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Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society By: Sharice Godfrey, Hospitality

Volunteer Voice of Relief


2,4,6,8, Who Do We Appreciate Bayou Cruising Note from the COV

Nothing says “N’awlins” First let me introduce myself
Here at NMCRS we care lunch. A luncheon was held quite like gators, bayous, and to you. My name is Erika
deeply about our volun- to congratulate many of our Cajun accents. Put them all Godfrey, from Mobile, Ala-
teers. When we get an op- volunteers on their signifi- together and you get a won- bama. My husband is regular
portunity to show them how cant milestones and to derful morning on the beauti- navy, so this is our first time
much we appreciate them enjoy a great lunch catered ful canals of Lafitte, LA! on a reservist base and should
and all they do, we take by Stonewalls. To wrap up We were guided by the col- be a learning experience. I
advantage. Throughout our all the festivities we had a orful Captain Joe around all have four wonderful children,
volunteer week we handed swamp tour at Jean La- sorts of bends and turn Sharice, James Jr., Aaliyah,
out appreciation bags, gave fitte’s where many volun- through a complex canal and Cayden. I would like to
a complimentary apprecia- teers showed up with their bayou system. We saw a say thank you to all of the
tion breakfast and lunch, families and we enjoyed the variety of turtles, long- volunteers for all of your hard
held a volunteer luncheon, exotic wild life of the legged birds, and quite a few work and dedication. As you
and bonded on a swamp bayou . Many memories gators, although we didn't all know last month we hon-
cruise. The bags were cre- were made and we here at see any of the monster sized ored our volunteers. Breakfast
ated by our Hospitality, NMCRS would like to say gators, the quantity definitely and lunch were given every-
Sharice Godfrey, along with thank you to all of our vol- made up for that. The tour day all week and then we had
help from Zanita Hooper unteers. You all are irre- was very delightful and had a our annual luncheon to for-
and the directors adorable placeable and are responsi- great comic entertainment, mally recognize a few spe-
daughter, Sadie Delvin. ble for the many successes thanks to Capt. Joe. Thanks cific volunteers. We, again,
The volunteers we’re we have here. Hats off to to all of our volunteers and want to thank our Thrift Shop
treated to a light breakfast you. ¤ family members who came volunteers for the great job
and a delicious sub tray for out for a great time of much they are doing and to our case-
needed rest and relaxation. ¤ workers/CSAs, thank you for
the time you put in. Our ser-
vice members appreciate the
fact that you are there when
they need our help. The fact
Note from the Director that you are volunteers really
Welcome to the first edition and Devin for their hard group! This year we boarded shows them that you care
of Volunteer Voice of Re- work and selfless efforts! a boat and braved the about them. Keep up the good
lief! The new shop is spacious swamps of N’Awlins during work guys. –Erika Godfrey ¤
In the last few months, and looks fantastic. a Swamp Tour down in La-
NOLA NMCRS has seen a In April we celebrated Na- fitte, LA!!
great deal of change and tional Volunteer week with
growth! Let me begin by good food, good friends and May is here already and it is
welcoming four of our new-
a good time! Erika and
turning out to be a busy A Great Cause
est members; Mr. Steven month! Don’t forget the base
Sharice coordinated our Vol- Every year NMCRS holds an
Daub, Ms. Vanessa Reece, will be hosting the 2011
unteer luncheon, in which we Active Duty Fund Drive along
Mrs. Erika Godfrey, and N’Awlins Air Show on May
took a moment to thank our with service members to raise
Ms. Sharice Godfrey. Ste- 6 -7, 2011; it should be an
money. These generous con-
ven has graciously stepped NMCR Thrift Store, Case- amazing event!! Our Area
tributions are used to help
up to the Thrift Shop Chair- work, and the Active Duty Trainer, Mrs. Nanci Pruter
NMCRS aid Sailors, Marines,
man position, Vanessa took Fund Drive volunteers for will be here 09 – 14 May
and their families in their
over as the Thrift Shop 2011. Nanci will be holding
their ongoing service. This times of need. This year we
Shift Chairman, Sharice training for all our volun-
was also an opportunity to surpassed our earnings last
took over our the Hospital- teers, the schedule will be
recognize some milestones year and that’s something we
ity spot, and last (but cer- put out on the 9th. There are
all can appreciate. We here at
tainly not least) Erika is our for our dedicated volunteers: many other happenings so
NMCRS would like to give
new Chairman of Volun- Mrs. Levina Epps 400 h rs check out the calendar!
special thanks to ET1 Bailey
teers! Please take a mo- Mrs. Debbie Custer 500 hrs Thank you again for all you
for conducting the naval par-
ment and say hello! Mrs. Jennifer Luscher 600 hrs do and bring to the Society! ticipation and to SSgt Web for
February saw the Thrift Mr. Jonathan Waters 4000 hrs Our volunteers are the keys his part and organizing the
Store and its volunteers
to the success of the New marines. Thank you so much
moving and settling into the April also gave us the oppor-
Orleans office, BRAVO for all your help and your time
old uniform shop in build- tunity to get together off-
ZULU! -Jennifer Devlin ¤ and we really appreciate it. ¤
ing 300; I want to person- sight and have some fun as a
ally thank Rosa, Jenn, Sadie
Volunteer Voice of Relief
May 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NMCRS Thrift Shop NMCRS Thrift Shop NMCRS Thrift
0800-1600 0900-1400 0800-1600 0900-1400 0800-1600 Shop
N‟awlins Air 0900-1400
Show N‟awlins Air
Military Only Show

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
N‟awlins NMCRS Thrift Shop NMCRS Thrift Shop NMCRS
Air Show 0900-1400 0900-1400
0800-1600 0800-1600 0800-1600

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
NMCRS Thrift Shop NMCRS Thrift Shop NMCRS
0800-1600 0900-1400 0800-1600 0900-1400 0800-1600

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
NMCRS Thrift Shop NMCRS Thrift Shop Office closing
0900-1400 0900-1400 at 1200
0800-1600 0800-1600

29 30 31
Memorial Day Thrift Shop
Office closed 0900-1400

“Volunteering is an act VOLUNTEER SPOT- Did you know…

of heroism on a grand LIGHT A study at University of
scale. And it matters Rosa Sylvestre Michigan show that peo-
profoundly. It does Thrift Store ple who don't volunteer
more than help people died earlier than those
beat the odds; it Mrs. Rosa has been gra- who volunteer at least
changes the odds.” - ciously volunteering for once a week. Volunteer-
NMCRS since 2005 and says ing can also boost your
Bill Clinton that its her “way of helping self-confidence, self-
the service.” She is a mother respect, and give you a
of three and has six grand- sense of accomplishment.
children. The success and
growth of the thrift store is
something Rosa finds a lot NMCRS Volunteers are
men and women, military
Show the Love... of pride in. She advises that
we all should “go for what and civilian, retired and
“The reason I love vol- [we] want and don't waste active duty, officers and
unteering is because I time on should‟ve , would've , enlisted, and their fami-
get to help out the could've.” On behalf of lies. Maybe even YOU!!!
community and meet in- NMCRS, I would like to say
congratulations on a job
teresting people” - well done and keep up the
Levenia „Sadie‟ Epps good work.

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