Electrical Circuits - Sheets - 1

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Electrical Circuits

Sheet No (1)
1. For the following circuits, the total resistance is specified. Find the unknown resistances and the
current I for each circuit.

2. Find the applied voltage E necessary to develop the current specified in each network of the
following circuits:

3. For each network of the following figure, determine the current I, the source voltage E, the
unknown resistance, and the voltage across each element.
4. The total resistance of each circuit of the following figure is specified. Find the value in ohms of
the unknown resistances.

5. Determine R1 for the network of the following circuit:

6. For the network of the following figure:

a. Find the current I1.
b. Calculate the power dissipated by the 4Ω resistor.
c. Find the current I2.

7. For the network of the following figure:

a. Determine RT.
b. Find Is, I1, and I2.
c. Calculate Va.
8. For the network of the following figure:
a. Find the currents I and I6.
b. Find the voltages V1 and V5.
c. Find the power delivered to the 6 kΩ resistor.

9. For the network of the following figure, find the resistance R3 if the current through it is 2 A.
Sheet No.(2)
1-) Determine the unknown voltages using Kirchhoff’s voltage law.

2-) Determine the current I and the voltage V1 for the network of the following Fig.

3-) Find the unknown quantities in the circuits of the following Fig. using the information provided.
4-) Using Kirchhoff’s current law, determine the
unknown currents for the networks of the
following Fig.

5-) Using the information provided in Fig.

, find the branch resistors R1 and R3, the
total resistance RT, and the voltage source

6-) Find the unknown quantities for the circuits of the following Fig. using the information provided.

7-) For the circuit shown find :

(a) the current i1 in microamperes,
(b) the voltage v in volts,
(c) the total power generated,
(d) the total power absorbed.

8-) Find V1 and vg in the circuit shown in the following Fig. when vo equals 5 V.

9-) For the circuit shown in the following Fig., calculate i  and v o
Sheet No.(3)
1- ) Find the power dissipated in the 3 KΩ, resistor in the following circuit:

2- ) Find the detector current id in the unbalanced bridge in the following figure if the voltage drop
across the detector is negligible.

3- ) Use a ∆-to-Y transformation to find the voltages V1 and v2 in the following circuit:

4- ) Use a Y-to-∆ transformation to find (a) i0; (b) i1, (c) i2 and (d) the power delivered by the ideal
current source:

5- ) Find Rab in the following circuit:

Sheet No.(4)
1-) For the network of the following Fig.
a. Find the current through the 2-Ω resistor.
b. Convert the current source and 4-Ω resistor to a voltage source, and again solve for the current in
the 2-Ω resistor. Compare the results.

2-) For the configuration of the following Fig.

a. Convert the current source and 6.8-Ω resistor to a voltage source.
b. Find the magnitude and direction of the current I1.
c. Find the voltage Vab and the polarity of points (a) and (b).

3-) Find the voltage V2 and the current I1 for the network of Fig.
a. Convert the voltage sources of the following Fig. to current sources.
b. Find the voltage Vab and the polarity of points (a) and (b).
c. Find the magnitude and direction of the current I.

5-) For the network of the following Fig.

a. Convert the voltage source to a current source.
b. Reduce the network to a single current source, and determine the voltage V1.
c. Using the results of part (b), determine V2.
d. Calculate the current I2.
Sheet No.(5)
1.) Write the nodal equations for the networks of the following Figures:

2.) For the networks of the following Fig., write the nodal equations and solve for the nodal voltages.

3.) Using the super node approach, determine the nodal voltages for the networks of the following Fig.
Sheet No.(6)
1-) Find the current through each resistor for the following networks

2-) Find the current through each resistor for the following networks

3-) Find the mesh currents and the voltage Vab for each network of the following Fig.

4-) Find the current I3 for the network of the following Fig.
Sheet No.(7)
1-) a. Using superposition, find the current through each resistor of the network of the following Fig.
b. Find the power delivered to R1 for each source.
c. Find the power delivered to R1 using the total current through R1.
d. Does superposition apply to power effects? Explain.

2-) Using superposition, find the current I through the 10-Ω resistor for the networks of the
following Fig.

3-) Using superposition, find the current through R1 for network of the following Fig.
Sheet No.(8)
1-) a. Find the Thévenin equivalent circuit for the network external to the resistor R of the following
b. Find the current through R when R is 2 Ω, 30 Ω, and 100 Ω

2-) a. Find the Thévenin equivalent circuit for the network external to the resistor R in each of the
networks of the following Fig.
b. Find the power delivered to R when R is 2 Ω and 100 Ω

3-) Find the Thévenin equivalent circuit for the network external to the resistor R in the following fig.

4-) Find the Thévenin equivalent circuit for the network external to the resistor R in the following fig

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