Irene Berlian Sempro

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1.1. Background of Study

The development of technology and science is increasing rapidly

every year. We are always required to follow its development. The

development of information and communication technology in the

Industrial 4.0 era has had a major influence on the teaching and learning

process. Easy access to technology has been used by teachers to improve

the quality of education. As stated by Keengwe & Georgina in her

research, it has been stated that technological developments have

changed the implementation of teaching and learning (Keengwe &

Georgina, 2012). Information technology can be accepted as a medium in

conducting the educational process, including helping in the teaching and

learning process, which also involves searching for references and

sources of information (Wekke & Hamid, 2013). Therefore we as

instructors are required to be able to implement e-learning systems so

that knowledge can be obtained in several ways.

Related to the spread of corona virus outbreaks in various

countries, WHO appealed that all people begin to do social distance. This

has an impact on the world of education, from school to campus, is

closed and replaced by e-learning learning. Among them by utilizing

social media and the use of online applications. It cannot be denied that

in recent months many applications have sprung up because of the

current situation that requires people to study or work from home.

Recognizing this reality, students can utilize applications such as the use

of smartphones for various learning purposes apart from the old

paradigm that learning only takes place at school, but learning can be

done anywhere and anytime. Therefore many companies compete with

each other to make various applications that can be used in learning. One

of them is an application called zoom.

Zoom is a communication application that uses video. This

application can be used on various mobile devices, desktops, to

telephones and space systems. In general, users use this application to

conduct meetings to video and audio conferences. So that the zoom

application is more often used in the teaching and learning process such

as presenting some of the material being taught.

Tambahkan satu paragraph lagi tentang penelitian Anda

In this research, the researcher tries to investigate the

implementation of Zoom application to teach Pragmatics. It is known

that Pragmatics ...... (dijelaskan Pragmatics itu apa dan mengapa pilih


1.2. Statement of Problem

How is the implementation of zoom application to teach pragmatics at 2017c

students of English Study Program?

1.3. The Objective of Study

The purpose of doing the research is to describe the implementation of

zoom application to learn pragmatics for English 2017c to teach

pragmatics at 2017c students of English Study Program.

Significance of the Study

a. For lecturers: From this study the lecturers are expected to make it

easier in conducting the teaching and learning process

b. For Students: From this research, it is hoped that they can help and

develop teaching and learning activities through the zoom application

c. For Other Research: This research is expected to increase knowledge

from previous studies and provide references for other researchers.

1.4. The Scope and Limitation

This research is intended for 2017c English students who use the zoom

application for pragmatics learning

1.5. Operational Definition

1. E- Learning : E-learning is an electronic-based learning process.

One of the media used is a computer network. By developing it in a

computer network it is possible to develop it in a web-based form, so

that it is then developed into a wider computer network, the internet.

2. Zoom Application : Zoom is a communication application using video.

The application can be used on a variety of mobile devices, desktops,

to telephones and space systems. In general, users use this application

to conduct meetings to video and audio conferences.

3. Pragmatics : Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that studies

the relationship between context outside language and the purpose of

speech. Context outside of language is an element outside of speech

that affects the purpose of speech. Intent can not be seen only from the

form and meaning, but also from the place and time of speech, who is

involved, the purpose, form of speech, the manner of delivery, the

means of speech, norms, and genre. What is learned in pragmatics

includes speech act, speech implicature, conversation interaction, and

external factors of conversation, such as deixis.



2.1. E-Learning

1. Definition of E-Learning

E-learning is an electronic-based learning process. One of the media

used is a computer network. By developing it in a computer network it

is possible to develop it in a web-based form, so that it is then

developed into a wider computer network, the internet.

This web-based e-learning presentation can be more interactive. This

e-learning system has no access restrictions, this is what allows

lectures to be done more time.

According to (Michael, 2013: 27) E-learning is that learning is

arranged with the aim of using an electronic system or also a

computer so that it is able to support a learning process. This is in line

with (Chandrawati, 2010) that, E-learning is a distance learning

process by combining the principles in the process of a learning with

technology. (Ardiansyah, 2013) also expressed his opinion that e-

learning is a learning system that used is as a means is as a teaching

and learning process carried out without having to face to face with

directly between educators and students.

2. Purpose of E-learning
Based on the explanation of what e-learning is, according to experts

and their definitions above, the main purpose of e-learning is to

improve the learning process. Learning management systems not only

provide content, but they also handle course registration, course

administration, skills gap analysis, tracking, and reporting and so on.

Most e-learning is used with LMS or web-based Learning

Management Systems and is used in various educational institutions

to improve teaching both in the classroom and outside the classroom,

providing a learning methodology.

3. The Benefits of E-learning

E-learning has many benefits, namely cost efficiency.

The e-learning provides cost efficiency for the administration of its

implementation, efficiency in the provision of facilities as well as

physical facilities to be able to learn and also the cost efficiency for

students is the cost of transportation and accommodation. Then more

flexible. E-learning also provides flexibility in choosing the time and

place to be able to access trips. Then e-learning also provides an

opportunity for learners to independently hold all control over success

in the learning process. According to Pranoto, et al (2009: 309) states

that e-learning has several benefits including, a) increasing an active

participation of students; (b) enhance a student's independent learning

ability; (c) improve the quality of educator material as well as

training; (d) increase the ability to be able to display information with

information technology devices, which with ordinary devices will be


4. The advantage of E-learning

The advantage of E-learning is that it provides flexibility, interactivity,

speed, visualization through various strengths from each media

(Sujana, 2005: 253). According to L. Tjokro (2009: 187), E-learning

has many advantages namely, (a) it is easier to absorb; (b) far more

cost effective; (c) far more concise; (d) available 24 hours a day.

5. Weaknesses of E-learning

According to L. Gavrilova (2006: 354) Lack of E-learning is a

learning using the E-learning model requires more additional

equipment (such as for example computers, monitors, keyboards,


According to Nursalam (2008: 140) states some of the shortcomings

of e-learning are, (a) the lack of an interaction between teachers and

also students or even between students themselves; (b) the teaching

and learning process tends towards a training rather than education

itself; (c) the change in the role of the instructor from what was

originally mastered regarding conventional learning techniques, now

it is also required to be able to know learning techniques using ICT

(information, communication, and technology); (d) not all internet

facilities are available.

2.2. Zoom Application

1. Zoom Application

Zoom is a communication application using video. The application

can be used on a variety of mobile devices, desktops, to telephones

and space systems. In general, users use this application to conduct

meetings to video and audio conferences. The application,

headquartered in San Jose, California, United States, was founded in

2011 and is used by various organizations and companies to

accommodate employees remotely. In the world of education at this

time the zoom application is often used to help the teaching and

learning process, one of which when presenting the material being

taught by a lecturer more often uses the zoom application. Through

this application the lecturer is easier to communicate with students


2. Benefits of Zoom Application

This application is widely used as a medium of long-distance

communication, so that lecturers can carry out teaching and learning

without having to face-to-face with their students. Some of the

advantages of the zoom application, namely; (a) it is possible to hold

meetings for up to 100 participants; (b) the user can send text while
the meeting is in progress; (c) users can schedule meetings via the

schedule feature (schedule).

3. The Function of Zoom Application

Zoom application is one of the media that helps teaching and learning

through e-learning systems. So the teacher is able to meet face to face

with his students even though they are undergoing a work from home

program. Learning tips using the application zoom; (a) try a quiet

location before starting distance learning, and ensure access to a fast

LAN connection or excellent Wi-Fi signal; (b) ensure students enter

each session using the full name; (c) invite students to join the session

a few minutes early to test the audio and video connection; (d) use a

headset (or earbud) instead of speakers and microphones because the

speakers and microphone produce too much static for others; (e) turn

off the audio unless it is going to talk to prevent accidental

background noise from interfering with the learning process; (f) when

the video is activated, talk to the camera (and not to the screen).

4. 4.1 The steps to use the Zoom Cloud Meeting application using


1. Open the playstore;

2. Type Zoom Cloud Meeting;

3. Click Zoom Us;

4. Install or download the application;

5. Select the Join A Meeting menu;

6. Select the Join menu;

7. Input the Meeting Code / link

4.2 The steps to use the Zoom Cloud Meeting application using


1. Open an internet browser (Chrome, Opera, Firefox or others).

2. Then open the link

3. Select 'Zoom Client for Meetings' and click download.

4. Then click Save.

5. After downloading, click on the 'Show In Folder' section

6. Then click 'Run'

7. Zoom is ready for you to use.

2.3. Pragmatics

2.3.1. Definition of Pragmatics

Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics related to and related to the

study of meaning conveyed by speakers or writers and then

interpreted by the speech partners or readers both in oral or written

communication. Thus, pragmatics has more to do with the analysis of

what is meant by speech, rather than what is meant by words or

phrases linguistically. Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning as

distinct from word sentence meaning. (Yule, 1996: 4) Based on these

statements it is known that pragmatics is the study of meaning

conveyed by speakers regardless of the meaning of words or


Capellen and Lapor (2005: 136) also suggest that pragmatic is the

study of how meaning is affected by context. Based on this statement

it is known that pragmatics is a science that requires interpretation in

a particular context and how that context influences meaning. This is

needed so that the meaning intended by the speaker to the speech

partner, the speaker needs to know who the speech partner is, where,

when, and in what situation the speech occurs.

Thus it is clear that what is learned by pragmatics is closely related

to context. In other words, the meaning contained in pragmatics is

contextual meaning.

Explained by Levinson (1983: 21) by arguing that pragmatics is the

study of the relationship between language and context that is basic

to an account of language understanding. Based on these statements it

is known that to understand the meaning of one's language, speakers

are required to not only know the meaning of words in relation to

context as a basis for understanding a language, so that conclusions

can be drawn with what is assumed, or what has been said before.

From the three opinions above it can be concluded that pragmatics,

is the study of meaning in terms of the speaker. What exactly is

contained in the speech of the speaker, so it is not only seen from the

meaning of the language.




3.1. Research Design

This research is a process-focused research. This research is

referred to as qualitative research. Qualitative research is a scientific

observation method for collecting non-numerical data. Qualitative

research "refers to the meaning, definition of concepts, characteristics,

metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of things" and not to the "number or

size" of it.

3.2. Research Subjects

The subjects of this study were 6th semester students of English

language education STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. It consists of 15 students.

They are asked to follow the teaching and learning process through the

zoom application. This research focuses on the teaching and learning

process via the zoom application. Data retrieval is done when there is a

learning process.

3.3. Data of Source of Data

Data is obtained from students when conducting teaching and learning

activities using the zoom application.

Source of data obtained from the activeness of students in following the

teaching and learning process through the zoom application.

3.4. Research Instrument

This research has several instruments:

1. Observation

2. Interview

3.5. Technique of Data Collection

Data collection techniques 1) Interview, 2) Observation.

1. First, the researcher conducted an interview about how the informant

felt after following the teaching and learning process using the zoom

application. This interview is used to get data about the use of the zoom

application to the learning process of students.

2. Second, researchers make observations in the form of presentations via

the zoom application. The researcher observes the process while the

presentation is taking place, the researcher focuses on the process of

delivering the material, the question and answer process between the

speaker and the participants, and the activeness of students when

following the teaching and learning process through the zoom


3.6. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Sugiyono (2014: 244) states that, data analysis is the

process of systematically compiling data obtained from interviews, field

notes, and documentation, by organizing data into categories, describing

into units, conducting synthesis, compiling into patterns , choose what is

important and what will be learned, and make conclusions so that it is

easily understood by yourself and others.

Data analysis techniques have the principle that is to process data

and analyze data collected into data that is systematic, orderly, structured,

and has meaning. Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2014: 246-253)

suggest that the activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out

interactively and take place continuously until they are finished, so that

the data is saturated.

The analytical method used in this study isusing a qualitative

analysis method, a method that aims to provide a comprehensive picture

of the subject under study and is not intended to test hypotheses (Adi,

2004, p.117). According to Miles and Huberman (in Basrowi and Kelvin,

2008, p. 209) there are three activities carried out in analyzing data

including by:

1. Data Reduction

This stage is the process of selection, concentration

attention, abstracting and transforming rough data taken from the field.

The essence of data reduction is process merging and uniforming all

forms of data into form of writing to be analyzed.

2. Presentation of Data

After the data is collected then the researcher group similar things into

categories or groups so researchers are easier to make conclusions.

3. Draw Conclusions

At this stage, researchers compare data already obtained with data on the

results of interviews with the subject and informants who aim to draw







The implementation of zoom application to teach pragmatics at 2017c students of

English Study Program

By :

Irene Berlian Widyamukti

NIM : 1788203050
English Department



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