Pdf-Lng-Terminal-Fasilitas Facilities - Compress

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2.4 Descripti on of Facili
Facili ties

The facility will be designed for LNG transfers, storage and reloading onto LNG carriers
(LNGC), for transshipment to market destinations. The Project will consist of a tank farm
of eight LNG storage tanks, interconnecting flow lines, re-liquefaction equipment,
vaporization and power generation, support facilities, a waste water handling system, a
fire protection system, three LNGC berths and a tug basin. The facility will also be
designed to allow ship-to-ship transfer of LNG. The facilities will include onshore and
pier fire fighting capability and onsite spill containment and clean-up equipment.

Figure 2.1 Liquefied Natural Gas Transshipment and Storage Terminal Schematic

The proposed Project facilities are as follows:

  Three piers each with service platforms and transfer arms

  Tug basin
  LNG pipeline from each pier to the LNG storage tanks
  Eight 160,000m3 to 200,000m3 LNG storage tanks
  In tank LNG pumps
  Cryogenic compressors

  Cryogenic blowers
  Boil-off gas (BOG) compressors
  Fuel gas system which includes LNG pumps and vaporizers
  Nitrogen re-liquefaction system for LNG BOG
  Seawater pumps
  Cooling water pumps
  Fire suppression system
  Gas turbine power plant
  Various plant support auxiliary systems, including waste
waste water handling system
  Various safety systems including fire,
fire, gas and low temperature detection

The main processes of the facility are as

a s follows:

  LNG transfer systems to and from

from LNGC’s and LNG storage tanks
  LNG storage
  BOG re-liquefaction systems
  Ship-to-ship transfer of LNG
  Power generation

2.4.1 Facilities Overview, Layout and Footprint

The Project will consist of eight LNG storage tanks with impoundments, a re-liquefaction
process area, three piers for the LNGCs, a power generation area to serve the facility
and various ancillary buildings as required to support
support the facility. The facility is designed
to provide LNG transshipment from one LNGC to another
an other as well as provide on-site
storage and re-liquefaction capacity for the BOG. The facility will accommodate
accommodate LNGC’s
up to 265 000 m³ in capacity. All pier’s will be able to support side-by-side docking of
two LNGCs.

 Access to the site

site will be via a secondary road off
off the main highway. The developed
area of LNG facility will encompass approximately 115 hectares.

 A plan view of the LNG facility layout is presented in Figure 2.12 (below). (Need to
provide drawing of Grassy Point LNG Facility)

Figure 2.12 General Arrangement LNGas Marine Terminal and Facility 

2.4.2 LNG and Natural Gas
Gas Characteristic s

2.4.2 LNG and Natural Gas Characteristics

LNG and natural gas are clear and odorless compounds. Both are a gas at room
temperature, but, of course, LNG is processed as a cryogenic liquid. While natural gas
supplied by utilities is normally odorized by adding mercaptan, LNG and natural gas
associated with an LNG ship and an LNG terminal is not odorized except in some cases
fuel gas may be odorized. Therefore, sense of smell cannot be depended upon to
detect leaks. Operations personnel will have portable leak detectors
detectors and fixed-point leak
detectors to use for monitoring the process.

Natural gas contains mostly methane (CH4), but also contains many impurities when it is
first received from its source. These impurities (impurities from an LNG standpoint)
include ethane, propane, butane, pentane, hexane plus, nitrogen, water, sulfur
compounds, nitrogen, carbon
carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of others.
others. At ambient
temperature and low pressure, these impurities do not significantly affect natural gas
handling. However, at elevated pressure somesome impurities such as water wwill
ill begin to
condense and will form hydrate that
that may plug equipment. Further, as natural gas is
cooled to cryogenic temperature, water and carbon dioxide will freeze and plug
equipment. Therefore, one of the most important
important steps in the LNG product chain is the
purification step before liquefaction. To be processable LNG musmustt be primarily methane
(C1). Small amounts
amounts of hydrocarbons (C2 - C6) and nitrogen are acceptable, but water,
carbon dioxide, and sulfur compounds mustmust be near or completely absent. Natural gas
composition varies around the world. Therefore, LNG from different areas tends to have
differing compositions. The following table lists representativ
representativee LNG compositions.

Table 2.4.2-1 Typical LNG Composition

Component Typical LNG Import (%)
C1  86-95
C2  4-14
C3-C5  3-7
C6+ 0.5-1
N2 + CO2  0.1-1
Gross (Higher) Heating Value 1050-1200 (Btu/ft3)
GTI World LNG Source Book (2001) and Zeus Development Corp. (June 2003)

Natural gas is purified and converted to LNG so that this energy source can be shipped
economically. LNG occupies 1/600th the volume of its its source gas. Unlike heavier
hydrocarbons, methane cannot simply be liquefied by increasing its storage pressure.
Methane first must be cooled below its critical temperature before it can be liquefied at
any pressure. Generally, LNG is handled at approximately
approximately atmospheric pressure. This
low pressure dictates that the LNG temperature is about -259°F (-161°C). LNG weighs
42-47% (42-47 kg/m3) of an equal volume of water (1000 kg/m3). Cold LNG vapor, or
natural gas, is heavier than air (specific
(specific gravity 1.52) and therefore, will sink. However,
once LNG vapor has heated to about -100°C it becomes lighter than air and will rise.

LNG vapor’s
occur. flammability
LNG liquid itself is range in air is 5-15%. Outside this range, ignition will not

The properties of LNG and the fact that it is stored at low pressure make a pressure-
related tank rupture/explosion very improbable. Instead, an LNG leak from a low-
pressure source, such as a large LNG storage tank, may form a boiling pool on the
ground (usually inside a spill containment
containment area). LNG vapor liberated from the pool will will
dissipate into the atmosphere as it warms. There will be a flammable zone in the vapor vapor
cloud where the vapor composition is 5-15%. If ignition occurs, the vapor above the pool
will burn, but not the liquid. This can make for a s significant
ignificant localized fire, but, because
LNG liquid will not burn, the fire will not enter a liquid-filled tank space nor will fire
propagate into an oxygen-deficient
oxygen-deficient vapor space. Thermal radiation exclusion zones and
impoundment areas are sized to minimize or eliminate the impact of a fire on adjacent

If ignited, LNG vapor burns slowly relative to some other

other fuels. Therefore, the flame
front associated with an LNG vapor cloud ignition travels relatively slowly and, if in an
open space, results in a deflagration-type (low overpressure and slow flame front) flash
fire. LNG vapor must be confined when ignited to cause significant overpressure and

There is no standard temperature where the cryogenic realm is considered to start.

Some consider -100°C as entry into the cryogenic temperature range while others
consider -150°C or -180°C the entry
entry point into the cryogenic temperature range. When
speaking on an industrial scale, LNG is considered a cryogenic liquid. Cryogenic fluids
can cause cold burns to skin and special materials of construction are required for
process equipment in contact with cryogens such as LNG LNG.. Generally, certain metal
alloys that contain face-centered-cubic (fcc) ingredients such as aluminum, copper,
nickel, and austenitic stainless steels are used for cryogenic applications because they
are ductile at very low temperatures.
temperatures. 9% Ni steel is often used
used for LNG storage tank
inner vessels. Carbon steel, for example, is an unacceptable primary LNG cont containment
metal because it is very brittle at cold temperatures.

Heat always migrates from higher temperature to lower temperature. In an LNG

process, therefore, heat in-leak to the process from the surrounding environment is
always occurring. Insulation and, in some cases, vacuum application to an annulus
between two pipe or tank walls are used to reduce heat in-leak. Heat in-leak’s effect is
an important consideration because heat that leaks into the system must be removed
from the system. Outside of sub-cooling a portion of the LNG and reinserting it into tthehe
tank to take up heat, heat removal from LNG storage is done through generation of boil-
off gas (BOG). Boil-off gas is inherent to the processing and storage of ccryogenic
ryogenic liquids
and results from heat in-leak providing latent heat of vaporization energy to the liquid.
Boil-off gas is valuable and it is a greenhouse gas. Therefore, in this project, boil-off gas
will be collected and reliquefied or used for power production. Boil-off gas will not
normally be vented to atmosphere.

2.4.3 Design Standards and Acti viti es Standards

Where applicable, the design and construction of the LNG facility shall be in compliance
with the following standards, codes and design guides.

1.0 AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation

2.0 AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
3.0 ANSI American National Standards Institute
4.0 API American Petroleum Institute
5.0 API RP 2A-LRFD Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and
Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms – Load and Resistance Factor
6.0 API SPEC 2B Specification for Fabricated Structural Steel Pipe
7.0 API 5L Specification for Line Pipe
8.0 API PUB 5L Guide for Application of Water Spray Systems for Fire
Protection in the Petroleum Industry

9.0 ASTM A307 Carbon Steel bolts and Studs

10.0 ASTM A325 Structural bolts, Steel, Heat Treated 120/105 ksi Minimum
Tensile Strength
11.0 BS 6349: Part 1 : British Standard Code of Practice for Maritime
Structures – Part 1 General Criteria
12.0 BS 6349 : Part 2 : British Standard Code of Practice for Maritime
Structures – Part 2 Design of Quay Walls, Jetties & Dolphins
13.0 BS 6349 : Part 4 : British Standard Code of Practice for Maritime
Structures – Part 4 Design of Fendering and Mooring Systems
14.0 Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual
15.0 Canadian Electrical Code C22.1 & C22.2
16.0 CAN/CSA-S6 : Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC)
17.0 CSA A23.1 : Concrete Materials & Methods of Concrete Construction
18.0 CSA A23.2 : Methods of Test for Concrete
19.0 CSA A23.3 : Design of Concrete Structures
20.0 CSA A23.4 : Precast Concrete – Materials and Construction
21.0 CAN/CSA-S16.01
CAN/CSA-S16.01 : Limits States Design of Steel Structures
22.0 CAN/CSA G40.20 General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural
Quality Steel
23.0 CAN/CSA G40.21 Structural Quality Steels
24.0 CSA S37 : Antennas, Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures
25.0 CSA Z276-01 : Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) – Production, Storage &
26.0 CISC Handbook of Steel Construction
27.0 CISC Design Guide for Hollow Structural Section Connections and
28.0 CPCA Concrete Design Handbook
29.0 CSA Z299.3 : Quality Verification Program Requirements
30.0 NBCC National Building Code of Canada
31.0 NFCC National Fire Code of Canada
32.0 NFPA National Fire Protection Association
33.0 Fire Commissioner of Canada FC No. 373 Standard for Piers and
34.0 OCIMF : Oil companies International Marine Forum
35.0 SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council
36.0 Transport Canada TP 743 : Code of Recommended Standards for the
Safety and Prevention of Pollution for Marine Transportation Systems and
Related Assessment Procedures (TERMPOL CODE)
37.0 Workplace Hazards Materials Information System (WHMIS)

.2 Hazard
Hazard and Operabili
Operabili ty Analysi s

CSA Z276-01, the Canadian Labour Code(s), Provincial Labour Code(s), and good
engineering/operating practice require procedures to be established and measures to be
taken to help ensure an LNG facility is designed, constructed, and operated in a way that
keeps the public, the environment, and the on-site workers safe. One element of a safe safe
design is the team-based process hazards
hazards analysis (PHA). The HAZOP (hazards and
operability) analysis is a generally accepted design analysis technique in industry that is
applicable to large LNG projects. During the FEED stage, as sufficient design

information is completed, a HAZOP

HAZOP will be performed. The following information and
resources will be included in the HAZOP:

  Process Flow Diagram (PFD) (PFD) that will show flow rates,
rates, temperatures,
temperatures, pressures,
inventories, and key process equipment and piping
  Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID’s)
  Plant Layout that
that indicates locations of buildings, roads, process equipment,
property lines, marine facilities, major piping, sensitive environmental areas
a reas (if
any), and thermal radiation and vapour exclusion zones that were determined per
CSA Z276-01 guidelines
  LNG properties and potential hazards (as well as information about any other other
relevant compounds)
  Relevant guidance documents, such as CSA Z276-01 and API 752, that relate to
facility siting and layout as well as a checklist(s) to facilitate an analysis of the
facility’s layout
  Written process, facility, and safety systems description
  Brief training in the PHA
PHA methodology for for most team members
members (the facilitator will
be formally/thoroughly trained)
  Team members that include engineering, operating, maintenance,
instrumentation, and control personnel with experience in the process

   A means
A trained,toindependent facilitator
document the team’s review and findings
  A list
list of previous incidents
incidents related to the type of facility/process
facility/process being constructed
  Guidance on risk ranking methodology

HAZOP is a structured design analysis method that involves dividing the process into
small units called “nodes”, describing the intended operation of each node, and
determining the possibility and severity of consequences for deviations in each node’s
operation. For example, for a pumping/piping system,
system, a common possible deviat
ion is
“no flow”. When considering this deviation, the team will evaluate the causes,
consequences, and safeguards associated with an unintended interruption
i nterruption in the normal
flow through the node. If the team deems the present design and procedures adequate
to safely accommodate the deviation, they will simply document their discussion/finding
and move to the next deviation or node. However, if the team thinks
thinks an improvement in
the design is warranted or possible, they may make recommendations for design
changes or request further investigation
investigation into possible design changes. The HAZOP
team’s objective is to identify possible design deficiencies or oversights, but not
necessarily to solve design problems that may be outside their expertise or time
allotment. Therefore, management, after due studystudy and consideration of each team
recommendation, may implement the recommendation, implement an alternative, or
choose not to implement any changes regarding a particular recommendation.
Management will document their response to each team recommendation as part of the
HAZOP follow-up process. Seismicity

The LNG Transshipment Facility will be designed in accordance with the seismicity
requirements of the NBCC and CSA Z276-01 codes.

2.4.6 Pier and Transfer Facil
Facil ities

The LNG facility will be constructed with three piers that will be outfitted with applicable
LNG transfer equipment. The transfer platforms for each pier
p ier will be interconnected to
shore via an elevated access trestle. The exact configuration of the piers is currently
under design review.

Only LNG product will be transferred between vessels or to and from the land based
LNG storage tanks. Pier

Each pier will be capable of berthing a 140,000 m3 and 265,000 m3 LNG vessel. The
construction of the three berths will be phased in over the duration of the Project.

Each pier will be similar in construction and will consist of a service platform, mooring
dolphins, berthing dolphins, access trestle connecting the loading platform to shore and
walkways connecting the mooring and berthing dolphins.
dolp hins.

The three piers will include facilities for the receiving, unloading and loading of LNG
product from LNG carriers. The piers will have safety design features including quick
disconnect transfer arms and quick release mooring hooks.

Each pier will be constructed with the following structures and features:

  service platform approximately 30 m x 30 m;

  two berthing dolphins approximately 9 m x 12 m;
  four mooring dolphins approximately 6m x 8 m;
  steel truss catwalks connecting the dolphin structures; 
  access trestle capable of carrying vehicle traffic
traffic and LNG
LNG pipe racks;
  quick release mooring hooks;
  spill containment equipment; 
  fire fighting equipment and fire monitors; and 

  electrical supply and lighting .
Each pier will have four mooring dolphins; two on either side of the service platform.
The mooring dolphins will be designed to withstand forces created by wind, waves and
currents on the LNG carriers.
carriers. Each mooring dolphin will be equipped with:

  triple quick release hook assemblies with powered capstans; and

  handrail and bull rails.

Each pier will have two berthing dolphins, which are designed to absorb the berthing
forces of the LNG carriers. The berthing dolphins will be equipped with energy absorbing


The sub-structure support for the service platform, dolphins and access trestle will be
steel-pipe-piles which are driven into the bedrock
bedrock and grouted to the pile caps. An
optional structural configuration would utilize pre-fabricated steel jackets. The final
selection of the structural system will be determined upon completion of the geotechnical
surveys, engineering design and costing exercises.

 All piling will consist of steel pipes which are driven/drilled into the
the bedrock. Piles under
tension loads will have to be fixed to the seabed by grouting anchors into the pile
annulus and drilling and grouting the anchors into the
the bedrock. All drill cuttings will be
returned to the drilling barge and discharged onshore in accordance with regulatory


The superstructure of each of the marine structures will consist of a combination of pre-
cast concrete elements combined
combined with in-situ concrete. Concrete bases will be provided
for mechanical equipment. Handrails and bull rails will provide protection along the
perimeter of the service platform, mooring dolphins and berthing dolphins.

Service Platform

Each service platform will be equipped with four loading arms. Three arms will be
dedicated for LNG flow and one for vapour return. The service platform will be
accessible for vehicle traffic and will be equipped with:

  a control station
  pipe racks
  mooring hooks to handle the vessel spring lines
  cranes
  lighting and electrical distribution systems
  navigational aids
  cathodic protection
  communications equipment
  fire detection and fire fighting equipment
   gas detection systems
 Ac ces s tr est le

 An access trestle will serve to provide a support ssystem

ystem for the pipe racks, mechanical
systems, electrical trays
trays and vehicle traffic. The trestle lengths will vary with each pier.
The overall width will be sufficient to provide one way vehicle traffic, pedestrian right of
way, pipeline and other utilities.

Trestles will be constructed

constructed of steel plate girders with pre-cast
pre-cast deck elements. Piping
and utilities will be supported by a steel truss structure. The trestle will be supported on
a concrete pile cap supported on steel
steel pipe piles. Elastomeric bearing pads will be
provided under each of the trestle bearing points.

 Ac ces s Walk

W alk w ays

Steel truss walkways will link the service platform, berthing dolphins and mooring
dolphins. The walkways will also carry the cable trays for electrical conduits for power,
navigation aids and piping for LNG product.

Tugboat Berth

 A dedicated tug berth will be provided for the mooring of four tugs. Typical services
such as fuel and water will be provided at this berth. LNG Transf er Arm s

LNG transfer arms, used for both loading and unloading LNG carriers, will be installed at
each of the three piers associated
associated with this project. LNG carriers ranging in capacity
from 140,000 m  to 265,000 m3 are included in the design basis for the pier and loading

arms. Each berth will have four 500 mmmm (20”) LNG transfer arms (one vapour, three
liquid). The piping system and pumps
pumps will be designed for a maximum ttransfer
ransfer rate of
15,000 m  per hour and such that LNG can be transferred from onshore tanks to ships,
from ships to onshore tanks,
tanks, or from ship to ship. Typical transfer arms are displayed as
connected in Figure

Figure Typical Transfer Arms Figure PERC Installations

Safety and operability of the transfer arm connection process and pier facilities will be

(PERC’s), by quickdetection
hazard connect/disconnect
emergencypowered emergency
and automatic release systems,
shutdown couplings
remote monitoring devices, increased personnel attendance during LNG transfers, and

fire extinguishing equipment. Figure and show a PERC design and
quick connect/disconnect coupler. The PERC’s are used for for emergency quick
disconnect of the
the ship-to-shore piping connections. The quick connect/disconnect
couplers are used to align and connect the unloading arm flange and the ship’s flange
during hook-up. The quick connect/disconnect couplers will enhance efficiency
e fficiency and
worker safety during the ship-to-shore connection process.

Figure2.4.6.2-3 Quick Connect/Disconnect Coupling

 A containment area consisting of concrete curbs and a sump w

ill be constructed around
the transfer arms to contain any spilled LNG. A sump pump will pump the LNG ashore.

2.4.7 LNG Stor age Facili ti es

2.4.7 LNG Storage Facilities

Storage facilities include LNG storage tanks and their associated containment systems,
which are explained in the following sections. LNG Storage Tanks

There will be eight LNG storage

storage tanks. The nominal capacity of each tank will be
between 160,000-200,000 m³. The proposed LNG storage tanks are single-
containment, double-wall, metal tanks. However, the containment type will be
determined after further review of the available space and layout availability. The inner
tanks will be made of 9% nickel steel with either a carbon steel or concrete outer shell.
The tank design pressure will be 2 psig.

The tanks will be insulated with perlite in the annular space between the walls, cellular
foam glass blocks on the
the bottom and fiberglass blanket on the suspended deck. The
tank and insulation systems will be designed to limit the heat leak such that the

maximum boil-off gas generated from the tank will be 0.05% of the tank’s volume. The
inner tank will contain LNG and will operate at cryogenic temperature. The outer wall
will contain the vapor and will fully enclose the insulation and inner tank. This is the
most common LNG tank type in North America. The tanks will be designed,
constructed, and tested per CSA Z276 and API 620.

The LNG tanks will be equipped with level devices, pressure/vacuum relieving devices,
pressure make-up system, remote monitoring capability, overfill prevention interlocks,
pressure and temperature indication, and LNG density
d ensity profiling capability to detect
stratification. The piping systems will be designed so that LNG can be re-circulated
re-circulated or
loaded from both the top and bottom to help prevent stratification. Fire/leak detection
and fire extinguishing equipment will be sited throughout the tank area to detect and
mitigate leaks and fires. There will be no below-liquid-level tank penetrations. This is
possible due to the incorporation of submersible LNG “in-tank” LNG pumps that will be
installed inside the inner tanks and discharge
discharge through the top of the tanks. Eliminating
below-liquid-level penetrations reduces the likelihood of LNG leaks.

 As with any LNG storage or handling operation, boil-off gas willwill be generated by heat
input to the LNG from the environment and from processing operations
operations.. The boil-off gas
will be controlled by the use of boil-off compressors that will pull the vapors from the
LNG storage tanks and send the vapors to the fuel gas system, back to the tanker, or to
the re-liquefaction units. For upset conditions, there will be a heated vent gas system
which will be tied to all LNG storage tanks and will vent to atmosphere at a safe location. Storage Tank Containment

Secondary containment for each LNG storage tank will be provided by an independent
bund wall impoundment system designed
designed as per CSA Z276-01, section
section 4.2.2. The
impoundments will be designed to hold the full contents of each LNG tank plus a 10%
allowance for precipitation accumulation. Some equipment may be sited inside
i nside an LNG
tank’s impoundment area. The holding volume of the impoundment will be designed to
account for any volume lost to equipment foundations.

The impoundments will be designed per the seismic criteria contained in CSA Z276-01
and will, therefore, maintain their structural integrity and spill containment capability for
the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE).

Water accumulation is inevitable due to precipitation from weather conditions.

Therefore, a means to pump water from the impoundments will be installed at a low
point or sump in each containment area. These pumps will contain low temperature
sensors and gas detection equipment to detect any spilled LNG and prevent the
accidental pumping of LNG out of the impoundment area.

2.4.8 Re-liquefaction Facilities

The re-liquefaction facilities will include the refrigerant and liquefaction system and boil-
off gas/vapor handling system. Re-liquefaction

Most LNG terminals conventionally have offloading and re-gasification of LNG flowing
into a natural gas pipeline to a local market.
market. Grassy Point is a transshipment
transshipment and
storage terminal and, as such, does not have an outlet for the boil-off gas/vapors (BOG).
BOG can be partially used for fuel gas for local power generation needs but will require
facilities to re-liquefy much of the BOG and return it as LNG to the storage tanks.

Since the Grassy Point location does not have a natural gas pipeline to provide an outlet
for the boil-off gas/vapors, a re-liquefaction system will be installed to re-liquefy the boil-
off and return the LNG to the
the storage tanks. There will be four re-liquefaction trains
installed for this process.

Each re-liquefaction train will consist of a nitrogen refrigerant system, which will include
compression and expanders. Each train will have a cold box where heat is exchanged
between the boil-off gas and refrigerant, cooling the boil-off gas to a point it condenses
into a liquid (LNG). The refrigerant system will also include one to two nitrogen
generation units.

Each cold box will have containment underneath and any LNG spill would be contained.
There will be a containment trench sloped from each cold box to a process
impoundment area.

Prior to entering the cold box, boil-off gas/vapors will be compressed to approximately
750 psig through the boil-off gas compressors.
compressors. The pressure of the LNG flowing
flowing from
the cold box will then be reduced and sent to the LNG transfer headers to the LNG
tankers and storage tanks. See schematic of re-liquefaction
re-liquefaction system in Figure

Figure Schematic of Re-liquefaction System

The re-liquefaction system and boil-off gas compressors will require cooling.
cooling. A closed
loop water/glycol system utilizing propylene glycol will be used to provide cooling to
inter-stage and after-stage heat exchangers.
exchangers. This system will comprise
comprise of pumps,
interstage and after-stage heat exchangers, expansion/surge tank and seawater heat
exchanger(s). A seawater once-through cooling system
system will be utilized to rem
ove heat

from the closed

seawater intake,loop water/gly
pumps, heat col system. The
exchanger(s) andseawater cooling
discharge piping.system will
will include

Boil -off Gas and

and Vapor Handli
Handli ng Systems

During tanker transfer, boil-off gas is created in greater quantities. These vapors are
generated by heat in-leak from the environment, heat from mechanical input, and
displacement when filling a ship or storage
storage tank. The storage tanks or ship being
emptied requires vapor to be returned to fill the void from the liquid being transferred.

Cryogenic Blowers

Cryogenic blowers will be installed to move displacement vapors back to the ship when
unloading LNG. The ships will have blowers onboard ttoo move vapors back to the
storage tanks. These blowers will increase the pressure
pressure to approximately 10 to 18 psig.

Boil-off Gas Compressors

Both cryogenic and non-cryogenic compressors will be installed to increase the boil-off
gas/vapor pressure to approximately 750 psig.
psig. The boil-off gas discharge ffrom
rom these
compressors will then flow into the fuel gas system or to the re-liquefaction system.

Vent Ga
s Sys tem

 A vent gas system

system will be provided which will include an at
mospheric vent stack and a
heated water/glycol loop to heat the
the vapors before they enter the vent stack. This
system is intended to operate during unusual circumstances such as power outage.
During a power outage, the boil-off gas generated in the storage tanks will not be re-
liquefied due to lack of power to the refrigerant compressor. A back-up generator will
provide power to supply boil-off gas
ga s compressor (for fuel gas), water/glycol heater,
pumps and control system.

During these periods, the boil-of gas will enter the vent gas system and go through a
heat exchanger which will transfer heat from the heated water/glycol to the boil-off gas.
The boil-off gas will then be vented
vented through the vent stack tto o the atmosphere. This
heating process is intended to warm the th e vapors to a temperature such that the vapors
will be lighter than air which will rise into the atmosphere.

The water/glycol system will include two hot water heaters, pumps, expansion/surge
tank and plate-fin heat exchanger. The system will utilize propy
lene glycol and will be
common with the water/glycol
water/glycol system required for the fuel gas systems as well. A third
hot water heater will be installed for the fuel gas system as well as additional pumps.

Fuel Gas
Gas Sys tem

The fuel gas system will provide fuel for the hot water/glycol heaters and the power
generation equipment. During idle periods and periods when LNG is being transferred,
boil-off gas vapors will supply all of the fuel gas requirements. However, prior to LNG
transfer operations, the re-liquefaction process will be started for cool dow
n. During this
period, the amount of boil-off gas vapors will not be enough for power generation.
Therefore two shell and tube LNG vaporizers and pumps will be installed to supplement
the fuel gas system during these
these periods. Once LNG transfer begins, the boil-off gas
generated will be more than enough to supply the fuel for power generation and the LNG
vaporizers and associated pumps will will shut down. A heated water/glycol loop will provide
the heat for LNG vaporization. 

2.4.9 Fire Preventi
Preventi on, Contro l and Prevention

Fuel, oxygen, heat and an ignition source must be present for a fire hazard to exist.
Eliminating any one of these four factors
factors can control fire hazards. Correcting leaks,
controlling venting and preventing spills of LNG can reduce or eliminate the fuel.
Purging vessels and piping with an inert gas prior to the introduction of LNG or natural
gas vapour will reduce the oxygen concentration
concentration to below the explosive range. Proper
location and control of equipment and traffic
traffic can control ignition sources. It should be
noted that although methane or natural gas has a relatively high ignition temperature
(above 538C), it requires very little energy to ignite a combustible natural gas mixture.

 A potential cause of fire in a LNG facility can be due to escaping gas. This may be due
to leaks, upset conditions resulting in a pressure safety valve (PSV) discharge, spills or
improper storage of flammable materials. Leaks and spills will be predominantly in
areas where flammable equipment handling flammable m material
aterial is located. The source
starting the fire could be due to static electricity, lightning, or sparks.

.1 Dry Chemical
Chemical Fire Exting uish ing System at
at each
each LNG Storage Tank

  The dry chemical extinguishing systems shall be designed, constructed and

installed in accordance with NFPA-17. 
  It is assumed at this time
time that each LNG storage tank shall have two pressure
relief vents, each approximately 300 mm by 400 mm.
  Nominal 909 kg dry chemical skidskid mounted system with 818 kg of Purple K dry
chemical agent mounted on top of each LNG storage tank to protect the tank
  Four (4) nitrogen cylinders mounted on the skid
skid shall provide the
the system
  The skid shall be pre-piped prior to arriving on site.

  The skid
skid shall
outdoors includeenvironment
in a marine a vironment
en corrosion control
ontrol package to enable it to
fear of corrosion. to be mounted
  The preliminary anticipated tank
tank relief vent flow rate to be 5.89 cubic meters
meters per
second. This is the total for both vents.
  Discharge nozzles
nozzles shall be aimed at a point 300 mm above the top of each vent.
  Discharge nozzles
nozzles shall be located a maximum of 300 mm below the top of each
vent stack.
  Nozzles and piping shall be routed exposed on top of each LNG storage tank.
  The system
system shall
shall be capable of both automatic
automatic and manual activation.
activation. A fire
alarm panel shall be provided complete with the skid to enable interfacing with
fire detection devices mounted in the field to enable the system to be activated

.2 Dry Chemical Fire Exting uish ing Syst
Syst ems for Each
Each Pier

  The dry chemical extinguishing systems shall be designed, constructed and

installed in accordance with NFPA-17.
  Nominal 909 kg dry chemical skidskid mounted system with 818 kg of Purple K dry
chemical agent.
  Four (4) nitrogen cylinders mounted on the skidskid shall provide the
the system
  The skid shall be pre-piped prior to arriving on site.
  The skid
skid shall include a corrosion control
control package to enable it to
to be mounted
outdoors in a marine environment
en vironment without fear of corrosion.
  The skid
skid shall include a 30 meter hand held hose and nozzle and hard piped
monitor nozzle on a turret assembly.
  The system
system shall
shall be capable of both automatic
automatic and manual activation.
activation. A fire

alarm panel shall

fire detection be provided
devices complete
at the pier with
to enable thethe skid totoenable
system interfacing with
be activated

   Dry chemical
chemical skid packages shall be located on each 30 meter by 30-meter pier
service platform.

.3 High Expans ion Foam System f or ea
ch LNG Storage Tank
Tank Secondary
Impoundment Area

  The high expansion foam systems shall be designed

designed and installed in accordance
with NFPA-11. 
  Each dyke shall be drained to a secondary impoundment area within the main
impoundment dyke. The secondary impoundment shall be of concrete
construction to match the main impoundment. 
  The anticipated initial size
size of the secondary impoundment area shall be 14
meters by 7 meters by 7 meters deep. 
  The concrete trench between the main impoundment and the secondary
impoundment shall be insulated with Perlite insulation to minimize the heat gain
to the LNG as it makes its way to the secondary impoundment.
  Each secondary impoundment area will be protected
protected with a high expansion
expansion foam
  The high expansion
expansion foam
foam system for the secondary
secondary impoundment trench shall be
capable of supplying foam at a rate of 1.83 meters of foam per minute.

  The foam 60
to enable concentrate
minutes oftank
foamshall be capable
generator of storing enough foam
operation. foam concentrate
  The high expansion foam system design shall shall utilize
utilize a 1.15 foam shrinkage
factor and a 1.2 foam leakage factor in the sizing of the high expansion foam
  The preliminary required high expansion foam generator capacity capacity shall be 4.12
cubic meters per second.
  The preliminary initial high expansion foam
foam generator selection
selection for this particular
application shall have a foam capacity of 5.96 cubic meters per second at a
residual water pressure of 344 kPa and a seawater flow of 11.37 liters per
  Each system will use a balanced pressure bladder tank to store high expansion
foam concentrate.
  Water pressure
pressure supplied by the sea water
water fire pumps willwill pressurize the bladder
tanks to provide the motive force to inject the high expansion foam concentrate
into a foam proportioner.
  A pipe mounted foam proportioner shallshall be supplied for each high expansion
foam system. The seawater shall flow through the proportioner and in doing so
shall create a point of low pressure. The difference between the seawater
pressure applied to the bladder and the lower pressure in the proportioner shall
cause the high expansion foam concentrate to be drawn into the proportioner
and mixed with the seawater.
  Foam proportioning shall
shall be 2.75% (2.75 units of high expansion foam
concentrate to 97.5 units of sea water). The preliminary foam concentrate
required capacity based upon the preliminary generator selection shall be 1296
liters of concentrate.
  The design foam expansion rate shall be 500:1, which shall make it less
susceptible to wind conditions then higher expansion foam rates.
  The high expansion foam system shall be total flooding as opposed to on/off

  A deluge valve shall

shall be used to control the
the seawater
seawater applied to both the high
expansion foam concentrate tank and the foam generators.
  The piping between
between the
the deluge valve, bladder tank,
tank, proportioner and the foam
generator shall be dry until the deluge valve is activated.
  The high expansion foam
foam generator shall be mounted on top of the secondary
impoundment area walls.
  The foam generator shall
shall have 316 stainless
stainless steel housing and motor
motor bracket
suitable for seawater applications.
  The foam generator shall be UL listed for
for heat exposure to LNG fires.
  There shall be eight (8) such systems.

.4 High Expansi
Expansi on Foam
Foam System for the Process Impoundm ent Area

  An impoundment
impoundment area shall be provided at the process
process area to collect
collect and
contain an inadvertent LNG spill.
  The process impoundment shall be of of c
oncrete construction to match the
impoundments at the LNG storage tanks.
  The anticipated
anticipated initial size of the process impoundment area shall be 10 meters
by 10 meters by 6 meters deep.
  The process impoundment area shall be protected
protected with a high
high expansion
expansion foam
  The preliminary required high expansion foam generator capacity
capacity shall be 3.04
cubic meters per second.
  The preliminary initial high expansion foam
foam generator selection
selection for this particular
application shall have a foam capacity of 5.96 cubic meters per second at a
residual water pressure of 344 kPa and a seawater flow of 11.37 liters per
  The design and layout of the high expansion foam system for the process
impoundment area shall be identical to that described above for the LNG storage
tank secondary impoundment areas.

.5 High Expansi
Expansi on Foam
Foam System for the Pier Impoun dment Area

  An impoundment
impoundment area shall be provided at the pier to collect
collect and contain an
inadvertent LNG spill.
  The pier impoundment shall be of concrete construction to match the
impoundments at the LNG storage tanks.
  The anticipated
anticipated initial size of the pier impoundment
impoundment area shall be 9 meters
meters by 7
meters by 5 meters deep.
  The pier impoundment
impoundment area shall be protected with a high expansion foam
  The preliminary required high expansion foam generator capacity shall be 2.6
cubic meters per second.
  The preliminary initial high expansion foamfoam generator selection
selection for this particular
application shall have a foam capacity of 1.51 cubic meters per second at a
residual water pressure of 516 kPa and a seawater flow of 2.6 liters per second.
There shall be two (2) such generators required to service the pier impoundment


   The design and layout of the high expansion foam system for the pier
impoundment area shall be identical to that described above for the LNG storage
tank secondary impoundment areas. Water Based Pier Fire Protecti
Prot ecti on

  All areas on each pier are to be capable of being covered with at least two two water
  Two hydrants
hydrants shall be provided on each pier service
service platform,
platform, one at either end
of the 30-meter by 30-meter platform.
  Hydrants shall be complete
complete with NPS 1-1/2 and 2-1/2 hosehose connections.
  Hydrants shall be located within hose houses.
  Hydrants shall be provided with NPS 2-1/2 by NPS 1-1/2 reducer connections
and 30 meters of NPS 1-1/2 hose,ho se, rack mounted and physically connected to the
  The hose houses shallshall also be outfitted with 30 meters of NPS 2-1/2 hoses and
an assortment of nozzles, spanners, etc.
  Tower mounted
mounted monitors shall be provided at either end of each each 30 meter by 30
meter service platform. Tower mounting shall enable the monitors to remain
effective in fighting fires on the deck of each vessel as the vessel rises in the
remotelyduring product
operated off loading.
using a controlThe
unitmonitors shallarrangement.
and joystick be electricallyEach
actuated and
shall have a 165-degree sweep (rotation) side to side and a vertical movement of
+90 degrees and –60 degrees. Each monitor shall be provided complete with an
integral nozzle. Each monitor shall be sized to provide a range of jet of 76.2
meters with an incoming water pressure of 902 kPa and a water flow of 5700
liters per minute.
  Water supply
supply to the each
each pier must have the capability of supplying
supplying all hydrants
and monitors, which service the pier simultaneously in addition to an allowance
of 3790 liter per minute. This will mean a pier preliminary design seawater fire
flow of 18,950 liters per minute.
  A residual
residual pressure of 516
516 kPa is required at the hydraulically most
most remote
hydrant on each respective pier from the seawater fire pump with at least two
devices (both monitors) in simultaneous operation at that particular pier.
   A hydrant
hydrant with NPS 2-1/2 hose connections shall be provided at each pier to
shore connection. This hydrant shall have an international connection size so
that hoses from the ship can connect to this hydrant and draft from the yard
main. Yard Main System
Syst em

  A yard main shall be provided in accordance with NFPA-24.

  The yard main shall
shall serve
serve dry barrel hydrants with NPS
NPS 6 connect
  The design fire flow for each hydrant shall be 31.6 liters per second which will
ensure compliance with the maximum outside hose allowance for any type of
sprinkler system which may be installed in any of the various buildings around
the site.
  To overcome
overcome friction
friction loss in the hydrant branc
h, hydrant and suction
suction hose, a
minimum residual pressure of 150 kPa is normally required in the underground
main at the branch connection to each hydrant to ensure sufficient pressure for a

pumper to draft from the hydrant.

h ydrant. In this particular application the hydrants are to
be supplied without NPS 3-1/2 pumper connections since it is a private fire
service main. Therefore to allow short hose lines to be operated directly from the
hydrants without pumping, a minimum residual pressure of 500 kPa is to be
maintained at each hydrant in the system. Higher pressures will be required in
the private yard main to ensure adequate pressure to service sprinkler systems,
standpipe and hose systems, water monitors, and high expansion foam
generators. A computer model of the yard main system will be generated and the
flow and residual pressure required at each of the various take-offs from the yard
main will be established by analyzing the requirements of the various fire
protection systems serving the site. Numerous scenarios shall be modeled for
the yard main assuming flow and pressure criteria outlined above to properly size
the yard main piping system and fire pump to ensure adequate flow and pressure
is available in the yard main at all times.
   The underground yard main piping shall be sized for a maximum water flow
velocity of 4.87 meters per second.
   Each NPS 6 fire hydrant connection
connection to to the private yard main shall have an
isolation valve key operated from the surface.
   The hydrants shall be spaced suchsuch that no hydrant is within 13.7 meters of a
   Hydrants shall be spaced at 91.5 meters center-to-center distances around the the
site to comply with the Insurers Advisory Organization (IAO) hydrant spacing for
private yard mains. In addition hydrants shall be spaced such that every building
on the site is within 30 meters of a hydrant.
   Every building equipped with either a sprinkler
sprinkler and/
or standpipe
standpipe and hose system
shall have a fire department connection equipped with two (2) NPS 2-1/2
threaded connections. These fire department connections shall be located such
that they are within 45 meters of a hydrant.
   The underground yard m main
ain shall be constructed of cement
cement lined ductile iron to
 AWWA standards. The fittings shall be mechanical joint and shall be restrained
with EBBA Iron megalugs. Concrete thrust blocks shall be provided at changes in
direction such as at hydrant connections.
   The yard main shall
shall be dry under normal circumstances
circumstances and shall only be flooded
during a fire event.
  Hydrants shall be provided with both NPS NPS 1-1/2 and 2-1/2 threaded
threaded connections.
The NPS 1-1/2 connection shall be accomplished through the installation of a
reducer on one of the hydrant NPS 2-1/2 connections.
  Hydrants shall not be provided with NPS NPS 3-1/2 pumper connections since it is a
private fire service main and not
n ot a public water supply.
  Hydrants around thethe site shall be installed in hose houses.
  Each hose house shall have a hose rack with 30 meters of NPS 1-1/2 hose
physically connected to the hydrant at all times. In addition each hose house
shall be outfitted with 30 meters of NPS 2-1/2 hose and a supply of various
nozzles, spanners, etc.
  Two vertical turbine fire
fire pumps
pumps installed
installed in accordance
accordance with NFPA-20 shall
supply the yard main. These fire pumps shall be installed in a pump room located
directly adjacent to the ocean. The pumps shall be installed in a wet well located
directly below the pump room. One pump shall be electric operated off the main
grid while the other shall be diesel driven as an emergency back up. The fire

pumps shall supply salt water to the dry

d ry private service main for fire fighting
throughout the site. 

.8 Sprink ler Systems

  Sprinkler systems
systems shall be designed in accordance with NFPA-13
NFPA-13 for the various
buildings throughout the site.
  Sprinkler systems shall be either dry, single interlock
interlock pre-action, double interlock
pre-action or deluge depending upon the application.
  All above
above ground sprinkler piping shall be steel, ASTM A53, Grade
Grade B, schedule
  Threaded piping shall be schedule 30 over NPS 8.
  Threaded piping NPS 8 and below shall be schedule 40.
  Roll-grooved piping shall be schedule 10 up to NPS 5, 3.4 mm wall thickness for
NPS 6, 4.78 mm wall thickness for NPS 8 and NPS 10, and 8.38 mm wall
thickness for NPS 12 piping.
  All sprinkler systems shall be hydraulically calculated.
  Total combined iside/outside hose allowance
allowance shall
shall be added to the sprinkler
water demand for each building in order to determine the required water flow
required to service the sprinkler system in each respective building.

  Design areas for the sprinkler systems
systems shall be adjusted upward
upward by 30% to
account for the fact that the sprinkler systems are to be dry.
  The design water flow density shall depend upon the hazard
hazard classification
classification for
each particular application.
  Rack storage higher then
then 3.65 meters shall require in-rack sprinklers or
adjustment of the design density of the ceiling mounted sprinklers to account for
the rack storage.
  An assessment
assessment of the rack storage shall
shall have to be made on a building-by-
building basis in order to properly determine the design criteria for the sprinkler
system for each particular application.
  Minimum design pressure at each sprinkler
sprinkler head shall
shall be 48.2 kPa. Standp ipe and Hose Syst ems

  Standpipe and hose

hose systems
systems shall be installed
installed in accordance with NFPA-14.
  Standpipe and hose systems shall be automatic dry type.
  Standpipe and Hose
Hose systems shall be
be installed
installed where
where required by the N National
Building Code of Canada (NBC), National Fire Code of Canada (NFC) and any
applicable NFPA standards.
  The standpipe
standpipe and hose systems
systems shall utilize
utilize dry alarm valves
valves for initiation.
  The design air pressure shall be 137.8 kPakPa higher then the design trip pressure
of the dry pipe valve.
  The residual pressure at the top of the
the hydraulically most remote standpipe
standpipe NPSNPS
2-1/2 hose connection shall be 689 kPa.
  The residual pressure at the top of the
the hydraulically most remote standpipe
standpipe NPSNPS
1-1/2 hose station shall be 447 kPa.
  The class of standpipe
standpipe and hose system
system installed in any one building shall be as
required by the relevant codes and standards outlined above. The systems shall

be either Class 1 (NPS 2-1/2 hose connections only); class 2 (NPS 1-1/2 hose
connections only); or Class 3 (NPS 1-1/2 and NPS 2-1/2 hose connections).
   Each NPS
NPS 1-1/2 hose connection shall be provided with a rack and 30 meters of
NPS 1-1/2 hose.
  NPS 2-1/2 connections
connections shall be provided
provided with a tthreaded
hreaded end cap only.
  NPS 2-1/2 hose connections shall be installed in exit stairwells
stairwells at intermediate
landings where applicable.
   NPS 1-1/2 hose stations, when required, shall be spaced throughout the
protected building at a maximum spacing of 39.6 meters.
   Buildings protected throughout with sprinkler systems shall be permitted
permitted to have
the NPS 1-1/2 hose station installation requirement wavered in accordance with
NFPA-13 and NFPA-14 unless required by another code or standard.
   Hose connections shall be mount
mounteded between
between 1 and 1.5
1.5 meters
meters above thethe
finished floor.
  The minimum size of any standpipe shall be NPS 4.
  Separate standpipes shall be provided for each exit stair in buildings requiring
NPS 2-1/2 hose connections for fire fighter usage.
   Fire department connections for standpipe and hose systems
systems shall be installed
within 45 meters of a hydrant.
   Standpipe and hose systems shall be hydraulically calculated.
  Class 1 and Class 3 standpipe
standpipe and hose systems shall be hydraulically
calculated to provide each of the two top most hose connections on the
hydraulically most remote standpipe with a water flow of 15.79 liters per second.
In addition a flow of 15.79 liters per second shall be added for each successive
standpipe back to the entrance to the building to a total flow of 78.95 liters per
second or 63.2 liters per second for a building, which is sprinklered throughout.
  For horizontal Class 1 and Class 3 standpipe systems
systems the hydraulic calculation
outlined above shall be extended to three (3) hose connections and a total of
47.4 liters per second per horizontal standpipe.
  Class 2 standpipe
standpipe and hose systems shall be hydraulically calculated to provide
6.3 liters per second at the top most hose station on the hydraulically most
remote standpipe. No additional flow is required to be added neither for
additional hose stations on the most remote standpipe nor for additional

.10 Clean
Clean Agent Fire Suppress ion Syst ems

  Clean agent fire

fire suppression
suppression systems
systems shall be installed
installed in accordance
accordance with
  Clean agent fire suppression systems shall be installed in critical areas such as
control rooms where the release of water or dry chemical would cause
considerable damage to electronic equipment.
  Fire suppression
suppression agent to have an ozone depletion potential of zero, a global
warming potential of 1 and a five-day atmospheric lifetime.
  System to be suitable
suitable for
for C
lass A, B and C fires.
  System shall be total flooding.
  The design concentration of fire
fire suppression
suppression agent upon discharge
discharge shall be

between 4 tosystem
  Preliminary 6%. selection shall be Ansul Sapphire clean agent fire
suppression system utilizing Novec 1230 as the fire suppression agent.

  The fire suppression agent is a clear, odorless, colorless liquid that is super-
pressurized with nitrogen and stored in high-pressure cylinders.
  The high-pressure liquid vaporizes into a gas upon discharge.
  The system
system shall
shall be capable of both automatic
automatic and manual activation.
activation. Automatic
activation shall be electric.
  The system
system shall
shall include a fire alarm panel, which shall be interfaced with field-
mounted devices to enable automatic activation of the system.
  Preliminary system
system sizing
sizing for the various systems that will be required at the site
is not possible given that the areas to be protected have not been clearly
identified nor has the sizes of these spaces.

.11 Fir e Exting uish ers

  Portable fire extinguishers shall be selected and located in accordance

accordance with
  Fire extinguisher
extinguisher type shall be selected based upon the type
type of fire they are
intended to extinguish.
  Large, 70 kg wheeled
wheeled dry chemical extinguisher units with
with a 15 meter hose will
be provided at the pier service platforms, mooring dolphins, and throughout the
process area. These extinguishers shall use potassium-bicarbonate (Purple-K).

.12 Firepro ofi ng and Cryog
Cryog enic Spill Protection

Critical vertical structural members (if applicable) that support cryogenic piping, or
equipment in areas of more likely potential for LNG spills, will be supported with concrete
columns. If the columns are of strictly
strictly concrete design (no st
eel member), the column
will be designed such that its integrity would not be compromised in a LNG spill.

Generally, structural supports will have concrete foundations above grade elevation,
which provide sufficient protection
protection from exposure to LNG.
LNG. Spill pans will be provided
under the tank platform to protect the tank roof from possible LNG leaks in the platform

2.4.14 Water Supply

To be added after modelling is complete.

2.4.15 Ancillary Facilities

The following buildings will be erected at the facility:

   Administrative Office
  Warehouse and Maintenance Building
  Guard House
  Control Room and Electrical Building
  Compressor Buildings
  Nitrogen Compressor Buildings
  Nitrogen Generation Buildings
  Water/glycol heater and air compressor building

  Power Generation Building

  Fire Pump Building
  Gas Chromatograph Building Main Control Room and Electrical Building 


This building will house the main electrical controls for the facility as well as the
emergency generator controls. The final dimensions of this building will be determined
during the detailed design. Approximate dimensions are 50 m x 15 m x 6m (L x W x H).

The building will be constructed of concrete foundations in combination with a steel

frame structural system. Cladding will consist of concrete block, metal siding and roofing
supported on a secondary structural system of girts and purlins. Warehouse and Maintenance Building

The warehouse and maintenance building will be constructed of concrete foundations in

combination with a steel frame structural system. Cladding will consist of metal siding
and roofing supported on a secondary structural system of girts and purlins.

The building will be sized to meet the needs of the facility including the storage of spare
parts and consumables. A workshop complete with a small tool inventory will be

The final dimensions of the building will be based on the project requirements
determined during the design phase of the project. Approximate building dimensions are
40 m x 20 m x 8 m (L x W x H). 
H). Compressor Buildings 


The two compressor buildings will be pre-engineered metal style buildings designed and
erected in accordance with codes specific to commercial unmanned (machinery)
buildings. Each building will have a “drop out” area at one end for placement of
equipment for maintenance purposes, with large overhead doors for equipment removal.
The approximate dimensions of the buildings are 82m x 35m x 8m and 52m x 35m x 8m.
Each building will contain an overhead gantry crane with no more than a 10 ton rating. Guard House

 A small building will be constructed

constructed at the entrance of the s
ite to house site security and
provide controlled access to the site.

This building will be constructed of concrete foundations in combination with a timber

framing structural system. Cladding will consist of metal siding.

The final dimensions of the building will be based on the project requirements
determined during the design phase of the project. Approximate building dimensions are
5 m x 4 m x 3 m. 
m. Administrative Office


 An administrative building will be constructed

constructed on site to house work
ers and
administrative staff. The building will be equipment with general offices, washrooms,
common areas, document control, lunchroom facilities and file storage.

The building will be constructed of concrete foundations in combination with a steel

frame structural system. Cladding will consist of metal siding and roofing supported on a
secondary structural system of joists, girts and purlins. 

The final dimensions of the building will be based on the project requirements
determined during the design phase of the project. Approximate building dimensions are
40 m x 30 m x 4 m. Power Generation Building

 A power generation building will be constructed

constructed on site to house the equipment required
for the control of on site power generation.

The building will be designed to meet all building codes requirements for such building
types. The building will be constructed of concrete foundations and a structural steel
frame. Exterior cladding will consist of metal siding.

The final dimensions of the building will be determined during detailed design phase of
the project. 
project. Fire Pump Building

 A fire pump building will be constructed

constructed on site to house the m
ain pumps used for site
wide fire protection. The building will be constructed of concrete foundations will
concrete block exterior walls and structural steel roof. A 5t overhead crane will be
installed in the building for pump maintenance.
The final dimensions of the building will be determined during detailed design of the fire
fighting capacity requirements of the facility. Gas Chromatograph Building

The gas chromatograph building will be situated on site adjacent to the LNG process
facility. The building will house equipment specific to the sampling and analyzing of the
LNG product. The building will be constructed of concrete foundations with concrete
block exterior walls, structural steel roof and metal wall and roof cladding. Nitrogen Compressor Buildings

The two nitrogen compressor buildings will house the compressors and heat exchangers
required for the nitrogen liquefaction process. The buildings will be pre-engineered metal
style buildings designed and erected in accordance with codes specific to commercial
unmanned (machinery) buildings. Each building will have a “drop out” area for placement
of equipment for maintenance purposes, with large overhead doors for equipment
removal. The approximate dimensions of the buildings area re 34m x 28m x 8m. Each

building will contain an overhead gantry crane with no more than a 5 ton rating. 
rating. Nitrogen Generation Buildings

The two nitrogen generation buildings will house the nitrogen generators, buffer tanks,
and reservoirs required for the nitrogen liquefaction process. The buildings will be pre-
engineered metal style buildings designed and erected in accordance with codes
specific to commercial unmanned (machinery) buildings. Each building will have a “drop
out” area for placement of equipment for maintenance purposes, with large overhead
doors for equipment removal. The approximate dimensions of the buildings are 25m x
19m x 5m. Each building will contain an overhead gantry crane with no more than a 5
ton rating. Water/Glycol Heater and Air Compressor Building

The water/glycol heater and air compressor building will be pre-engineered metal style
buildings designed and erected in accordance with codes specific to commercial
unmanned (machinery) buildings. Each building will have a “drop out” area for placement
of equipment for maintenance purposes, with large overhead doors for equipment
removal. The approximate dimensions of the building are 32m x 22m x 8m. The building
will contain an overhead gantry crane with no more than a 10 ton rating.

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