Chapter 1234

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Chapter I


Background of the Study

In the past decades, the prediction of academic success has been considered dependent to

cognitive factors such as intelligence and academic abilities. However, in recent years,

researchers in education and social sciences have recognized that non-cognitive factors and skills

play critical role in educational success and achievement. Most schools and institutions of higher

education rely on grades and results to measure their students’ success, their teaching methods

tend to focus on the traditional academic skills required to perform well within those measures.

Thus, some important factors — mostly non-cognitive factors —are ignored, while their influence

on student performance has already been found to be significant.

Non-cognitive factors are equally or even more important than cognitive aspects in terms

of education. The role of non-cognitive factors is often highlighted when identifying the quality

that requires a person to function well. Increasing attempts are made to investigate the role of

non-cognitive factors and how it associates with academic and life success. The perception of

non-cognitive has many terms. Among these are skills, traits, factors, outcomes, variables, and

attributes. Thousands of other specific factors have been identified as non-cognitive. Some of

these are curiosity, attitudes, self-concept, self-efficacy, anxiety, persistence, and confidence. In

some instances, non-cognitive factors are considered as having many different parts. Some refer

to soft skills and personal characteristics that fall into the affective domain.

Increasing attempts are made to investigate the role of non-cognitive factors and

how it associates with academic and life success.

Non-cognitive factors have attracted researchers from different background. There is

mounting evidence that non-cognitive skills are not only key to students' academic achievement.

Their impacts are crucial throughout life.

In the recent paper prepared by Farrington, the authors provide a comprehensive review

of the related literature relating to the role of non-cognitive factors in shaping learning and

academic performance throughout adolescence. The emerging research highlights that the

important component of promoting and enhancing academic pert is the development of non-

cognitive factors. These factors are reflected through the students' attitude, strategies, behaviors,

and skills that are not measured throughout scores, grading, and standardized testing. (Poyton, K.


Academic self-concept refers to individuals' knowledge and Perceptions about

themselves in academic achievement situations. According to Eccles’ expectancy value theory,

academic self-concept is extremely important to motivation and is a key determinant of task

choice. Domain-specific self-concept- along with other constructs, such as task value- has been

found to be highly related to achievement, even after controlling for prior achievement. Musitu

Garcia (2005), self-concept is negatively correlated with poor school performance. Students with

compensatory education needs are defined as those who find themselves in socially

disadvantaged situations, frequently coming from ethnic minorities, immigrant communities, or

families experiencing severe financial hardships.

Motivation is another variable that play a great part in learning. In fact, the importance of

motivation in education has been well recognized in many studies. Experts believed that

motivation can determine success and failure of students in school. The current study focuses on

the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation that triggers the students to achieve. Intrinsic motivation
refers to behaviors that arise within an individual. In other words, the motivation to engage in a

behavior arises from within the individual because it is intrinsically rewarding. However,

extrinsic motivation involves engaging in a behavior in order to earn external rewards or avoid


Students nowadays do not know how to manage their non-cognitive factors in which they

are not aware that these factors may affect their academic performance negatively.

Researchers are motivated to conduct this study to assert the effects of non-cognitive

factors in terms of self-concept and intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on the academic

performance of the students.

Academic self-concept and motivation have been selected by the researchers to be the

two effective variables that this study will focus on.

Objectives of the Study

This study aimed to determine the Non-cognitive Factors Correlates Academic

Performance of Accountancy Business and Management Senior High School Students.

This study specifically aimed to:

1. determine the profile of the Accountacy, Business and Management students in terms of:

1. age

2. sex

3. family structures

4. number of siblings;

2. determine the non-cognitive factors of the respondents in terms of:

1. self-concept

2. intrinsic motivation

3. extrinsic motivation

4. self confidence;

3. find out if there is a significant relationship between profile of the respondents and non-

cognitive factors in terms of self-concept, motivation such as intrinsic and extrinsic

motivation and sef confidence;

3. determine if there is a significant relationship between profile and academic performance

of the respondents; and

3. find out if there is a significant relationship between non-cognitive factors in terms of

self-concept, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and self confidence on the academic

performance of the students. 

Significance of the Study

This study entitled “Non-Cognitive Factors Correlates Academic Performance of

Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High School Students in Catarman National

High School” will be beneficial to the following:

Students. This study will them to be aware of the non-cognitive factors that may affect

their academic performance and guide them on enhancing their way of learning and competence.

Parents. This study will help the parents determine the non-cognitive factors that

influence their children’s academic performance and find ways on how to deal with it.
Teachers. This study will help the educators in enhancing new teaching style that will

develop non-cognitive factors to help students acquire knowledge easily not only on cognitive

factors but on non-cognitive factors as well.

Guidance Councilor. This study can help the guidance councilor in giving advices to the

students on how to attain a high academic performance through the non-cognitive factors.

Catarman National High School. This study will serve as their basis on dealing with non-

cognitive factors. It will also help the school to develop effective ways of handling and teaching

their students.

Educational Authors and Publishers. This study will help the educational authors and

publishers for they can come out with an idea in disseminating the relationship of the non-

cognitive factors to the academic performance through producing books and modules.

Curriculum. This study will help the curriculum to generate new effective techniques to

develop the academic performance of the students.

Department of Education. This study will guide the department in implementing

educational progress that will help and enhance the performance of the students.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide and reference for future researchers

who will conduct researches related to this study.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on the level of non-cognitive factors to the academic performance of

the students in terms of self-concept and extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. The respondents of
this study will be the Accountancy, Business, and Management senior high school students of

Catarman National High School. This study was  conducted during school year 2019-2020.

This study was only limited on self-concept and student’s motivation (intrinsic and

extrinsic) as the factors that will affect the academic performance of the students. Furthermore,

the respondents of this study are just limited to Accountancy, Business and Management Senior

High School students in Catarman National High School. The response of the respondents is

beyond the researcher’s control. This means that the result of this study will rely on the

respondent’s answers and findings thereafter. 

Theoretical Framework

The study, Non-Cognitive Factors Correlates Academic Performance of Accountancy,

Business and Management Students can be associated to the Self-Efficacy Theory. It was

proposed and grew out of the research of Albert Bandura (1997). This theory believed that an

individual can succeed in achieving a certain goal, based on an individual’s belief in their own

capacity. Those with high self-efficacy often have high motivation and vice versa, but it is not a

foregone conclusion. Still, it is true that when an individual gain or maintains self-efficacy

through the experience of success however small they generally get a boost of motivation to

continue learning and making progress (Mayer, 2010). According to Bandura, perceived self-

efficacy refers to belief in one’s agentive capabilities, that one can produce given level of

attainment (1997, p. 382). Bandura proposed that perceive self-efficacy influences what coping

behavior is initiated when an individual is met with stress and challenges, along with

determining how much effort will be expended to reach one’s goals and for how long those goals

will be pursued (1999).

            On the other hand, the Theory of Educational Productivity can also be linked together

with this study. It was proposed by Walberg (1981). It presents that social-behavioral attributes

and motivational-effective attributes influence the learning activities of students. Wang et al’s

research review targeted student learning characteristics (i.e. Social, behavioral, motivational) as

the set of variables with the most potential modification that could in turn significantly and

positively affect student outcomes (DiPerna et al. 2002). Zins et al. demonstrated the importance

of the domains of motivational orientations, self-regulated learning strategies in facilitating

academic performance. Zins et al. reported, based on the large scale implementations of a Social-

Emotional Learning (SEL) program, the students who become more self-aware and confident

regarding their learning abilities, who were organized in their approach to work (self-regulated

learning) performed better in school.

           These two theories can be associated with this study, for it provides validation and

confirms that non-cognitive factors can have a great effect to the academic performance of the

students. The theory of Bandura presented ‘perceived self-efficacy’ and the Theory of

Educational Productivity proposed the connection of behaviors and motivations to academic

performance of students. By that, it surely proved the connection of the two theories in this


Conceptual Framework

Non-cognitive factors misleading but entrenched catch-all term for factors such as

motivation, grit, self-regulation, social skills. In short, mental constructs that we think contribute

to student’s success, but that don’t contribute directly to the sorts of academic outcome we

measure, in the way that, say, vocabulary or working memory do. The study is formulated to
evaluate if these non-cognitive factors and the profile has an effect in bestowing knowledge to

the students. 

The paradigm shows what was investigated in the study. The researchers assumed that a

significant relationship exists between two variables, the profile of the students and the cognitive

factors correlates to the academic performance of Accountancy Business and Management

students. This implies that the non-cognitive factors and the profile influence for the academic

performance of the students.

 The researchers assumed that there are more female Accountancy, Business and

Management students than the male, based on their observation. Since  the respondents are in

grade 11 and 12, the researchers assumed that majority of their age is 17. Researchers also

apparent that most of the students have 4 to 6 siblings and belongs to nuclear family.

However, self-concept is capable of predicting students’ academic performance. It is

expected that students possessing high levels of self-concept will have higher academic

performance. Moreover, students’ motivation is described in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic

motivation. In this study, these motivations are expected to affect positively their academic

performance. Also, it is expected that students having high level of self confidence will affect

their academic performance positively.


        Independent Variable                                            Dependent Variable


1. Age                                                   
2. Sex

3. Family Structures                                     

1.4 No. of Siblings 

Figure 1. A schematic diagram showing the Non-Cognitive Factors Correlates Academic

Performance of Accountancy, Business, and Management Senior High School Students
in Catarman National High School

Null Hypothesis
1. There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and non-

cognitive factors.

2. There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and their

academic performance.

3. There is no significant realtionship between non-cognitive factors and the academic

performance of the students.

Definition of Terms

For easy understanding, the following terms were defined operationally and conceptually.

Academic Performance. It is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has

achieve their short or long term educational goals. In this study, it refers to the overall rating of

the student during the first quarter of the school year.

Cognitive Factors. It is relating to or involving conscious mental ability such as thinking,

understanding, learning and remembering. Operationally, it is the characteristic of a person that

affects the performance and learning.

Extrinsic Motivation. Conceptually, refers to behavior that is driven by external reward

such as money, fame, grades and praise. Operationally, it is a type of motivations that triggers

the student to study because of reward of external forces.

Family Structure. Operationally, it presents members of the family and the quality of the

relationship among them.

Intrinsic Motivation. Conceptually, involves engaging in a behavior because it is

personally rewarding; essentially, performing an activity for its own sake rather than the desire
for some external reward. Operationally, student that has this kind of motivation are often

determined by personal gain.

Motivation. Conceptually, this defines as the process that initiates, guides and maintains

goal-oriented behaviors. Operationally, in this study, it refers intrinsic and extrinsic motivations

of the student that urge them to study.

Non-Cognitive Factors. Conceptually, mental constructs that we think contribute to

students’ success, but that don’t contribute directly to the sorts of academic outcomes we

measure, in the way that, say, vocabulary or working memory do. Operationally, it refers to

Academic Behaviors, Academic Perseverance, Mind Sets, and Learning Strategies of a Student.

Self-Concept. Conceptually, refers to how someone thinks about, evaluates or perceives

them. Operationally, parameters that measures how a student thinks into something.

Self Confidence. Commonly used as self assurance in one’s personal judgement, Ability,

power, etc. operationally, it is a parameter that measures how a student think of himself.

Chapter II


Much researchers has been done on relations between self-concept and school

achievement. Most findings show that students with higher self-concept, i.e., students who

perceive themselves as more confident in a particular area, have higher ratings of scholastic and

behavioral conduct (Alban – Metcalfe & Beverli, M. 2001). Gommage found that students: self-

perceived ability was the same or even better predictor of scholastic failure and success than
their real ability (Gommage, P. 2008). In general, an effort to increase positive self-evaluation

might have positive effects on ability scores (Finn, J. D. 2001). 

Self –concept

Lewis (1990) in his article he suggests that development of a concept of self has two

aspects. First, “The Existential Self” this is the most basic part of the self-scheme or self-concept,

the sense of being separate and distinct from others and the awareness of the constancy of the

self. The child realizes that they exist as a separate entity from others and that continue to exist

over time and space. According to Lewis, awareness of the existential self begins as young as

two to three months old and arises in part due to the relation of the child has with the world. For

example, the child smiles and someone smiles back, or the child touches a mobile and sees it


Second, “The Categorical Self” is having realize that he or she exists as a separate

experiencing being, the child next becomes aware that he or she is also an object in the world. In

early childhood, the categories of children are applied to themselves are very concrete. Later,

self-description also begins to include reference to internal psychological traits, comparative

evaluations and to how others see them.

Carl Rogers (1959) believes that the self-concept has three different components.

Self-image: The view you have yourself

Self-esteem: How much value you place on yourself

Ideal Self: What you wish you were really like.

Musitu Garcia (1994) discussed that self-concept is understood as the notion and

individual has of himself or herself, based on experiences with others and how they evaluate
their own behavior; this encompasses emotional, social, physical, family and academic aspects.

Self-concept is seen as the general confidence that individuals felt about themselves and the level

of individual’s self-concept predict the extent to which he or she was able to accomplish

academic tasks successfully or unsuccessfully (Wang and Lin).

Schunk and his colleagues have reported on numerous studies that have examined the

role of a particularized self-concept beliefs in various academic contexts. For example, Schunk

used path analysis to show that modeling treatments increased persistence and accuracy on

division problems by raising children’s self-concept beliefs, which had a direct effect on their

skills. He later showed that effort attributional feedback of prior performance ( e.g., “you’ve

been working hard”) raised the self-concept expectations of the students, and this increase was,

in part, responsible for increased skill in performance on their school (Schunk, D. H.).  

According to Dela la Orden (2005), self-concept is negatively correlated with poor school

performance. Students with compensatory education needs are defined as those who ind

themselves in socially disadvantaged situations, frequently coming from ethnic minorities,

immigrant communities, or families experiencing severe financial hardships. These students have

a significant curricular lag, Educational inclusion difficulties,, as well as support needs resulting

from late entry into education system, irregular schooling and lack of knowledge of the language

given that they come from other countries.

Extrinsic Motivation

To be motivated means to be moved to do something (R. M., Ryan, & Deci, E. L.).

Classroom pupils who feel no impetus or inspiration to act or do his task or activity in school is

thus characterized as unmotivated, whereas those who are energized or activated toward an end
is considered motivated. Most everyone who works or plays with others is, accordingly,

concerned with motivation, facing the question of how much motivation those others, or oneself,

has for a task, and practitioners of all types face the perennial task of fostering more versus less

motivation in those around them. Most theories of motivation reflect these concerns by viewing

motivation as a unitary phenomenon, one that varies from very little motivation to act to a great

deal of it.

Recent educational and psychological research highlights the role of multiple affective

variables and specifically of motivation towards learning or pursuing educational goal (M.

Boekaerts, (2001). Motivation refers to the forces encouraging a person to engage on a task or to

pursue a goal; in the school setting it concerns the reason for which a student works persistently

to reach a desirable result (C. A., Wolters, & Rosenthal, H. 2000). Although there are many

theories of motivation that are relevant to student’s learning, the present quest pertains to three

notions, namely (a) self-efficacy beliefs, (b) task value- beliefs and (c) goal orientations, which

are elaborated in Pintrich (P. R. Pintrich, 1999)and wolters and Rosenthal (Opcit., Wolters, C.A

& Rosenthal, H. 2000).

Albert Bandura (1991) defined the motivation as the multidimensional phenomenon

indexed in terms of the determinants and intervening mechanism that govern the selection,

activation, and sustained direction of behavior.

According to Ford (1992), motivation is defined as the organized patterning of three

psychological functions that serves direct, energize, and regulate goal-directed activity.

Pinrich and De Groot (1990) defined the motivation as the interactive construct

representing the direction a person is going, the emotional energy and affective experience
supporting or inhabiting movement in that direction, and the expectancies that a person has about

reaching their destination or achieving their goals.

Megginson (1953) proposed that the study of motivation is the study of why people do

things and why they behave in a certain way.

Intrinsic Motivation

Motivation is a fundamental recipe for academic success. It involves internal or external

factor that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to

job, role, or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal. Dornyei argued that motivation explain

why people decide to do something, how hard they are going to pursue it, and how long they are

willing to sustain the activity. In other words, “motivation is what gets you’re going to go”.

Other man indicates that those students who have optimum motivation have an edge because

they have adaptive attitude and strategies, such as maintaining intrinsic interest, goal setting, and

self-monitoring. Besides, motivational variable interact with cognitive, behavioral, and

contextual factors to upset self-recognition.

Furthermore, motivational beliefs are very essential to academic achievement of students

because they help to determine the extent to which students will consider value, put in effort, and

show interest in the task. For instance, motivate themselves, and behave. This has been

manifested by research, indicating students’ problem solving performance significantly relates to

their self-efficacy beliefs. According to Zimmerman, Collins found highly efficacious students to

be quickly capable of rejecting faculty strategies, solving more problems, and reworking more

previously difficult problems than their less efficacious counterparts. Further, Zimmerman and

Martinez- Pons noted that students who displayed greater perceptions of efficacy and used
learning strategies progress well in school. Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons added that students’

belief about their academic efficacy can provide an essential window for understanding

individual differences in learning and motivation. The general expectancy-value model of

motivation characterizes motivation into three components: value components that include goal

orientation and task; expectancy components that in life self-efficacy and control beliefs; and the

effective construct of test anxiety, all of which are considered in this study (Gbollie, C. &

Keamu, H. P. 2017).

According to the Self-determination Theory Approach, a regulation that has been

internalized may be only introjected, and that type of regulation could well leave people feeling

satisfaction of their needs for competence and relatedness. However, to only introject a

regulation and thus to be controlled by it will not leave the people feeling self-determined (Ibid.

Ryan & Deci).

Motivation is of particular interest to educational psychologists because of the crucial

role it plays in student learning. There are different factors that affect a students' motivation in

learning. When students assume they can successfully complete and perceive the subject

valuable, they become motivated to do academic tasks and have achievement. According to

Brophy (M. Brophy, 1999), activated and regulated value perception of students toward a subject

can help them increase their motivation. 

Gordon Allport, a prominent figure in the field of psychology, believed that individuals

are motivated because of present and mostly conscious drives, which means people have the

understanding why they are doing such. For Allport the motives of people change as they mature

and also, people are motivated by their present drives and wants. According to him “Whatever

moves us must move us now” (A. Allport, 2001). It means that an individual's history is not
important unless it has a present effect on motivation. Another is that motivation is a pluralistic

theory where motives of many types are allowed. It means that each individual's motives are

different from others' motives. He stated that it will ascribe dynamic force to cognitive processes.

Lastly, motivation is one that “will allow for the concrete uniqueness of motives” (Allport, A.

Ibid). A concrete unique motive is different from an abstract generalized one. This implies that

motivation is a process that grows out from an earlier motive.

Academic motivation is explained through various theories for it is a variable that has

been a focus of a number of studies already. Self-determination theory was proposed to be able

to investigate the roles of self-determined and controlled behavior in academic performance.

According to the said theory, motivation can be classified into two: intrinsically and extrinsically

motivated or amotivated (R. Deci, Vallerand, Pelletier, & Ryan, 1991). Deci and Ryan

distinguished intrinsic motivation from extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation makes one

engage in activities that are related to behaviors driven by pleasure and satisfaction that they

could get. It is doing something out of interest. Students finishing a project that involve role-

playing can be example. Because students find it interesting to do the play in class, they tend to

engage themselves into working on the project. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is the

engagement of one in order to attain a separable outcome. Intrinsic motivation, regardless

whether it brings an immediate reward to a person or not, influences learners to chooses a task,

be energized about it, and persist to accomplish it properly. Extrinsic motivation is engaged by

actions or behaviors that are affected by external forces. An example could be is when students

complete q project in order to receive praise from the teacher and not be scolded for external

forces evidently control it.

Awan et al. (2011) define motivation as internal condition that stimulates, directs and

maintains behavior, and they believe that there is a strong relationship between learning and

motivation. Students who are motivated to learn about a topic are keen to engage in activities

they believe will help them learn, such as attending carefully to the instruction, checking their

level of understanding and asking for help when they do not understand the material.

In the study of DeBacker & Nelson, the authors perceived intrinsic motivations as the

greatest predictor of grades in high school biology. However, the same variable did not

significant predict performance of male respondents. Of the many factors considered as possible

predictors of Biology Performance, only intrinsic motivation showed significant relationship.

Extrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, and other personal factors did not significantly predict the

dependent variable.

Self confidence

Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and abilities, it describes an internal state made up of

what we think and feel about ourselves. This state is changeable according to the situation we are

currently in and our responses to events going on around us. It is not unusual to feel quite

confident in some circumstances and less confident in others. It is also influenced by past events

and how we remember them; recalling a former success has a very different outcome in terms of

our confidence levels than thinking about an occasion when we failed. 

Self-confidence is not a motivational perspective by itself. It is a judgment about capabilities for

accomplishment of some goal, and, therefore, must be considered within a broader

conceptualization of motivation that provides the goal context. Kanfer (1990a) provides an

example of one cognitively based framework of motivation for such a discussion. She suggests
that motivation is composed of two components: goal choice and self-regulation. Self-regulation,

in turn, consists of three related sets of activities: self-monitoring, self-evaluation, and self-

reactions. Self-monitoring provides information about current performance, which is then

evaluated by comparing that performance with one's goal. The comparison between performance

and goal results in two distinct types of self-reactions: self-satisfaction or -dissatisfaction and

self-confidence expectations. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction is an affective response to past

actions; self-confidence expectations are judgments about one's future capabilities to attain one's

goal. This framework allows a discussion of self-confidence as it relates to a number of

motivational processes, including setting goals and causal attributions.

Self-confidence is a potent predictor of an individual's performance, given the appropriate skills

and adequate incentives. The role of an instructor, manager, or coach, therefore, is to develop

and sustain a learner's high level of self-confidence by ensuring performance success, using

modeling and persuasion techniques, communicating effectively, and reducing anxiety-

producing factors. These techniques can be used in combination with each other in various ways,

depending on the task and the learner, to enhance self-confidence.

Chapter III

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in Catarman National High School, Catarman Northern Samar.

It is a public school established under National Law No. 413 which was signed on June 13, 1983.

It is an 18650-hectare site facing the Pacific Ocean and it is located at Rizal Street Extension,

Barangay Dalakit, Catarman, Northern Samar.

Catarman National High School implements different educational programs including:

Science Technology and Engineering (STE); Special Program for Arts (SPA); Junior High

School; Senior High School which offers Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM), General Academic Strand (GAS), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),

Technology, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL), Accountancy Business and Management; and

also implements Special Education (SPED) for disabled persons. 

The Senior High Accountancy, business and management students has a total population

of 198 students.  Grade 11 and grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management students has

two sections. The Grade 11 Accountancy, Business and Management have a total population of

118 students and the Grade 12 has a total population of 80 students.

Figure 2. Map of Catarman National High School, Catarman, Northern Samar

Research Design 

This study is a descriptive correlational research which aims to seek out and gather

information regarding non-cognitive factors of the respondents. Additionally, this study also

aims to determine the relationship between dependent and independent variable. The non-
cognitive factors are expected to affect the academic performance of the students. The

respondents of this study has a total of 176 students from Accountancy, Business and

Management Senior High School in Catarman National High School.

Variables of the Study

The variable of this study includes the dependent and independent variables, presenting

its significant relationship.

Independent variable

Non-cognitive factors, is a reaction or operation that represents the patterns of thought

which can be developed before and throughout children’s school years. The development of

these behaviors is dependent on family structure, numbers of sibling, societal characteristics and

on school and teacher factors particularly the instruction and social interactions that take place in

school. The non-cognitive factors that will be used in this study are self-concept, motivation

(extrinsic and intrinsic) and self confidence.

Dependent variable

Academic performance of the students, the whole results of the students have learned

during his/her academic activities.

Population and Sampling 

In determining the target population of the respondents of this study, the researchers will

use the complete enumeration. Respondents of this study will be the senior high school

Accountancy Business and Management students of Catarman National High School. The total

population of the respondents is 176: 118 grade 11 students and 58 grade 12 students.

The respondents of this study is the Accountancy, Business and Management Senior

High School students in Catarman National High School. 118 respondents are from the Grade 11

students: 62 students from section Humility and 56 students from section Faith. Additionally, 60

respondents are from the Grade 12 students: 38 students from section Jade and 22 students from

section Sapphire. 

Research Instrument

The researchers gathered data and information through the use of questionnaire that is

given to the respondents to guarantee the reliability of the data that is collected. The researchers

adapted the questionnaire from Grade 11 Personal Development Module for self-concept,

research paper of Delorino et al. for intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, entitled, "non-cognitive

factors correlates academic performance of grade 12-stem engineering students in the university

of eastern philippines". 

The questionnaire is divided into to two parts. Part I contains the profile of the

respondents in terms age, sex, family structure, number of sibling and the general weighted

average. Part II contains the main questionnaire that comprises the non-cognitive factors in terms

of self-concept which enables the student to have the idea about the kind of person they are,

where the Grade 11 and 12 Accountancy, Business and Management students answered the

intrinsic motivation wherein the researchers find out the determination of the respondent to study

through gain, extrinsic motivation wherein it tends to grasp the information regarding the ability

of the student to study because of rewards, and self confidence where how students think about

Scoring and Interpretation

The data which will be gathered by the use of research instrument will be scored and

interpreted as follows:

Academic performance refers to the general weighted average of the respondents during

the previous school year which will be interpreted as:

Description Grading Scale.

Outstanding 90-100
Very Satisfied 85-89
Satisfactory 80-84
Fairly Satisfactory 75-79
Did not meet the Below 75

Self-concept will be measured using a 5-point proportion. It will be scored as follows:

Category Scale Range Interpretation

Strongly Agree 5 4.20-5.00 Very High Self-Concept
Agree 4 3.40-4.19 High Self-Concept
3 2.60-3.39 Moderate Self-Concept
Disagree 2 1.80-2.59 Low Self-Concept
Strongly Disagree 1 1.00-1.79 Very Low Self-Concept

Intrinsic refers to the constitution of a thing while extrinsic specify the outside form,

intrinsic and extrinsic was measured as follows:

Category Scale Range Interpretation

Strongly Agree 5 4.20-5.00 Very Highly Motivated
Agree 4 3.40-4.19 Highly Motivation
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Motivated
Disagree 2 1.80-2.59 Fairly Motivated
Strongly Disagree 1 1.00-1.79 Not Motivated
Self Confidence was measured using a 5-point proportion. It was scored as follows:
Category Range Interpretation
Strongly Agree 5 4.20-5.00 Very High Self Confidence
Agree 4 3.40-4.19 High Self Confidence
3 2.60-3.39 Moderate Self Confidence
Disagree 2 1.80-2.59 Low Self Confidence
Strongly Disagree 1 1.00-1.79 Very Low Self Confidence

Validation of Research Instrument

The research instrument that will be used by the researchers does not need any validation.

It has already been validated and tested from previous studies. The questionnaire will be based

and collected from the questionnaire of Delorino et al.

Data Gathering Procedure 

To gather the needed information of this study, it is necessary that the researchers will

gather data that is relevant, consistent and accurate. Also, it is imperative that the researchers will

use a suited instrument to collect those data. The researchers will be collecting data with the use

of questionnaires considering the population of the respondents. In order to ensure the validity

and reliability of the instrument, revision will be based on the comments and opinion of the

respondents. The data gathering procedure will follow the following steps: 

Determine the total respondents and the required data gathering instrument. 

Ask permission to the respondents to avoid disturbance. 

Administer the data collecting tool to the respondents.

Collect the data. And those gathered data will be statistically tabulated, analyze and


Statistical Treatment of Data 

For analysis and interpretation of the data that will be gathered and collected, the

researchers will use the Pearson r, weighted mean, frequency distribution and percentage, and

multiple regression.

Frequency distribution and percentage. The researchers will use this statistical tool in

presenting the demographic profile of ABM Senior High School students in terms of age, sex,

family structure, and number of siblings.

Weighted Mean. To express and describe the size or proportion of one figure in

comparison with others, weighted mean will be used.

Pearson r. To test the level of relationship between independent and dependent variables,

Pearson r will be used.

Multiple Regression. To test the hypothesis of study if there is no significant relationship

between the independent and dependent variables, multiple regression analysis will be used.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents, analyzes, and interpret the data gathered. The data gathered was

statistically treated and tabulated which serve as the basis for the analysis and interpretation. 
Profile of the Respondents 


The presentation of table 1.1 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of age, it

appears that majority of the respondents is at the age of 17 with the frequency of 78 and a

percentage of 44.31%, on the other hand the least of the respondents is at the age of 14 and 21

with the same frequency of 1 and percentage of 0.57%.

Therefore, most of the students from Accountancy Business and, Management are at the

age of 17.

Table l.l

Frequency distribution on the Profile of the Respondents in terms of age

Age                     Frequency                    Percentage

14                              1                                   0.57%

15                              2                                   1.14%

16                             50                                 28.41%

17                             78                                 44.31%
18                             35                                 19.89%

19                              6                                    3.41%

20                              3                                    1.70%
21                              1                                    0.57%   

                            n=176                                 100%


It can be seen from table 1.2 the frequency distribution of sex of the respondents. It

appears that most of the respondents are female obtaining the frequency of 121 and with the

percentage of 68.75%. On the other hand, the least of the respondents are male gaining a

frequency of 55 with 31.25% percentage.

The table implies that the majority of the respondents are female and it attained the

highest frequency among the respondents.

Table l.2

Frequency distribution on the Profile of the Respondents in terms of sex

Sex                       Frequency            Percentage            

Male                          55                         31.25%
Female                     121                         68.75%

                              n=176                           100%                    
Family structure

The table 1.3 indicates the profile of the respondents in terms of family structure. The

data appears that most of the respondents belong to nuclear family which has a frequency of 177

and percentage of 66.48%.

On the other hand, the data shows that least of the respondents belong to blended family

which obtained the smallest frequency of 3 and percentage of 1.70%.

This indicates that the majority of the ABM students belong to nuclear family attaining

the highest frequency which has made the distinction from any other family structures.

Table l.3

Frequency distribution on the Profile of the Respondents in terms of Family structure

Family Structure             Frequency      

Nuclear                                   117                   66.48%
Blended                                    5                        1.70%
Extended                                 16                       9.09%
Single Parent                          40                     22.72%
                                            n=176                     100 %

Number of Siblings
The table 1.4 describes the number of siblings of the respondents. It shows in the data

that most the respondents has the number of siblings between 4 to 7 with the frequency of 90 and

percentage of 51.14%. On the other hand, the data shows that least of the respondents have the

number of siblings between 12 to 15 which has a frequency of 1 and a percentage of 0.57%.

This implies that many of the respondents have 3 siblings gaining the highest frequency.

Table l.4                                                                                                                                 

Frequency distribution on the Profile of the Respondents in terms of number of siblings

Number of Siblings          Frequency              Percentage 

0-3                                           62                               35.23%
4-7                                           90                               51.14%  
8-11                                         23                              13.07%

12-15                                       1                                  0.57%
                                            n= 176                              100%

Non-cognitive Factors

The presentation of table 2.1 shows the student-respondents' position of self-concept

which can be shown in their response in the questionnaire. Most of the response was interpreted

as “High Self-Concept”. 

It can be observed from the data that the statement with the highest mean of 3.91 was

statement 4 which states that “I can adjust to different people and different situations”. This

means that students can interact to other people despite of their differences and uniqueness. 

It can also be observed from the data that the statement with the lowest mean was the

statement 7 with the mean of 3.09 and is stated as “I am intelligent”. This means that students

think that their capability is not enough to reach the benchmark, which it show that students does

not have enough credence to trust themselves when it comes to academic performance.

The total mean which is 3.45 shows that over-all students have high Self-concept. This

indicates that students highly believed in their ability to succeed in any activities.

The above finding which shows that students highly believed in their ability to succeed in

any activities or tests confirms the study of Wang and Lin Self-concept is seen as the general

confidence that individuals felt about themselves and the level of individual’s self-concept

predict the extent to which he or she was able to accomplish academic tasks successfully or

unsuccessfully (Wang and Lin) Self-concept is seen as the general confidence that individuals

felt about themselves and the level of individual’s self-concept predict the extent to which he or

she was able to accomplish academic tasks successfully or unsuccessfully.

Table 2.1

Mean Distribution on the Non-cognitive Factors in terms of Self-Concepts

Statement  Mean             Interpretation

1. I am proud of my physical figure. 3.56 High self-concept

3.16 Moderate self-

2. I am physically attractive and beautiful/handsome.
3. I am easy to get along with. 3.54 High self-concept
4. I can adjust to different people and different situations. 3.91 High self-concept
3.20 Moderate self-
5. I am approachable; other people are at ease and
comfortable with me.
3.39 Moderate self-
6. I am a fast learner, can understand with one instruction.
3.09 Moderate self-
7. I am intelligent.
8. I have special talents and abilities. 3.55 High self-concept
3.31 Moderate self-
9. I can easily analyze situations and make right judgments.
10. I have a clean conscience and carry no guilty feeling. 3.62 High self-concept
3.33 Moderate self-
11. My friends and classmates can look up to me as a model
worth emulating.
3.32 Moderate self-
12. I talk in persuasive manner that I can easily get people to
accept what I say.
13. I am a good listener. 3.86 High self-concept
3.36 Moderate self-
14. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled when faced
with trouble.
3.27 Moderate self-
15. I feel and act with confidence.
                                    Weighted mean 3.45 High self-concept
Intrinsic Motivation

Table 2.2 shows the respondents level of intrinsic motivation. It shows that students

generally were highly motivated intrinsically with the total mean of 3.53 . They had high level of

curiosity and very independent in solving their own academic problems.  They tend to do extra

project, they work by their own, and they work hard to figure out things. It also shows that

students were not prepared of facing new and more difficult problems or challenges

academically. This can be attributed to their low self-concept in their performance.

It can be seen from the data that the statement with the highest mean of 4.12 was

statement 17 which states that “I like to learn as much as I can in school”. This implies that the

respondents are willing to gain knowledge.

It can also be seen from the data that the statement with the least mean of 2.54 was

statement 18 which states that “I like to go on to new work that’s at a more difficult level”. This

means that students are not ready to do more difficult tasks.

The above finding which shows that students have high level of curiosity and

independent in solving their own problems confirms Awan, et al. definition of motivation. They

defined motivation as internal condition that stimulates, directs and maintains behavior, and they

believe that there is a strong relationship between learning and motivation. Students who are

motivated to learn about a topic are keen to engage in activities they believe will help them learn,

such as attending carefully to the instruction, checking their level of understanding and asking

for help when they do not understand the material.

Table 2.2
Mean Distribution on the Non-cognitive Factors in terms of Intrinsic Motivation.

Statement  Mean            
3.36 Moderately motivated
16. I like hard work because it’s a challenge.

17. I like to learn as much as I can in school. 4.12 Highly motivated

18. I like to go on to new work that’s at a more difficult 2.54 Low motivated
19. I like those school subjects that make me think pretty 3.55   Moderately
hard and figure things out.  motivated
20. I like difficult schoolwork because I find it more 3.48 Highly motivated
21. I ask questions in class because I want to learn new 3.52 Highly motivated
22. I do extra projects because I can learn about things that 3.19 Moderately motivated
interest me.
23. I read things because I am interested in the subject. 3.69 Highly motivated
24. I really work hard because I really like to learn new 3.23 Moderately motivated
25. I do my schoolwork to find out a lot of things I’ve been 3.64 Highly motivated
wanting to know.
26. I like to figure out how to do school assignments on my 3.82 Highly motivated
27. When I don’t understand something, right away I like to 3.68 Highly motivated
try to figure it out by myself.
28. When I make a mistake I like to figure out the right 3.69 Highly motivated
answer by myself.
29. If I get stuck on a problem, I keep trying to figure out the 3.73 Highly motivated
problem on my own.
30. I like to do my schoolwork without help. 3.28 Moderately motivated
                                    Weighted mean 3.53 Highly motivated

Extrinsic Motivation

The manifestation of table 2.3 shows the understanding of the respondents in Extrinsic

Motivation of their response as “moderately motivated”.

The data appears that the highest mean (3.90) belongs to the statement 35 “I like

problems that are easy to answer.” which interpreted as highly motivated. This means that

respondents prefer to answer those questions that are easy to find a solution.

On the other hand, the data also appears that the lowest mean (2.71) both belongs to

statement 39 “I ask question because I want the teacher to notice me” and “I always want to

impress my teacher”. This means that the respondents does not like to ask questions or they may

ask question to their teachers but not to impress or to be noticed.

The total mean which is 3.26 that are over all of the respondents are fairly motivated.

This means that students prefer to do easier tasks but willing to do hard problems.

The above finding which shows that students prefer to do easier tasks but willing to do

hard problems. Confirms C. A., Wolters, & Rosenthal of motivation which refers to the forces

encouraging a person to engage on a task or to pursue a goal; in the school setting it concerns the

reason for which a student works persistently to reach a desirable result.

Table 2.3

Mean Distribution on the Non-cognitive Factors in terms of Extrinsic Motivation.

Statement  Mean            
31. I don’t like to figure out difficult problems. 2.84 Moderately motivated

32. I like easy work that I am sure I can do. 3.89 Highly motivated
33. I don’t like difficult schoolwork because I have to work 2.97 Moderately  motivated
too hard.
34. I like assignments that are easy to do. 3.82     Highly  motivated
35. I like problems that are easy to answer. 3.90 Highly motivated
36. I read things because our teacher wants me to. 3.28 Moderately  motivated
37. I do my schoolwork because my teacher wants me to. 3.37 Moderately motivated
38. I work on problems because I am supposed to. 3.52 Highly motivated
39. I ask questions because I want the teacher to notice me. 2.71 Moderately motivated
40. I always want to impress my teacher. 2.71 Moderately motivated
41. When I don’t understand something, I want my teacher to 3.64 Highly motivated
tell me the answer right away.
42. I would like my teacher to help me with my schoolwork. 3.83 Moderately  motivated
43. I like to ask my teacher how my assignments should be 3.07 Moderately  motivated
44. If I get stuck on a problem, I ask my teacher for help. 3.07 Moderately motivated
45. When I make a mistake, I like to ask my teacher how to 3.39 Moderately motivated
make my mistake right.
3.26 Moderately
                                    Weighted mean

Self Confidence

The presentation of the table 2.4 shows the student’s level of self-confidence which can

be shown in their response in the questionnaire. Most of the response was interpreted as “high


It can be seen from the data that statement 47 with a highest mean states that “I trust

myself”. This means the students highly believed in themselves despite of what others think

about them.

However, the data in statement 50 with the lowest mean states that “I fear nothing”. This

means that students admit that they have their own defects and weaknesses.

The total mean which is 3.698 shows that students have high self-confidence. This means

that students highly believe in their selves but they’re also admitting that they have their own

flaws and imperfections.

Table 2.4

Mean Distribution on the Non-cognitive Factors in terms of Self Confidence.

Statement  Mean             Interpretation

      46. I know intuitively what is right for me.     3.82 High self confidence
47. I trust myself. 4.36 Vey high self concept

48. I am sincere.  4.09 High self confidence

      49. I have challenged all my limiting beliefs.  3.70  High self confidence

      50. I fear nothing.   3.19   Moderate self confidence

    51. I have a clear vision for my life. 3.82  High self confidence
    52. I make my own choices.  3.74 High self confidence

    53. My wisdom is inborn, not learned. 3.34 Moderate self confidence

    54. I am the author of my own life. 4.14 High self confidence

    55. I live my destiny not my fate.  3.47 High self confidence

3.80 High self confidence

    56. I do only what I truly value. 

57. I never tell others what to do.  3.35 Moderate self confidence
3.34 Moderate self confidence
58. I never make other people wrong. 

59. I have no tolerations. 3.31

60. I allow other people to follow their path.  3.90 High self confidence
                                    Weighted 3.698 High self confidence

Summary on the mean Distribution of Non-cognitive Factors

It can be seen from table 2.5 that majority of non-cognitive factors such as self-concept

(mean=3.45), intrinsic motivation (mean=3.53) and self-confidence (mean=3.698) were

interpreted as high level. This implies that students highly believed in their ability to succeed in

any activities and they had high level of curiosity and very independent in solving their own

academic problems. They tend to do extra project, work by their own, and work hard to figure

out things. However, they’re also admitting that they have their own flaws and imperfections.

Table 2.5

Summary of Non-Cognitive Factors

Non-Cognitive Interpretation 

Self-Concept 3.45 High Self-Concept
Intrinsic Motivation 3.53 High Motivation
Extrinsic Motivation 3.26 Moderate Motivation
Self-Confidence 3.698 High Self  Confidence 
Grand mean 3.48 High self-concept

Relationship between Profile and Non-cognitive Factors

In table 3, it presents the table for the test of relationship between the profile of the

respondents in terms of age, sex, family structure and number of sibling and the non-cognitive

factors in terms of self-concept, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and self-confidence. 

The finding implies that the students’ self-reliance or self-confidence, their motivation

(self and environment) and the ideas students conceive about themselves has nothing to do with

their profile. Since the significant value of all the data were more than 0.05, the researchers

failed to reject the null hypothesis which means that there is no significant relationship between

the profile of the respondents and non-cognitive factors.

Table 3

Test of Relationship between Profile and Non-cognitive Factors

Statistics Self- Intrinsic Extrinsic Self

Concept Motivation Motivation Confidence

Age Pearson r 0.036 -0.38 0.033 0.047

Significant 0.636 0.613 0.641 0.535

Interpretation  Not sig.  Not sig.  Not sig.  Not sig. 

Sex Pearson r 0.083 -0.099 -0 086 0.060

Significant 0.227 0.252 0.184 0.556

Interpretation  Not sig.  Not sig.  Not sig.  Not sig. 

Family Pearson r 0.017 0.031 -0.121 -0.049

structure  Significant 0.735 0.915 0.074 0.662

Interpretation  Not sig.  Not sig.  Not sig.  Not sig. 

Number of Pearson r -0.039 -0. 079 0.026 0.073

Siblings  Significant 0.534 0.396 0.749 0.722

Interpretation  Not sig.  Not sig.  Not sig.  Not sig. 

Legend: p<0.05 significant
p>0.05 not significant

Relationship between Profile and the Academic Performance

With the regards to table 4, the test of relationship between the profile of respondents in

terms of sex(-0.123) , family structure (-0.022) and number of siblings (-0.157) towards

academic performance has negligibly correlation. However, age and academic performance has

low correlation.

Moreover, profile of the respondents and academic performance shows the computation

that the significant value was interpreted as ‘not significant’, which confirmed in favor of the

null hypothesis. This means that there is no significant relationship between profile of the

respondents and academic performance.

It can be gleaned from the data that students’ profile of the respondents does not affect

their academic performance.

Table 4

Test of Relationship between Profile of the Respondents and Academic Performance

Profile Correlation  Level Significant Value Interpretation 

Age -0.049 Low Correlation 0.521 Not significant

Sex -0.123 Negligibly 0.140 Not significant

Family structure -0. 022 Correlation 0.446 Not significant

Number of -0.157 Negligibly 0.057 Not significant 

Siblings  Correlation


Legends: ±1 Perfect Correlation
±0.91 - ±0.99 Very High Correlation
±0.71 - ±0.90 High Correlation
±0.50 - ±0.70 Moderately Correlation
±0.31 - ±0.49 Low Correlation
±0.01 - ±0.30 Negligibly Correlation
0 No Correlation
P<0.05 Significant
p>0.05 Not Significant

Relationship between Non-Cognitive Factors and Academic Performance

The table 5 shows the test of relationship between the academic performance and non-

cognitive factors in terms of self-concept (-0.009), intrinsic (0.186)  and extrinsic motivation (-

0.125), and self confidence (0.015) towards academic performance. Since all the non-cognitive

factors is between 0.01-0.30, it is all interpreted as negligibly correlation.

Moreover, non-cognitive factors in terms of intrinsic (0.001) and extrinsic motivation

(0.033) has a significant relationship between academic performance since it is less than 0.05.

The result indicates that the students can motivate themselves intrinsically and

extrinsically but they lack in self-concept and self confidence wherein they do not have enough

credence about themselves..

Table 5

Relationship between Non-Cognitive Factors and Academic Performance

Non-Cognitive Correlation  Level  Significant value Interpretation 

factors  (P)
Self-concept -0.009 Negligibly 0.067 Not significant
Intrinsic 0.186 Negligibly 0.001 Significant 
Extrinsic  -0.125 Negligibly 0.033 Significant 
Self Confidence 0.015 Negligibly 0.602 Not Significant 
Legends: ±1 Perfect Correlation
±0.91 - ±0.99 Very High Correlation
±0.71 - ±0.90 High Correlation
±0.50 - ±0.70 Moderately Correlation
±0.31 - ±0.49 Low Correlation
±0.01 - ±0.30 Negligibly Correlation
0 No Correlation
P<0.05 Significant
p>0.05 Not Significant

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and implications, and further

recommendations of the researchers on the present study.

Summary of Findings

This study investigated the non-cognitive variables in terms of self-confidence, intrinsic

and extrinsic motivation, and self-confidence. These variables were posed as predictors of

academic performance of Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High School students

in Catarman National High School.

Findings show that majority of Accountancy, Business and Management Senior High

School students are at the age of 17. Females have greater population than male. Concerning the

family structure, most of the students belong to nuclear family. Towards the number of siblings,

majority of the students have three siblings.

Findings also show that students have high level of self-concept and intrinsic motivation.

Regarding student intrinsic motivation, findings showed a moderate level.

The test of relationship between the profile of the respondents towards the non-cognitive

factors and the profile of the respondents towards the Academic Performance shows that there is

no significant relationship between two variables.

Regarding to the test of relationship between non-cognitive factors and academic

performance, findings show that there is a significant relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic

towards Academic Performance. Moreover, there is no significant relationship between self-

concept and self-confidence towards academic performance.


From the findings of the study the following conclusions were drawn:

The total mean which is 3.45 shows that overall students have high self-concept. This

implies that students highly believe in their abilities to succeed in any activities. Students highly

motivated intrinsically with the total mean of 3.53. this implies that students have high level of

inquisitiveness and does not need anyone to solve any problems and are willing to explore things

by their own. Students were only moderately motivated extrinsically with the total mean of 3.26.

This implies that students prefer to do easier tasks but at the same time eager to do hard

problems. The students are highly self confidence with the total mean of 3.6. this implies that

students believe in their capability to enhance and improve in their academic performances.

There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondent and the

academic performance. It can be gleamed from the data that the students’ profile does not affect

his/her academic relationship.

While, the findings show that the students’ self-reliance or self confidence, their

motivation and the idea that the students conceived about themselves has nothing to do with their

profile. This means that the profile has no significant relationship to the Non-Cognitive Factors.

However, the non-cognitive factors in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has a

significant relationship between the academic performance. The result indicates that the student

provide their motivation from themselves and from the other persons motivational advice. It also

implies that the respondents lack in self-concept and self confidence.


With the light shed by the conclusions drawn in this study, following recommendations

are stated:

1. The student should set aside their negative thinking and focus on the things that will

develop their ability in any aspects and motivation for themselves.

2. The students should participate in any activities that will help them be more active in

their studies that will enhance their ability and for them to keep learning.

3. Difficult tasks should be lessened so that students will deep develop their capability and

work their own tasks independently.

4. The family should give their full attention to one another and encourage their students to

strive harder despite of their fears and debilitation.

5. The students must be diligent in doing school activities for them to improve their

confidence in themselves.

6. The students should appreciate all of their efforts that they have done in school for them

to be motivated and  bear up themselves to do harder tasks.

7. Future research should be conducted regarding this content to perfectly verify the

findings of this study. If a future study may be conducted, researchers may include other

non-cognitive factors. Moreover, future searchers may conduct experimental studies

regarding non-cognitive factors that can be used by the students and teachers to imrove

their academic performance.


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