DRR Quarter 4 Week 5-6

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Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction

Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4

Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

Learning Competency and Code:

1. Apply basic response procedures during a fire incident (DRR11/12-IIe-f-40)
2. Follow fire emergency and evacuation plans (DRR11/12-IIe-f-41)

Lesson 1: Basic Response in Fire incident

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), more than
75,000 workplace fires and related explosions occur each year. All companies should
create a basic fire prevention plan for fire safety, which includes a list of the major
workplace fire hazards and proper handling and storage procedures for those
materials. The plan should also cover potential ignition sources, such as welding and
smoking and related control procedures, as well as discuss the type of fire protection
equipment or systems which can control a fire. The fire prevention plan must include
the names and/or regular job titles of those personnel responsible for maintenance of
fire systems and those personnel responsible for control of fuel source hazards.
Dangers of fire include heat, smoke, and toxic gases which all present some very nasty
consequences for the personal welfare and life safety of individuals exposed to fire.
Fire safety can include engineered controls, like fire sprinklers, fire alarms, and smoke
detectors are mandatory for many modern structures and likely exist where you work.
https://vividlearningsystems.com/courses/osha/emergency-and-fire- preparedness

The phases of fire:

I. Ignition – First stage: heat, oxygen, and fuel source combine and have a chemical
reaction (fire triangle is complete)
A. Also known as incipient
B. 2 types: Piloted ignition and auto ignition
C. Piloted ignition – fuel + oxygen + external heat source (spark)
D. Auto ignition – combustion by heat without spark or flame
E. Smoke and heat is produced.
F. Oxygen supply = 21%
G. Does not have high temperatures
H. Breathing is barely affected.
II. Growth – Expansion of fire, depletion of oxygen supply, and increase in temperature
A. Also known as free burning phase
B. Oxygen supply is less than 21%
C. Temperatures reach between 640° to 870°
D. Factors that affect the growth of fire: (1) fuel load, (2) fuel type, (3)
orientation of fuel relative to fire, (4) available oxygen, (5) ceiling height, (6)
potential for thermal layering
E. Fire influences the environment and is influenced by the environment.

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

F. High levels of carbon monoxide.

G. Breathing becomes difficult.
H. Highly dangerous flashovers may occur anytime.
III. Fully Developed – All fuels have been ignited and burning.
A. Hottest phase of a fire
B. Fire is now dependent on the amount of oxygen.
C. Spread of flammable gases within the area
D. Oxygen supply < 16%
E. Too much carbon monoxide is present
IV. Decay – Fire starts to diminish as fuel and/or oxygen is consumed
A. Also known as smoldering phase
B. Usually the longest stage of a fire
C. Characterized by significant decrease in oxygen and fuel
D. Backdraft could potentially occur.
1. Before an actual fire incident occurs, there are some information that people
need to know.
I. Emergency contact numbers specially the nearest fire station
II. Exit points
III. Location of fire hose and fire extinguishers
IV. Proper use of fire hose and fire extinguishers
V. Proper precautionary measures (e.g., proper storage of combustibles, fuels
Basic Response Procedures:
1. If inside a burning area
A. Once you hear the fire alarm, evacuate to a safe area right away.
B. If you see fires, pull fire alarms as you exit the area. Inform other people
present in the area of the fire that is occurring.
C. If the fire is still small and can be extinguished, use an appropriate fire
extinguisher (recall the different classes of fire). Usually, normal fire
extinguishers do the job, but if unavailable, buckets of water or damp cloths
would do.
Note: One should only fight a fire if the fire department has been notified, the fire is
small, fire is confined to its point of origin, an escape route is available, and one can
fight the fire with their back to the exit.
D. If the fire is already large and is rapidly spreading (growth phase),
immediately find the nearest exit and exit the area.
E. Touch doors first to check if they are warm before opening them. If they are
warm, do not attempt to open and proceed to a different route.
F. Use the stairs not elevators.
G. Close all windows and doors that you can reach as you exit.

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

H. If there is smoke, stay as low as possible. Also, try to cover your nose to
prevent inhalation.
I. Once outside, move away from the exits and assemble in a safe area
designated by the evacuation plan of the area or by emergency response
2. If outside a burning area
A. Do not attempt to go inside the burning area.
B. Immediately contact the nearest fire station and other emergency response
C. Listen and follow orders of the emergency response teams.
D. Organize/Participate in a bucket relay. Bucket relay is when people help the
fire fighters by passing buckets full of water either to try to extinguish the
fire or to prevent the fire from further spreading.
3. If you catch fire, do the “stop, drop, and roll” right away.
4. If you are unable to leave the area unscathed or you have suffered burns,
immediately attend to them depending on the degree of burn
Type of burns:
1. First degree – skin is red
• “Cool a burn” = Hold burn under running cool tap water
2. Second degree – skin is red and blistery
• “Cool a burn” and see a doctor if the burn is large or blisters are damaged.
3. Third degree – skin is gray, dry, and with no feeling.
• Don’t remove clothing from burn area.


If you are involved in a fire, remember R.A.C.E. to help you respond safely and
R = RESCUE anyone in immediate danger from the fire, if it does not endanger your
A = ALARM: sound the alarm by activating a pull station alarm box (campus site only)
and call 0935-2080-830 or 0977- 8526-839.
C = CONFINE the fire by closing all doors and windows
E = EXTINGUISH the fire with a fire extinguisher, or EVACUATE the area if the fire
is too large for a fire extinguisher.


To use fire extinguishers correctly, remember the P.A.S.S. acronym:
P = PULL the pin on the fire extinguisher
A = AIM the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the fire

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

S = SQUEEZE or press the handle

S = SWEEP from side to side until the fire appears to be out

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

Sample of Evacuation Plan

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

Enhancement Activity: DO’S and DON’T’S

Directions: Put a check ( √ ) mark if the statement is right and (X) mark if the statement
is wrong.
1. If inside a burning area, once you hear the fire alarm, evacuate to a safe area right
2. If the fire is large and can be extinguished, use an appropriate fire extinguisher
(recall the different classes of fire). Usually, normal fire extinguishers do the job, but if
unavailable, buckets of water or damp cloths would do.
3. Use the elevators, not the stairs.
4. Open all windows and doors that you can reach as you exit.
5. If outside a burning area, do not attempt to go inside the burning area.
6. If there is smoke, stay as low as possible. Also, try to cover your nose to prevent
7. If you catch fire, do the “stop, drop, and roll” right away.
8. If you see fires, pull fire alarms as you exit the area. Inform other people present in
the area of fire that is occurring.
9. Touch doors first to check if they are warm before opening them. If they are warm,
do not attempt to open and proceed to a different route.
10.If you catch fire, run as fast as you can.

ASSESSMENT: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read carefully each item. Use a separate sheet for your answers. Write
only the letter of the best answer for each item. Use a separate sheet of paper for
your answers.
1. What do you call the first stage of fire: heat, oxygen, and fuel source combine and
have a chemical reaction (fire triangle is complete)?
A. Decay B. Fully Developed C. Growth D. Ignition
2. What is the hottest phase of a fire?
A. Decay B. Fully Developed C. Growth D. Ignition
3. What phases of fire where fire starts to diminish as fuel and/or oxygen is
A. Decay B. Fully Developed C. Growth D. Ignition
4. What are some information that people need to know before an actual fire incident
occurs, EXCEPT?
A. Emergency contact numbers specially the nearest fire station
B. Proper use of fire hose and fire extinguishers

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

C. Location of fire hose and fire extinguishers

D. Entry points.
5. Even there are no signs of a fire, you should respond to every fire alarm as if it
were real?
A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Probably
6. What three things should you do if your clothes catch on fire?
A. Alarm, call and evacuate.
B. Scream, roll and run
C. Drop, cover and hold.
D. Stop, drop and roll.
7. Which of the following should you do if you are UNABLE to evacuate burning
A. Open the doors and windows to let the smoke out.
B. Breathe through your mouth.
C. Pull the fire alarms.
D. Stay low under the smoke.
8. A portable fire extinguisher should only be used by trained employees?
A. False B. True
9. Which of the following is the acronym describing the correct sequence of using a
fire extinguisher?
10. Where should you aim a fire extinguisher nozzle when putting out a fire?
A. At the center of a fire. C. At the top of a fire
B. At the base of a fire. D. Away from the fire.

Performance test:
Directions: Develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide you on what to
do before, during, and after a FIRE Incident by using the chart below.

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

Before the event of fire

During the fire

After the event of fire

Lesson 2: Key Concepts, Principles, Elements and Importance of DRR

Learning Competency and Code:
1. Discuss the key concepts, principles, and elements of DRR (DRR11/12-IIg-h42)
2. Recognize the importance of DRR on one’s life. (DRR11/12-IIg-h-43)

Presentation and Disscussion:

Natural hazards are naturally-occurring physical phenomena caused by either the
rapid or slow onset of events having atmospheric, geologic and hydrologic origins.
Disasters often follow natural hazards and it is a result of the combination of hazards,
the conditions of vulnerability and of the insufficient capacity or measures to reduce
the potentially negative consequences of the hazard.
Disaster risk reduction or DRR is the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks
through systematic efforts to analyses and reduce the causal factors of disasters.
Moreover, it is a systematic approach used in identifying, assessing and reducing the
threats of disaster. DRR is the conceptual framework of elements considered with the
possibilities to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks throughout a society in order
to prevent or mitigate the adverse impacts of hazards within the broad context of
sustainable development.

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

In terms of disaster risk, Philippines ranked third among all of the countries with the
highest risks worldwide according to the World Risk Report of 2018. At least 60% of
the country’s total land area is exposed to multiple hazards, and 74% of the opulation
is susceptible to their impact. This is largely due to the location and geographical
context as the risk involving coastal, geological, and ydrometeorological hazards such
as typhoons, storm surges, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are posing serious
risks to the safety of the populace.
Historically, dealing with disasters focused on emergency response, but
towards the end of the 20th century it was increasingly recognized that disasters are
not natural as it was, perhaps due to global climate change. Since we cannot reduce
the severity of natural hazards, the main opportunity for reducing risk lies in reducing
vulnerability and exposure.
Addressing these underlying risk drivers will reduce disaster risk, lessen the impacts
of climate change and, consequently, maintain the sustainability of development.
R.A. 10121 or the Philippine disaster management law makes sure that
policies and plans are in place to prepare communities for when disasters strike.
Hence, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council or NDRRMC
was established which is composed of various government, non-government, civil
sector and private sector organizations. Its task is to carry out programs that would
increase public awareness of risks and hazards, preparedness for effective response
and early recovery, as well as to promote self-reliance among the Filipino people.
DRR main goals are to mitigate the impacts of natural hazards and the vulnerabilities
of the society in order to safeguard the level of development achieved. The key
concepts of DRR to maintain a sustainable development of a community despite the
occurrence of natural hazards are the following:
A. GOVERNANCE - making disaster risk reduction a priority (e.g. integrating disaster
risk reduction into development policies, and planning); Ensures that disaster risk
reduction is a national and local priority. In support of Hyogo Framework for Action
(HFA), countries are urged to develop policies, laws, and organizational arrangements,

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

plans, programs, projects to integrate risk reduction and allocate funds and resources
to support the program.
B. RISK ASSESSMENT AND TAKING ACTION - improving risk information and
early warning (e.g. developing effective early warning systems which are appropriately
adapted to the unique circumstances of the people at risk); Identifies, assesses and
monitors disaster risks and enhances early warning mechanisms. Early warning is to
relay to individuals, groups or community the messages which provide information
such as the upcoming natural phenomenon, existence of danger, preventive
measures, and mechanisms to save lives and property.
AWARENESS - building culture of safety and resilience (e.g. including DRR subject
matter in formal, non-formal, and informal education, and training activities); Uses
knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resiliency at all
levels. It works on the principle that knowledge is important for disaster reduction.
Strategies includes provision of relevant information on disaster risks means of
protection, strengthening networks and promoting dialogue and cooperation among
disaster experts and stakeholders, conducting capability training for teachers,
community members, parents and children.
D. RISK REDUCTION - reducing the risks in key sectors (e.g. protecting precious
ecosystems such as coral reefs and mangrove forests, allowing these to act as natural
storm barriers); Reduces the underlying risk factors by building local resilience in order
to protect school communities. These activities include relocating communities away
from hazard-prone areas, building school facilities strong to withstand impacts of
hazards, encouraging reforestation and protection of wetlands, implementation of RA
8749, RA 9003, PD 1185, PD 856, PD 1096, brigada eskwela and other mitigation
measures to protect key sectors of the nation.
E. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - strengthening preparedness for response (e.g.
development and regular testing of contingency plans and regular disaster
preparedness exercises including evacuation drills which are also keys to ensuring
rapid and effective disaster response). The goal of disaster preparedness is to lessen

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

the impact of disasters on vulnerable populations, to ready an organization for an influx

of activity, and to design a coordinated plan that reduces the waste of resources, time,
and efforts.

Guided with the key concepts of DRR in the previous section, the elements and
principles of disaster risk reduction involved the following phases:

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

Enhancement Activity:
Direction: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct
1. Which of the following statements best describe disaster risk reduction or
A. DRR is a strategic planning and procedure that is administered and
employed to protect critical infrastructures
B. DRR is an aid that provides children and families with emergency and
disaster relief support whenever disaster strikes.
C. DRR is an area of security planning that aims to protect an organization

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

from the effects of significant disastrous events

D. DRR is the process of protecting the livelihoods and assets of communities
and individuals from the impact of hazards.
2. During the term of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the Philippine
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 was enacted under what
republic act?
A. R.A. 10021 C. R.A. 12110
B. R.A. 10121 D. R.A. 20101
3. What systematic approach is being used by the government to reduce disaster
risks in order to mitigate the effects of natural hazards?
A. Disaster preparedness
B. Disaster readiness and risk reduction
C. Disaster risk reduction
D. Disaster risk management
4. If an engineer uses bioengineering techniques like natural nets, retaining walls
and major civil works to mitigate landslides, then he uses what sort of active
preventive intervention?
A. Deforestation C. Reforestation
B. Proper land use measure D. Structural measure
5. What active preventive intervention has been used if you conducted a seedling
planting activity to prevent mass movement of soil on steep slopes?
A. Deforestation C. Reforestation
B. Proper land use measure D. Structural measure

Direction: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of these DRR principles is undertaken promptly right after a disastrous
event occurred in order to save lives and properties?
A. Mitigation C. Rehabilitation
B. Preparedness D. Response
2. What approach should taken in advance to lessen the effects of natural disasters
to the community?
A. Mitigation C. Rehabilitation
B. Preparedness D. Response
3. On what course of action in the DRR principles should make the citizens ready
to respond in times of unforeseeable disaster?
A. Mitigation C. Rehabilitation
B. Preparedness D. Response
4. What mechanism should be utilized in the reconstruction of ruined buildings

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union

and infrastructures into a more resilient establishments?

A. Mitigation C. Rehabilitation
B. Preparedness D. Response
5. If an engineer uses bioengineering techniques like natural nets, retaining walls
and major civil works to mitigate landslides, then he uses what sort of active
preventive intervention?
A. Deforestation C. Reforestation
B. Proper land use measure D. Structural measure
6. What sort of various hazard impacts will lead to the destruction and loss of vital
infrastructure like transport system, roads, bridges, and power lines?
A. Economic impact C. Physical impact
B. Environmental impact D. Socio-cultural impact
7. The first hand approach is the increasing focus of national DRR plans to prevent
impacts of disaster, the approach is gearing towards on what particular aspect?
A. An individual C. The community
B. The country D. The environment
8. Which of the following statements best describe disaster risk reduction or DRR?
A. DRR is a strategic planning and procedure that is administered and employed
to protect critical infrastructures
B. DRR is an aid that provides children and families with emergency and
disaster relief support whenever disaster strikes.
C. DRR is an area of security planning that aims to protect an organization from
the effects of significant disastrous events
D. DRR is the process of protecting the livelihoods and assets of communities
and individuals from the impact of hazards.
9. Among the components or elements of disaster risk reduction, where does the
concept of “building back better” belong?
A. Mitigation C. Recovery
B. Preparedness D. Response
10. What active preventive intervention has been used if you conducted a
seedling planting activity to prevent mass movement of soil on steep slopes?
A. Deforestation C. Reforestation
B. Proper land use measure D. Structural measure

Abra High School Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction
Bangued, Abra Quarter: 4
Source: SLM Division of Manila and La Union


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