European Patent Application: A Wing Tip Device
European Patent Application: A Wing Tip Device
European Patent Application: A Wing Tip Device
(11) EP 3 626 608 A1
3 EP 3 626 608 A1 4
substantially planar portion and a non-planar wing tip ex- Figure 5 shows a view along the longitudinal axis of
tension, a blended winglet, a split winglet having an uplet the wing tip device according to the first example;
and a downlet, a downlet, or a raked wing tip.
[0027] A non-planar wing tip extension is a tip exten- Figure 6 shows a second example of the wing tip
sion that extends out of the plane of the wing to which it 5 device;
is attached. A winglet is a wing-like element that extends
from the wing tip. A winglet may extend upwardly or Figure 7 shows a third example of the wing tip device;
downwardly from the wing tip. A winglet may be consid-
ered to be a particular example of a non-planar wing tip Figure 8 shows a fourth example of the wing tip de-
extension. A winglet may include a substantially planar 10 vice, including a two second wing tip device elements
portion joined to the wing tip by a non-planar wing tip coupled to respective uplets and downlets of a split
extension portion, the non-planar wing tip extension por- winglet;
tion having an increasing curvature of local dihedral in
the outboard direction. A blended winglet is a type of Figure 9 shows a fifth example of the wing tip device,
winglet that included a substantially planar portion joined 15 showing the second wing tip device element coupled
to the wing tip by a curved transition portion, the transition to the downlet of a split winglet;
portion having a constant radius of curvature. A raked
wing tip device is a substantially planar wing tip extension Figure 10 shows a sixth example of the wing tip de-
which does not extend substantially out of the plane of vice that is a winglet having a substantially planar
the wing but has a higher sweep angle at the tip. A split 20 portion and a non-planar wing tip extension; and
winglet includes a wing-like lifting surface projecting up-
wardly (an ’uplet’) from the wing, and a wing-like lifting Figure 11 shows a seventh example of a wing tip
surface projecting downwardly (a ’downlet’) from the device that is a downlet;
[0028] A winglet is a wing-like lifting surface projecting 25 Figure 12 shows an eighth example of a wing tip
upwardly (an ’uplet’) or downwardly (a ’downlet’) from device, having a second wing tip device element hav-
the wing. The first wing tip element may include both an ing only an inboard portion;
uplet and a downlet, e.g. a split winglet.
[0029] The first wing tip device may include an uplet Figure 13 shows a ninth example of a wing tip device,
and a downlet wherein the second wingtip device ele- 30 having a second wing tip device element having only
ment is coupled to a tip end of the uplet or downlet or a an outboard portion.
plurality of the second wing tip device elements are cou-
pled to the uplet and downlet respectively. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENT(S)
[0030] A tip of the uplet and the tip of the downlet may
be located at substantially the same spanwise location, 35 [0033] Figure 1 shows an existing aircraft 1 with port
when viewed in the wing planform direction. and starboard fixed wings 2,3, engines 9, a fuselage 4
[0031] The spanwise extent of the wing of the third as- with a nose end 5 and a tail end 6, the tail end 6 including
pect of the invention in the ground shape is substantially horizontal and vertical stabilising surfaces 7, 8. The air-
equal to an airport compatibility gate limit. craft 1 is a typical jet passenger transonic transport air-
40 craft but the invention is applicable to a wide variety of
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS fixed wing aircraft types, including commercial, military,
passenger, cargo, jet, propeller, general aviation, etc.
[0032] Embodiments of the invention will now be de- with any number of engines attached to the wings or fu-
scribed with reference to the accompanying drawings, in selage.
which: 45 [0034] Each wing 2,3 of the aircraft 1 has a cantilevered
structure with a length extending in a spanwise direction
Figure 1 is a plan view of an aircraft; from a root to a tip, the root being joined to the aircraft
fuselage 4. At the tip end of each wing 2. 3 is a wing tip
Figure 2 shows a perspective view of a wing tip de- device 10 outboard of a main wing portion of the wing 3.
vice according to a first aspect of the invention; 50 The wings 2, 3 are aft swept and have a number of flight
control surfaces.
Figure 3 shows a planform view of the second wing [0035] As the wings 2, 3 are similar in construction,
tip device element attached to the first wing tip device only the wing tip device 10 of the starboard wing 3 will
element; be described in detail with reference to figures 2 to 5.
55 [0036] The wing tip device 10 includes an upwardly
Figure 4 shows a perspective view of the second extending winglet 13 extending between a root end 11,
wing tip device element attached to the first wing tip attached to a main wing portion of a wing 3, and a tip end
device element; 12 of the upwardly extended winglet 13. The wing tip
5 EP 3 626 608 A1 6
device 10 is a split winglet, such that a downwardly ex- though alternatively the trailing edges 31, 41 could meet
tending winglet 17, extending from a root end 18 to a tip to form a vertex.
end 16, is attached to the upwardly extending winglet [0044] The tip end 12 of the first wing tip device element
between the root end 11 of the upwardly extending win- 13 projects upwardly, with respect to the plane of the
glet 13 and a tip end 12 of the upwardly extending winglet 5 wing 3, above the second wing tip device 20 and is con-
13. toured into the upper aerodynamic surfaces 37,47 of the
[0037] In order to increase the effectiveness of the wing inboard and outboard portions 21,22. The leading edge
tip device, for example by controlling the development of of the first wing tip device element 13 is located forward
wing tip vortices and reducing induced drag without sig- of the leading edges 31, 41 of the second wing tip device
nificantly increasing the wing span, a second wing tip 10 element 20.
device element 20, which in this embodiment is similar [0045] The wetted area of the inboard portion 21 is
in shape to a wing tip fence, is attached to the tip 12 of approximately 3 times greater than the wetted area of
the first wing tip device element 13. the outboard portion 22, and is preferably between 0.7
[0038] The second wing tip device element 20 has an and 5 times greater than the wetted area of the outboard
inboard portion 21 extending inboard from the tip end 12 15 portion 22.
of the first wing tip device 13. The inboard portion 21 has [0046] The first wing tip device element twists from its
a leading edge 31, a trailing edge 32, and an inboard root end 11 to its tip end 12, such that the tip end 12 of
extent 33 between leading edge 31 and the trailing edge the first wing tip device 13 is inboard of an outboard span-
32. wise extent 50 of the first wing tip device element 13
[0039] The second wing tip device element 20 has an 20 shown in figure 4. As a result, the outboard extent 43 of
outboard portion 22 extending outboard from the tip end the outboard portion 22 can be extended up to the span-
12 of the first wing tip device element 13. The outboard wise location of the outboard spanwise extent 50 of the
portion 22 has a leading edge 41, a trailing edge 42, and first wing tip device element 13, without increasing the
an outboard extent 43 between the leading edge 41 and spanwise extent 55 of the wing 3.
the trailing 42. 25 [0047] As shown in figure 5, the inboard portion 21 and
[0040] In the example shown in figures 2 to 5, the in- first wing tip device element 13 define a first vertex 35
board extent 33 and outboard extent 43 are planar sides between the lower aerodynamic surface 36 of the inboard
of the second wing tip device element 20. Alternatively portion 21 and the upper aerodynamic surface 14 of the
the leading edge 31 and trailing edge 32 of the inboard first wing tip device element 13. A second vertex 45 is
portion 21 may meet to form a cusp, or smoothly con- 30 defined between the outboard portion 22 and the first
toured projection that forms the inboard extent, and the wing tip device element 13, between the lower aerody-
leading edge 41 and trailing edge 42 of the outboard por- namic surface 46 of the outboard portion 22 and the lower
tion 22 may meet to form a cusp, or smoothly contoured aerodynamic surface 15 of the first wing tip device ele-
projection that forms the outboard extent. ment 13.
[0041] The leading edge 31 and trailing edge 32 of the 35 [0048] A second example is shown in figure 6, in which
inboard portion 21, and leading edge 41 and trailing edge the first wing tip device element 13 is not twisted. Similar
42 of the outboard portion 22 are each swept aft relative reference numerals are used to denote similar parts but
to the longitudinal direction of the aircraft. The aircraft numbered in the 100 series.
longitudinal direction is the direction along an axis be- [0049] The first wing tip device 110 has an inboard por-
tween the nose end and tail end of the aircraft fuselage. 40 tion 121 with an inboard extent 133, and a first vertex
[0042] The leading edge 31 of the inboard portion has 135 defined between the lower aerodynamic surface 136
a sweep angle of approximately 35 degrees, although of the inboard portion 121 and the upper aerodynamic
may preferably have a sweep angle between 20 degrees surface 114 of the first wing tip device element 113. The
and 60 degrees. The leading edge 41 of the outboard first wing tip device 110 has an outboard portion 122 with
portion has a sweep angle of approximately 60 degrees, 45 an outboard extent 143, and a second vertex 145 defined
although may preferably have a sweep angle of between between the lower aerodynamic surface 146 of the out-
30 degrees and 50 degrees. The leading edges 31, 41 board portion 122 and the lower aerodynamic surface
may be straight or curved. 115 of the first wing tip device element 113. In this ex-
[0043] The sweep angle of the trailing edges 32, 42 of ample, the tip end 112 of the first wing tip device element
the inboard and outboard portions 21, 22 are less than 50 113 is the outermost spanwise extent of the first wing tip
the respective sweep angles of the leading edges 31, 41, device element 113, such that the spanwise extent 55 of
such that the chord length of the inboard portion decreas- the wing is outboard of the first wing tip device element
es as it extends inboard from the tip end 12 of the first 113 and at the outboard extent 143 of the outboard por-
wing tip device 13, and the chord length of the outboard tion 122.
portion decreases as it extends outboard from the tip end 55 [0050] Figure 7 shows a third example in which similar
12 of the first wing tip device 13. The trailing edges 32, reference numerals are used to denote similar parts but
42 meet at a juncture aft of the tip end 12 of the first wing numbered in the 200 series.
tip device 13. The juncture is smoothly contoured al- [0051] In this third example, the second wing tip device
7 EP 3 626 608 A1 8
element 220 is not planar and the first vertex 235 and namic surface 487, a lower aerodynamic surface 486,
second vertex 245 have angles of approximately 120 de- and a second vertex 485 defined between the lower aer-
grees, such that the first vertex 235 and the second vertex odynamic surface 486 of the outboard portion 462 and
245 are not complementary angles. the upper aerodynamic surface 451 of the downlet 417.
[0052] In a fourth example shown in figure 8 similar 5 [0058] Figure 10 shows a sixth example of the wing tip
reference numerals are used to denote similar parts but device 10 in which similar reference numerals are used
numbered in the 300 series. to denote similar parts but numbered in the 500 series.
[0053] The first wing tip device element includes an [0059] In this sixth example, the first wing tip device
uplet 313 attached to a wing at a root end 311, and a element 513 is a winglet having a substantially planar
downlet 317 attached at a root end 316 between the root 10 portion attached to a non-planar wing tip extension. The
end 311 of the uplet 313 and tip end 312 of the uplet 313. first wing tip device element 513 has a second wing tip
A second wing tip device element 320, having an inboard device element attached to the tip end 512 of the first
portion 321 and an outboard portion 322, is attached to wing tip device element. The second wing tip device el-
the tip end 312 of the uplet 313. ement has an inboard portion 521 and an outboard por-
[0054] The second wing tip device 320 is substantially 15 tion 522, as in previous examples.
the same as in previous examples, having an inboard [0060] Figure 11 shows a seventh example of the wing
portion 321 with an inboard extent 333, and an outboard tip device 10 in which similar reference numerals are
portion 322 with an outboard extent 343. A first vertex used to denote similar parts but numbered in the 600
335 is defined between the lower aerodynamic surface series.
336 of the inboard portion 321 and the upper aerodynam- 20 [0061] In this seventh example, the wing tip device 613
ic surface 314 of the uplet 313, and a second vertex 345 is a downlet for attaching to the uplet of a split winglet.
is defined between the lower aerodynamic surface 346 The first wing tip device element 613 has an inboard por-
of the outboard portion 322 and the lower aerodynamic tion 621 and an outboard portion 622, as in previous ex-
surface 315 of the uplet 313. amples.
[0055] A second wing tip device element 360 is also 25 [0062] Figure 12 shows an eighth example of the wing
coupled to the tip end 318 of the downlet 317 of the first tip device 10 in which similar reference numerals are
wing tip device element 310. The additional second wing used to denote similar parts but numbered in the 700
tip device element 360 is substantially the same as in series.
previous examples, having an inboard portion 361 ex- [0063] In this eighth example, the first wing tip device
tending inboard from the tip end 318 of the downlet 317, 30 element 713 is a winglet having a substantially planar
and an outboard portion 362 extending outboard from portion attached to a non-planar wing tip extension. The
the tip end 318 of the downlet of the first wing tip device first wing tip device element 713 has a the second wing
element. The first vertex 375 is defined between the lower tip device element with only an inboard portion 721 at-
aerodynamic surface 352 of the downlet 317 and the low- tached to the tip end 712 of the first wing tip device ele-
er aerodynamic surface 376 of the inboard portion 361 35 ment 713. The inboard portion 721 functions similarly to
of the second wing tip device element 360, and the sec- inboard portions described in relation to previous exam-
ond vertex 385 is defined between the upper aerodynam- ples, and it will be clear to the skilled person that the
ic surface 351 of the downlet 317 and the lower aerody- second wing tip device could be appropriately combined
namic surface 386 of the outboard portion 362 of the with many other types of first wing tip device elements,
second wing tip device element 360. 40 such as those mentioned in the previous examples.
[0056] Figure 9 shows a fifth example of the wing tip [0064] Figure 13 shows a ninth example of the wing
device 10 in which similar reference numerals are used tip device 10 in which similar reference numerals are
to denote similar parts but numbered in the 400 series. used to denote similar parts but numbered in the 800
[0057] In this fifth example, the first wing tip device el- series.
ement is a split wing tip having an uplet 413 and downlet 45 [0065] In this ninth example, the second wing tip device
417 as in the fourth example, however the wing tip device element of the wing tip device 810 only has an outboard
410 only includes one second wing tip device element, portion 822 attached to the tip end 812 of the first wing
which is attached to the tip end 418 of the downlet 417. tip device element 813. The outboard portion 822 func-
The second wing tip device element 460 has an inboard tions similarly to outboard portions described in relation
portion 461 extending from the tip end 418 of the downlet 50 to previous examples, and it will be clear to the skilled
417 to an inboard extent 473, and an outboard portion person that the second wing tip device could be appro-
462 extending from the tip end 418 of the downlet 417 priately combined with many other types of first wing tip
to an outboard extent 483. The inboard portion 461 has device elements, such as those mentioned in the previ-
an upper aerodynamic surface 477 a lower aerodynamic ous examples.
surface 476 and a first vertex 475 defined between the 55 [0066] It will be clear to the skilled person that many
lower aerodynamic surface 476 of the inboard portion of the features described in relation to each example can
461 and the lower aerodynamic surface 452 of the down- be appropriately combined with the features of other ex-
let 417. The outboard portion 462 has an upper aerody- amples.
9 EP 3 626 608 A1 10
[0067] For instance, figures 2 to 5 show an example in second wing tip device element is oriented approx-
which the first wing tip device is twisted, although any of imately normal to a cant angle at the tip end of the
the described examples may include a twisted first wing first wing tip device element.
tip device element.
[0068] Figure 7 shows an example in which the second 5 5. A wing tip device according to any preceding claim,
wing tip device element 220 is not planar, such that the wherein the first wing tip device element includes an
inboard portion 221 and outboard portion 222 do not form outboard spanwise extent, when viewed in the wing
a complimentary angle. It will be understood that this may planform direction, wherein at least a trailing edge
appropriately apply to any of the other examples. portion of the tip end of the first wing tip device ele-
[0069] The wing tip devices described in each of the 10 ment is inboard of the outboard spanwise extent;
above examples may be fitted, or retro-fitted, to the out- preferably wherein the outboard portion of the sec-
board end of an aircraft having either no wing tip device ond wing tip device element extends up to the out-
(in the case of ’fitting’) or as a replacement for an existing board spanwise extent.
wing tip device (in the case of ’retro-fitting’). In some cas-
es it will be clear that the wing tip device may be fitted, 15 6. A wing tip device according to any preceding claim,
or retro-fitted, to another wing tip device, for instance in wherein the first wing tip device element is twisted
the case of a downlet fitted to the lower aerodynamic between the root end of the first wing tip device el-
surface of an uplet. ement and the tip end of the first wing tip device
[0070] Where the word ’or’ appears this is to be con- element; preferably wherein the first wing tip device
strued to mean ’and/or’ such that items referred to are 20 element is twisted about an axis parallel to the wing
not necessarily mutually exclusive and may be used in planform direction so that the first wing tip device
any appropriate combination. has a toe-out angle.
[0071] Although the invention has been described
above with reference to one or more preferred embodi- 7. A wing tip device according to any preceding claim,
ments, it will be appreciated that various changes or mod- 25 wherein the wetted area of the second wing tip device
ifications may be made without departing from the scope element is less than 40% of the wetted area of the
of the invention as defined in the appended claims. first wing tip device element, and preferably less than
20% of the wetted area of the first wing tip device
Claims 30
8. A wing tip device according to any preceding claim,
1. A wing tip device for attaching to an aircraft wing wherein the wetted area of the inboard portion is
comprising: greater than the wetted area of the outboard portion.
a first wing tip device element having a root end 35 9. A wing tip device according to any preceding claim,
and a tip end; wherein the second wing tip device element extends
a second wing tip device element coupled to the aft, when viewed in the wing planform direction, of
tip end of the first wing tip device element; the tip of the first wing tip device element.
wherein the second wing tip device element has
an inboard portion extending inboard from the 40 10. A wing tip device according to any preceding claim,
tip end of the first wing tip device element and/or wherein the outboard portion and/or the inboard por-
an outboard portion extending outboard from the tion has an aft swept region.
tip end of the first wing tip device element, when
viewed in the wing planform direction. 11. A wing tip device according to any preceding claim,
45 wherein the tip end of the first wing tip device element
2. A wing tip device according to claim 1, wherein the has a cant angle of at least 20 degrees.
wing tip device has a first vertex between the first
wing tip device element and the inboard portion of 12. A wing tip device according to any preceding claim,
the second wing tip device element. wherein the first wing tip device element is a non-
50 planar wing tip extension, a winglet, a winglet having
3. A wing tip device according to claim 1 or claim 2, a substantially planar portion and a non-planar wing
wherein the wing tip device has a second vertex be- tip extension, a blended winglet, a split winglet hav-
tween the first wing tip device element and the out- ing an uplet and a downlet, a downlet, or a raked
board portion of the second wing tip device element. wingtip.
4. A wing tip device according to any preceding claim, 13. A wing tip device according to any preceding claim,
wherein the second wing tip device element is sub- wherein the first wing tip device element includes an
stantially planar; preferably wherein the plane of the uplet and a downlet, wherein the second wing tip
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