Lesson Plan English Grade 9

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Teacher: Teaching Time : (1 hour)


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding on the importance of Overseas Filipino Workers
(OFW’s), appreciate their sacrifices and experiences through reflecting to the video clip
presented; and to know the differences of Adverbs of place and time.
B. Performance The learners skilfully present a talk show, perform a jingle, and make a photo narration reflecting
Standards the situations of the OFW’s, and incorporating the use Adverbs of place and time
C. Learning EN10G-IIIf-30: Adverbs of place and time
Objectives 1. share thoughts about the sacrifices of Filipinos in working abroad;
2. analyse the message of the video clip and its relevance to real life experiences of
3. discuss and explain the use of adverbs of place and time; and
4. Present a talk show, perform a jingle, and make a photo narration that depicts and
reflects Filipinos working abroad incorporating the use Adverbs of place and

II. CONTENT Subject Matter: Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)

Language Focus: Adverbs of place and time

III. LEARNING The Grammar Book by Marianne Celce-Murcia and Diane Larsen-Freeman
A. References https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar/hilfsverben2.htm

1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 18

2. Learner’s Material
B. Other Learning Laptop, Projector, Speakers, strips of paper, Manila paper, marker
Preliminaries a. Prayer
b. Greetings
Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, ma’am!
How are you today? We are fine, ma’am.
That’s good to hear!

c. Checking of attendance (checking of attendance)

Class secretary, is anyone absent
today? None ma’am.

d. Setting of Standards
What are you going to do if someone is Listen to someone who is talking.
talking here in front?

How about in our class discussion and Participate in every discussion and activities
activities, what would you do? ma’am.

Very good! Can I expect that from

you? Yes, ma’am.

Before the class started, I have already divided

you into three groups. Those whose name tags
with the Philippine flag will be the TEAM
PHILIPPINES and those who have the flag of
USA in their name tags will be the TEAM
AMERICA, and those who get the name tags
with the flag of United Arab Emirates or UAE,
will be called TEAM DUBAI.

And let me remind you that your attitude and

participation in class is graded. I have here a
behavioural chart and a score board and you
will be rated by group. The groups who are
attentive and participative will be given a
passport, and the group who obtains a point
will be given a dollar money.

Are my instructions clear, class? Yes, ma’am.

A. Reviewing Previous Last meeting, we discussed about

Lesson or Presenting the subordinating conjunctions. I have here “Spin
New Lesson the Wheel” which contains your names. The
name which will be picked will be the one to
answer my question.

_______, what are subordinating conjunctions? These are words that join a subordinate clause
to the main clause, ma’am.

Very good! ________, can you give a sentence

which uses a subordinating conjunction? 1. It is difficult for her to learn Mandarin
because she is more used to Korean language.
How about ______, can you give a sentence 2. Although Anima and Shep are friends, they
using subordinating conjunction? still quarrel about many things.

Excellent! It seems that you really understood

our topic last meeting.

A. Establishing a .For today’s lesson, you are expected to:

Purpose for the
Lesson  share thoughts about the sacrifices of
Filipinos in working abroad;
 analyse the message of the video clip and
its relevance to real life experiences of
 discuss and explain the use of Adverbs of
place and time; and
 Present a talk show, perform a jingle, and
make a photo narration that depicts and
reflects Filipinos working abroad
incorporating the use Adverbs of place
and time.

B. Discussing New This time, I will be showing you a

Concepts & video clip from the Filipino movie “Anak”.
Practicing New Each group will be given strips of paper and all
Skills #1 you have to do is to write a two-sentence video
analysis or video reaction and then pick a
representative from the group to present your

Am I clear class?
Yes, ma’am!
Possible answers:

TEAM PHILIPPINES- The video depicts the

sacrifices of a mother who is working outside
the country to earn better for her family. The
daughter on one hand, does not understand her
mother’s pain.

TEAM AMERICA- The video clip shows the

reality of most Filipinos working abroad. They
endure hardships everyday while their family
Based from what you have seen from the video enjoys the money provided to them.
clip, what can you say about those Filipinos
who leave their homes to work overseas or TEAM DUBAI- The movie clip was
outside the country? heartbreaking for the viewers, especially to the
Filipinos because no matter how much our
OFW’s want to come back here in the
Yes, that is true. OFW’s are certainly heroes Philippines, they still need to be sacrificial for
for being so courageous and sacrificial even if the sake of their family. The family on the other
they themselves feel pain, weary and lonely hand, should understand this and be grateful to
because they are away from their families. them.

From your answers, you have used the words

outside, everyday, and here. What component They are admirable because they sacrifice their
of grammar do you think these words belong? personal lives and everything in order to provide
the needs of their families.

Yes, you are right!

This afternoon class, I will discuss to you

another topic which is about adverbs of place
and time.

Are you ready and excited for our new lesson,

class? Adverbs, ma’am.

Yes, ma’am!

C. Discussing New
Practicing New TIME
Skills #2 Adverbs modify verbs and continue meaning
of various sorts to sentences.
 Adverbs of Place- tells us where
something happens. Adverbs of place are
usually placed after the main verb or after
the clause that this modify. Adverbs of
place do not modify adjectives or other
adverbs. It answers the question--- Where
is the action carried out?
Some examples of adverbs of place: here,
everywhere, outside, away, and around.
Example sentences:
 Liza’s aunt came here to get her passport.
 Ben is a family driver of an Arab family
and he was able to travel everywhere in
 My mother decided to work outside of the
country to provide us our needs.
 Jessa looked away from her children as
she was heading to the airport.
 Faith looked around and realized she was
not in the Philippines anymore.
 A Filipino teacher went to China to work
there, but not as a teacher.

 Adverbs of Time- mainly modify verbs

and tell us when something happens. They
express a point in time. Adverbs of time
are often used to talk about the past,
present, future, and how long something
lasts or lasted.
Some examples of adverbs of time: yesterday,
last week/month/year, yet, still, soon, next
week/month/year, tomorrow, daily, weekly,
monthly, etc.
Example sentences:
 Joy’s mother arrived yesterday and
eventually started working as a caregiver.
 Her salary should supposedly be given
last month, but her employer got mad at
her and did not let her have the money.
 The Filipinos in Japan cannot go home
yet, because they need to provide more
money for their family.
 Erica was overflowing with joy when she
knew that her mother is coming home
 The woman in the news was reportedly
harassed daily by her employer in UAE.
 Toni was excited to celebrate Christmas in
the Philippines tomorrow after being
away for 9 years.
D. Developing
Mastery This time, to check if you really understood
our discussion, we will have a game!
Each of the group has a mobile phone with a
data connection and all you have to do is to go
to Quizizz.com and enter our code. The groups
will enrol with their group names/team names
and answer the questions in the site. Is it clear
class? Yes, ma’am!


E. Finding Practical A.Valuing

Applications of
Concepts and This time class, you are going to watch a video
Skills in Daily titled, “19 secrets that Overseas Filipino
Living Workers won’t tell you”


Based from what you’ve seen in the video,

what can you say to our OFW’s?

I can say that OFW’s are really our heroes

because they are doing everything in order to
make their family happy and stable. They
Most people think that when a Filipino works sacrifice their happiness and they endure
abroad, they are living a good life there. Do everything while being away from their loved
you agree with this? ones.

Do you believe that all OFWs wholeheartedly In my perspective, not everyone lives a good
chose to work away from home? life overseas. Some Filipinos especially those
who work as domestic helpers do not live a
good life there because some of their employers
are harassing them but they still continue to
work despite that.

Is anyone here has a family member who is Of course no, ma’am because there are the cases
working abroad? Or do you know someone of domestic helpers wherein they really had no
who works abroad? choice but to work away from home in order to
What can you observe with the family of that provide the needs of their families. On the other
person? hand, there are those people who just really
wanted to work abroad just to explore new
things and try to be independent and grow on
their own.

Yes, ma’am.

Their status now is stable because of their

family member who worked abroad but
Yes you are all right. We should always sometimes they do not really enjoy holidays
remember and understand that OFW’s should such as Christmas because their family is not
not be taken for granted especially by their complete. They often miss the person away
own families because after all, they work hard from them but they do understand that that
there in order to give something to the family family member needed to go far away because
they left in the Philippines. of their financial needs.

B. Activity 1: Product/Performance

I believe that you have certainly understood the

video presented and the topic discussed earlier.
At this moment, you will work with your

Group 1 – Team Philippines

Group 2 – Team America
Group 3 – Team Dubai
I will give envelopes which contains your task
that you are going to present later. I will give
you 10 minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to
present. Am I clear, class?

Please be guided with this criteria:

Content – 50 %
Creativity – 25 %
Mastery – 20 %
Audience Impact – 5%
TOTAL: 100% Yes, ma’am!

Group 1 – Team Philippines

You are tasked to conduct a talk show
named, “Magandang Buhay!” All you have to
do is to have three momshies who will
interview an OFW who worked for 10 years in
Dubai. Make sure to incorporate the use of
adverbs of time and place in your presentation.

(Presentation of Group 1) “Magandang Buhay!”

Welcome to Magandang Buhay! Today, we will

be inspired by an OFW who just came back here
in the Philippines and worked in Dubai for a
very long time. Let us Welcome, ______!

Momshie Melai: Why did you chose to work

Interviewee: I needed to work abroad because
my family and my children need to be provided
with a stable finance. I do not have with me my
husband that is why it is harder to provide them
everything that they need.
Momshie Carla: How long have you worked
Interviewee: I worked there for 10 years
That was so inspiring TEAM PHILIPPINES! because I continuously renewed my contract.
Let’s give them a “Meow meow clap” Momshie Juls: What were the challenges you
Group 1 had presented their talk show and it One of the biggest challenges I faced was to
was inspiring because it was like a real walk away from my family, from my children
scenario happening in front of us. They knowing that I would not be able to see them
certainly showed and explained the challenges and touch them for a long time.
and sacrifices our OFW’s encountered abroad.
Always remember that we must not neglect the
sacrifices made by our OFW’s, especially to (clap… clap… clap)
those who have an OFW in their family,
because it is really hard to leave you own home
and live far away alone.

Group 2 – Team AMERICA

You are tasked to present a jingle that you
want to dedicate to our OFW’s. Make sure to
incorporate the use of adverbs of time and
place in your song and performance.

(Presentation of Group 2) Jingle

Our Filipinos who work away from home

Filipinos who stayed abroad for too long
They must be admired
They are our heroes
We shall always be proud of them!
That was a great performance, group 2.
Let’s give group 2 a fireworks clap! They worked hard there
They sacrificed everything
They long to come back home
Group 2 showed how our OFW’s must be But endured it all alone.
uplifted and that we must be proud of them
because they are our heroes. Indeed, our
OFW’s have made great sacrifices for us.

Group 3 – Team DUBAI (clap… clap… clap)

You are tasked to make a photo narration
About the experiences of the OFW’s. Make
sure to incorporate the use of adverbs of time
and place in narrating the photos.

(Presentation of Group 3) Photo Narration

In the first photo, the families bid goodbye to

the person who will work abroad and they hug
their family because they know that it would
take a long time for them to see them again.

The second picture shows the OFW thinking or

imagining what her life will be outside the

The third picture shows OFWs crying because

they were informed that they will now come
That was a good narration TEAM DUBAI! back home after a long time of waiting and
Let’s give them a love clap. working hard.

The last picture shows the happiness of the

Group 3 narrates the story of how a person family and the joy of the OFWs in seeing their
started a life of being an OFW until the day he loved ones again.
comes home in the Philippines. It is really a
long cherished wish of our OFW’s when they
are given the chance to come back home even
if it is for a short time because they get to see (clap… clap… clap)
again their loved ones. When they come home,
they see the reason why they need to work far
away and get motivated to work harder for
their family.

That was all great class! I am happy that while

you were very creative in working with the
tasks, you also incorporated the use of adverbs
of time and place in your work. Indeed, you
have truly understood our lesson for this

Activity 2 (Differentiated Instruction)

You are grouped into three groups and each

group is assigned with different tasks. Please
be guided to what group you are in based on
what is projected on the screen. This grouping
is intended for you to be guided on what task
you are expected to do. This will be done
individually. You shall manage to finish this
task within 5 minutes.

Am I clear, class?

Group 1
Write a quotation about Overseas Filipino
Workers and use the adverbs of time and place.

Group 2 Yes, ma’am!

Create a poster slogan regarding the sacrifices
and hardwork of the OFWs. Be sure to use
adverbs of time and place.

Group 3
Create a one-paragraph news write-up about
the recent news of our OFWs.

Be guided by the rubrics in rating your


30 pts. - Presentation is creative,

organization and delivery are very
impressive, and free from errors
25 pts. - Presentation is creative,
organization and delivery are impressive,
has minimal errors
20 pts.- Presentation is less creative,
organization and delivery are quite
impressive, errors are observable
15 pts. - Presentation and delivery need
Okay, time is up. Submit now your outputs.
F. Making
Generalizations Adverbs of time and place tell us more about
and Abstractions the verb and tells us when and where
about the Lesson something happens. Adverbs of time express a
point in time while adverbs of place give a
location relative to the speaker.

Given this thought, why do you think it is It is important to use adverbs of time and place
important to use adverbs of time and place in ma’am to give clarity and emphasis on the
talking to people or when writing something? statement. It could make the statement more
informative because it give extended
information as to where and when something

Yes, that is right!

G. Evaluating This time, to further assess your understanding

Learning about our lesson you will answer the question
written in the paper distributed to you. You
will only encircle the letter of your answer.
You shall manage to answer that within 5

Is my instruction clear, class? Yes, ma’am!

1. Shiela wanted to go home in the
Philippines _________.
a. next year c. daily
b. yesterday d. weekly

2. My father _______ video calls us from

a. daily c. nightly
b. monthly d. constantly

3. She works in Dubai ______ .

a. daily b. yesterday
c. ever since 2017 d. today

4. Can you come ______ in the

Philippines now?
a. here c. there
b. up there d. down here

5. She looked ______ but saw that her

mother was not there anymore.
a. back b. around
c. in d. nearby

6. Princess is going ______ to China to

work again as a teacher.
a. in b. around
c. everywhere d. back

7. Weng has ______a few months to work

with her employer.
a. while b. yet
c. still d. then

8. She ________ had her salary.

a. still b. soon
c. recently d. lately
9. Joy roamed _______ in Singapore
a. around b. here
c. there d. down

10. Filipinos wanted to work _____ in

a. somewhere b. nowhere
c. everywhere d. anywhere
H. Additional
Activities for For your assignment, write a feature story
Application or featuring an OFW whom you know. Introduce
Remediation and discuss his/her experiences and sacrifices
as an OFW and incorporate the use of Adverbs
of time and place.

Are there any questions about your assignment,

class? None, ma’am!

Since everything’s clear to you, that’s all for

today’s session. Good bye class! Good bye and thank you, ma’am Flovil!

Submitted to:


Course Professor

Submitted by:

Bachelor in English Education II

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