DLP G10 Math 1ST QTR WEEK 2 Final

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Date: WEEK 2 Quarter: FIRST

Detailed Lesson Plan in Arithmetic Sequence (MATHEMATICS 10)

I. Objective (Layunin)
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrate understanding of key concepts of sequences, polynomials and polynomial

B. Performance Standards
The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials and polynomial
equations in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.

C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)

The learner
1. illustrates an arithmetic sequence (M10AL-Ib-1)
2. determines arithmetic means and nth term of an arithmetic sequence. (M10AL-Ib-c-1)
3. finds the sum of the terms of a given arithmetic sequence (M10AL-Ic-2)

D. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should able to:
1.  illustrates an arithmetic sequence
2. determines arithmetic means and nth term of an arithmetic sequence.
3. finds the sum of the terms of a given arithmetic sequence

II. Content (Nilalaman)

Patterns and Algebra

Learning Resources (KagamitangPanturo)

A. Reference
Mathematics learner’s Module page2 10-23
Next Century Mathematics pages 18-30

III. Procedures (Pamamaraan)

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson (Balik-aral sa nakaraang aralin at/o pagsisimula ng
bagong aralin)

It is a common experience to be confronted with a set of numbers arranged in some order. The order and
arrangement may be given to you or you have to discover a rule for it from some data. For example, the taho vendor
came on July 4, July 6, July 8… He will come in July 26? Consider that you are given the set of dates 4, 6, 8

Arranged from left to right in the order of increasing time, continuing the set we have.

4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18…….

The answer to our question is yes.

Any such ordered arrangement of a set of numbers is called a SEQUENCE.

Look at this second example. Lorna, a 2nd year student in a certain public school, is able to save the money her ninongs
and ninangs gave her last Christmas. She then deposits her savings of P1,000 in an account that earns 10% simple
interest. The total amount of interest she earned in each of the 1st 4 years of her saving is shown below

Year 1 2 3 4
Total amount 10 20 30 40

The list of numbers 10, 20, 30, 40 is called a sequence. The list 10,20,30,40 is ordered because the position in this list
indicates the year in which that total amount of interest is earned. Now, each of the numbers of a sequence is called a
term of the sequence. The first term in the sequence 10, 20, 30, 40 is 10, the second term is 20, while the third term is 30
and the fourth term is 40. It is also good to point out that the preceding term of a given term is the term immediately before
that given term. For example, in the given sequence 20 is the term that precedes 30.

In general:

A sequence is a set of numbers written in a specific order:

a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6,………, an

The number a1 is called the 1st term, a2 is the 2nd term, and in general, an is the nth term. Note that each term of the
sequence is paired with a natural number.

An arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which the difference between any two consecutive terms is the same.
This constant difference is called the common difference, and will be denoted by d. observe the examples.

Arithmetic Sequence Common difference

21, 31, 41, 51, ….. d= 31 – 21 = 10

28, 24, 20, 16,…. D = 20 – 24 = -4

0, 1/3, 2/3, 1, 4/3 d = 4/3 – 1 = 1/3

Let have an example: Determine whether each sequence is an arithmetic sequence.

a. 21, 38, 55, 72, 89,…. b. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ….. c. ½, 1, 3/2, 2, 5/ 2, …..

Solution: To determine whether a sequence is an arithmetic sequence, determine if there is a common difference

21, 38, 55, 72, 89,…. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ….. ½, 1, 3/2, 2, 5/ 2, …..

a. 38 – 21 = 17 c. 1–½=½
55 – 38 = 17 b. 4–2=2 3/2 – 1 = ½
72 – 55 = 17 8–4=4 2 – 3/2 = ½
89 – 72 = 17 16 – 8 = 8 5/2 – 2 = ½
32 – 16 = 16
There is a common difference d =
There is a common difference d = 17. There is no common difference. 1/2. Hence ,the sequence is an
Hence , the sequence is an arithmetic Therefore, the sequence is not an arithmetic sequence
sequence arithmetic sequence.

Now it’s your time let me see if you already understand the lesson try to determine whether the sequence is an
arithmetic sequence

1. 9, 18, 27, 36, 54 2. 8, 16, 24, 32, 40

Your answer in number 1 should be NOT because they don’t have a common difference and your answer in number 2
should be an Arithmetic Sequence and the common difference is 8

Activity 1 Identify the following set of numbers if an

example of arithmetic sequence or Not? If your answer is Score Description
arithmetic Sequence, What is the common difference?
5 Excellent
1. 3, 7, 11, 15, 19
4 Good
3 Fair

Turn to page 8 section j.1 and work on the

enrichment activities
2. 4, 16, 64, 256

3. 48, 24, 12, 6, 3

4. -2, 4, -8, 16

5. 9.5, 7.5, 5.5, 3.5

Now, check your work by turning to page 9 for the key to correction. How many correct answers did you get? Rate
your result using the table above.

If your score is at least 3 out of 5, you may now proceed to the next part of the discussion.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin)

Trivia Time
- The Egyptians were the first one to develop the
arithmetic sequence.
- Carl Gauss, in 1777 at 10 years old created a
formula to solve for the sum of arithmetic

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson (Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa sa bagong aralin)

Let us discover more about arithmetic sequence. Take a look at the table completed below.

Number of square 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Number of matchsticks 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31

Let us take the number of matchsticks 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, and 31. We see that the number of
matchsticks forms arithmetic sequence because it as a common difference of 3. Suppose we want to find the 20th, 50th,
and 100th terms of the sequence. How do you get them? Do you think a formula would help? If so, we could find a
formula for the nth term of the sequence. In this case, it will not be difficult since we know the common difference of the
sequence. To get the next term of the sequence just add the common difference of the last term and soon.to find the nth
term of the arithmetic sequence

an = a1 + ( n – 1 ) d
Where a1 is the first term,
n is the number of terms, and
d is the common difference

Example1: what is the 10th term of the arithmetic Example 2: find the 12th term of the arithmetic sequence 3,
sequence 5, 12, 19, 26,….? 5, 7, 9, ….

Step1: identify first a1, n, and d Step1: identify first a1, n, and d
a1 = 5 n = 10 d=7 a1 = 3 n = 12 d=2
Step 2: formula Step 2: formula
an = a1 + ( n – 1 ) d an = a1 + ( n – 1 ) d

Step 3: Substitute Step 3: Substitute

a10 = 5 + ( 10 – 1) (7) a10 = 3 + ( 12 – 1) (2)

Step 4: Solve apply PEMDAS Step 4: Solve apply PEMDAS
a10 = 5 + ( 10 – 1) (7) a10 = 3 + ( 12 – 1) (2)
a10 = 5 + ( 9) (7) a10 = 3 + (11) (2)
a10 = 5 + 63 a10 = 3 + 22
a10 = 68 a10 = 25
therefore the 10th term in the arithmetic sequence is 68 therefore the 12th term in the arithmetic sequence is 25

Now it’s your turn we will go back to the problem of squares and matches can you find now the 20th, 50th, and
100th terms of the sequence.
You answer should be a20 = 61, a50= 151 and lastly a100 301. If your answer is correct you may proceed to the next
example but if your answer is not correct go back to the example and try all over again.

Example 3: Find the 7th term of an arithmetic sequence if the third term is 5 and the 5th term is 11

In this problem the given are a3 = 5, a5 = 11 and we will find the 7th term by using the formula of arithmetic sequence
an = a1 + ( n – 1 ) d, the first term is not given and also the common difference because we don’t have a consecutive

Since we have a value for a3 = 5 and a5 = 11

a3 = 5 we will solve for the 3rd term a5 = 11 we will for the 5th term
a3= a1 + ( n – 1 ) d a5= a1 + ( n – 1 ) d
5 = a1 + ( 3 – 1) d
5 = a1 + 2d
Equation 1 11 = a1 + ( 5 – 1) d
11 = a1 + 4d
Equation 2
now we have already 2 equation by using this 2 equation we can now solve for the common difference using solving of
system equation

Equation 2 : 11 = a1 + 4d Using elimination method

Equation 1 5 = a1 + 2d
6= 2d
Walang forever dapat alisin yung kasama ni d. divide both side by 2
2 2

3 = d therefore the value of common difference is 3

Next step we will solve for the value of a1. You can use any of the 2 equation you still get the same answer
5 = a1 + 2d 11 = a1 + 4d
5 = a1 + 2(3) 11 = a1 + 4(3)
5 = a1 + 6 Equation 1 11 = a1 + 8 Equation 2
5 – 6 = a1 11 – 8 = a1
-1 = a1 -1 = a1

Now we have already the value of a1 which is -1 and common difference which is 3 we can now find the value of the 7 th
term in the sequence
Step1: identify first a1, n, and d
a1 = -1 n=7 d=3
Step 2: formula
an = a1 + ( n – 1 ) d

Step 3: Substitute
a10 = -1 + ( 7 – 1) (3)
Step 4: Solve apply PEMDAS
a10 = -1 + ( 7 – 1) (3)
a10 = -1 + ( 6) (3)
a10 = -1 + 18
a10 = 17

It’s your time to shine. If the 3rd tem of an arithmetic sequence is 13 and the 9 th term is 37, what is the 13 term in
the sequence?
You should get 53. If you get the correct answer you will proceed to the next activity. But if your answer is not correct go
back again to the example and try all over again.

Activity 2: more on arithmetic sequences

Use the nth term of an arithmetic sequence an = a1 + ( n – 1 ) d to answer the following questions.

1. Find the 25th term of the arithmetic sequence 3, 7,

11, 15, 19,…… Score Description
2. The second term of an arithmetic sequence is 24
and the 5th term is 3. Find the first term and the 5 Excellent
common difference
3. Find the 9th term of the arithmetic sequence with a1 = 4 Good
10 and d = ½
4. Find a1 if a8= 54 and a9 = 60 3 Fair

Now, check your work by turning to page 9 for the key to Turn to page 8 section j.2 and work on the
enrichment activities
correction. Give yourself 1 point for every correct answer.
How many correct answers did you get? Rate your result using the table above.

If your score is at least 3 out of 5, you may proceed to the next part of the lesson.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1(Pagtalakay ng bagong konsepto at paglalahad ng bagong
kasanayan #1

Arithmetic means

The terms of an arithmetic sequence that are between two given terms are called arithmetic means. In the
arithmetic sequence 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, there are three arithmetic means between 5 and 17. These are 8, 11, and 14.

Example1: insert three arithmetic means between 17 and Example 2: insert 4 arithmetic means between 5 and 25

Solution the arithmetic sequence is of the form Solution the arithmetic sequence is of the form

17, a2, a3, a4, 1 5, a2, a3, a4, a5 25

This indicate that a1= 17, a5 = 1, and n = 5 because we This indicate that a1= 5, a6 = 25, and n = 6 because we
have 5 terms. To find the common difference, have 6 terms. To find the common difference,

We will use the last term which is a5 We will use the last term which is a6
Step1: identify first a1, n, and an Step1: identify first a1, n, and an

a1 = 17 n=5 a5 = 1 d= a1 = 5 n=6 a6 = 25 d=
Step 2: formula Step 2: formula
an = a1 + ( n – 1 ) d an = a1 + ( n – 1 ) d

Step 3: Substitute Step 3: Substitute

1 = 17 + ( 5 – 1) (d) 25 = 5 + ( 6 – 1) (d)
Step 4: Solve apply PEMDAS Step 4: Solve apply PEMDAS
1 = 17 + ( 5 – 1) (d) 25 = 5 + ( 6 – 1) (d)
1 = 17 + (4) (d) 25 = 5 + (5) (d)
1 = 17 + 4d 25 = 5 + 5d
1 – 17 = 4d 25 – 5 = 5d
-16 = 4d 20 = 5d
4 4 5 5
-4 = d 4=d
Using the value of d, we can now get the value of a2, a3, Using the value of d, we can now get the value of a2, a3, a4
and a4 thus, and a5 thus,

a2 = a1 + d a3 = a2 + d a 4 = a3 + d a2 = a1 + d a 3 = a2 + d a4 = a3 + d
a2 = 17 + (-4) a3 =13 + (-4) a4 = 9 + (-4) a2 = 5 + (4) a3 =9 + (4) a4 = 13 + (4)
a2 = 13 a3 = 9 a4 = 5 a2 = 9 a3 = 13 a4 = 17

therefore the sequence will be a5 = a 4 + d

a5 = 17 + (4)
17, 13, 9, 5, 1 a5 = 21

therefore the sequence will be

5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25

Now, you try to insert three arithmetic means between 8 and 36 as the third example. You should get 8, 15, 22,
29, and 36. If your answer is correct, you may proceed to the next activity. If not, I am sorry but you have to go back to the
examples and try all over again.

Activity 3: what can you inset?

Insert the indicated number of arithmetic means between the given first and last terms of an arithmetic sequence

1. 2 and 32 insert 1 term

Score Description
2. 6 and 54 insert 3 terms 14-15 Excellent

11-13 Good
3. 68 and 3 insert 4 terms
7-10 Fair
4. 10 and 40 insert 5 terms
Turn to page 8 section j.3 and work on the
enrichment activities
5. ½ and 2 insert 2 terms

Now check your activity by turning to page 9 for the key to correction. Give yourself 1 point for every correct answer.
How many correct answers did you get? Rate your result using the table. If your answer is at least 7 above you may
proceed to the next part of the discussion.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2 (Pagtalakay ng bagong konsepto at paglalahad ng
bagong kasanayan #2

The secret of Karl Gauss

What is 1+2+3+…..+50+51+……+98+99+100=

A famous story tells that this was the problem given by an elementary school teacher to a famous mathematician
to keep him busy. Do you know that he was able to get the sum within seconds only? Can you beat that? His name was
Karl Friedrich Gauss. Do you know how he did it?

By using the formula of the sum of arithmetic sequence

Sn = [2a1 + (n-1) d ]

Example 1: find the sum of the first 10 terms of the Example 2: find the sum of the first 20 terms of the
arithmetic sequence 5, 9, 13, 17, … arithmetic sequence -2, -5, -8, -11, ….
Step1: identify first a1, n, and an Step1: identify first a1, n, and an

a1 = 5 n = 10 d=4 a1 = -2 n = 20 d = -3
Step 2: formula Step 2: formula

n n
Sn = [2a1 + (n-1)d ] Sn = [2a1 + (n-1)d ]
2 2
Step 3: Substitute Step 3: Substitute
10 20
S10 = [2(5) + (10-1)(4)] S20 = [2(-2) + (20-1)(-3)]
2 2
Step 4: Solve apply PEMDAS Step 4: Solve apply PEMDAS

10 20
S10 = [2(5) + (10-1)(4)] S20 = [2(-2) + (20-1)(-3)]
2 2

10 20
S10 = [10 + (9)(4)] S20 = [-4 + (19)(-3)]
2 2
10 20
S10 = [10 + 36] S20 = [-4 + -57]
2 2
10 20
S10 = [46] S20 = [-61]
2 2

S10 = 5[46] S20 = 10[-61]

S10 = 230 S20 = −610

Now, you try to insert three arithmetic means between 8 and 36 as the third example. You should get 8, 15, 22,
29, and 36. If your answer is correct, you may proceed to the next activity. If not, I am sorry but you have to go back to the
examples and try all over again.

Activity 4: SUMthing to do: find the sum of each of the following.

1. Integers from 1 to 50
Score Description
2. Odd integers from 1 to 100
5 Excellent

3. Even integers between 1 and 101 4 Good

4. Frist 25 terms of the arithmetic sequence 4, 9, 14, 3 Fair

19, 24
Turn to page 8 section j.4 and work on the
enrichment activities
5. Multiple of 3 from 15 to 45

Now, check your answer by turning page 9 for the key of correction. How many correct answers did you get? Rate
your result using the table above. If your score is at least 3 out of 5, you may proceed to the next part of the lesson.

F. Developing mastery (Paglinang sa kabihasnan)

Activity 5: Solve the following problem involving arithmetic sequence.

1. what is the common difference in the sequence

2, -2, -6, -10…. Score Description

2. Find the 10th term of the sequence -37, -34, -31…. 5 Excellent

3. If the 4th term of the arithmetic sequence is 24 and the 4 Good

12th term is 56, what is the first term?
3 Fair
4. Insert 4 arithmetic means between 38 and 98
Turn to page 9 section j.5 and work on the
5. Find the sum of the first 25 multiple of 8 enrichment activities

Now, check your answer by turning page for the key of correction. How many correct answers did you get? Rate your
result using the table above. If your score is at least 3 out of 5, you may proceed to the next part of the lesson.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living (Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang-araw-araw
na buhay)

Your goal in this section is how to apply what you learned to real life situations. Your task is to demonstrate your
understanding of arithmetic sequence. I will a situation and create a simple diagrams how arithmetic sequence is use in
said situation.

 Riding a jeep

H. Making Generalizations and abstraction about the lesson (Paglalahat ng aralin)

As for the summary, in solving Arithmetic Sequence you have to

1. Identify first the sequence if arithmetic or not by finding the common difference.

2. Analyze the problem
3. Identify the given and unknown.
4. And lastly solve the problem by applying the PEMDAS rules

I. Evaluating (Pagtataya ng aralin)

Please see attached worksheet

J. Additional Activities for application or remediation (Karagdaganggawain para sa takdang aralin at remediation)

J.1: Identify the following set of numbers if an example of arithmetic sequence or Not? If your answer is arithmetic
Sequence, What is the common difference?

1. 7,10,13,16 2. 9, 11, 13, 15,… 3. 4, 12, 36, 108….. 4. -6, -4, -2, 0

Now, check your work by turning to page 9 for the key to correction. How many correct answers did you get?You
may proceed to the next part of the discussion if your score is at least 2 out of 4. If not, you have to go back to the section
A and try all over again. If you need more help, you may massage me thru messenger account.

J.2: Use the nth term of an arithmetic sequence an = a1 + ( n – 1 ) d to answer the following questions.
1. find the 23rd term of the sequence 5.7, 3.6, 1.5, ……
2. find the 20th term of the sequence -37, -34, -31,….
3. find the 16th term of an arithmetic sequence if a1 = 8 and d = -9
4. if the 5th term of an arithmetic sequence is 11 and the 16th term is -77, what is the 20th term?
Now, check your work by turning to page 9 for the key to correction. How many correct answers did you get?
You may proceed to the next part of the discussion if your score is at least 2 out of 4. If not, you have to go back
to the section C and try all over again. If you need more help, you may massage me thru messenger account.

J.3: Insert the indicated number of arithmetic means between the given first and last terms of an arithmetic sequence
1. Insert 5 arithmetic means between -15 and 3
2. Insert 4 arithmetic means 8 and 28
3. Insert 3 arithmetic mean -4 and 8
4. Insert 3 arithmetic means -16 and -8

Now, check your work by turning to page 9 for the key to correction. How many correct answers did you get?
You may proceed to the next part of the discussion if your score is at least 2 out of 4. If not, you have to go back
to the section D and try all over again. If you need more help, you may massage me thru messenger account.

J.4: SUMthing to do: find the sum of each of the following.

1. First 15 arithmetic sequence 9, 18, 27…..
2. Find the sum of the first 15 multiple of 3
3. Even numbers between 1- 50
4. Odd numbers between 1- 50
Now, check your work by turning to page 9 for the key to correction. How many correct answers did you get?
You may proceed to the next part of the discussion if your score is at least 2 out of 4. If not, you have to go back
to the section E and try all over again. If you need more help, you may massage me thru messenger account.

J.5 Solve the following problem involving arithmetic sequence.

1. what is the common difference in the sequence 14, 21, 28….
2. Find the 10th term of the sequence 37, 42, 47….
3. If the 4th term of the arithmetic sequence is 24 and the 12th term is 56, what is the first term?
4. Insert 4 arithmetic means between 13 and 23
5. Find the sum of the first 20 multiple of 7

Now, check your work by turning to page 9 for the key to correction. How many correct answers did you get?
You may proceed to the next part of the discussion if your score is at least 3 out of 5. If not, you have to go back to
the section A-E and try all over again. If you need more help, you may massage me thru messenger account.

Activity 1 Identify the following set of numbers if an example of arithmetic sequence or Not? If your answer is arithmetic
Sequence, What is the common difference?
1. Arithmetic Sequence d=4 2. Not 3. Not 4. Not 5. Arithmetic Sequence d = 2

Activity 2: more on arithmetic sequences

1. 99 2. d= 7, a1= 31 3. 6 4. 12

Activity 3: what can you inset?

1. 17 2. 18, 30, 42 3. 55, 42, 29, 16 4. 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 5. 1, 3/2 or 1.5

Activity 4: SUMthing to do: find the sum of each of the following.

1. 1275 2. 2500 3. 2550 4. 1600 5. 330

Activity 5: Solve the following problem involving arithmetic sequence.

1. -4 2. -10 3. a1 = 15 4. 50, 62, 74, 86, 98 5. 2600

J.1: Identify the following set of numbers if an example of arithmetic sequence or Not? If your answer is arithmetic
Sequence, What is the common difference?

1. Arithmetic Sequence d= 3 2. Arithmetic Sequence d= 2 3.not 4. Arithmetic Sequence d= 2

J.2: Use the nth term of an arithmetic sequence an = a1 + ( n – 1 ) d to answer the following questions.

1. -40.5 2. 20 3. -127 4. -109

J.3: Insert the indicated number of arithmetic means between the given first and last terms of an arithmetic sequence

1. -12, -9, -6, -3, 0 2. 12, 16, 20, 24 3. -1, 2, 5 4. -10, -4, 2

J.4: SUMthing to do: find the sum of each of the following.

1. 1,080 2. 360 3. 600 4. 624

J.5: Solve the following problem involving arithmetic sequence.

1. 7 2. 82 3. 12 4. 15,17,19,21 5. 147

Prepared by: (Inihanda ni) Noted: (Binigyan Pansin ni)


Name and Signature of Teacher Name and Signature of Observer
(Pangalan at Lagda ng Guro) (Pangalan at Lagda ng Nagmasid)


Name:______________________________________ Section: _____________________ Score:__________________

Test I. Solve the following problems involving arithmetic sequence.

1. Find the 15th term of the arithmetic sequence 81, 54, 36, 24…..

2. Find the 48th term in the arithmetic sequence 40, 36, 32, 28, 24

3. Find the 33rd term in the arithmetic sequence 8, 12, 16, 20, …

4. Find the the 42nd term in the arithmetic sequence 5, 10, 15, …

5. The first term of an arithmetic sequence is 2 while the 18th term is 87. Find the common

difference of the sequence.

6. Write the 3rd and 5th terms of an arithmetic sequence whose 4th term is 9 and the common

difference is 2.

7. Find the 24th term of an arithmetic sequence, given 4th term is 32 and 23rd term is 184.

8. If a3 = 63 and a13 = 33, find a33

9. Insert 2 arithmetic means between 1 and 16.

10. Insert 4 arithmetic means between 8 and -7.

11. Insert 4 arithmetic means between 72 and 52.

12. Insert 6 arithmetic means between 16 and 2.

13. Find the sum of the first ten terms of the arithmetic sequence 3, 6, 9, …

14. Find the sum of the first 10 positive integers….

15. Find the sum of the first 36 terms of the arithmetic sequence -20, -23, -26, -29…..


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