Antoni FM
Antoni FM
Antoni FM
<Antoni Sulaiman>
Antoni Sulaiman 9313435
In creating or designing new products, for instance, super-sonic aeroplanes or race winning
cars, aerodynamics play a pivotal role. However, when designing or conceptualizing a
product, the effects of aerodynamics are not simply or readily quantifiable. Back then, the
only way for engineers to optimize designs, was to go through physical testing. Today, with
powerful computational power, Computational Fluid Dynamics has become a common
method to test and modify designs. Within a CFD study, the fluid flow is examined with
relevance to the set pressure, temperature, velocity, density and viscosity.
The aim of this task is to study and analyze the effects of air flow when a block or model is
placed amidst the flow.
Antoni Sulaiman 9313435
Parameter Input
Cylinder Length S cm = 9 cm
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Computational Fluid Dynamics
A mathematical model will then be created to analyse and calculate the fluid flow. The
mathematical model are dependent to the specified problem or task, i.e mass flow, heat
transfer, phase changes, etc. Furthermore, CFD analysis are highly dependent on the whole
structure of process. A strong verification for the mathematical model needs to be completed
to create an accurate solution.
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Drag and Wake Illustration
In Fluid Mechanics, drag and wake are present when air flows through obstacles and
obstructions. Drag refers to a force acting as a counter to the relative motion of an object
moving in respect to the surrounding fluid. It can also be called air resistance, fluid resistance
or friction. On the other hand, Wake refers to the region of a recirculating flow immediately
behind the body, due to viscosity.
A Mesh is a chain which consists of cells and points. The shape of these networks are flexible
and can turn into anything. Meshing is mainly used to solve Partial Differential Equations of
models. A cell of the mesh serve as a particular solution of the equation and when merged for
the whole chain, will produce a solution for an entire mesh.
Calculating and examining an object without breaking it down into smaller pieces could be
complicated due to the complexity in the object. Corners, angles and holes make it extremely
difficult to generate a solution. Each cell of the mesh represents a local solution the
equations. On the contrary, smaller cells can be used to solve these complexities.
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On the Results tab, add the Velocity into the simulation using the Parameters
Input as reference
Run the Study
Gather the Relevant Graphs and Figures from the simulation
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Mesh of Object
In this task, a mesh was created for an object. Meshes and its configurations are important
because they control how models are to be calculated and analysed in the CFD method. Also,
mesh sizes has a huge role in determining how model would be systemized. For this task, the
mesh configuration was set to fine, shown in the figure above. The fine mesh setup was
chosen for this task as smaller and finer mesh setups have higher capabilities to hold force
and pressure. Moreover, finer mesh setups are much better for calculations. The smaller the
mesh size the more accurate the results are generated for solving complex models.
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Mesh Configuration
Fine mesh setups shown in the previous Figure: Mesh Configurations, are crucial pre-sets for
the simulation to be run. Larger or coarser mesh sizes are not suitable to be used for this task
as the model or object which is being investigated in this task is relatively complex and small.
Therefore, larger or coarser mesh sizes would not have produced accurate results. On the
contrary, smaller and finer mesh sizes are better suited for this simulation of this model. In
smaller and finer mesh, more surface area is present whereby the flow of force and pressure
could be accurately simulated for analysis. Smaller mesh sizes would also produce more
accurate results compared to larger or coarser mesh sizes.
Pressure Contour
Antoni Sulaiman 9313435
For this task, pressure contour plots were generated to understand further how air flows have
an effect on the pressure for objects. Pressure contour plots aid users on the understanding of
the flow of air in a controlled volume creates pressure when an object or model obstructs its
natural path. For this task, the obstruction was represented by a rectangular box. The concept
is based on the fundamental law whereby high velocity particles bring high potential energy
as it travels and when it collides with an obstruction or object, it would generate high forces
and hence pressure.
For this assignment, a Pressure Contour plot was created to analyse and understand how
pressure is affected when air flows into an object. In this simulation, the initial notion would
point to pressure exclusively appearing on the rectangular box. This is because, air flows in a
constant streamline when uninterrupted and when it meets an obstruction or object within its
path, the collision would then create pressure. From the pressure contour plot, it can be seen
that occurs not only on the rectangular box but its surroundings as well. When the air
particles breaks off contact with the box, energy would dissipate but not immediately hence,
pressure could be noticed on the surroundings of the box. On the plot, the areas which are
highlighted with red represents the areas in which pressure is the highest whereby the areas
highlighted in green represents the areas where pressure is least.
Antoni Sulaiman 9313435
A closer look onto the pressure contour plot was also done for this experiment to further
analyse the effects of air flow on pressure. From the close up view of the contour plot, a
further understanding with regards to the differences in pressure values acting upon the
model. From the plot, it can be noticed that the bulk of the pressure is mounted on the front of
the model, where the streamlines come to contact with the box initially. The highest value of
pressure could be seen at the front of the block, highlighted by the red lines, then shortly
dissipating throughout the surroundings of the block. The pressure around the surroundings
of the block could be well assumed to be residual pressure from the impact, waiting to be
nulled over a short period of time. From the plot, it can be noticed that pressure occurs on the
left side of the block then leaves to the right. As the pressure present on the front of the box is
large, it creates a wash-effect which moves in an opposite direction of the streamline. This
conflicting motion is represented by the blue colors on the contour plot.
Velocity Vector
Velocity Vector
For this study, another category is being looked at. The Velocity Vector is also looked at to
understand how air flows when the object is placed on the streamline. The Velocity Vector
plot aids in the understanding of the air flowing within a controlled volume meets and
obstruction, in this case the box. Fluid Mechanics states that drag and wake are present if air
flows through an object, i.e obstruction. Wake refers to the area of recirculatory flow when
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air tucks behind of an object or body, creating a suction like motion of air flow due to
viscosity. On the other hand, drag refers to the force which acts as a counter to the moving
object with respect to the surrounding air flow. Another analogy of drag could be air
resistance or friction.
From the figures generated by the ANSYS software simulator, the pattern or trend of flow
was taken and analysed. The figure above, the velocity vector plot represent the air flow
when inside a controlled volume meets and obstruction, the box, in the middle. The areas
highlighted as red represents the largest velocities of air flowing in the system and blue as the
lowest velocity of air flow. From the figure above, it can noticed that the air is flowing in
constant velocity before it meets the obstruction. However, just as the air particles collides
with the box, the velocity increases dramatically, highlighted by the red color. As the air
particles leave the area of contact, it loses energy and velocity and the air flow slowly returns
to its original velocity. The areas in which air flows at the highest velocity are also called the
wash areas, which occurs right after the maximum friction areas, i.e. the front of the box. In
these areas, pressure is the highest and hence creates the highest velocity as well.
To further understand how these velocity vectors help in the understanding of fluid flows, a
closer look has been taken on the velocity vector plot. In the diagram above, a zoomed
Antoni Sulaiman 9313435
version of the velocity vector plot was taken. From the figure above, it can be seen that the a
split of air flow was seen, located behind the block. This separation or split is often referred
to as wake. In the figure, the wake can be seen right by the side of the box. From the diagram,
wake is represented by blue and green colored arrows. From the figure, it can also be seen
that the after the box, the air particles loses its high velocity. Furthermore, a counter-motion
was also spotted as the arrows indicated a direction reverse of the original. This further
proves that wake is present in this system. After the wake, a vacuum-like motion could be
seen for a small area. This represents the area where the air flows are trying to redirect and
reposition itself in the direction of the original flow direction.
Streamlines Plot
Streamlines Plot
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Close-Up of the Streamlines Plot
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Air Density at domain inlet = ρ
ρU d
Flow Reynold’s Number, ℜ=
ρ=1.225 kg/m 3
U =5 m/s
kg m
( 1.225
m )
3 ( 5 ) (0.069517 m)
(1.7894 × 10−5 kg /m. s)
The Flow Reynold’s Number for this system was calculated to be 23795.30029. From this
result, we can conclude that the overall flow of this system is turbulent as the Reynold’s
Number for turbulent flow is larger than 2900.
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Convergence Graph
Convergence Graph
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References (2020). CFD Simulation | Fluids Simulation | ANSYS CFD. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 22 Jan. 2020].
Antoni Sulaiman 9313435