Task 2 Practical Activity 1

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Task 2 Practical activity 1

Presented by:
Helmer Adrian Cruz


Dina Esperanza Bonilla


Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign

Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia
Degree in English as a Foreign Language
Valledupar, September de 2020
- TASK 1

- Teacher’s role - Student’s role - Teacher give to know new vocabulary - Teacher - Flashcards - Teacher gives to know new
according to the according to the to the class though flashcards. dedicates more - Blackboard vocabulary to the class
lesson and the lesson “places” time to review - Markers
content is achieves and the content - Students read Reading aloud the last class - Drawing of the - - Teacher has control on her
that though is learning new about city students
flashcard, repetition vocabulary - Teacher reforces the vocabulary of the examples and - Pencil and
exercise and reading about images, reading though images. exercise. paper - Teacher has one sequence to ask
about real situations reading and
understand what was complete - Students write very well the - Teacher presents the reading but
taught exercises about vocabulary learned. writing red color the new
real situations Adolescents vocabulary.
- There is only one for example - Teacher relates vocabulary “ places” 04 students
teacher during the your houses. with the last class “ prepositions of - Teacher reforces vocabulary
class time though complete exercise on the
board. ( dictation and questions)
- Teacher and students relate vocabulary
with real situations, your own houses. - Teacher dedicates more time for
her student.
- Students have the ability to write a

- Teacher motivation her students about

rewards “ notebook”

- Teacher’s role Student’s role - Teacher doesn’t give to know new - Teacher only - Reading - Teacher doesn´t give to know
according to the according to the vocabulary before start the class. asks topic - Questionnaire new vocabulary to the class
lesson and the video and the seen last class - Crosswords
content is achieves content is - Students read reading silent way and he Pencil and - - Teacher has no control on her
that though translate a text doesn’t any paper students, some students leave the
understanding the after the - Students answer without problem the reforce. - Video beam classroom
Translation Adults
students translate a understanding questionnaire
Method 12 Students
text after a series about a series - There are three teachers and
activities. activities without - Students have the ability to translate present you part class in one
using any kind of first and second paragraph of the sequence.
- There are there translator. greading
teachers during the - Student read the reading mental
class with different - Students translate story without use way to understanding the
activities translates. reading without problem.
- TASK 2 Y 3
Analysis of chosen video
Average numero of students: 12 Grade: I cannot determine grade
(3rd year of English.)
Topic: Simple present (
Type of student: Adults
Aplicated method: Reading and Observer: Junior, Angika, Dayana,
writing Atira, Eliana, Zintia, David and
Regarding to the method
Teacher: Teacher’s role according Student: Student’s role according
to the video and the content is to the video and the content is
achieves that though understanding translate a text after the
the students translate a text after a understanding about a series
series activities. activities without using any kind of

Reading: (Literature about dolphin) Reading: reading comprehension

Questionnaire: Teacher check Questionnaire (check reading).

reading comprehension
Crosswords: Reinforce vocabulary
Crosswords: Teacher know and order grammar
grammar level each his students
Paper and pencil : Resolve
Video beam : Teacher present your exercises

- Explain before reading the Read the complete story: This will
grammatical part that contain give us an overview and help us
the text to that students understand it much better.
understand the reading.
Answer questions: Help students
- Do questions: students are to review the content and relate
required to combine the what they have learned.
information from the different
text segments.

- Evaluate what the students have

learned. “Translation first and
second paragraph of the text.

Reading: Instructor give each one Reading: each student do the
students the reading where they reading mental way (silent)
only have 2 minutes to read.
Questionnaire: Students answer
Questionnaire: Instructor give the questions and they interact with
each one students one questionnaire the instructor and partners the
where they only have 2 minutes to answers.
Crosswords: Students have 3
Crosswords: Instructor explains minutes to find the words in the
that the students must find the crosswords and interact with the
words in the crosswords in 3 instructor and partners.
Translation: students have 3
Translation: Instructor asks his minutes to translate first and second
students translate first and second paragraph.
paragraph of the story and check
the results of the different activities.
Different activities are used for Students that though different
teachers to prevent that students use activities to understand the story,
translator, to use different activities activities like; reading, writing and
like writing and socialization exercise (crossword) without use
among teacher and students, it help any kind the translator.
students to understand a reading.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds11pqmv_5A


- Grammar Translation Method. From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds11pqmv_5A

- Direct method. From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhojdp0OlFU

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