United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,965,821 B1: Balanayagam Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 15, 2005

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,965,821 B1

Balanayagam et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 15, 2005
(54) TILT IN REVERSE MIRROR 5.990,649 A * 11/1999 Nagao et al. ............ 318/.568.1
6,093.976 A * 7/2000 Kramer et al. ............. 307/10.1
(75) Inventors: Sivapalan Balanayagam, LaSalle (CA); 6,094,027 A * 7/2000 Willmore et al. ........... 318/652
Patrick D Dean, Armada, MI (US) 6,580,992 B2 6/2003 Whitten et al.
s s 6,867,510 B2 * 3/2005 Kramer et al. ............. 307/10.1
(73) ASSignee: DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Auburn * cited by examiner
Hills, MI (US)
Primary Examiner-Richard M. Camby
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ralph E. Smith
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 17 days. (57) ABSTRACT
(21) Appl. No.: 10/886,114 A System and method are provided for Selectively tilting Side
22) Filled: 7, 2004 mirrors located on the driver and passenger Sides of a
(22) File Jul. 7, vehicle. The system has a mirror selection switch with a
(51) Int. Cl. ................................................. B60R 1/72 driver position and a passenger position. A control module
(52) U.S. Cl 701/48; 359/696, 359/877; receives a mirror Selection Signal from the mirror Selection
Oa - 1- O ---- ----- ------ --- ------ s s 307/10 Switch and receives a reverse gear Signal. A first actuator is

(58) Field of Search 701/136 49. controlled by the control module and linked to a passenger
side mirror. The control module controls the first actuator to
359/696,877; 307/9.1, 10.1; 340/654 tilt the passenger Side mirror when the mirror Selection
(56) References Cited Signal indicates the mirror Selection Switch is in the passen
ger position and the reverse gear Signal is indicative of the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS vehicle being in a reverse gear.
4,936,671 A 6/1990 Kaspar
5,315,442 A * 5/1994 Sato et al. .................. 359/877 5 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets


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22 24 f6 30 32

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US 6,965,821 B1
1 2

FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention will become more fully understood
from the detailed description and the accompanying draw
The present invention relates to generally to control ings, wherein:
Systems for manipulating the position of vehicle Side mir FIG. 1 shows a circuit block diagram of a mirror control
rors, and more particularly to Such Systems which manipu System, and
late the position depending on the intended direction of FIG. 2 shows a flowchart of the mirror control logic.
travel of the vehicle. 1O DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
The following description of the preferred embodiment(s)
Motor vehicle side mirrors generally leave the vehicle is merely exemplary in nature and is in no way intended to
operator with blind spots on both sides of the vehicle near 15 limit the invention, its application, or uses.
the vehicle body. The blind spots can be a nuisance to the Turning to FIG. 1, a circuit block diagram of a mirror
operator when backing-up the vehicle Such as when parking. control System is shown. A module 12 contains a microcon
One method of reducing or eliminating the blind Spot is to troller 14 having on-board memory for holding a computer
provide an actuator which moves the mirrors when the program which is described later. A mirror Selection Switch
18 has three positions-driver (DRVR), passenger (PSGR)
vehicle is placed in a reverse gear. When the vehicle is and none (the center position). A common terminal of the
placed in a reverse gear, the actuator tilts the Side mirrors Switch 18 is connected to ground 20. One end of a pull-up
downward to allow the operator to see into the previous resistor 22 is connected to the DRVR terminal of the Switch
blind spot and thereby avoid object in close proximity to the 18 and the other end of the pull-up resistor 22 is connected
rear of the vehicle. Examples of Such Systems are provided 25 to +5 V. A similar pull-up arrangement is provided at the
by Kaspar, U.S. Pat. No. 4,936,671 and Whitten et al., U.S. PSGR terminal of the Switch 18 by pull-up resistor 24. The
Pat. No. 6,580,992. microcontroller determines the Switch position by reading
A disadvantage of Such systems is that it is not always the voltages of the DRVR and PSGR switch terminals. When
desirable to tilt the mirrors downward when backing up. In the voltage at the DRVR terminal is zero, then the Switch is
Some instances, Such as when backing a trailer, it is desirable in the DRVR position. When the voltage at the PSGR
to leave the Side mirrors in their normal positions So that the terminal is zero, then the Switch is in the PSGR position.
When the DRVR and PSGR terminals at +5 V then the Switch
operator can See the trailer in the mirrors while backing up. is in the center position. While a Single-pole, three position
If the mirrors were tilted down, the trailer would disappear Switch arrangement is shown and described, the microcon
from the operator's view in the mirrors. In an effort to 35 troller 14 may also obtain a mirror Selection signal from
accommodate this type of Situation, it is known to provide other Switch types, Such as Single wire resistive multiplex
a means for disabling the tilt-in-reverse function. One Such Switch, or from a message arriving through a network
method utilizes a menu System through an on-board com connection.
puter to enable and disable the function. Since it takes Ajoystick 26 is connected to the microcontroller 14 and
considerable time to navigate the menu System, Such an 40 is used by an operator to adjust the mirror Selected by Switch
arrangement is only undesirably Suitable for vehicle opera 18 to a desired preset position suitable for forward driving.
tors needing to frequently disable or enable the tilt-in A driver's side mirror 32 is coupled via link 30 to a
reverse function. positioning motor 28. The motor 32 tilts the mirror up and
down depending on the electrical Signal provided by a power
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 45 circuit 16. The power circuit 16 is controlled by the micro
controller 14. A passenger Side mirror 42 is controlled by
To address the identified need in the art, a System is Similar connections between the microcontroller 14, power
provided for Selectively tilting Side mirrors located on the circuit 36, and a link 40. While electric motors are shown,
driver and passenger Sides of a vehicle. The System has a any electric actuators, Such as electromagnets, may be
mirror Selection Switch with a driver position and a passen 50 Substituted for the motors and used to position the mirrors.
ger position. A control module receives a mirror Selection A reverse gear Signal 34 is provided to the microcontroller
14 and is used to determine when the vehicle transmission
Signal from the mirror Selection Switch and receives a is in a reverse gear. The input may be implemented by a
reverse gear Signal. A first actuator is controlled by the hardwired Switch to the transmission or its shifter, or by a
control module and linked to a passenger Side mirror. The 55 network message arriving over a network connection. The
control module controls the first actuator to tilt the passenger microcontroller 14 uses the mirror Selection signal and the
Side mirror when the mirror Selection Signal indicates the reverse gear Signal to position the Side mirrorS 32, 42 in
mirror Selection Switch is in the passenger position and the accordance with the following method.
reverse gear Signal is indicative of the vehicle being in a Turning now to FIG. 2, a method is shown. The method
reVerse gear. 60 may be executed by microcontroller 14 and stored in its
Further areas of applicability of the present invention will memory. In a preferred embodiment, the method is executed
become apparent from the detailed description provided periodically, for example every 30 mS.
hereinafter. It should be understood that the detailed descrip The method begins at block 50 and proceeds to decision
tion and Specific examples, while indicating the preferred block 52 to determine whether the vehicle transmission is in
embodiment of the invention, are intended for purposes of 65 a reverse gear. If not, then the method proceeds to block 62
illustration only and are not intended to limit the Scope of the and tilts the mirrors to a preset position for forward driving.
invention. Returning to decision block 52, if the vehicle transmission
US 6,965,821 B1
3 4
is in a reverse gear, then the method proceeds to decision controlling Said first actuator to tilt Said passenger Side
block 54. In block 54 the method determines whether the mirror when Said mirror Selection Signal indicates Said
mirror Selection Switch 18 is in the off, i.e. center, position. mirror Selection Switch is in Said passenger position and
If So, then the method again proceeds to block 62 and tilts Said reverse gear Signal is indicative of the vehicle
the mirrors to a preset position for forward driving. Return being in a reverse gear.
ing to decision block 54, if the mirror selection switch is in 2. The System of claim 1 further comprising a Second
a position other than off then the method proceeds to actuator controlled by Said control module and linked to a
decision block 56. In decision block 56 the method deter
mines whether the mirror selection Switch is in the PSGR driver Side mirror, Said control module controlling Said first
position. If so, then the method proceeds to block 60 and tilts actuator to tilt Said passenger Side mirror and controlling
Said Second actuator to tilt Said driver Side mirror when said
the PSGR mirror 42 by a predetermined amount to a mirror Selection signal indicates Said mirror Selection Switch
backing-up position, and positions the DRVR mirror 32 to a in Said driver position and Said reverse gear Signal is
preset position for forward driving. Returning to decision indicative of the vehicle being in a reverse gear.
block 56, if the result of the query is negative then the 3. The System of claim 1 wherein Said actuator comprises
method proceeds to block 58 and tilts the DRVR and PSGR 15
an electric motor.
mirrors 32, 42 by predetermined amounts to backing-up
positions. Once the method has positioned the mirrors 4. The System of claim 1 further comprising a network
according to blocks 58, 60, or 62, the method exits via block connection to Said control module, Said control module
64. receiving at least one of Said mirror Selection Switch Signal
The description of the invention is merely exemplary in and Said reverse gear Signal via Said network connection.
nature and, thus, variations that do not depart from the gist 5. A method for positioning driverside and passenger Side
of the invention are intended to be within the scope of the mirrors in a vehicle having a mirror Selection Switch and a
invention. Such variations are not to be regarded as a reverse gear, Said method comprising:
departure from the Spirit and Scope of the invention. determining whether the vehicle is in a reverse gear,
What is claimed is: 25
1. A System for Selectively tilting Side mirrors located on determining whether the mirror Selection Switch is in one
of a driver and a passenger position,
the driver and passenger Sides of a vehicle, method com tilting the passenger Side mirror when the vehicle is in
a mirror Selection Switch having a driver position and a Said reverse gear and the mirror Selection Switch is in
passenger position, Said passenger position, and
a control module receiving a mirror Selection signal from tilting the passenger Side mirror and the driver Side mirror
said mirror selection Switch and receiving a reverse when the vehicle is in Said reverse gear and the mirror
gear Signal, and Selection Switch is in Said driver position.
a first actuator controlled by Said control module and
linked to a passenger Side mirror, Said control module

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