Effects of Social Media Usage To The School Performance of The Grade 12 Senior High School Students

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Chris Sagarino
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology


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Donnie Grace Branzuela, Kizzv Mar Bete, Philip Jay Dela Pena, Chris T. Sagarino
and Jackylyn M. Maneja

Iligan City National High School

Senior High School Department

[email protected]

Abstract: Social Media is about collaborating, networking, sharing and generating knowledge
and content, all of those features are of great value in the context of higher education but still,
Social Media was considered to be a deteriorating agent in academics by some people. The study
aims to know the positive or negative effects of social media usage towards student’s academic
performance in Iligan City National High School. In this study, the researchers had the sample
size of 257 out of 739 Grade 12 Senior High school students from Iligan City National High
School as the respondents. Amongst the 257 respondents the researchers randomly picked 10
respondents who were chosen to be interviewed. The researchers concluded that there is no
direct relationship between using social media and school performance of the students, since
even though the students just use social media for entertainment they still have high and good
grades instead of looking for some information related to their lessons. The researchers suggest
that students must have control over their usage of social media to avoid negative effects of
social media towards academic performance.

Keywords: social media, school performance, senior high school

“Effects of Social Media Usage to the school performance of the Grade 12 Senior….” Page 1
EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE TO THE are not even aware now just a single post of their
SCHOOL PERFORMANCE OF THE GRADE 12 personal details can affect their privacy. The use of
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS social media really affects one’s life whether be it their
social aspects, privacy, health, and performance in
By: Donnie Grace Branzuela, Kizzv Mar Bete, Philip school.
Jay Dela Pena, Chris T. Sagarino and Jackylyn M. This study aims to know the purpose of Grade
Maneja 12 Senior High School Students in Iligan City
National High School in using social media and how
1.1 Background of the Study their social media usage affects their school
Over the past few years, Social media has performances either positively or negatively.
grown to be a phenomenon in our culture. Social
Media are websites and applications that enable users 1.2 Theoretical Framework
to create and share content or participate in social Computer-mediated communication theory-
networking. Social Media plays an important role in Deindividuation Phenomena in action can be seen in
every student’s life. It is easier for them to computer mediated communication (CMC-for
communicate, access information and provide example, Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, YouTube, Social
information via social media platforms; Facebook, networking sites, or chat rooms). People can use CMC,
Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google and etc. unlike any other media to communicate anonymously
Social Media is about collaborating, if they wish. Just as traditional research on
networking, sharing and generating knowledge and deindividuation predicts, CMC is often characterized
content, all of those features are of great value in the by hostile negative interactions (Trolling, cyber
context of higher education (Priyanka Gupta, 2015). bullying or flaming) and increased level of personal
But still, Social Media is considered to be the disclosure. Theorists typically attributes such behavior
deteriorating agent in academics by some people. A to the physical anonymity offered by CMC is argued
study of Weiser (2008) shows that vast majority of that the anonymity of CMC frees people from normal
college students are using Facebook, Twitter, constraints on behavior, allowing people to behave
Instagram, YouTube and etc (Hitam and Idrus, 2014). impulsively and often anti socially however, some
For significant reasons such as making new friends research shows that although the dendividuation
and locating old friends. However, they also suggested context of CMC blurs, peoples individual
that students use social media apps and platforms not characteristic. An important consequence is that it also
only for social purposes but also for educational enhances the salience of groups and their associated
purposes. According to Ellison et al., (2007) research norms. (Douglas).
results, it shows that students use social media only for Social information processing theory- this theory
fun, to have contact with friends, and to follow photos, explains how individuals use computer mediated
videos, events and etc (Hitam and Idrus, 2014). Thus, communication to develop interpersonal impressions
it can be said that social media is rarely used for and to advance relational communication over time
educational purposes. It appears therefore that social online. The absence of non-verbal cues when using a
media fulfill its role as its was intended by its creators; medium that is Generally restricted to textual symbols.
to support social networks. Statistics show that women The theory stipulates that the information processing
spend more time on social media than men, however of such code systems requires more time than face to
women use social media more effectively than men face communication in order to achieve similar levels
(Priestly, 2017). A study of Hitam and Idrus (2014) of interpersonal development (Walther, 2015).
revealed that women are more likely to engage in Social learning theory – The close relation of this
online communication to maintain personal theory to social cognitive theory is argued that screen-
connections and for learning preferences, whereas men media exposure leads to the cognitive acquisition of
use online communication for pursuing sexual interest behaviors along with their expected social, emotional,
and romance. and cognitive consequences. Exposure to portrayals
Nowadays, social media platforms are used suggesting that a Behavior (sex) will lead to social
for various reasons whether be it for social disapproval or other negative outcomes. Is likely to
networking, social marketing, learning and educational foster negative attitudes toward the depicted behavior,
purposes, pleasure and sometimes use negatively such not promote its enactment. Thus the content portrayed
as cyber bullying, stereotyping, pornography and even (sexual or not) and the specific nature of content are
a go-to place for depressed people. Teenagers today

“Effects of Social Media Usage to the school performance of the Grade 12 Senior….” Page 2
critical to measure if one wishes to accurately predict their days using social media, nearly nine (9) hours on
subsequent beliefs and behavior (Circello, 2013) the average, according to the new study from the
family technology education non-profit group,
1.3 Conceptual Framework common sense media. There are a lot of positive and
negative effects in using social media, these effects
include the risk of their health, academic performances
and interaction in the real world.
The importance of this study will redound for
the society to push changes in the usage of social
media. The result will benefit the following:
Students. The result of this study will surely partake
in informing the students particularly in
Iligan City National High School that
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework overusing social media will have a great
The figure above is a conceptual paradigm of the impact on their lives, and these effects
study. It shows how the study will run through the would either be positive or negative
process. The researchers wanted to know the Grade depending on their means of using the
12 Senior High School student’s usage of social social media. Students will then change
media and the effects of social media usage affects their time schedules in using social media
their school performance. The demographic profile of platforms responsibly.
the respondents will be the independent variable and Parents. The outcome of this study will take part in
the school performance as the dependent variable. informing the parents of the community to
monitor the time that their children use for
1.4 Statement of the Problem social media.
This study aims to identify the impact of the Future Researchers. The result of this study will
use of social media to the school performance of the guide the future researchers in evaluating
students. This study will also seek to answer the and testing the validity of their findings in
following questions: related literature. The result of the study
1. What are the demographic profile of the will serve as a cross-reference for their
respondents? study in the future.
a. Track or Strand
2. What is the percentage of the students who use 1.7 Scope and Limitation
social media for the following: This study is only limited to the Grade 12
a. Social Connectivity Senior High School Students particularly the students
b. Entertainment in Iligan City National High School. The researchers
c. Information Gaining used the Slovin’s Formula for the total number of
3. What are the negative and positive impacts of respondents. Random sampling was used to get the
the usage of the social media to the students? appropriate sample for this study. This research is only
4. What is the relationship between the usage of limited in analyzing the social media usage
social media and the school performance of the particularly in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and
students? the school performance of the students in terms of
their grades.
1.5 Hypothesis This research was conducted in Iligan City
H1: There is a relationship between social National High School which is located at Gen.Wood
media usage and the school performance Street, Mahayahay Iligan City, Philippines.
of the students The researchers used descriptive research
design and created survey questionnaires in gathering
1.6 Significance of the Study data that undergone face validation, content validation
Teenagers nowadays do not know the and readability test.
overusing effects of the technology particularly their
engagement in different social media platforms 1.8 Operational Definition of Terms
including; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Under this topical component are the
yahoo and etc. Teenagers spend more than one-third of OPERATIONAL and CONCEPTUAL definition of

“Effects of Social Media Usage to the school performance of the Grade 12 Senior….” Page 3
the terms that are found in the title of the study, such as videos and photos. Users engage
including other unusual and technical terms. However, with social media via computer, table or
some schools require the inclusion of only those terms smartphone via web-based software or
that are found in the title of the study. The other web application, often utilizing it for
unusual and technical terms are defined on the messaging. (Investopedia,2018)
pertinent page(s) of the manuscript where first Social Media Platforms – is a web-based technology
mentioned. Whichever approach is followed; it is that enables the development,
cautioned to refrain from using only the conceptual or deployment and management of social
dictionary definition the terms presented. media solutions and services. It provides
OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS are “must” as this the ability to create social media
show how each concept or aspect is to operate or be websites and services with complete
measured in the study. To show how an operational social media network functionality.
definition of a term differs from a conceptual (Techopedia,2018)
definition of the same term, examples are shown: Technology – is a body of knowledge devoted to
Facebook - is a free social networking Web platform creating tools, processing actions and
that promotes and facilitates interaction the extracting of materials. The term
between friends, family and colleagues. “Technology” is wide, and everyone has
Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark their way of understanding its meaning.
Zuckerberg and several Harvard We use technology to accomplish
University classmates. (Techopedia, various tasks in our daily lives, I brief;
2018) we can describe technology as products
- In this study, the researchers used this and processes used to simplify our daly
social media platform as both lives. We use technology to extend our
empowering and deteriorating social abilities, making people the most crucial
media platform for student’s academics. part of any technological system.
Instagram - is the name of an online photo sharing (Karehka Ramey, 2013)
social Web service that lets you share - In this study, these are those electronic
your life with friends through a series of driven technologies that students can use
pictures captured with a mobile device. a medium to have access to social media
Instagram also supports video uploads platforms.
and lets users of the service instantly Twitter – is a social networking and micro blogging
share photos on several social sites, online service that allows users to send
including Flickr, Facebook, Tumblr and and receive text-based messages or posts
Twitter or specify a location with any of up to 140 characters called “tweets”.
photo to check in on Foursquare. (Techopedia,2018)
(Vangie Beal, 2018) - In this study, the researchers used this
- In this study, the researchers used this social media platform as both
social media platform as both empowering and deteriorating social
empowering and deteriorating social media platform for student’s academics.
media platform for student’s academics. School Performance - positive effects of school and
Internet - a global computer network providing a its actors to attaining the goals, related to
variety of information and the academic achievement and personal
communication facilities, consisting of development of students.
interconnected networks using
standardized communication protocols. 3.1 Research Design
(Oxford University Press, 2018) In this study, the researchers made use of
Social Media - is a computer-based technology that Descriptive Research Design. Since descriptive
facilitates the sharing of ideas and research design concerns to providing a picture of a
information and the building of virtual situation as it naturally happens through the use of
netwroks and communities. By design, descriptions. The research design that the researchers
social media is internet based and offers used will enabled them to profoundly interpret,
users easy electronic communication of analyze, and describe the relationship of social media
personal information and other content, usage and the school performances of the Grade 12

“Effects of Social Media Usage to the school performance of the Grade 12 Senior….” Page 4
Senior High School students of Iligan City National questionnaires. Amongst the 257 respondents the
High School (ICNHS) since the researchers need to researchers randomly picked 10 respondents who were
come up with data qualitatively and quantitatively. chosen to be interviewed since the researchers need to
come up with data qualitatively and quantitatively.
3.2 Research Setting
This study was conducted in Iligan City 3. 4 Research Instrument
National High School ( ICNHS) which is also called The researchers of this study will make use of
CITY HIGH is located at Gen.Wood Street ,Corner the following research tools in gathering the data:
Roxas Avenue, Brgy. Mahayahay, Iligan City 9200 The Research Designed Questionnaire. This is
Lanao Del Norte of Northern Mindanao (Region X), where the given data is provided to the respondents in
Philippines. Iligan City National High School is one of a set of questions. This instrument assesses
the Philippines biggest school in terms of the student’s participants to distinguish the effect of the utilization
population. The school consists of 111 instructional of online networking to the school execution of the
rooms and 9 non-instructional rooms. The school has understudies.
7, 121 students with the class size for each classroom Flesh-Kincaid by Rudolf Flesch and J. Peter
ranges from 50 plus students. Mr. Rex Lao Razo is the Kincaid. These are readability tests intended to
current Principal of the institution. Iligan City National demonstrate how difficult a perusing section in
High School is not far from the city, therefore students English. There are two tests, the Flesch Reading Ease,
can easily access to their social media accounts. and the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level. Despite the fact
that they utilize similar centers measures (word length
and sentence length), they have distinctive weighting
factors (Flesch and Kincaid, 1978). In this study, this
instrument determined if the assessment tools of the
Social Media Usage and Academic Performance was
suitable for the Senior High School Students.

3.5 Data Gathering Procedure

Figure 2: The Map of Iligan City National High


Figure 5: Flow of the Data Gathering Procedure

Figure 3: Iligan City National High School
3.5.1 Data Collection Plan
3. 3 Respondents Data Collection Plan started in the
In this study, the researchers used stratified construction of letter or permission to conduct the
sampling as the means of selecting the respondents. survey inside the school premise. The letter was given
The population (Grade 12 Senior High School to the selected respondents of Grade 12 Senior High
students) was divided into subgroups in terms of School students and to the principal. The letter was
strand and then the researchers did the random used as a tool and key to conduct the survey in case of
sampling within that subgroups. The researchers had any restrictions to conduct said survey. Next is the
the sample size of 257 out of 739 Grade 12 senior high construction of survey questionnaire. The researchers
school students as the respondents of this study made use of the survey questionnaire to fully cover the
therefore, the researchers had 257 survey respondent’s answers quantitatively and qualitatively.

“Effects of Social Media Usage to the school performance of the Grade 12 Senior….” Page 5
The researchers formulated questions depending on 3.5.3 Evaluation Stage
the different social media usage which includes The researchers synthesized the answers of the
questions under entertainment, Social Connectivity, respondents in the survey questionnaires. The
Information gaining, and Entertainment. Then comes researchers looked for the similar and different
the validation phase, after the construction of the answers with regards to the social media usage. Next,
questionnaires it will go through a process or series of the researchers tallied the answers through the use of
validation; Face validation, content validation and table and looked for the percentage of the respondents
readability test. The importance of the validation phase with the same means of using social media. Then, the
is that the researchers will be able to see the mistakes researchers interpreted the tabulated answers and
and lapses of the questionnaires. Lastly, the percentages. The researchers undergone a thorough
questionnaires will go through a revision after it is and profound process of analyzation and interpretation
validated to come up with clear and concise and of the answers. Finally, the researchers presented their
appropriate survey questionnaires to gather relevant conclusion in relation to the usage of the social media
answers from the respondents. among Grade 12 Senior High School Students.

3.5.2 Data Collection Stage 3.6 Statistical Treatment of Data

Statistical treatment of data is essential in
order to make use of the data in the right form. Raw
data collection is only one aspect of any experiment;
the organization of data is equally important so that
and Business 34 13.23 %
appropriate conclusions can be drawn. With the help
of these tools the researchers were able to have a
profound interpretation and conclusions with regards
and Social 80 31.13 %
to the study.
The researchers used the statistical tool above
Sports 15 5.84 % to have an accurate sample size of the study that could
Science, represent the whole population of the Grade 12 Senior
Technology, High School students together with a margin of error
33 12.84 % (0.05).
The frequency percentage was used by the
Technical researchers to calculate the percentage of the Grade 12
Vocational 95 37 % Senior High school students who use social media as a
Livelihood means of Entertainment, Social connectivity, and
Information Gaining.

4.1 Sub- problem no. 1: What are the demographic

TOTAL: 257 100 % profile of the respondents?
Implementation of the planned collection of Table 1 shows the demographic profile of the
data started with the selection of respondents through respondents in terms of their strand. The table layouts
sampling procedures. Sampling can make access to the the demographic profile of the respondents of this
population more convenience and reliable. Choosing study along with that are the number of the students
the exact sample size (N) enabled the researchers to per strand, the third column shows the percentage of
have an appropriate representative of the whole each of every strand.
population size. After selecting the respondents, the It implies that there are more students coming
researchers then conducted the survey. The researchers from Technical Vocational Livelihood Track which
conducted the survey to the selected respondents with has the greatest number of respondents of 95 grade 12
the constructed survey questionnaires. The survey students contributing to most of the total percentage of
questionnaires together with the answers of the 37% of 100%. On the other hand, Sports Track has the
respondents will be retrieved by the researchers for the least number of respondents of only 15 grade 12
evaluation. students having the least contributing percentage of
5.84% of 100%.

“Effects of Social Media Usage to the school performance of the Grade 12 Senior….” Page 6
Table 1: Demographic Profile of the Respondents The results signifies that most of the Grade 12
TRACK / FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE Senior High School students use social media as their
STRAND means of entertainment and recreational activities.
Meanwhile, Social Connectivity having the least of
respondents who agreed on using social media as their
and Business 34 13.23 %
means to connect to their friends and families having a
reason that their friends in their social media accounts
are also just their existing friends in the real world
and Social 80 31.13 %
wherein, they can still communicate everyday without
social media.
Sports 15 5.84 % Sub- problem no. 3: What are the negative and
Science, positive impacts of the usage of social media to the
Technology, students?
33 12.84 % Researchers found out that social media usage
Mathematics has its own fair share of positive and negative effects
Technical towards the student’s academe. Social media has
Vocational 95 37 % fulfilled its purpose – to create global villages and
Livelihood create connections to people around the world but it
seems that discrimination does not end in real life but
continues to exist in virtual worlds. Positive effects of
TOTAL: 257 100 % social media includes the effects of the latter to the
student’s academics, the purpose of it to connect
worlds, help people to accomplish duties and
4.2 Sub- problem no. 2: What is the percentage of
responsibilities faster and easier, it also affects the
the students who use social media for the following:
student’s mental health in a way that some students
Table 2: Percentage of students who used Social
have excessive usage of social media, affects mood in
Media for different means
a way that the contents of every social media differ
from each other and resulted to fast changing moods of
PERCENTAGE the respondents, social media also affects social
aspects of the students since some enhance their ability
to socialize and some also make their social anxiety
SOCIAL 70.11 % 28.89 % attacks. Implying that if social media is not used
CONNECTIVITY properly all those positive effects would seem to turn
ENTERTAINMENT 85.02 % 14.98 % negative to some other students.
INFORMATION 82.88 % 17.12 % Usage of social media has no direct
GAINING relationship to the school performance. According to
the data gathered even if the students spend a lot of
time using social media still, has positive effects to the
Table 2 presents the percentage of students
students, it only depends on how a student deal with
who use social media for social connectivity having a
consequences of their usage of social media. Thus, the
percentage of 70.88 %, entertainment with 85.02 %
effects of social media depend on their usage of the
and information gaining with 82.88 % and the second
column showing the percenatage of the students who
disagreed in using social media for the said means of
5.1 Summary of Findings
usage. For the qualitative data, contradictory to the
This study investigates the effects of social
results of the quantitative results, majority of the
media to the school performance of the grade 12 senior
respondents that the researchers had interviewed said
high school students and to determine whether there is
that they use social media mainly to connect with
a relationship between social media usage and school
friends and family, next in line is that they use social
performance. Wherein the sample size is 257 out of
media to be informed of the happenings in their
739 Senior High School students who undergone a
sorroundings and use social media for educational
sampling method which is the Random Sampling. The
purposes contradicting to the percentage of students
researchers used research instrument – survey
who use it rarely for academics.
questionnaires and interview, also the researcher did a

“Effects of Social Media Usage to the school performance of the Grade 12 Senior….” Page 7
lot of profounding and analyzing of the gathered data laziness to the students and make them not to do the
since the researchers used a Descriptive Research household chores and not be able to run errands. it
Design. also affects the student’s mental health, fast changing
The researchers found out that social media moods, adapt some sexual behaviors and bad attitudes.
users nowadays were a great composition of teenagers. The researchers concluded that there is no
The researchers found out that students were having a direct relationship between using social media and
great and wide scope of using social media and affects school performance of the students, since even though
them positively and negatively. Most of the Grade 12 the students just use social media for entertainment
Senior High School student of Iligan City National they still have high and good grades instead of looking
High School use social media as their means for for some information related to their lessons. Theories
entertainment, for fun and to be happy and entertained of the theoretical framework can also be used in
at times they get tired from having a lot of workloads performing analysis to this study and why teenagers
and paper works from school. Meanwhile, only a were so linked and fond of using social media even if
number of the Grade 12 Senior High School students it brings to them some negative effect that targets their
use social media for information gaining. It implies privacy, health, social, mental and emotional aspects.
that social media usage has positive and negative
effects to the students but not the total academic 5.3 Recommendations
performance of the latter. Even though most of the The researchers also have found results that
students just use social media for entertainment instead are relevant to the people mentioned below. The
of collecting information about certain topics and researchers of this study would like to recommend and
issues their grades still belong to the “very suggest things to the following:
satisfactory” category. To the Parents
The study showed that letting the children
5.2 Conclusion spend most of their time using social media platforms
It implies that there are most of the for various means can lead to effects from positive to
respondents are coming from Technical Vocational negative effects. The parents were suggested to
Livelihood Track which has the greatest number of monitor their children to avoid excessive usage of
respondents of 95 grade 12 students contributing to social media.
most of the total percentage of 37% of 100%. Next is To the Students
the Humanities and Social Sciences strand with 80 The results presented that students who use
respondents contributing to 31.13 % of the total social media irresponsibly will probably gain most of
percentage, followed by the Accountancy and the negative effects than those who use it positively.
Business Management strand with 34 respondents, The researchers suggest that students must have
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics with control over their usage of social media to avoid
33 respondents. On the other hand, Sports Track has negative effects of social media towards academic
the least number of respondents of only 15 grade 12 performance.
students having the least contributing percentage of To the future researchers
5.84% of 100%. The researchers of this study found lapses on
Students who use social media for Social this study. The researchers suggest future researchers
Connectivity has percentage of 70.88 % out of 100% , to focus on the allotted time of the students in using
Entertainment with 85.02 % out of 100% and social media in their future studies to have a more
Information Gaining with 82.88 % out of the total accurate conclusion on how social media usage affect
percenatage of 100%. the student’s academic performance.
The usage of social media covers a wide scope
of positive and negative effects toawards academe.
The researchers gathered the data through series of
interview. The gathered data shows that the postive
effects of social media include; the student’s
convenience in getting information about their lessons,
homeworks and bring home activities, it also make
them communicate with classmates and friends for
them to gather information about certain topics.
Negative effects of the latter towards academe include;

“Effects of Social Media Usage to the school performance of the Grade 12 Senior….” Page 8
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“Effects of Social Media Usage to the school performance of the Grade 12 Senior….” Page 10

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