Ed Sheeran FT Khalid - Beautiful People

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Profesor (a) titular: _________________________ Grade: 4-A Date: September 23rd, 2019

Profesor (a) titular: _________________________ Grade: 4-A Date: September 30 th, 2019

Initiation to the teaching Practicum – 2019_2

Teacher in development: David Hincapié Gómez

Lesson plan format

1. Grade and level: 4th - A1

2. General objective of the class (es): To express agreements and disagreements in conversations,
and at the same time, to show respect for the opinion of the people around.
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Identify words and expressions to show agreement or disagreement.
To forgive and ask for forgiveness when a mistake is recognized.
4. Pre-requisites:
Some previous knowledge about present tense of verb to be.
5. Materials: Board, video beam, laptop, tape recorder, worksheets, markers.

6. Procedures.

September 23rd.
Minutes Procedures Anticipated problems and possible
10 Min With the classroom in U shape, I will greet every Maybe students don’t want to talk
student stretching hands and asking “How are you”. that much.
At the same time, I will ask them to gather in pairs or It’s normal, and I will encourage them
triads to greet among themselves using the handout to talk by recognizing and
with chunks to greet and interact. My intention is that congratulating every single utter that
in some weeks forward, they use those they do in English.
(internalization). I will pass over each group of
students and will scaffold them.
15 Min I will tune on a song “Ed Sheeran ft Khalid – Students may not participate that
Beautiful people”, as the background melody with much, even though the activity is in
subtitles en inglés/español displayed on the board. Spanish, they can be lazy or
Afterwards, we will do a warm up activity that something so that I would have to
consists of asking (in Spanish) to students some engage them with a good tone of
questions to elicit prior knowledge, such as: How do voice and body movement.
you solve problems? and/or, what is the most
effective way to solve problems? How do you think
people could solve their problems? Why do you
think people nowadays argue so much for dumb
things? I will be writing the ideas (words) on the
board and its translation to English.
This is the introductory activity of the lesson.
15 Min I will display the official video of the song previously Maybe students don't know the
tuned on. I found very interesting to make a singers nor the song (it was released
comparison between this video and the one that I three months ago) but the purpose is
will display next because there is marked contrast in to use input in English (the following
terms of cultural behaviors. video does have to be in Spanish)
and that they pay attention not at the
song itself but the acting of the video.
20 Min I will display a very didactic video (in Spanish) which Maybe students cannot be as
shows one of the most common scenarios of social engaged as expected for any reason,
fights in Colombia. This video will help students to for example: they don’t care or they
raise a little bit of awareness of the situations that just want to leave home. This would
some people of the same country have had to be be challenging and I would have to
struggling with. The main intention is to show that manage to get those students as an
the dialogue would have been the solution. active part of the class. For instance,
asking him/her to deliver the handout
we will work with later on.
15 Min In this activity, I will write on the board some Maybe students don’t get to use the
situations (conflicts) and a possible solution (that enough quantity of English but I’ll be
can be mistaken) and the purpose is that students there to support the use of the
will have to tell me whether or not  they agree with chunks, not matter if it ends up taking
the solution using the chucks previously handed in so much time from the activity itself.
to express agreement or disagreement. 
15 Min I will deliver a handout to students which we will all Perhaps students disrupt the activity
fill together. Every student will have a worksheet and or they just want to work with the
I will also gather them in groups of three in order to best friends; in that case, I will
start developing collaborative work. arrange the groups and will let them
know that in the English we must be
September 30th

15 Min I will start the class with a warm up activity that is Maybe some students can start
Chinese whispers (broken telephone). I will select disrupting the class with bad
randomly 4 students (for each line of seats of the behaviors. I would make them active
classroom) and I will tell to those four students, four participants of the activity instead of
solutions (in English) for four conflicts that will be exclude them.
written on the board and that will be the chain
message. Finally, expecting that the message didn’t
get lost or changed, we will discuss if whether or not
the solution is accurate.
15 Min I will make a review of what was seen in previous Maybe students will be disengaged
part of the lesson (because there will be 7 days of because the distance between both
difference among each part of the lesson).  classes and they would not be that
pro-active; in that scenario, I would
have to come up with some other
engaging activity or game or enhance
the main topic of the lesson with
more meaningful examples related.
25 Min I will deliver a handout with a reading. We will do the The rejection to a reading in English
reading in group, that is to say, I will be giving the can arise since maybe they are not
word to any student randomly and he/she will read a familiar with. I will lead them to notice
fragment of the text. I will always be clarifying that they are completely able to
(switching) the text into Spanish to ensure understand by switching into Spanish
understanding. Then, we will answer the questions and remarking the parts of the
cooperatively. reading they are supposed to know.
35 Min As the final product of the lesson, I will gather the Maybe students can take the activity
students in groups of five and they will have to make as if it were a game and start playing
a poster (en cartulina o papel craft) about one around the classroom or chatting with
conflict and its respective solution (all in English). classmates. In that case, I would
The poster will be pasted on the classroom’s walls. have to walk over the work groups
very constantly to check their actual


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