PIR Worksheet
PIR Worksheet
PIR Worksheet
1. As a pre-requisite, the Planning Officer (PO) presents the latest Key Performance Indicators (KPI) data to the Division Monitoring Evaluation
and Adjustment (DMEA) Committee. In the case of the school, it is School Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment (SMEA).
2. The SEPS for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) identifies the “Red Flags” or the Priority Improvement Areas (PIAs) to the committee.
3. The committee (DMEA/SMEA) identifies specific program or project, and orders the concerned Division/Section/Unit/Coordinator, we call
them Presenters, to present its status during PIR activity.
4. The Presenter fills-up the PIR Worksheet and present it to the committee through power point presentation during PIR activity. Copy of the
report shall be given to the committee.
5. The committee (DMEA/SMEA) objectively critiques the presentation and takes the opportunity to ask clarifications concerning the
program/project status, issues & problems, and the propose plan adjustments.
Planning Officer M&E identifies DMEA identifies Office/Program DMEA critiques &
S presents the KPIs Red Flags or PIAs specific PPA & Owner presents asks relevant E
to DMEA to DMEA organizes the PIR the program questions
status to DMEA