire result, the students considered some

benefits from using skimming technique in their reading activity. The following

are the explanation of the benefits. Table 4.1 presents the results of the


Table 4.1 The Questionnaire Results of the Benefits of Skimming

Technique in Reading Comprehension Activity
Degree of Agreement
No. Statements Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree (%) (%) (%) Agree
(%) (%)
1. Skimming technique increases 0 1 6 15 6
my interest in learning English. (0.00%) (3.57%) (21.43%) (53.57%) (21.43%)
2. Skimming technique facilitates 0 0 2 19 7
me to find the main idea in the (0.00%) (0.00%) (7.14%) (67.86%) (25.00%)



3. Skimming technique facilitates 0 0 5 19 4

me to predict the content of the (0.00%) (0.00%) (17.86%) (67.86%) (14.29%)
text (Inferring the text).
4. Skimming technique helps me 0 0 3 13 12
to save my time in reading and (0.00%) (0.00%) (10.71%) (46.43%) (42.86%)
understanding the text.
5. After skimming technique has 0 0 9 13 6
been applied, it is easier to (0.00%) (0.00%) (32.14%) (46.43%) (21.43%)
answer the questions.
6. Skimming technique facilitates 0 2 6 14 6
me to find the specific (0.00%) (7.14%) (21.43%) (50.00%) (21.43%)
information from the text.
7. Skimming technique facilitates 1 3 11 12 1
me to understand the difficult (3.75%) (10.71%) (39.29%) (42.86%) (3.57%)
8. While reading, I need more 0 1 7 9 11
time to read and understand the (0.00%) (3.57%) (25.00%) (32.14%) (39.29%)
context of the text.
9. It is difficult for me to 0 2 18 6 2
understand new vocabulary (0.00%) (7.14%) (64.29%) (21.43%) (7.14%)
when using skimming

Based on the data above, the researcher finds out that skimming technique

gave students the benefits in reading activity. Table 4.1 shows the results of the

questionnaire about the benefits of skimming technique in reading comprehension

activity. The statement number one deals with the students’ interest in learning

English, especially in reading activity. There were 21.43% (six students) of the

total respondents strongly agreed and 53.57% (15 students) of the respondents

agreed with this statement. There were 21.43% (six students) of the total

respondents chose neutral. There was one student (3.57%) of the total number

chose to disagree with the statement and none of the respondents strongly

disagreed with that statement. Based on the result, it can be concluded that



skimming technique gave the benefits to the students in their reading activity

because it increases their interest in reading a passage.

The second statement of the questionnaire is about skimming technique that

can facilitate students to find the main ideas of the text. Brown (2004) notes that

“skimming is the process rapid coverage of reading matter to determine its gist or

main idea” (p. 213). One of the main points in skimming technique is to identify

the main idea or the gist in the texts or passsage. Skimming is a technique that can

be used to discover the main idea in the text. Based on the questionnaire results

there were 25.00% (seven students) of the total respondents strongly agree with

this statement. Moreover, there were more than half or 67.86% (19 students) of

the respondents chose agree. The rest of the total respondents or 7.14% (two

students) chose neutral and none of the respondents chose disagrees and strongly

disagrees in this statement. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the

percentages of this statement was higher than other statements, it showed that

67.86% of the respondents chose agree and 25.00% of the respondents chose

strongly agree. Based on the questionnaire results, the researcher found out that

students could easily discover or find the main idea in the text. That is one of the

benefits of skimming technique in reading activity. In addition, skimming

technique is an acceptable technique in reading activity.

Statement number three is about the prediction of the content of the text that

students could do when they used skimming technique in their reading activity.

Skimming technique makes students easily look for the gist of what the writer is

saying about without reading the whole text. This statement related to the theory



that Brown (2004) stated that “skimming is a prediction strategy used to give a

reader a sense of topic and purpose of the text, the organization of the text, the

perspective or point of view of the writer, it ease or difficulty, and/or its

usefulness to the reader” (p. 213). Based on the questionnaire results there were

14.29% (four students) of the total respondents strongly agreed with this

statement. Then, there were more than half of the respondents or 67.86% (19

students) agreed with this statetment. And the rest of the respondents or 17.86%

(five students) chose neutral and none of the respondents disagreed and strongly

disagreed with this statement. This statement had also the higher percentages

result of the questionnaire after the statement number two.

The fourth statement was about the time that the students needed in reading

activity when they used skimming technique. Skimming is a useful technique that

the students can use in finishing the material in a short time. The use of skimming

technique in reading activity was very useful because the students should not have

to waste their time in reading a passage. The students read only what is important

in the passage. “Skimming technique keep the students informed in their general

field of interest without taking their time that average reading would” (Fry, 1963,

p. 60). Based on the questionnaire results, it showed that students who chose

agrees and strongly agrees were almost equal. They were agreed and also strongly

agreed that when skimming technique is implemented in the teaching reading

activity. There were 46.43% (13 students) of the total respondents agreed and

42.86% (12 students) strongly agreed with this statement. There were 10.71%



(three students) chose neutral and none of the respondents disagreed and strongly


Sometimes the purpose of the reading is “to find the answer of a question

and the students skim through the reading material is looking for just one thing;

that is the answer” (Fry, 1963, p. 61). By applying skimming technique in reading

activities, the students would be able to decide which one they should read in the

passage. After they selected word by word in the passage, they would find the

answer of the question related to the passage easily and quickly. Based on the

questionnaire results, there were 21.43% (six students) of the total respondents

strongly agreed and there were 46.43% (13 students) agreed.The rest of the

respondents or 32.14% (nine students) chose neutral and none of them disagreed

and strongly disagreed.

Beside the students could find the answer of the question quickly, the

skimming technique also made the students could find the specific information in

the passage clearly. Students only read the key words of the passage to find the

specific information which was discussed in the passage. Based on the

questionnaire result, there were 21.43% (six students) strongly agreed and 50.00%

(14 students) agreed with the statement number six and there were 21.43% (six

students) chose neutral. However, there were 7.14% (two students) disagreed with

this statement and none of them chose strongly disagree. Based on questionnaire

results, not every student in that class applied skimming technique in their reading

activity. Skimming is a useful skill for students’ reading activities. In skimming,

“the students attempt to get the main idea of every paragraph plus a few of the



facts” (Fry, 1963, p. 53). Skimming is a technique that drills the reader to reads

the key words to get the main idea and then they would find a few of the facts or

information in the passage. Therefore, students should be concentrated when they

read a passage. “Skimming is a skill that requires concentration, a superior

vocabulary, and adequate comprehension skills” (Simanjuntak, 1988, p. 55).

Based on the questionnaire results, the researcher stated that skimming technique

can facilitate students to find the specific information in the text. It can be seen

from the questionnaire results, that there were more than half of students who

chose strongly agree and agree in this statement, even though the rest of the

students chose neutral and disagree.

“Skimming is a skill that requires concentration, a superior vocabulary, and

adequate comprehension skills” (Simanjuntak, 1988, p. 55). It took a deep

concentration when skimming is applied in reading activities. When a student can

do a deep concentration they can select the important words and phrases and

discover the material in a short time. However, based on the questionnaire result,

there were 3.57% (one student) of the total respondents strongly agreed in the

seventh statement. There were 42.86% (12 students) of the total respondents

agreed with this statement. There were also 39.29% (11 students) of the total

respondents chose neutral in this statement. There were 10.71% (three students) of

the total respondents disagreed with this statement and there was 3.75% (one

student) strongly disagreed with this statement. Based on the data above, it

showed that skimming technique does not always make students understand the

new difficult words. Moreover some students chose neutral because sometimes



they could understand difficult words in the passage and sometimes they could not

understand difficult words in the passage. “Skimming is a technique that takes

practice” (Fry, 1963, p. 56). Based on the results of the questionnaire, the

researcher concludes that skimming will be an effective technique to find the

meaning of difficult words when students keep practicing it.

Skimming is a useful technique that can be applied in reading activities. It is

really helpful for the students who do not have enough time to read the passage so

they read it in a hurry. However, this technique would not give an advantage to

the students who have weakness in their reading skill. Statement number eight

was about how the students read and understand the context of the passage when

skimming technique is implemented. Based on the questionnaire result, there were

39.29% (11 students) of the total respondents strongly agreed and there were

32.14% (nine students) agreed. There were also 25.00% (seven students) of the

total respondents chose neutral and there was only one student (3.57%) disagreed

and none of them chose strongly disagree in this statement. Based on the data

above the researcher concludes that some students need the more time to read and

understand the a passage. “It needs a high accuracy in determining the precise

time for reading activity” (Santoso, 2017, p. 24). When skimming is applied in

reading activity, some students need to think and analyze the context of the

passage. They need more time to do it. Hence, skimming technique takes practice

in reading activity because it would give some benefits for students.

Skimming is a technique that students can apply when they do not have

enough time to read the passage. In skimming technique, the students read the



passage in order to get and determine the main idea. Students should understand

the meaning of some words to make them understand the context of the passage.

However, some students have problems in their reading; one of them is

vocabulary analysis. Statement number nine was about how students understand

the new vocabulary when skimming technique is applied in their reading activity.

Based on the questionnaire result, there were 7.14% (two students) of the total

respondents strongly agreed and there were 21.43% (six students) agreed.

Moreover, there were 64.29% (18 students) of the total respondents chose neutral,

7.14% (two students) disagreed, and none of them chose strongly disagree. Based

on the questionnaire results, the researcher concludes that some students agreed

even strongly agreed with this statement because they faced some difficulties in

understanding the meaning of a word when they did not have enough time.

“Skimming need extra time to solve students’ problem in reading skill” (Santoso,

2017, p. 24). One of students’ problems in reading activity is the understanding of

meaning of a new word in the passage. However, there were almost half students

chose neutral in this statement. It showed that, skimming is not always make

students understand the meaning of new vocabularies directly, it depended on the

level of difficulties in a passage. There are some students who have problems in

their reading activities, but it can be solved when they keep practicing skimming

and applied it in their reading comprehension activity and they will accustom to it.




This chapter presents the conclusions of the research and

recommendations related to the research. There are two sections in this part. The

first section discusses the conclusions of the research. The second section

discusses the recommendations related to this research for the ELESP lecturers,

the ELESP students, and the future researchers.

A. Conclusions

This research aims to know how skimming technique influenced students in

reading comprehension activity. After presenting the research findings and the

analysis, the researcher draws some conclusions and provides several

recommendations towards the implementation of skimming technique in Basic

Reading II class C of Sanata Dharma University in academic year 2017/2018 that

is beneficial for the second semester students.

The research question was answered by distributing the questionnaire to the

students. According to the results of questionnaire, the researcher concluded that

skimming technique gave some positive effects if students apply the skimming

technique in their reading comprehension activity properly. Most of the students

agreed that skimming can increase their interest in learning English; students are

facilitated to find the main idea in the text by using skimming; they can make a

prediction of the content of the text; using skimming technique can save their time



because they do it in a hurry. It is not likely that skimming will be easier for

students to answer the question quickly; specify the information from the text and

understand some new difficult vocabularies. Based on the data above, the

researcher concludes that skimming is a beneficial technique for some skills and

students should practice and use it for their reading activities.

Based on the data that have been presented in the previous chapter, the

researcher finds that skimming is not a skill which should be used at all times, but

it is a skill which can be used in many instances. When students become familiar

with skimming technique, they will find where it can be used to their advantages.

Based on the questionnaire result, it showed that skimming technique has

good influence to the students. Most of the students agreed that skimming spent

less time and they could find the gist of the text in a short time without reading the

whole passage. In addition, skimming is a useful technique to be developed and

used in learning process, especially in reading activity.

B. Recommendations

After conducting this research, the researcher proposed some

recommendations in order to maximize students’ understanding towards the

implementation of skimming technique which is implemented in Basic Reading II

class for lecturers, ELESP students, and future research.

1. For the English Lecturers

Skimming is a useful technique for reading activities. In this case lecturers

should facilitate the students by giving them some passage to read so that they can



use the skimming technique and they can improve their skills in reading.

Skimming will help to keep the students informed in their general field of interest

without taking the time that average reading would. Certain amount of the

supervision and encouragement from the lecturers are really helpful for the


2. For ELESP Students

Based on the data above, there are some students who gave good response

on skimming technique in their reading comprehension activity. Skimming takes

practice. As a student you should keep practicing skimming on magazine articles,

text-books chapters, or novels to make you more familiar with this technique. As

a college student who has many assignments to do, you should manage your time

effectively. Skimming technique can help you to read faster and keep skimming

when you read so that you will be familiar with this technique.

3. For the Future Researchers

The researcher expects that this research can be a reference for the future

researchers who conduct a research in the same field. The future researcher is

recommended to do the research about skimming technique to find other benefits

or advantages of skimming technique. By doing so, the students and also the

lecturers will be more familiar with skimming technique.



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Appendix 1.

Dear friends,

The following questionnaire is prepared for English Education Language Study

Program students of Sanata Dharma University who are taking Basic Reading II
course. Please do honestly, because your answers are going to be the main data of
a research and will be kept confidential. The researcher is conducting a study
about The Benefits of Skimming Technique in Reading Comprehension to The
Second Semester of Sanata Dharma University.

Put a tick (√) to the degree of agreement which correspondent to the statements.
Thank you for your corporation and willingness to fill my questionnaires.

Personal Identity
Name :
Sex :
Class :
Student number :

Answer these statements bellow by giving a tick in each statement.

Degree of agreement:
SA =Strongly Agree
A =Agree
N =Neutral
D =Disagree
SD =Strongly Disagree

No. Statements SD D N A SA

1 Skimming technique increases my interest in

learning English.
2 Skimming techinique facilitates me to find the
main idea in the text.
3 Skimming technique facilitates me to predict
the content of the text (Inferring the text).
4 Skimming technique helps me to save time in
reading and understanding the text.



5 After skimming technique has been applied, it

is easier to answer the questions.
6 Skimming technique facilitates me to find the
specific information from the text.
7 Skimming technique facilitates me to
understand the difficult word.
8 While reading, I need more time to read and
understand the context of the text.
9 It is difficult for me to understand new
vocabulary when using skimming technique.


Appendix 2.
The Result of Questionnaire

Degree of Agreement
No Statements SD (%) D (%) N (%) A (%) SA (%)
1. Skimming technique increases 0 1 6 15 6
my interest in learning English. (0.00%) (3.57%) (21.43%) (53.57%) (21.43%)
2. Skimming technique facilitates 0 0 2 19 7
me to find the main idea in the (0.00%) (0.00%) (7.14%) (67.86%) (25.00%)
3. Skimming technique facilitates 0 0 5 19 4
me to predict the content of the (0.00%) (0.00%) (17.86%) (67.86%) (14.29%)
text (Inferring the text).
4. Skimming technique helps me to 0 0 3 13 12
save my time in reading and (0.00%) (0.00%) (10.71%) (46.43%) (42.86%)
understanding the text.
5. After skimming technique has 0 0 9 13 6
been applied, it is easier to (0.00%) (0.00%) (32.14%) (46.43%) (21.43%)
answer the questions.
6. Skimming technique facilitates 0 2 6 14 6
me to find the specific (0.00%) (7.14%) (21.43%) (50.00%) (21.43%)
information from the text.
7. Skimming technique facilitates 1 3 11 12 1
me to understand the difficult (3.75%) (10.71%) (39.29%) (42.86%) (3.57%)
8. While reading, I need more time 0 1 7 9 11
to read and understand the (0.00%) (3.57%) (25.00%) (32.14%) (39.29%)
context of the text.
9. It is difficult for me to 0 2 18 6 2
understand new vocabulary (0.00%) (7.14%) (64.29%) (21.43%) (7.14%)
when using skimming technique.


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